Stream Analytics Job -> DataLake ouput - azure

I want to set up CI/CD (ARM template) with StreamAnalytics Job with output set to DataLake Store.
The issue comes with refreshToken:
"It is recommended to put a dummy string value here when creating the data source
and then going to the Azure Portal to authenticate the data source
which will update this property with a valid refresh token"
Furthermore after 90-days refresh token is outdated and you need to do "Renvew Authorization"
I tried to authorize ServicePrincipal.
How to do automatic deployment for ASA with DataLake?
How to handle issue with this 90-days token validitiy?
Maybe you wiped the trail :)

at this time it is not yet possible. Sorry for the inconvenience. However we know this is very important and we will add Service Principal auth in the near future (we are looking at the exact ETA).
In the meantime you need to renew manually the token. This can be done without losing any data by (1) stopping the job, (2) changing the token, then (3) restarting the job last time it was stopped.
Let me know if you have any further question.

As far as I know quite soon MSI-based authentication will be in preview.
But if you need an immediate solution (to e.g. be able to have a VSTS pipeline running through without error) you can do the following:
Create template (e.g. with the CICD NuGet Package [1])
Manipulate the ARM Template <jobName>.JobTemplate.json
Add the output datasource object for the ADLS output object
If you work with Visual Studio you can get the values quite easily from the ADLS output JSON
It is important to set refreshToken to some fake value
Like the following:
"outputs": [
"name": "xxx",
"properties": {
"serialization": {
"type": "Json",
"properties": {
"encoding": "UTF8",
"format": "LineSeparated"
"datasource": {
"type": "Microsoft.DataLake/Accounts",
"properties": {
"accountName": "xxx",
"tenantId": "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx",
"tokenUserPrincipalName": "",
"tokenUserDisplayName": "xxx, xxx",
"filePathPrefix": "xxx/{date}/{time}",
"dateFormat": "yyyy/MM/dd",
"timeFormat": "HH",
"refreshToken": "faketoken"
Deploy the ARM Template
The job will start successfully but it is necessary to renew the token, therefore
Stop the job
Renew the authentication of the ADLS output
Start the job
[1] CICD NuGet Package


Data Factory Cross Tenant with Azure Git Repo

We deploy out our infrastructure using ARM and configure the Git link as such:
Firstly a variable is configured:
"repoConfiguration": {
"type": "FactoryVSTSConfiguration",
"accountName": "[parameters('accountName')]",
"repositoryName": "[parameters('repositoryName')]",
"collaborationBranch": "[parameters('collaborationBranch')]",
"rootFolder": "[parameters('rootFolder')]",
"tenantId": "[parameters('repositoryTenantId')]",
"projectName": "[parameters('projectName')]"
and then that variable is used when provisioning the resource:
"type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories",
"name": "[variables('dataFactoryName')]",
"apiVersion": "2018-06-01",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"properties": {
"repoConfiguration": "[if(equals(parameters('environmentShort'), 'dev'), variables('repoConfiguration'), json('null'))]",
"publicNetworkAccess": "Disabled"
"identity": {
"type": "SystemAssigned"
Note that we are setting the Tenant ID for the tenant where Git resides.
Let's just say our emails for Git are:
and for Azure (the other tenant):
The problem is, the behaviour doesn't match this article from Microsoft.
The behaviour is as follows:
First we log on using our email and verify via MFA. The we choose the appropriate subscription and Data Factory. Once that is logged in, we are presented with the following pop up which doesn't 100% match what is in the Appendix of the article:
From here, we get the popup to "Pick an account" and we select the email and go through the usual MFA.
Once ADF loads up, we then have this issue where (and my assumption) it isn't handshaking with the two logins correctly:
When I click on anything in ADF e.g. the toolbox, ADF reverts to this:
Checking the repo setup, it is setup:
I'm at a loss on what could be the issue. Even when manually configuring Git, it works whilst the browser is open, but closing the browser and opening again yields the same issue.
We are also using a Self Hosted IR for ADF.
For anyone who encounters this issue, the cure is:
Open Browser
In the first tab, open Azure Devops and log in
Open Azure Portal and log in using the other tenant account in the 2nd tab
Open in the 3rd tab. Log in using your "other tenant account" and when it tries to connect to git, it will ask you to select the desired account. Select the account that you have used for Azure Devops and cross tenancy should work fine between Data Factory and Azure Git

