How to call a *CMD programm using free RPG prototype - rpgle

Does anyone know how to call a *CMD program in free RPG using a prototype?
In my case the command has 10 parameters and I want to call it with just 4.
Calling it with 10/10 parameter works. But how do I do it with fewer parameters?

Commands (*CMD) are executed by the command language processor, not called.
Assuming a user written command, thus you have the source for the program envoked by the command...I'd recommend creating a prototype and calling the program that processes the command directly...
DSPCMD will tell you what that program is...
If an IBM or third party command, you'll need to call the command language processor and pass it the command you want to execute.
IBM provides a few APIs for the command language processor..
Execute Command (QCMDEXC)
Process Commands (QCAPCMD)
Also, you can use the C-runtime API
system() — Execute a Command
Here's a nice article about using the most powerful (and complex) option, QCAPCMD...with links to articles about QCMDEXC and system().
QCAPCMD another alternative to QCMDEXC

Declare this in your D Specific:
DCL-PR GoCmd INT(10) EXTPROC('system');
then you can call AS400 command... example:
ReturnCode = Gocmd(CmdString) ;

If you can use sqlrpgle then its very easy, you can do as if you are on command line, just use the params which you need only:
exec sql call qsys2.qcmdexc('DSPJOBLOG OUTPUT(*PRINT)');
see also here - obviously this works for a long time:


Passing in responses to input() prompts in python through system arguments

I'm using a python library that has a configuration step which involves calling a function and providing the API key in the prompt response. It uses input(). This function creates the file necessary with all the configurations.
This is fine for humans to use the API, but I'm adding CI to my code and wish to unit tests calls to this API. As such, I need to complete the same step.
I simply want to do something like python -c '<PYTHON CODE>'.
Aside from altering the code to allow for an optional input of the API key (to skip the prompt), I wonder if there is an easier way to do this with sys.argv.
I did some googling and could not find a working example involving input() and argument inputs.
Thoughts appreciated.

Is it possible to break out of a restricted (custom) shell?

Not sure if this is the right place to ask.
Say I write a shell that takes stdin input, filters this input so let's say only certain commands like
ls (list contents of binary directory and subdirectory)
update (git clone)
build (go build)
test (go test)
start (systemctl start this.service only)
stop (systemctl stop this.service only)
running (is the binary being executed and with how many GOMAXPROCS?)
usage (memory, cpu usage)
gensvc (generate .service file)
exit (leave shell/logout)
work, you guessed it, I'm trying to give a user only very limited maintenance access over ssh.
Say I'm careful with \0 (I'd write it in Go anyway using bufio.Scanner)
Is there any way to stop the running shell and execute /bin/sh or similar or any way to get around this shell?
The idea is a user should push their stuff via git to a bare repo, this repo is cloned to the filesystem to a certain directory, then go build is called and the binary is ran with a systemd .service file that is generated previously.
Thinking logically, if the user is only able to write certain strings that are accepted, no there is no way. But maybe you know of one, some ctrl+z witchcraft ;) or whatever.
The only attack surface is the input string or rather bytes. Of course the user could git push a program that builds its own shell or runs certain commands, but that's out of scope (I would remove capabilities with systemd and restrict device access and forbid anything but the connection to the database server, private tmp and all, namespace and subnamespace it TODO)
The only problem I see is git pushing but I'm sure I could work around that in a git only mode argv and adding it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. something like lish gitmode and execute stdin commands if they start with git or something like it.
If you're only allowed certain commands, your "shell" will read the command, parse it and then execute it then you should be fine, unless I misunderstood it.
Go "memory" can't be executed, not without you doing some nasty hacks with assembly anyway, so you don't have to worry about shell injection.
Something along these lines should be safe:
func getAction() (name string, args []string) {
// read stdin to get the command of the user
func doAction() {
for {
action, args := getAction()
switch action {
case "update": //let's assume the full command is: update https://repo/path.git
if len(args) != 1 {
out, err := exec.Command("/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--recursive", args[0]).CombinedOutput()
// do stuff with out and err
If you are implementing the shell yourself and directly executing the commands via exec() or implementing them internally, then it is certainly possible to produce a secure restricted shell. If you are just superficially checking a command line before passing it on to a real shell then there will probably be edge cases you might not expect.
With that said, I'd be a bit concerned about the test command you've listed. Is it intended to run the test suite of a Go package the user uploads? If so, I wouldn't even try to exploit the restricted shell if I was an attacker: I'd simply upload a package with tests that perform the actions I want. The same could be said for build/start.
Have it reviewed by a pentesting team.
People can be very creative when breaking out a sandbox of any type. Only if you never accept the user's input you can consider yourself rather safe on premises (but here any command is an input) - paper security assumptions are considered a weak to assess the software. They are similar to 'no-bug' assumptions for an algorithm on paper: as soon as you implement it, 99% of time a bug raises

