Cannot change branch through code - acumatica

I have a process whereby I want to change company AND branch when creating a new Journal Entry record. I have the following code to change branch, which I've obtained from Ruslan:
jegraph.FieldDefaulting.AddHandler<Batch.branchID>((s, e) =>
.NewValue = tgtbranch.BranchID; //Set to ID = 6...
.Cancel = true;
However, when checking the value of the branch (for troubleshooting purposes), the branch I come up with is incorrect. In order to check the branch I'm currently in, I'm using:
So, either my branch change code is not working, or the AccessInfo method is giving me the wrong information.
Is this the best way to change the branch for a new batch record, or am I not getting the correct info from AccessInfo?

The branch info from AccessInfo was incorrect. The original AddHandler event handler code is working as expected.


Netsuite Invalid API usage. You must use getValue to return the value set with setValue

So I have an odd issue, When I create a new transaction and save, this error in the title gets thrown. But when I edit this transaction after it was created, the getText does not throw this error. Is there something I'm doing wrong or something special needed to getText on a create new record? Here is my code. This is for the afterSubmit method on my User Event Script for Vendor Bill screen. I just noticed getValue does work on create, does not produce this error, just don't understand why? Is this the correct way to get the value on create? To use getValue and getText cannot be used on create? Only for edit?
if (scriptContext.type == scriptContext.UserEventType.CREATE ||
scriptContext.type == scriptContext.UserEventType.EDIT) {
// get bill to index
var Bill = scriptContext.newRecord;
// fails on this call below on create but works on edit
var refno = Bill.getText({ fieldId: 'tranid' });
This behavior is described in the API documentation here.
In dynamic mode, you can use getText() without limitation but, in standard mode, limitations exist. In standard mode, you can use this method only in the following cases:
You can use getText() on any field where the script has already used setText().
If you are loading or copying a record, you can use getText on any field except those where the script has already changed the value by using setValue().
Apparently the newRecord object falls under the second criteria. At this point, the object only has values set. tranid will have a value with the transaction's internal ID, but it won't have the transaction name stored. To get the text, you will have to use record.load() to get the full record, or use search.lookupFields() to get just the transaction name.

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi Get Build Status Launched by PR policy

In our pipeline we programmatically create a pull request (PR). The branch being merged into has a policy on it that launches a build. This build takes a variable amount of time. I need to query the build status until it is complete (or long timeout) so that I can complete the PR, and clean up the temp branch.
I am trying to figure out how to get the build that was kicked off by the PR so that I can inspect the status by using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.WebApi, but all overloads of BuildHttpClientBase.GetBuildAsync require a build Id which I don't have. I would like to avoid using the Azure Build REST API. Does anyone know how I might get the Build kicked off by the PR without the build ID using BuildHttpClientBase?
Unfortunately the documentation doesn't offer a lot of detail about functionality.
Answering the question you asked:
Finding a call that provides the single deterministic build id for a pull request doesn't seem to be very readily available.
As mentioned, you can use BuldHttpClient.GetBuildsAsync() to filter builds based on branch, repository, requesting user and reason.
Adding the BuildReason.PullRequest value in the request is probably redundant according to the branch you will need to pass.
var pr = new GitPullRequest(); // the PR you've received after creation
var requestedFor = pr.CreatedBy.DisplayName;
var repo = pr.Repository.Id.ToString();
var branch = $"refs/pull/{pr.PullRequestId}/merge";
var reason = BuildReason.PullRequest;
var buildClient = c.GetClient<BuildHttpClient>();
var blds = await buildClient.GetBuildsAsync("myProject",
branchName: branch,
repositoryId: repo,
requestedFor: requestedFor,
reasonFilter: reason,
repositoryType: "TfsGit");
In your question you mentioned wanting the build (singular) for the pull request, which implies that you only have one build definition acting as the policy gate. This method can return multiple Builds based on the policy configurations on your target branch. However, if that were your setup, it would seem logical that your question would then be asking for all those related builds for which you would wait to complete the PR.
I was looking into Policy Evaluations to see if there was a more straight forward way to get the id of the build being run via policy, but I haven't been able to format the request properly as per:
Evaluations are retrieved using an artifact ID which uniquely identifies the pull request. To generate an artifact ID for a pull request, use this template:
Even using the value that is returned in the artifactId field on the PR using the GetById method results in a Doesn't exist or Don't have access response, so if someone else knows how to use this method and if it gives exact build ids being evaluated for the policy configurations, I'd be glad to hear it.
An alternative to get what you actually desire
It sounds like the only use you have for the branch policy is to run a "gate build" before completing the merge.
Why not create the PR with autocomplete.
Name - autoCompleteSetBy
Type - IdentityRef
Description - If set, auto-complete is enabled for this pull request and this is the identity that enabled it.
var me = new IdentityRef(); // you obviously need to populate this with real values
var prClient = connection.GetClient<GitHttpClient>();
await prClient.CreatePullRequestAsync(new GitPullRequest()
CreatedBy = me,
AutoCompleteSetBy = me,
Commits = new GitCommitRef[0],
SourceRefName = "feature/myFeature",
TargetRefName = "master",
Title = "Some good title for my PR"

How to customize a merge request message on Gitlab?

