Send messages to telegram group without user input - python-3.x

I'm trying to build a bot which automatically sends a message whenever there is an update in the latest news using python. Following is what I did.
companies = {
"name_1": {
"rss": "name_1 rss link",
"link": "name_1 link"
import feedparser as fp
import time, telebot
token = <TOKEN>
bot = telebot.TeleBot(token)
while True:
def get_news():
count = 1
news = []
for company, value in companies.items():
count = 1
if 'rss' in value:
d = fp.parse(value['rss'])
for entry in d.entries:
if hasattr(entry, 'published'):
if count > LIMIT:
count = count + 1
return (news)
val = get_news()
val2 = get_news()
if val[0]!=val2[0]:
bot.send_message(chat_id= "Hardcoded chat_id", text=val2[0])
except Exception:
How can I update my code so that the bot publishes the latest news to all the groups to which it is added?
I got the chat_id using:
Any suggestions on how to automate this?

Using the python-telegram-bot api, you can send a message like this
bot.send_message(id, text='Message')
you need the "bot" and "id"
I keep these in a dictionary called "mybots" which I fill/update when people interact with the bot for the first time / or on later communication with the bot. It's possible to pickle this dictionary to keep it persistant.
mybots = {}
def start(bot, update):
"""Send a message when the command /start is issued."""
mybots[update.message.chat_id] = bot
def send_later():
for id, bot in mybots.items():
bot.send_message(id, text='Beep!')

In short, you can use sendMessage() to send message to a specific group or user.
bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=msg)
the complete code,
import telegram
#token that can be generated talking with #BotFather on telegram
my_token = ''
def send(msg, chat_id, token=my_token):
Send a message to a telegram user or group specified on chatId
chat_id must be a number!
bot = telegram.Bot(token=token)
bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=msg)


Telethon is not sending video as round even if video_note = True

I tried it with different videos and it won't work. :/
In the docs they clearly say I should do:
await client.send_file(entity = "chat", file="C:\\Users\fold\to\video.mp4", video_note = True)
But it won't work. :/
entity should be the phone number or userid of the recipient.
To make a long story short.
The code explanes itself.
And, of course, your video must be of the appropriate format.
from telethon import TelegramClient, sync, events
api_id = xxx
api_hash = 'xxx'
client = TelegramClient('session', api_id, api_hash)
# send any message to your bot
async def my_event_handler(event):
# the telethon bot can be subscribed to your channel
if event.message.peer_id.to_dict()['_'] == 'PeerChannel':
actual_id = event.message.peer_id.to_dict()['channel_id']
if event.message.peer_id.to_dict()['_'] == 'PeerUser':
actual_id = event.message.peer_id.to_dict()['user_id']
await client.send_message(actual_id, message = 'Here we go')
file_path = 'C:/Users/fold/to/video.mp4' # make sure the path exists
await client.send_file(actual_id, file=file_path, video_note=True)

How to handle several user requests in pytelegrambotapi[Telegram]

I am new to telegram bot development. I use python 3.9
My bot works fine when 1 person uses but 2 or more it gives me Error code: 400. Description: Bad Request: message to edit not found
I use pytelegrambotapi and imported telebot
Here is my code:
import telebot
#bot.message_handler(commands = ["start"])
def start_bot(message):
global user
#--------creating new user or load old user data--------
user = USER(
if user.isFull():
user.last_message = bot.send_message(,
f"Hello {}",
bot.delete_message(, message.message_id)
bot.send_message(, "*Some post", reply_markup=None)
user.info_post_id = bot.send_message(, user.user_info_checking()).message_id
user.last_message = bot.send_message(, 'Name:')
def get_name_and_age(message):
global user
chat_id =
if user.last_message.text=='Name:': = message.text
bot.delete_message(chat_id, message.message_id)
user.last_message = bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=chat_id,
got this error
I need to keep my bot chat clean so I need to delete or edit messages but I got the error.
I used user class to save induvidual message and its id to track but still failed:
def __init__(self, id): = id
self.motion = None
self.info_post_id = None
self.last_message = None
self.last_error = None
self.post_counter = None
self.current_post = None
self.current_post_id = 0
self.current_post_link = None
self.current_catalog = None
self.current_channel_id = None
self.current_category = None
self.current_sub_category = None
The issue is likely the use of your global variable user. When two different users are using your bot at the same time, you write data from both of them into this object. Instead you do something like
user_info = defaultdict(USER)
def start_bot(message):
global user_info
#--------creating new user or load old user data--------
user = user_info[]
Note that I used rather then because for messages net in groups chats, will be the group chat, while message.from_user will be information about the user who sent the message.
It may be that pyTelegramBotAPI has some built-in mechanism for storing user-related data, but I'm not very familiar with that library … welcome message for multiple servers

