How to find hardcoded strings in kotlin - android-studio

Android studio lint don't work for a kotlin project.
I can't find hardcoded strings.
What can be solution for this?

Do these steps it worked for me
Download Android Studio 3.2 (in preview right now)
Open find in project window (cmd + shift + F for Mac)
Check Regex checkbox(Top right corner).
Check file mask(next to Regex) and type *.kt or choose kt from the
drop down.
Type this regex = \"\w+\" you can see the results now.
Search with this regex =\"\w+\" in case code is not formatted

Use Edit/Find/"Find in Path" (shortcut is Cmd+Shift+F on Mac).
Then select the check on "Regex?" at the top of the "Find in Path" window and type \"*\" in the search input.
Then choose to search in Directory and then select the directory with kotlin files. Search separately in /activities and in /fragments (and any other directory where you might have kotlin code).
(To search for raw strings use \"\"\"*\".)
Screenshot of "Find in Path" search for strings example
I'm not sure if this is a 100% reliable solution but it worked for me. "Analyse -> Run inspection By Name" then type "Hardcoded strings" does not work for me.

I suggest using Detekt for static analysis in Kotlin, specifically the string literal duplication.

Ah, well actually there's an update.
Kotlin IDE does understand org.jetbrains.annotations.PropertyKey 11, but it does not always work.
I have had problems if the bundle contains more than one language.
fun message(#PropertyKey(resourceBundle = "Messages") id: String) =
ResourceBundle.getBundle("Messages").getString(sid) ?: "###$id###"
For more visit:


Search-Everywhere in Android Studio (IntelliJ) makes Search File redundant?

In Android Studio (and IntelliJ), shift-shift is used to Search File (and Everywhere, e.g. class name etc).
I just realize it also have shift-command-O that search for a file.
With shift-shift, it seems to me shift-command-O is redundant.
So I'm checking to see if I have miss something that is in shift-command-O but not in shift-shift?
Shift-Shift shows a popup with occurrences of the string you've entered in names of files, classes, symbols and actions. Shift-Command-O shows a popup with occurrences of the same string only in names of files. Same task, same UI (in recent IJ/AS versions) more narrow filter.
Well you're almost right but there is one main difference in those two commands.
Shift shift will search for a file.
While shift-command-o will go to the specified file.
I guess in a way they to de same, but if you use Shift-command-o you will be redirected to that file and saves you one click.
But feel free to use what you want, shortcuts are for convenience so you should use what is most comfortable.
Here is a link with all shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA, could be usefull in the future :)

Make PyCharm recognize string as path

I am working with Python 3.4.
When I use IDLE and start typing, e.g.,
my_main_folder = "C:/Us"
in the editor window, and then press Ctrl + Space, IDLE offers me all subfolders of C:, and if I press Tab, the string is completed to "C:/Users".
That means that IDLE (or Python Shell) is able to recognize a string as a path.
How to make PyCharm (Community edition) do that?
Its not able in Community Edition Pycharm. But it can be done in Professional Edition Pycharm. I would suggest you to move to Professional Edition.
Does PyCharm have autocomplete file path?
BUT,There is a work around for it in Community Edition.
Place caret in such place and press Alt+Enter -- see if you will have "Inject language or reference" option in appeared menu. If it's present -- use it and choose "File Reference" there.
NOTE 1: this option may not be available if string is empty or has less than 2 characters in it
NOTE 2: this is temp injection -- AFAIK it will be lost after IDE restart (and you will need to do it again if needed)
Otherwise: select desired file in Project View panel and use "Copy Reference" -- it will copy a file path relative to the project root -- you may only need to add leading "/"...
After searching I found this answer:
can we tab through paths, in the same way you can in the terminal?
No, it's not posible:(
I wrote a plugin for Komodo called AutoCode that allowed me to ALT+Click on files in the Project view, and it would automatically resolve the right path
You can use 'Copy reference' in file right-click menu to copy file path relative to project root to clipboard. But this action doesn't unfortunately take resource roots into account
However, you can use CNTRL-SPACE twice and it will present a list of paths and files, example:
For a detailed description of this information see here

Is there a way to enable interactive search in properties window?