Before starting a new issue, I always create a new branch for it (directly from Gitlab). When I finish the job on that issue (and tests are Ok), I create a merge request (from Gitlab).
After the merge is done, I have an "auto-generated" message linked to that merge (this message is very generic and identical to all merges I done).
The some thing happens also when I merge develop into master:
Is there a way to customize the merge request message to have a message like this:
Merge {shortIssueName}: {issueDescription} into {develop|master}
I'm using GitLab Community Edition 8.15.3.
Globally, automatically - I don't think so. As I see, it's hard-coded:
message = [
"Merge branch '#{source_branch}' into '#{target_branch}'",
if !include_description && closes_issues_references.present?
message << "Closes #{closes_issues_references.to_sentence}"
message << "#{description}" if include_description && description.present?
message << "See merge request #{to_reference}"
You can override message for any merge request manually:
It's also possible if you create merge request with API. It requires your time but you can build some mechanism that fetches all data with API and set it as a description (but you must ensure all is available with API, issueDescription and so on).
Even tho #piotr-dawidiuk makes a good point, I believe is outdated.
According to gitlab docs, you can create your .md files, changing all templates. Check it here. As it states,
Similarly to issue templates, create a new Markdown (.md) file inside the .gitlab/merge_request_templates/ directory in your repository. Commit and push to your default branch.

How to remove the data after user has logged out?

I was following along the example Lending Library app in the book "Packtpub.Getting.Started.with.Meteor.js". It is running at:
It works fine, but when a user logs out when one category is open and its items are being displayed, that category and its items remain on the page while the rest is filtered out. On refreshing the page the remaining category is also filtered out.
The publish function is:
Meteor.publish("Categories", function () {
Meteor.flush(); // I added this so it will flush out the remaining data, but :(
return lists.find({owner: this.userId}, {fields: {Category: 1}});
It is hard to point out the exact vulnerability withour seeing more code but this is what I could find out: even if not logged in as a user one can set the session variable current_list to an id to get the corresponding list document:
So I assume that somewhere in your code you publish the details of a list given its id.
At least this would explain why the list remains even after logging out when a category is selected (which in turn means current_list holds an id).
Possibly publishing the list is done using Deps.autorun since the list is immediately published once the session variable is changed.
Maybe you can find that piece of code and post it or just change it so that it also includes a check whether the user is the owner of that list or category.
Consider using the user-status package to listen for users logging out and doing some cleanup on the server as a result:
Specfically, you can use the following callback:
UserStatus.on "sessionLogout", (advice) ->
console.log(advice.userId + " with session " + advice.sessionId + " logged out")

Overwrite Major Version Using Object Model

I have versioning and checkin/checkout enabled in a SharePoint 2010 list, and for business-related reasons, would like to update information in a field: overwriting the field data for all versions in a similar manner and in place so that the version numbers do not change.
If I call SPListItemVersion.ListItem.UpdateOverwriteVersion(), it fails stating that I need to check out the item before making changes to it. Makes sense. So I precede the update statement with SPListItemVersion.ListItem.CheckOut() statement, attempt the update, and receive an error that I cannot overwrite a published version. I've also attempted to precede the check out with SPSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true, setting it back to false after the update call, but the latter error still occurs. Any ideas?
Stripped code below:
foreach (SPListItemVersion itemVersion in item.Versions){
itemVersion.ListItem.File.CheckOut(SPFile.SPCheckOutType.Online, itemVersion.ListItem.File.TimeLastModified.ToString());
site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
itemVersion.ListItem["FieldName"] = "changed value here";
site.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
itemVersion.ListItem.File.CheckIn("Updated list item version", SPCheckinType.OverwriteCheckIn);
To anyone that may find themselves facing this issue, you do not need to toggle the AllowUnsafeUpdates field. What worked for me is replacing the itemVersion.ListItem.UpdateOverwriteVersion() statement with itemVersion.ListItem.SystemUpdate(false). The parameter passed in tells SharePoint to not create a new version when updating.
Edit: This answer only updates the current item again. SPListItemVersion field references are available via a get only; it appears this is not possible in the object model.
