What does 'Content was saved as DRAFT' mean in Crafter Studio? - crafter-cms

What does this message mean while selecting all in-progress content in Crafter Studio?
Content was saved as DRAFT. Some required fields may not be populated.
This can cause errors when previewed or deployed.
The publish button is not available. How do I fix it?

Save as draft allows the user to save their work without having to complete all required fields.
Publishing is disabled for all content items that haven't had all required fields populated, since publishing those can break the project/site.


Getting duplicate form while editting item in sp list

One of the user is getting duplicate form (same two form on one page) while editing item in SP2013 list but for other user it is coming fine.
Could anyone suggest me the cause of it.
Check if the form has been customized using InfoPath or SharePoint Designer. If it has, you'll need to examine the form customizations to see what might cause that behavior.
If it has not been customized, try opening the form in a new window and editing the page. There may be duplicate web parts on the page. Audience targeting may be preventing some users (yourself included) from seeing the extra web part.

File not displaying in sharepoint 2010 library all items

Hi, I have a document library in sharepoint 2010 foundation.when i have uploaded a file into a document library from browser, it is showing a message"uploaded successfully" but it is not showing in document library all items.but when am open the site in IE and in library tab am clicking in file explorer button, in that file explorer the doc file is there.but in site -> doc library all items the file is not displaying. Am the administrator the site.
If your library has versioning with minor versions enabled, uploaded files will be drafts. It may be the sort of confusing case that even as administrator, you do not have the rights to see drafts.
In the Library Settings, open the Versioning settings menu. Try setting the Draft Item Security option to all with read or edit permissions. Ensure that you own the respective rights (personally or as a member of an appropriate group).
Changing this option solved the problem for me. However, I experienced this setting as being kind of weird: Setting the option back to its former state (in which I did not see the documents) did not make the documents disappear again.

XPages Navigator Control to Open Profile Document?

Converting a legacy Notes application to XPages with Extension library.
Using application layout with navigator control for basic site navigation.
Stuck on how to have a navigator menu item open a profile document for editing by administrator type user...
Have an XPage created that binds to the profile form, but not finding way to have it opened on the onClick event of navigator menu item?
Any suggestions?
You can use ordinary data source. First, get UNID of profile document and initialize data source with it.
WARNING: profile documents are cached, you need to restart http or reset application if there is some background change to profile document (otherwise you see old values). Avoid using profile documents with frequent changes!
With XPages, profiles are obsolete. A better approach is to move the contents of the profile to a regular document and then in the application_init () method read all that data into the application scope. If you have updating profiles then this is critical because of the issues updating profiles across multiple servers and JREs.
If you must use the profiles, on the navigator, set it to open the profile.xsp in Edit mode. The profile.xsp then Edits the profile with the Default Formulas of each bound field retrieving the value from the profile using SSJS. The Submit button runs SSJS which iterates through the items on the document and writes them to the profile, but does not save itself to disk.

Sharepoint 2007: Pop up message on new announcements

Is it possible to display on a page a javascript popup message if there are new unseen items in an announcements list?
If you want the pop-up to jump out even when the user does not refresh a page, you will need to develop a polling mechanism (using JS) and call a web service to find out if there are new items.
Otherwise, you just need to add a web part to the page that will do the check on page load.
We did something similar, showing the users how many documents there are in a document library that each user has not read. we used the SPAudit object to find our what items have been seen by which user. Of course it has to be optimized for performance, so we just check a few of the latest items, not all of them. We even added this to the quick links menu, so that next to each document library appears a number of document the current user has not read yet, it is really cool, very similar to what you need.
You could store the last time the user viewed the announcements in a cookie and read that out to compare against the newest item. You can also store that the user has closed the pop-up.
Have a look at the following resources. You can make it work with minimum alteration
Using Jquery In Sharepoint To Display Notifications For Open Tasks
SharePoint Tasks Popup using JavaScript API
jQuery Ticker for SharePoint Announcement List

Site Columns, Page layouts etc not getting deleted on Feature deactivation

I have written a publishing feature which creates some site columns, a content type referring these site columns, a master page and some page layouts.
When I deactivate this feature, the site columns, the master page and the page layouts are not getting deleted from their gallery.
What am I doing wrong here?
Should I be writing an event handler for deleting these files? Shoudnt the deactivation take care of it out of the box?
SharePoint will never remove any artifacts of a type which potentially could cause a user to loose data/changes as part of deactivation of a feature. A user could have used/changed your site column of contenttype and she could have customized the masterpage or page layout.
This non removal is in effect even though the user didn't make any use/change of the artifacts. Which is good because then if you're sure you want to remove them then you can always do it in a feature receiver and don't have to check is SP removed them.