I am making a discord bot that I plan on being in multiple servers. Each server will have a different welcome channel name and all that. I made the welcome message and I tried making the bot post the message in a channel called "welcome" which would solve this problem but didn't work. I thought about making a database that saves the channel id that the server owner sends to the bot under the server name/ID. The bot when triggered would match the server ID to one in the database then grab the channel id linked to the server id. But that would be a lot of coding in SQL or PostgreSQL which I would have to learn how to get the bot to save the sever id and channel id to the database, How to get the bot to match the server id's then grab the channel id and posting it the message to the server. There is no documentation on discord py bots and making welcome messages for different servers. I was wondering if there is a better way to do it and how would I do it?
What I have so far in relation to the welcome message.
import discord
import logging
import asyncio
import random
import time
import tweepy, discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import bot
#File Imports
from config import *
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='sec.')
# logger = logging.getLogger('discord')
# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
# handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='discord.log', encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
# handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(name)s: %(message)s'))
# logger.addHandler(handler)
async def on_ready():
print('Logged in as %s' %
while True:
presence = random.choice(['', 'Defending Servers'])
activity = discord.Game(name=(presence))
await client.change_presence(, activity=activity)
await asyncio.sleep(7)
async def on_member_join(member):
# Adds role to user
# role = discord.utils.get(member.server.roles, name='Member')
# await client.add_roles(member, role)
# Random embed color
range = [255,0,0]
rand = random.shuffle(range)
# Welcomes User
embed = discord.Embed(title="{}'s info".format(, description="Welcome too {}".format(
embed.add_field(name="Name",, inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="ID",, inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Status", value=member.status, inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Roles", value=member.top_role)
embed.add_field(name="Joined", value=member.joined_at)
embed.add_field(name="Created", value=member.created_at)
inlul = client.get_channel(CHANNEL_ID)
await inlul.send(inlul, embed=embed)
If you find any documentation on this I would love to read it. All I could find are for bots that are basic and has you enter a channel id.
If the bot is on a much smaller scale, say just a few servers, then I'd say using a json file to save a dictionary wouldn't be a bad idea.
You can save the Id of the top text channel as a default when the server joins the server and let them change what channel to use with commands, this can be done with the on_guild_join event
import json
#sets value in json to guild id upon the bot joining the guild
async def on_guild_join(guild):
#loads json file to dictionary
with open("filename.json", "r") as f:
guildInfo = json.load(f)
guildInfo[] = guild.text_channels[0] #sets key to guilds id and value to top textchannel
#writes dictionary to json file
with open("filename.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(guildInfo, f)
#allows server members to set channel for welcome messages to send to
async def welcomeMessage(ctx):
with open("filename.json", "r") as f:
guildInfo = json.load(f)
guildInfo[] = #sets channel to send message to as the channel the command was sent to
with open("filename.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(guildInfo, f)
then just use
with open("filename.json", "r"):
guildInfo = json.load(f)
channnel = guildInfo[]
to get the channel to send the message to and
to send the message
before running it ensure to have an empty json file in the same directory and add {} to the file.

Easy integration of chatbot with slack-app

I have a ChatBot application running, just want to hook this application with Slack-api as it's interface.
I used Slack RTM and maintained user-session with its slack user-id.
finally solved and written a client(API) which can easily connect to any conversation engine.
Github repo link-
import time
import re
from slackclient import SlackClient
import requests
# 'url', chatbot endpoint and 'slack_token' is slack application user-access-token
url = "****/*******/v2/api"
slack_token = "xoxb-**********-***********-*************lipO8hoI"
# instantiate Slack client
slack_client = SlackClient(slack_token)
# starterbot's user ID in Slack: value is assigned after the bot starts up
starterbot_id = None
# constants
RTM_READ_DELAY = 1 # 1 second delay between reading from RTM
MENTION_REGEX = "^<#(|[WU].+?)>(.*)"
def parse_bot_commands(slack_events):
Parses a list of events coming from the Slack RTM API to find bot commands.
If a bot command is found, this function returns a tuple of command and channel.
If its not found, then this function returns None, None.
# below var msg and channel_var will be used/
# when no trigger(#app-name) passed from application
msg = ""
channel_def = ""
for event in slack_events:
if event["type"] == "message" and not "subtype" in event:
msg = event["text"]
channel_def = event["channel"]
user_id, message = parse_direct_mention(event["text"])
print("there is an event here...", user_id, message)
if user_id == starterbot_id:
return message, event["channel"]
channel_def = channel_def
return msg, channel_def
def parse_direct_mention(message_text):
Finds a direct mention (a mention that is at the beginning) in message text
and returns the user ID which was mentioned. If there is no direct mention, returns None
matches =, message_text)
# the first group contains the username, the second group contains the remaining message
return (, if matches else (None, None)
def handle_command(command, channel):
Executes bot command if the command is known
# Default response is help text for the user
default_response = "Not sure what you mean. Try *{}*.".format(EXAMPLE_COMMAND)
# Implemented below code-snippet for making API call to ChatBot
input_text = command
payload = {"text": input_text, "email": "manmohan#m******.com"}
headers = {'content-type': "application/json"}
resp = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
result = eval(resp.json())
print("result is: ", result)
response = result['text']
# Sends the response back to the channel
text=response or default_response
if __name__ == "__main__":
if slack_client.rtm_connect(with_team_state=False):
print("Starter Bot connected and running!")
# Read bot's user ID by calling Web API method `auth.test`
starterbot_id = slack_client.api_call("auth.test")["user_id"]
while True:
command, channel = parse_bot_commands(slack_client.rtm_read())
if command:
handle_command(command, channel)
print("Connection failed. Exception traceback printed above.")