node.js -- execute command synchronously and get result

I'm trying to execute a child_process synchronously in node.js (Yes, I know this is bad, I have a good reason) and retrieve any output on stdout, but I can't quite figure out how...
I found this SO post: node.js execute system command synchronously that describes how to use a library (node-ffi) to execute the command, and this works great, but the only thing I'm able to get is the process exit code. Any data the command executes is sent directly to stdout -- how do I capture this?
> run('whoami')
in otherwords, username is echo'd to stdout, the result of run is 0.
I'd much rather figure out how to read stdout
So I have a solution working, but don't exactly like it... Just posting here for reference:
I'm using the node-ffi library referenced in the other SO post. I have a function that:
takes in a given command
appends >> run-sync-output
executes it
reads run-sync-output synchronously and stores the result
deletes this tmp file
returns result
There's an obvious issue where if the user doesn't have write access to the current directory, it will fail. Plus, it's just wasted effort. :-/
I have built a node.js module that solves this exact problem. Check it out :)
The above module solves your original problem, because it allows for the synchronous chaining of child processes. Each link in the chain gets the stdout from the previous process in the chain.
I had a similar problem and I ended up writing a node extension for this. You can check out the git repository. It's open source and free and all that good stuff !
ExecXI is a node extension written in C++ to execute shell commands
one by one, outputting the command's output to the console in
real-time. Optional chained, and unchained ways are present; meaning
that you can choose to stop the script after a command fails
(chained), or you can continue as if nothing has happened !
Usage instructions are in the ReadMe file. Feel free to make pull requests or submit issues!
However it doesn't return the stdout yet... Well, I just released it today. Maybe we can build on it.
Anyway, I thought it was worth to mention it. I also posted this to a similar question: node.js execute system command synchronously
Since Node version v0.11.12, there is a child_process.execSync function for this.
Other than writing code a little diferent, there's actually no reason to do anything synched.
What don't you like about this? (docs)
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec('whoami', function (error, username) {
console.log('stdout: %s', username);

Application to accept arguments while running

I am using visual studio 2008 and MFC. I accept arguments using a subclass of CCommandLineInfo and overriding ParseParam().
Now I want to pass these arguments to the application while running. For example "test.exe /start" and then to type in the console "test.exe /initialize" to be initialized again.
is there any way to do that?
Edit 1: Some clarifications. My program starts with "test.exe /start". I want to type "test.exe /initialize" and initialize the one and only running process (without closing/opening). And by initialize I mean to read a different XML file, to change some values of the interface and other things.
I cannot think of an easy way to accomplish what you're asking about.
However, you could develop your application to specifically receive commands, and given those commands take any actions you wanted based upon receiving them. Since you're already using MFC, you can do this rather easily. Create a Window (HWND) for your application and register it. It doesn't have to be visible (this won't necessarily make you application a GUI application). Implement a WndProc, and define specific messages that you will receive based on WM_USER + <xxx>.
First and obvious question is why you want to have threads, instead of processes.
You may use GetCommandLine and CommandLineToArgvW to get the fully formatted command line. Detect the arguments, and the call CreateProcess or ShellExecute passing /watever to spawn the process. You may also want to use GetModuleBaseName to get the name of your own EXE.

Running a script from Groovy

In order to get my setup a bit closer to "one click deployment", I would like to use groovy scripts to start/stop other processes controlled by bat scripts, running in different parts of the filesystem and even on different machines.
How to execute these scripts and how to do it from their respective working directory?
I know Java's
java.lang.Runtime's exec()
However there are lots of issues with this and I wondered if Groovy had some kind of shorthand for this as well?
Groovy added an execute() method to plain old String, so try this:
println "ls -la".execute().text
The execute() method can be used to change directories if you prefix it with the "cmd /c" command, and then use ampersand (assuming Windows) to chain commands together.
Example, assuming you want to go to subdirectory subdir and run a couple of batch files from there:
println "cmd /c cd subdir & batch1.bat & batch2.bat".execute().text
Not sure if there isn't a better way, but this does work.
You can also use ProcessBuilder which is a surprisingly convienent Java class introduced in java 5.
ProcessBuilder lets you
determine the working directory
determine which environmental variables the process should have
See for a brief example and more documentation.
If you aren't afraid to create some reusable code you could create an object that wraps an .execute() process. I created something like this and use it regularly.
Create a new process with:
def proc="cmd".execute()
After that you can use "consumeProcessOutput()" to manage the input and output of "proc". Anything you send to it will be acted on as though you typed it into a shell, and all the output of that shell will be available to you.
I wrapped all this up in a closure so that you could do this:
cmd("cd \\ \n dir ") {
println it;
return true;
To get a display that shows only the autoexec.bat line. Note that until you return true from the closure, the stdin of that process is available so you can send more lines of text and interact with it indefinitely.
I use it quite a bit because commands like "cd" and "Dir" don't work in windows with .execute(), so a simple:
def directoryListing=cmd("cd\\\ndir")
will get me a quick directory listing with ease.