Azure Synapse Spark pool command to list all secrets in Key Vault

Hope you are doing well.
Is there a command in the Spark Utilities to see all secrets in an Azure Key Vault run in an Azure Synapse Spark Notebook?
I can reference a Secret Like so mssparkutils.credentials.getSecret('azure key vault name','secret name') but can I list all the secrets?
Unfortunately, there is no command available to list all secrets in Key Vault.
You may checkout my answer on MS Q&A platform on how to use Access Secret from vault using Synapse pyspark notebook.
Appreciate if you could share the feedback on our Azure Synapse feedback channel. Which would be open for the user community to upvote & comment on. This allows our product teams to effectively prioritize your request against our existing feature backlog and gives insight into the potential impact of implementing the suggested feature.
You can call Azure Key Vault (AKV) via its REST API and the GetSecret methods, which returns a list of secrets in their full URL form. You could use a Web activity in Synapse pipelines to call this. Example settings:
See below for sample URL
Managed Identity
Sample Key Vault URL
Sample results:
"value": [
"id": " ",
"attributes": {
"enabled": true,
"created": 1635948403,
"updated": 1635948403,
"recoveryLevel": "Recoverable+Purgeable",
"recoverableDays": 90
"tags": {}
"id": " ",
"attributes": {
"enabled": true,
"created": 1635949171,
"updated": 1635949171,
"recoveryLevel": "Recoverable+Purgeable",
"recoverableDays": 90
"tags": {}
You are able to loop through the values with a For Each activity, eg the Items value would be:
#activity('Web Get AKV Secrets').output.value
Refer to the individual secret inside the For Each activity like this:
Get the actual secret name by using split and last functions, eg
#last(split(item().id, '/'))
You could then pass the individual secret name or the collection into a Synapse notebook as a parameter.

Azure course that tries to use Azure Cloud Shell fails with "RequestDisallowedByPolicy" using free account

I was asked by Azure Support to post this question, just to see if anyone had a useful opinion.
I am stepping through MS Azure training courses. I created the usual free account to go through these. I've gone through a few dozen of them, and am now at this one:
This attempts to use the Azure PowerShell service. I had some trouble getting to the PowerShell page. It appears that if I'm not already logged into the portal, it goes into a semi-infinite loop, trying to get to the shell page, then trying to login, then the shell page, and finally it gives up and says "We couldn't sign you in. Please try again.".
However, I was able to work around this. If in a separate tab, I log into the Azure Portal, and then go back and follow the link to Azure Cloud Shell, it passes the login gate and sends me to the page where I choose Bash or PowerShell. The course specifies using Bash. When I select that, it then asks me to create a Storage object. When I confirm that, it gives me the following error (subscription id elided):
"error": {
"code": "RequestDisallowedByPolicy",
"target": "cs733f82532facdx4f04x95b",
"message": "Resource 'cs733f82532facdx4f04x95b' was disallowed by policy. Policy identifiers: '[{\"policyAssignment\":{\"name\":\"Enforce tag on resource\",\"id\":\"/subscriptions/xxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/740514d625684aad84ef8ca0\"},\"policyDefinition\":{\"name\":\"Enforce tag on resource\",\"id\":\"/subscriptions/xxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/be3862a6-ca1e-40b0-a024-0c0c7d1e8b3e\"}}]'.",
"additionalInfo": [
"type": "PolicyViolation",
"info": {
"policyDefinitionDisplayName": "Enforce tag on resource",
"evaluationDetails": {
"evaluatedExpressions": [
"result": "True",
"expressionKind": "Field",
"expression": "tags[Department]",
"path": "tags[Department]",
"targetValue": "false",
"operator": "Exists"
"policyDefinitionId": "/subscriptions/xxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/be3862a6-ca1e-40b0-a024-0c0c7d1e8b3e",
"policyDefinitionName": "be3862a6-ca1e-40b0-a024-0c0c7d1e8b3e",
"policyDefinitionEffect": "deny",
"policyAssignmentId": "/subscriptions/xxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/740514d625684aad84ef8ca0",
"policyAssignmentName": "740514d625684aad84ef8ca0",
"policyAssignmentDisplayName": "Enforce tag on resource",
"policyAssignmentScope": "/subscriptions/xxxxx",
"policyAssignmentParameters": {
"tagName": {
"value": "Department"
I think the simple conclusion from this is that my free account doesn't have enough rights to do what is needed here. The documentation I've read seems to imply that I have to get additional rights on the account in order to do this. However, I'm just using a free account that I created to go through the Azure training courses. It doesn't really make sense to ask me to do this. I've seen other Azure courses create a temporary sandbox supposedly because they have particular objects pre-created in the sandbox, but I'm also thinking that the sandbox has particular permissions that are not available in the free account. It seems to me that the only reasonable fix for this problem is for that course to be refactored to use a temporary sandbox with the correct permissions.
I'm just looking for any opinions on this, and confirmations that this is what should be done.
It doesn't look like you are creating resource, cloudshell storage, on your free subscription. Except if you added to a Work/Corporate tenant.
From the information you provide, subscription you are trying to use has a policy to enforce tags Department, mean any resource created should have a tag with Department information.