How to send a message with from outside the event loop (i.e. from python-telegram-bot thread)?

I want to use make a bot that communicates between discord and telegram by using the libraries python-telegram-bot and (version 1.0.0). However the problem is that uses async functions and python-telegram-bot threading. With the code below, everything works fine for messages being posted in discord (the bot sends them correctly to telegram), however the other way around does not work (bot gets messages from telegram and sends it to discord). I previously had issues with syntax/runtime errors as I tried to run the discords channel.send function in a sync function (thus either returning only a generator object or complaining that I cannot use await in a sync function). However, at the same time the python-telegram-bot's MessageHandler needs a sync function so when giving him a async function Python complains that "await" was never called for the async function.
I now tried to use the async_to_sync method from asgiref library to run my async broadcastMsg from the MessageHandler, however the code still does not send the message to discord! It seems to call the function correctly but only until line print('I get to here'). No error is displayed and no message is poping up in discord. I guess it has something to do with the fact that I have to register the function as a task in the event loop, however registering is only working when it happens before has been executed which of course has to happen before.
So to boil my problem down to one question:
How am I able to interact with the event loop from another thread (which is from the telegram MessageHandler). Or if this is not possible: How can I send a message with without being within the event loop?
Thank you for your help
import asyncio
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
from telegram import Message as TMessage
from telegram.ext import (Updater,Filters,MessageHandler)
from discord.ext import commands
import discord
TChannelID = 'someTelegramChannelID'
DChannel = 'someDiscordChannelObject'
#%% define functions / commands
prefix = "?"
botDiscord = commands.Bot(command_prefix=prefix)
discordChannels = {}
async def broadcastMsg(medium,channel,message):
Function to broadcast a message to all linked channels.
if isinstance(message,TMessage):
fromMedium = 'Telegram'
author = message.from_user.username
channel =
content = message.text
elif isinstance(message,discord.Message):
fromMedium = 'Discord'
author =
channel =
content = message.content
# check where message comes from
textToSend = '%s wrote on %s %s:\n%s'%(author,fromMedium,channel,content)
# go through channels and send the message
if 'telegram' in medium:
# transform channel to telegram chatID and send,textToSend)
elif 'discord' in medium:
print('I get to here')
await channel.send(textToSend)
print("I do not get there")
async def on_message(message):
await broadcastMsg('telegram',TChannelID,message)
def on_TMessage(bot,update):
# check if this chat is already known, else save it
# get channels to send to and send message
#%% initialize telegram and discord bot and run them
messageHandler = MessageHandler(Filters.text, on_TMessage)
updaterTelegram = Updater(token = TOKENTELEGRAM, request_kwargs={'read_timeout': 10, 'connect_timeout': 10})
How can I send a message with without being within the event loop?
To safely schedule a coroutine from outside the event loop thread, use asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe:
_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
def on_TMessage(bot, update):
broadcastMsg('discord', DChannel, update.message), _loop)
you can try split them to 2 separates *.py files. #telegram to discor
import subprocess
from telethon import TelegramClient, events, sync
api_id = '...'
api_hash = '...'
with TelegramClient('name', api_id, api_hash) as client:
#client.on(events.NewMessage()) #inside .NewMessage() you can put specific channel like: chats="test_channel"
async def handler(event):
print('test_channel raw text: ', event.raw_text) #this row is not necessary
msg = event.raw_text["python", "", msg])
client.run_until_disconnected() #send to discord
import discord, sys
my_secret = '...'
clientdiscord = discord.Client()
async def on_ready():
#print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(clientdiscord)) #this row is not necessary
channel = clientdiscord.get_channel(123456789) # num of channel where you want to write message
msg = sys.argv[1] #grab message
msg = 's2d: ' + msg #only for test, you can delete this row
await channel.send(msg)
quit() # very important quit this bot
It will be a little bit slower (subprocess will make delay), but very easy solution
