Index-Match function with NOT EQUAL criteria - excel-formula

I am trying to use the index with match function to give me the order of people based on their rankings. My data is something like this:
1 Rank Name Score
3 1 Joe 100%
4 3 Bob 80%
5 1 John 100%
6 2 Dan 90%
8 RankOrder Name
9 1 =index(b3:b6,match(1,a3:a6,-1)) Result = Joe
10 1 =index(b3:b6,match(1&<>"b9",a3:a6,-1)) Result = John **HELP
11 2 =index(b3:b6,match(1&<>"b9&b10",a3:a6,-1)) Result = Dan **HELP
The first formula is to find who has a ranking of 1 or greater, then the second and third formula is where I'm struggling. I need to find who the has the next ranking closest to 1 but has not already been outputted in cell B9. Then the next formula would be the same but not someone that's been outputted in cell B9 & B10. Hopefully this make sense.Thanks!

Use index and aggregate with countif for aggregate's k factor.


EXCEL Sum up points based on placements (combine VLOOKUP and SUM)

e.g. I have a list of race results:
A B C D E F...
abc =? 1 3 3
bcd 3 2 4
cde 4 4 2
def 2 1 1
and another sheet with points for each result:
1 10
2 5
3 2
4 1
Is it possible to get the total points in sheet1 column B based on the race results in column C-E..?
Is it a connection from VLOOKUP and SUM?
Yes, that's possible. You can use a SUMPRODUCT formula for that. You may use this one in column B:
Your result will look like this:
This is an array function. The term C2:E2=$A$13:$A$16 will check for race 1 to 3 if it was 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place. This will result in an "imaginary" array of TRUE and FALSE. For name "abc", it will look like that.
Those results are then multiplied with the points from B13:B16 and the sum is formed.
In Excel O365, one could use:
Formula in B2:

Subtotals grouped by value using COUNTIF to create ranges for SUMIF, but in a single formula

End-goal: A column with the subtotals of groups (defined in the below table as all foods listed above Zucchini, incl Zucchini).
Current attempt: create a column to define groups using COUNTIF('count all 'zucchini' thus far'). Then use SUMIF to get the total cost for the current group.
Problem: I don't know how to do this without the COUNTIF column (since SUMIF needs range C:C to be resolved first). I'd like to have it in a single formula. I looked into array formulas but not sure if/how to apply that here.
Apple 3 0 12
Pecan 7 0 12
Zucchini 2 0 12
Apple 4 1 23
Olive 8 1 23
Pecan 6 1 23
Zucchini 5 1 23
Apple 4 2 16
Olive 9 2 16
Zucchini 3 2 16
Any ideas on how to solve either the current problem or the end-goal problem? Thanks!
Put this in C2 and copy down:
It basically sums everything to the row and subtracts what is already accounted for.

Count occurrences of strings just once per row in Google Sheets

I have strings of spreadsheet data that need counting by 'type' but not instance.
1 Lin 1 2 1
2 Tom 1 4 2
3 Sue 3 1 4
The correct sum of students assigned to teacher 1 is 3, not 4. That teacher 1 meets Lin in lessons B and D is irrelevant to the count.
I borrowed a formula which works in Excel but not in Google Sheets where I and others need to keep and manipulate the data.
2 Lin 1 2 1
3 Tom 1 4 2
4 Sue 3 1 4
5 1 [exact string being searched for, ie a teacher name]
I don't know what is not being understood by Google Sheets in that formula. Does anyone know the correct expression to use, or a more efficient way to get the accurate count I need, without duplicates within rows inflating the count?
So this is the mmult way, which works by finding the row totals of students assigned to teacher 1 etc., then seeing how many of the totals are greater than 0.
Also works in Excel if entered as an array formula without the ArrayFormula wrapper.
A specific Google Sheets one can be quite short
counting the unique rows containing a match.
Note - I am subtracting 1 in the last formula above because I am assuming there is at least one zero (non-match) which should be ignored. This would fail in the extreme case where all students in all classes are assigned to the same teacher so you have a matrix (e.g.) of all 1's. This would be more theoretically correct:

Excel using SUMIF to calculate totals of multiple columns

I'm trying to use Excle's SUMIF to calculate totals of Col1 to Col5 for dates that are similar.
My formula is as follows =SUMIF($A2:$A7,A10,$B2:$F7), but this only gives me the total of a single column.
How can I get the Totals of all the columns based on the date like I've shown in my results.
Date Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
1/5/2017 1 2 2
1/5/2017 5 3 1
1/5/2017 9 5 5
2/5/2017 10 5 3
2/5/2017 20 10 3
2/5/2017 6 8 1 5
Desired Results
1/5/2017 15 7 7 3 1
2/5/2017 30 11 11 11 8
use below formula in cell B11
Per the example you provided, One solution is to use SUMPRODUCT
Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products
Microsoft Docs give a thorough example, but per SO etiquette, here is an example in case of link-rot: [FYI, I used absolute reference for easier filling across, arbitrary how you get it done though]
Forumlas shown:
Formula is kind of hard to see without clicking on image:
This basically breaks down like this, it searches the B:B column for a match, and it will naturally return a true or false for the match, or 0/1 counterparts, and multiplys that by the number found in the column to the right (C3:C8), so it will either be 1 * # = # or 0 * # = 0

Sum of Vlookups advice

I have a column "Uni"
Person Uni Round 1 Round 2 Total Rank
Leia Notts 5 5 10
Hailey Notts 6 5 11
Bobby Bath 8 1 9
James Liverpool 9 1 10
Then another table:
University Total Score Rank
Notts =sum(vlookup(...))
Bath =sum(vlookup(...))
Currently, my formula returns the 'first' lookup of the keyword - e.g. for notts, it returns '10' - rather than looking up the 10 and the 11 and summing them.
How do I make it lookup and sum both values?
My current formula is =sum(vlookup(S7,B$3:Q$40,15,FALSE)) where S7 is "Notts", range, index column 15 is "total score"
There's about 8-10 of each university.
Vlookup only returns one value, you can't sum over that.
Maybe use instead something like
