SumIF three conditions meet return the forth column value - excel

I am having two sheets Sheet1 & Sheet2, Sheet1 having four columns like EMP No, Project Number, Month & Working Days.
In the sheet2 I have same four column but some employee will be worked in two projects for that month, For example: If Emp No, project number & month matches, then 4th column value for that employee should be populated. And I am doing this by referring the cells in both the sheets.
Both sheets having the same order as mentioned in the below.
Column A = Emp No,
Column B = Project Number
Column C = Month
Column D = Working Days

I gather your aggregation happens in Sheet2 so the formula should be:
If your aggregations happens in Sheet1 just go with this one:

If I've understood correctly, Sheet2 can contain multiple lines for employees per project per month? So, for example, EMP No 1 could be listed for Project 1, in the month of January 5 times, with working days each time equalling 1, and Project 2, int he month of January 2 times, with working days each time equalling 1.
Your Sheet1 worksheet, intends to list all employees, projects and months uniquely in order to total the days worked on each project each month? Based on the example, EMP No 1 would have the following displayed:
What I would suggest, is providing you have the unique list in Sheet1 already set up, enter the following formula into cell D2 (Working Days) and then copy down. I have assumed 100 entries on Sheet2, so you will need to amend the Sheet2! ranges in the formula to suit your data.


Find matching month between datasets and sequence a multiplication between values in specific rows between the sets

I have a sheet for a Project P&L with a data sequenced using the following formula where C2 is 01/01/2020 and E2 is the duration of the project at 39 months:
=EDATE($C$2, SEQUENCE(1, $E$2, 0))
This gives the following:
I have another sheet called Studio Costs which has a calculated per person monthly expense as follows:
For the Project P&L sheet I'd like to create a sequenced formula in I9 for Project Costs based on the number of months determined by E2(39), such that it compares the date in row 1 with the dates in row 1 of the dataset in the Studio Costs sheet, and on finding the matching column, multiply the Monthly Per Employee Costs value in row 5 by the Active Staff value in row 2 of the Project P&L dataset to give the monthly studio costs.
Formula to be placed in I9:
=(I2:P2)*HLOOKUP(I1:P1,'Studio Costs'!$AC$1:$AL$5,5,FALSE)
Change ranges as needed.
EDIT: Final solution to use dynamic ranges author came up with:

Use dynamic sum range and criteria range in SUMIFS

I'm using SUMIFS to calculate sales revenue of product X over a period of time. The problem is that all the sum range and the criteria ranges are dynamic since sales reps will add more rows to record new sales everyday. My formula looks like this:
=SUMIFS(Revenue!I5:I24,Revenue!F5:F24,"Product X",Revenue!B5:B24,">="&B3,Revenue!B5:B24,"<="&C3)
The starting row is row 5, and the last row that currently has data is row 24.
Revenue is the worksheet that contains the data. In this worksheet, column I is the revenue, column F is the product name, column B is the date that the revenue is recorded. B3 and C3 are the start and end date of the period.
When a sales rep records a new revenue, the last row that has data will become row 25, so my formula won't count it in. I tried to replaced 24 with 1000 hoping that it would count when new data was added beneath, but it returned #VALUE.
What should I do?
Thank you
Declare 3 dynamic ranges and use their names in your formula.
=IFERROR(SUMIFS(revenueI,revenueF,"Product X",revenueB,">="&B3,revenueB,"<="&C3),"")
Adding the names: Press Ctrl+F3 to open the name manager and then enter the 3 names
Name: revenueB
Name: revenueF
Name: revenueI
1048576 is for the max number of rows in more recent versions of Excel. Adjust to the total number of rows for your Excel version.
Wrap in an IFERROR in case of errors e.g. if named ranges are off different length.

Countif formula with multiple criteria

In my workbook, I have a 4 spreadsheets - Data, Amy, Betty, Connie. Data has the following columns:
Column A Column B Column C Column D
Row 3 Employee Total tasks last 30 days. Total tasks last 7 days. Date/Time Last task Assigned
Row 4 Amy
Row 5 Betty
Row 6 Connie
In A1 - worker with oldest task Date/Time Assigned. Cell B1 contains the answer to cell A1 by providing the employees name.
I enter the data in the individual workers spreadsheets (Amy, Betty, Connie) and my Data worksheet provides the summary. On my data worksheet, I have formulas that count the number of tasks within the last 7 days and last 30 days by using the date/time assigned column (Column E)in the individual worksheets. Currently, if someone is out of the office, on their individual worksheet, I enter OUT in the task column (Column B) and the date/time that they will return in the date/time assigned column (Column E)so it will skip them for B1 on my Data worksheet. I need a formula that would not count the date/time assigned if they were OUT as a task, when calculating in columns B and C in the data worksheet.
Here is the formula that I have currently for Column B (total tasks last 30 days)
The formula that I have for cell B1 is:
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
I figured it out:
Like suggested in the comments, the COUNTIFS formula is what you want to use. Information about its usage can be found here.
Adding the condition for excluding the "OUT" values would make the formula look like this:

