Getting duplicate form while editting item in sp list - sharepoint

One of the user is getting duplicate form (same two form on one page) while editing item in SP2013 list but for other user it is coming fine.
Could anyone suggest me the cause of it.

Check if the form has been customized using InfoPath or SharePoint Designer. If it has, you'll need to examine the form customizations to see what might cause that behavior.
If it has not been customized, try opening the form in a new window and editing the page. There may be duplicate web parts on the page. Audience targeting may be preventing some users (yourself included) from seeing the extra web part.


SharePoint 2010 List disabling edit even for people with Manage permissions

this seems to be a bit of an odd requirement, but we have a separate form (not an infopath form) being filled out by people. Now, this form that we have has quite a lot of validations in it. We're currently trying to prevent people from accessing the list where this certain form is saving the data, this is so that they won't bypass the validations we created in the form that we created. Is there a way to be able to do this, one way or another?
Easy fix. Use SharePoint Designer to browse to the list, starting from "All Files". The list has several files in it. You're only interested in NewForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx.
Open these files. Either add JavaScript redirect code directly to the file (near placeholdermain) to point back to AllItems.aspx, or add a Content Query Web Part to add the redirect JavaScript code in that added web part.
Either way, when users go to add/edit items in that list, they will be bounced back to the page that list the items.
This will only work when JavaScript is enabled. Mind you, SP won't work very well with JavaScript off anyway, so people may not disable JS. But for a bullet proof solution, make a Visual Studio feature for the specific list.

SharePoint 2010, Upload Document Redirect to Page

I have a document library in SharePoint 2010 that several different teams are using for the same purpose. Each team has their own page that has a filtered view of the document library on it. The document library also has custom columns.
The issue I am running into is when a team member uploads a document from their page. They click "Add document" from their page, and then they browse to the document they want to upload. This part works perfectly - and the URL specifies the source as the team's page. However, after a user selects the document and clicks "OK", it takes them to the EditForm.aspx page that allows the user to fill in the meta data for the document. This is fine, but now the source URL specifies a view from inside of the document library, and no longer points to the team's page (where they came from).
Does anyone know how I can change this source URL to point to the team's page instead of the document library? Or, does anyone know a workaround for this issue so that a user can upload a document from a page (with document library web part on it) so that it returns to the page?
SharePoint 2010 should work the way you want out-of-the-box. I tried to reproduce your situation, but was unable to. What I did was set up a library with one custom column and two custom views. I then created two pages, one with a list form web part using one view and one with a list form web part with the other view.
When I click on the Add Document from either page, a modal dialog window opens to the Upload page. I first select the file (Upload.aspx) and then am redirected to the metadata properties (EditForm.aspx). After filling out the metadata, the dialog window closes, and the page behind it (the page we were originally on) refreshes to show the new document in the web part. So the user experience is that they stay on the page they want while adding the document as desired.
If you edit your question or provide comments with more details on your situation we can try to reproduce it, but the functionality you describe is exactly how it is supposed to work out-of-the-box.
Peter's correct - SharePoint's being SharePoint.
If I am reading this right, it may be that you should simply check out in-line editing. Using a view, you and edit the properties dynamically without leaving the page (each team getting their own view).
Alternately, I see many who simply want to redirect users back to the page they came from either edit or view of an item regardless of where that was (a link, etc.). Simplest way to do that is a little programming by adding a button to the forms replacing the OK/Cancel with your own code. Simply edit the forms using InfoPath to add the new buttons - you have the user context if you need to custom redirect to a team home page or some such.

Setup preliminary site list information

I have many lists within a site. As a requirement the site owner should be prompted to add certain information via a form(to Set the prliminary list data). Once this information is filled in the form should dissapear forever.
I was thinking of creating a webpart that sits on the home page and checks if the group of fields requiring preliminary infomation had been filled if they hadn't then show the form.
Is there any other way of doing this than going down the route of creating a custom web part? I have infopath and wondering if it was possible using Infopath

SharePoint - What Causes a Blank Screen When a Registered User Views a Page?

I have a fairly simple page in WSS3. It's basically a web part page with a custom webpart to display some text and a embedded video from Vimeo, a custom webpart to handle newsletter submissions (a simple form) and a couple of document libraries.
I'm using Forms authentication. My admin user can sign in and browse the rest of the site with no problem, but this one particular page causes the user to be presented with a blank white screen. If I view the source of the page I can see the correct markup and the issue only occurs in IE.
When browsing the site anonymously there is no problem.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
It sounds like a javascript problem to me - the document library view will render extra menus etc. if you are an authenticated user with some contributing rights to the site. It's probably these that are colliding with something else and causing your issue.
As you'll have no control over the document library viewer web part, I suggest you remove your custom web parts from the page (with the document library viewer on it) and readd them until the page breaks.
I had a similar issue at one point in that we were overriding some functions that were in a SharePoint js library, however as the SharePoint file was registered at the bottom of the master page and ours were in webparts (which loaded first but were subsequently overridden by the OOB file), we had some unexpected behaviour. I fixed it in the end by adding our custom part to the master page after the OOB file was registered.

Load a web part before other

I am stuck with a problem. I am having tool part where I get all the Lists present in the Site.
I have other web part which should get the selected List in the tool part.
I see that the web part is loaded first then the tool part. so the web part is unable to the List selected in the tool part.
Please note that the text box is in a User Control.
Please help me.
I have looked at your code and found the following:
First things first. You need to move AWAY from using ToolParts and the SharePoint native webpart. they are deprecated and are a remnant from SPS2003. In MOSS / WSS 3.0 you can and should use the ASP.NET WebPart.
Secondly, I think you are mixing things up. The ToolPartGetLists is not a toolpart, it is a webpart, that in itself loads the CustomToolPart, which in turn allows you to select a list.
This toolpart is only shown when you edit the shared webpart in the UI. The list you select is then persisted to the SelectedList property of the webpart using the toolpart.
The connected webpart then tries to read the SelectedList property I guess.
Like I said, I could go and try to fix the code for you, but it is not the way to go, you really (REALLY) need to switch to ASP.NET WebPart based webparts. The native sharepoint one WILL be fased out in the (near) future.
Here you can find an example, with code! (scroll to bottom for download link). As a bonus, it uses the built in sharepoint listpicker
I don't know of any way you could control the load order of elements (web parts) on the same page.
Sounds more like you want to have your second web part (the display of the lists) have a "default" when the page loads--which could be empty. Then it would be changed to the selected list only when the user clicked a new selection in the other web part (the list of lists).
