What am I supposed to put in URI parameter in ARM template for Automation module? - azure

As per documentation of Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.automation/automationaccounts/modules#ContentLink) it's expecting URI parameter. What exactly supposed to be at the end of that parameter? I want to push my custom module and it's possible through UI via ZIP file and I expected that I can specify ZIP with custom DSC resource but it did not work. There is no documentation I was able to find what shall appear in that URI.

You need to provide uri to your zipped dsc module ;) There are a bunch of article online that you can salvage data from. Like this.
Also, take a look here


Which is the name of the Azure VideoIndexer apikey parameter?

Today I am facing a problem:
I am trying to automate an azure logic app deployment with a VideoIndexer service from Azure, using Terraform but it ask me for a parameter called API Key (on the web side).
The official documentation is this:
But I cannot find the name of the apiKey parameter (and no, it isn't apiKey)
Anyone could help here? And for help me to avoid doing a question like that: how can I check an Apiconnection to see which parameters are registered?
Maybe this example could help you (I didn't find the answer there, but maybe you have better eyes than me): https://www.returngis.net/2021/04/como-desplegar-azure-logic-apps-con-terraform/
The apiKey for the videoindexer is named 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key'
See also the example on this page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-video-analyzer/video-analyzer-for-media-docs/video-indexer-use-apis

Azure Remote Monitoring - How to add parameters to CloudToDeviceMethods?

In Azure Remote Monitoring, you can create your own CloudToDeviceMethods. How do you add parameters to those methods?
Usually those methods look like this:
function main(context, previousState, previousProperties) { ... }
...in a .js file that has the name of a specific method. But I don't see how I can add parameters to a method like that. I also want to see those parameters in the Azure Remote Monitoring Solution Accelerator web, so I can call that method and send in some parameters.
A CloudToDeviceMethod supports exactly one parameter, and that is the JSON payload that you can give to it. Of course you can add many properties to that payload to act like separate parameters. On the device side, reading that parameter looks like this in C# and like this in JavaScript (Node example)
You mentioned that you want to be able to add those parameters in the Remote Monitoring Solution Accelerator. This is entirely possible with some changes to the ReactJS code. The main files you need to look at are the Job page, right now it calls the device method without a body. Eventually the request is built here, you can see the JsonPayload is left empty.

Can Azure Functions be used with URI path IDs?

I am wondering if it is possible to configure an Azure Function App to accept a URI-path ID as is typically used in RESTful services, e.g. /api/foo/1, where the function is foo. I haven't been able to find documentation on this and the binding information that I have found suggests that this isn't possible (I don't see a way to map it). It doesn't "just work" with the typical HTTP trigger (which supports /api/foo?id=1). In that configuration one receives a 404 response, I'm guessing because it doesn't know to call the foo function with the ID suffix in the URI.
In case it matters, I'm using C# to write my function.
You are correct that URI parameters are not supported at this time. If you'd like, you can create a feature suggestion for this here in our repo. Thanks :)

How to get a published video URL

I'm trying to build my app based on Windows Media Services REST API (i'm not using any SDK, just plain rest api requests).
My steps are more or less like:
Create Asset
Assign write Access Policy
Assign upload locator
Upload a file to URL specified by upload locator path
Assign download Access Policy
Assign download locator
All those steps seems to work great but - how can i actually get the video streaming URL? I can't see anything, which looks like such url (as far as i know, it should look similar to upload URL from upload locator). Should i "fold" it by myself using some segments from various parts of api ?
Based on this article, i should append the path parameter with name parameter and /manifest (so it should looke like that: <path_param>/<name_param>.ism/manifest) but it gives me ResourceNotFound error. Anyway, i've seen that other people (like SHIBSANKAR) have found some way to obtain all asset urls so i think there is some way to do it but they have not descrbed how they've done it.
After reading all the docs and talking with microsoft support, i have figured it out. All the URL parts are returned by download locator and the formula looks like that:
I hope someone will find that usefull someday.

GetObject for meta:resourcekey not being called in IResourceProvider

I need to move a site's .resx files to a database and implement a Custom Resource Provider using the IResourceProvider interface. I have followed the example at:
When I call:
The GetObject method in the IResourceProvider is called correctly.
However the whole site is using meta:resourcekey="myResourceKey" attributes for all of the labels, and the GetObject method is not being called for these. There are no other methods in the IResourceProvider that I can see to implement, is there something I'm missing, or is there another way I can move the .resx data to the DB and not make any changes to the view, i.e. still keep using the meta:resourcekey attributes.
Many thanks
I have found MSDN articles concerning localization lacking in information. Check out Rick Strahl's implementation of a custom resource provider at:
He explains in detail the process he took in writing his resource provider and that should give you a good start
