GetObject for meta:resourcekey not being called in IResourceProvider - globalization

I need to move a site's .resx files to a database and implement a Custom Resource Provider using the IResourceProvider interface. I have followed the example at:
When I call:
The GetObject method in the IResourceProvider is called correctly.
However the whole site is using meta:resourcekey="myResourceKey" attributes for all of the labels, and the GetObject method is not being called for these. There are no other methods in the IResourceProvider that I can see to implement, is there something I'm missing, or is there another way I can move the .resx data to the DB and not make any changes to the view, i.e. still keep using the meta:resourcekey attributes.
Many thanks

I have found MSDN articles concerning localization lacking in information. Check out Rick Strahl's implementation of a custom resource provider at:
He explains in detail the process he took in writing his resource provider and that should give you a good start


Customize Controller from commercewebservices in SAP Commerce Cloud

From what I understand, from SAP Commerce Cloud 2005 onward the way to customize the REST-endpoints within SAP Commerce Cloud for Spartacus is to use commercewebservices (non-template) and then add own occ-extensions with your REST-endpoints.
That works fine for new endpoints, but what if I want to customize an existing controller from within commercewebservices? Since I am not using the template anymore commercewebservices cannot be modified anymore. I don't see a way how I could for example customize de.hybris.platform.commercewebservices.core.v2.controller.CartsController.
Swapping out commercewebservices with your own extension generated from the template does not work since multiple OOTB (e.g. cmsocc) extensions depend on commercewebservices hence it will always be loaded and clash with our own extension derived from commercewebservices.
Customizing commercewebservices with an addOn also does not solve the problem since, as I understand, it is not possible to add your own controller and bind it to the a url-pattern already used from a controller within commercewebservices
If you want to override an existing API endpoint (CartsController in our case), you can do so with the #RequestMappingOverride annotation.
Using this annotation, you can "shadow" the existing request mapping of the out-of-the-box controller with your custom controller in your own OCC extension.
You can find more details and an example here:
Overriding the REST API []
And let's not forget:
All of the action happens in the facades anyway, and you can also extend the API responses without overriding the Controller using the WsDTO concept plus additional converters. (see Extending Data Objects[] for more details)
Thanks for the response.
The annotation RequestMappingOverride works fine. There is one problem with this approach, lets assume I do following:
Introduce an new called MyController extending the CartsController
Override a single method and annotated this method with RequestMappingOverride
Starting up the system I do get now ambiguous mappings on all mappings of CartsController which I did not override
The reason is, I have now two Controllers registered with the same mappings. The CartsController and MyController which inherits all the methods which are not overriden from CartsController. The only solution I found is to override every single method of the CartsController, annotate all methods with RequestMappingOverride and then just do a super call. That is a bit clumsy and leads to a lot of boilerplate code. I wish the annoation RequestMappingOverride would work on class-level rather than only on method level

Correct way to implement a REST API using MVC

I am seeing a lot of contradictory architectural examples of a REST API in my work and keep getting different opinions on the subject.
I am familiar with the principles of REST and seeing as each endpoint points to a resource followed by a verb such as /project/create project/123/read.
Following the MVC pattern assuming I have a controller that is responsible for updating a project resource:
router.put("/project/:id/update", ProjectController.put)
First question:
Should this route be responsible for all updates to this resource, in example, assuming different features on my client like marking a project as finished or changing it's title are separated and might not have anything in common for the user. Ending up with the route described above, or should there be something like this:
router.put("/project/:id/mark-as-done", ProjectController.markAsDone)
router.put("/project/:id/update-info", ProjectController.updateInfo)
Second question:
Assuming I want to create a notification resource if a project is created/updated/deleted. Since the notification is a resource on it's own I am not sure how to go about this, but what I assumed and was taught is to use another callback:
router.put("/project/:id/update", ProjectController.put, NotificationController.create)
Third question:
Could I use the same controller to read all resources or just one, for example:
router.get("/project/read", ProjectController.get)
router.get("/project/:id/read", ProjectController.get)
Making the logic in the controller method determinate if it will return all projects or just one. Or should it be separated into different methods?
I would define APIs like this:-
CRUD for Project entity
update:- router.put(/projects/:id)
delete:- router.delete(/projects/:id)
read:- router.get(/projects) and/or router.get(/projects/:id)
You can define all above routes in ProjectController.
Regarding Notification entity you can define as follows
read:- router.get(/projects/:id/notifications)
The same can be applied to PUT, DELETE, POST
Here is a good article defining rest guidelines

Service Fabric IServiceRemotingRequestMessageBody Iterate Parameters

Edited left name of a custom type instead of the direct service fabric interface.
I am trying to write an interceptor capable of interrogating the parameters being passed to a remoting service. I can intercept the IServiceRemotingRequestMessage once it gets to the service and am able extract the parameters, but ONLY if I know the position and name of the parameter at the time.
var someParam = IServiceRemotingRequestMessageBody.GetParameter(0, "request", serviceRequestInfo.RequestMessage.GetBody().GetType());
What I need is a way to simply iterate the parameters and work with them directly (currently just serialize them to a string so I can log some of the info being passed). However, the IServiceRemotingRequestMessageBody only exposes a GetParameter method that must be passed the index and the name...
I can maybe do some reflection work given the method name and the service contract but I'm hoping there is a much more straightforward way to get this directly.
Thanks for any tips,
There may be an easier way using the default serialization, but the way I solved it, currently, is to replace the Service Fabric serialization providers with JSON Serialization. Then, my interceptors can work with the JSON data as necessary.
I'll assume there is a way to do something similar with the default serialization but, if so, it's not clearly documented how to work with it. If someone proposes an option I would gladly give it a try.

How to retrieve post data, validate it in controller and save it in database using GORM in Micronaut?

I come from Grails background and have recently started a project in Micronaut using GORM.
I tried to find required information in documentation but its not clear how we retrieve post data in controller, validate it similar to Command Objects offered in Grails and save it into database using interface service provided in documentation
PS : I know I can map every field to action argument in controller, and also declare a interface method specifying each argument as property but that does not seems right thing to do as my domain class has so many properties.
Making the action #Transactional or any method would work for saving data as far as I know but I want to know the proper way in Micronaut.
My requirement is simple, save post data in database using GORM in Micronaut.
If I were you I would look back at the documentation, sections 6.4 to 6.11:
Micronaut is very annotation based, unlike Grails which uses convention over configuration. However in Grails 4, Micronaut will toke over the application context, giving you some of the benefits of Micronaut, but still maintaining the convention over configuration.

What am I supposed to put in URI parameter in ARM template for Automation module?

As per documentation of Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/modules ( it's expecting URI parameter. What exactly supposed to be at the end of that parameter? I want to push my custom module and it's possible through UI via ZIP file and I expected that I can specify ZIP with custom DSC resource but it did not work. There is no documentation I was able to find what shall appear in that URI.
You need to provide uri to your zipped dsc module ;) There are a bunch of article online that you can salvage data from. Like this.
Also, take a look here