Not able to create a VM using azure Rest API

I am trying to create a VM using the azure Rest API. I am trying to call the REST Api through Postman.
PUT Request:-
I am using the above REST API with my subscription ID and resouceGroupName.
In the Authorization section, I am providing the Type as Basic Authentication and passing my credentials in the username and password section. Along with this, I am also passing values in the Body section.
"properties": {
"templateLink": {
"uri": "",
"contentVersion": ""
"parametersLink": {
"uri": "",
"contentVersion": ""
"mode": "Incremental",
"debugSetting": {
"detailLevel": "requestContent, responseContent"
Whenever I am sending this request so it is giving me an error like 400 Bad Request and message in the body section is :
Our services aren't available right nowWe're working to restore all services as soon as possible. Please check back soon.0ddImXQAAAABmya8eHqWDRp1JX69tDGdATUFBMDFFREdFMDIyMABFZGdl
Please tell me what wrong I am Doing here. From last 1 day, I am trying this.
Looks like your resource is wrong, it should be not
Reference - Deploy resources with Resource Manager templates and Resource Manager REST API
Besides, I notice you use the Basic Authentication, not sure if it works for azure rest API(I think may not), even the way will work, but if your account is MFA-enabled, then you will not be able to use that.
So for the Authentication, i recommend you to see this link to get an access token to call the rest api. Or you could try the easiest way -> click Try it in this doc -> login in your account -> then you will be able to test the rest api like that in postman. Also, you can copy the Authorization token and test it in the postman.

Azure Machine Learning: What error is this?

I am using a Classic Web Service with a non-default endpoint for a Update Resource activity on the Azure Data Factory. This is the error I get:
Screenshot of Error
I didn't find any info on the web and couldn't figure it out myself. This website shows an example that I used by just filling in my values for mlEndpoint, apiKey and updateRessourceEndpoint:
"name": "updatableScoringEndpoint2",
"properties": {
"type": "AzureML",
"typeProperties": {
"mlEndpoint": " experiment--/jobs",
"apiKey": "endpoint2Key",
"updateResourceEndpoint": " experiment--/endpoints/endpoint2"
There is no mention of a token that needs to be passed...
this error is basically saying the apiKey you provided is invalid to perform the update resource operation. Here is some posts for your reference:
Please also be noted that if you modified your linked service in ADF, remember to re-deploy the pipeline as well to reflect your change in time.