Transfer data from one worksheet to the next based on cell values

I had trouble titling this, and I think it is better explained with examples. I am not an extremely experienced excel user, but was asked to figure this out.
Worksheet 1 (delivered by software) is formatted like this:
Hour Delivered
Employee 1 18
Employee 2 17
Total For Hour 35
Employee 1 18
Employee 2 17
Employee 3 12
Total For Hour 47
... etc until hours 24.00-24.59
The number of employees in the group per hour is different each day, so i don't think that I can just simply reference the cells.
The worksheets that I want to transfer the data from worksheet 1 to are based on date, so there is one for each day. (12/17 worksheet, 12/18 worksheet, etc...)
And this is the format of the date worksheets:
Employee 00.00-00.59 | 01.00-01.59 | etc. until hours 24.00-24.59
Employee 1 18 18
Employee 2 17 17
Employee 3 12
Employee 4
Employee 5
So basically I need the data from worksheet 1 transferred over to the individual date worksheets. I believe, the amount of employees being different for each hour/day makes this difficult. Does anyone here have any ideas of how this can be accomplished?
Also, if there are any questions, please let me know.
This should be possible without any VB in two steps. First step is to add further columns to Worksheet 1 that normalise the data. Second step is to create a pivot table using that normalised data.
By "normalise" I mean add columns in Worksheet 1 for Date, Hour, Employee and Delivered using formulae that copy values from your existing columns A and B. Let me know if you need more help with that.
Edit: adding details ...
Suppose Worksheet 1 has the values you indicated in column A and B, and that you want Hour in column D. Suppose row 1 just contains column headings. Leave row 2 totally empty. The formula in col D needs to say "If the value in col A looks like an hour, then copy it, otherwise repeat the hour from the line above." A simple way to determine if a row in Worksheet 1 is an Hour is to look for a decimal point in position 3. So put =IF(MID(A3,3,1)=".",A3,D2) in cell D3 and copy that formula down.
I'm sure you can construct a similar formula for the Date, Employee and Delivered columns.
Maybe add a condition to the formulae to say "If the value in col A starts with 'Total' then leave the cell empty".
If there aren't a lot of data and the setup is exactly how you've displayed them above, a simple formula can solve this.
Assuming that my raw export is in sheet Base, cell A1 and my intended output starts in sheet Output, cell A1, you can use this formula on cell B2:
The premise is simple. It locates the correct hour using INDEX + MATCH, then OFFSETs it by the correct number of ROWs. This is assuming, of course, that your employees are in the same location under every hour (ie Employee 1 is always one (1) row below the hour, Employee 2 is always two (2) rows below, etc). We also add a check if the employee name matches so that it will return 0 if the employee is not there.
Here are some screencaps:
Sample data:
Of course, this is just the basic premise. If you have multiple dates in a sheet, it's just a matter of manipulating this formula further. Off the top of my head, locating the correct date and adding the correct offset can also work.
Let us know if this helps or if a VBA or the Pivot option seems best.

Excel lookup vector based on another formula

My spreadsheet has 2 sheets.
Sheet 1 contains 30 days worth of values.
Each day's values are a maximum of 19 rows, consisting of names and correspoding values. The names that will appear for each day are not the same every day. In other words my name might appear on the 1st, 2nd and 14th of the month and not on any other days. (And these values may not be sorted.)
My second sheet will display only one persons values for the month, and I therefore use a lookup.
The formula for the 1st day is:
=LOOKUP("name";'Input Sheet'!$A$2:$A$20; 'Input Sheet'!B2:B20)
For the second day it would be:
=LOOKUP("name";'Input Sheet'!$A$22:$A$40; 'Input Sheet'!B22:B40)
The only thing that changes for each day is the lookup range/vector. I have a separate (hidden) column already that has calculated the correct starting row number, i.e. 22, 42, 62, but how would I use that number to change the lookup range on my formula?
Thanks a lot
The indirect() function will allow you to specify the range for your lookup in terms of another cell.
For example, if Sheet1 of the workbook has the numbers 1-10 going from A3:A12, where the starting row (3) is specified in cell B1 of the same worksheet.
Then to lookup the value 5 and place the answer on any other sheet of the workbook:
