Stamp id list 2 to list 1 sharepoint 2013 - sharepoint

I have been created 2 list, list 1 and list 2. How can i stamp id in list 2 to list 1.. like relationship between list 1 and list 2.. in list 1 we can see form list 1 and related item in list 2. Impossible to do that or not?

Create a lookup column in list 1 for list 2 this will create a relationship between the two lists, you can choose the columns that you want to display from list 2 in list as well.
Just like you add column you can add the lookup column by going to add column in list settings and choose the type as lookup column.
Step by step guide is available in MSDN


Sharepoint: Display multiple related lists on a single page with paging

I need to display multiple sharepoint custom lists in a single page. Let me explain the requirement with following example:
List 1: User
List 1 Columns: 1. Name, 2. Age, 3. Gender, 4. DOB
List 2: Address
List 2 Coluomns: 1. UserName(reference to User list), 2. Address1, 3. Address2, 4. City
List 3: Company
List 3 Columns: 1. UserName(reference to User list), 2. Company Name
Now I need to show all these lists in a single page with paging. Let say we have 10 records in each list. and have page size of 3. Now total pages will be 4(3+3+3+1). On page index 1, lists should display 3 records each(List 1 will have paging and other two lists will have related records). On page index 2, each list will still display 3 records (Records in List 1 will change and List 2 & 3 will show new records related to current values in List 1).
Please help me getting this done in Sharepoint. I am doing this in browser only. I have sharepoint office 365 license so I can not do any coding to achieve this.
It is simple, use JavaScript CSOM (Client Object Model) to query these two lists and then you can build your list structure as you want in the page.
Here is an example how to do CRUD operation for SP lists in JS:
Once you get the data for list1 and list2, build your list as you like in the html/ page.
Hope this helps.

MVC 5 related to views settings for grid acc. to view indexing

I have a list where I am getting all data approx. 50 columns with foreign key tables data through a model.
my second list where I am getting only columnname in rows approx. 10 columname,it can be more acc. to condition ,
now I want to bind a table using 2nd table column name and data will come from first list..because that columns are available in 1st I want only those column name using mvc.. is it possible ?
note : I am using this things for viewsettings acc. to diff. diff. view which we are creating please tell me how can I map rows of 2nd list with column of 1st list using mvc query...

Deleting items based on another list column

I have two list
1. Resgined Employee IDs
2. Employee details (It has Employee ID)
Is ther any way I can compare the column and delete resigned ps numbers records from Employee details list.
Is it possible without using code/programming?
Yes, you need to add column from Resigned Employee Id as a lookup column to Employee details.Then you can filter all records that have this column not empty and delete them.
You could use a workflow, running on the 1 list, have it trigger on item change (for example if position changed to resigned) to delete the item with lookupId equivalent to current items id.

add an item to a pivot table

I have a pivot table in Excel with groups.
But I later realized I wanted to add another item to that group.
How do I add an item without causing another dropdown subgroup?
I am working with about 800 items (job descriptions), but most are designer descriptions (head software engineer, head of software development, etc) so I want to group them all as "Tech," and so on. But with 800 items, I may group catch 50, but them later see 4 more. And don't want layers and layers of nested items.
As of now, it looks like
Group 1
item 1
item 2
item 3
added item 4
instead I want
Group 1
item 1
item 2
item 3
added item 4
If you're using a recent version of Excel, Calculated Items might be the way to go to quickly group and ungroup row labels.
Follow the tutorial here to see how these work: PivotTables: Calculated Items

Display column from one Sharepoint list into another list

I have one Sharepoint list that contains training courses and duration (in hours). I have another list where users can enter the training they have and plan to take (using a Lookup column connected to the first list)
Is there a way I can bring over that Hours column to display on the second list? I only have access to the vanilla web parts and SPD, and I am not allowed to add third-party stuff (solutions/web parts) on the SP servers.
I just need that Hours column to appear in the list itself without users needing to click the lookup field (course title)
If you have multiple column field type and you use that as lookup field. You can get two column values in one field. It will show up as two different columns on list but you will need render templates for input forms. Check this out for basic idea
Create a field type for course list
Create render template for MCV and extend SPFieldMultiColumnValue
Make that field as Lookup Column
You have to check if you can do second step using SPD only. Also another way to do it is using Multiple column lookup field