I just started to use Android Studio and wondering if there is a way to search interactively in property window.
I mean like Xcode does. (It's not a properties, though.)
Is there a plugin or configuration for the function like this?
Android Studio actually has a search tool for properties similar to the one in Xcode. But it's implemented in a very unusual and un-intuitive way. Which makes it hard to find.
In Android Studio version 1.5.1, you have to click either on the 'Properties' header or any property-name below the header, and then you need to start typing the property you want, even though there is no text-box or any other indication that your typing will produce any effect.
When you do this, then a text-box appears with the characters you've typed in. And Android Studio highlights all the properties that contain your character sequence. You can then look only at the highlighted properties to find the one you want.
There is no filter like in Xcode, but if you start typing property name the selection will jump to the first match and the rest of the matches will be highlighted.

How to set max line length in Android Studio code editor?

How can I set a maximum length for Android Studio's code editor, or may be set a word wrap?
In my Android Studio, no matter how long a statement I type on a single line, it never automatically goes to the next line, but rather a horizontal scroll bar appears.
When I autoformat using the Ctrl+Alt+L (reference), nothing happens.
My SO or Google search found a lot of material on this for Eclipse, but not for Android Studio.
If you need not a soft wrap,
but actually, brake one long line onto several lines you need:
Go to Preferences(mac) or Settings(windows) -> Editor -> Code style -> Java/Kotlin -> Wrapping and braces (tab) -> Check "Ensure that right margin is not exceeded"
Now try to reformat your code:
OPTION (ALT) + CMD + L on your Mac
(or CTRL + ALT + L on PC)
Edit 13.02.19
As noted in comments this option seems not available in settings for Kotlin.
However, there is a workaround to manually add it.
Here is what it takes to make it work:
Export the settings scheme.
Open saved xml file.
Find <codeStyleSettings language="kotlin"> tag (or create)
Add the WRAP_LONG_LINES setting manually:
<codeStyleSettings language="kotlin">
<option name="WRAP_LONG_LINES" value="true" />
Save edits and and import back the scheme.
Here you go!
Click on Android Studio ( left top corner )
Click Preferences
Type Code Style in search
Click on Code Style
There is a filed right to the 'Hard wrap at' - you can enter needed about of symbols you need
In File | Settings, select "Editor", then "Code Style". There is an option "Wrap when typing reaches right margin".
Edit: Just tried it, and it doesn't seem to work. Anyway, maybe the option "Use soft wrap" in the "General" group is more what you want.
#Solace, actually #Fahim Faysal's answer is quite close to what you need, but since you want to solve the problem no matter how long a statement I type on a single line, it never automatically goes to the next line, 2 more steps you need to follow:
[Step 9] type the max length you prefer at `"Hard wrap at" ()
[Step 10] change "Wrap on typing" from Default: No or No to Yes
With version 4.1.2 and with Dart language you need to go to "File/Settings/Editor/Code Style/Dart" and modify the "Line length" to the preferred number.
In Android Studio:
Editor->code Style->java->Wrapping and braces(tab:right side)->keep when reformatting->Line break(make unchecked)
You can change the max column width from:
File > Settings > Editor > Code Style > Right Margin (columns)
Android Studio 3.5:
Mac -
Android Studio > Preferences > Editor > CodeStyle > HardWrap at: ____
The existing answers already answer the question in straight forward way. As a different approach you could set the style guide to kotlin style guide code style. Then if you do alt + ctrl + l as you did, you'll see auto wrap as you expected.
Just open the settings, search for kotlin and look for kotlin under code style.
On the top right hand side of the settings window you'll see Set from..., click on it.
Then on predifined style > kotlin style guide
If you'd like to follow the kotlin formatting style this could reduce more effort. For more information:
My Environment:
Ubuntu 18.04
AndroidStudio 3.3.2
My operate:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Code Style
Scheme -> select Project
Hard wrap at '120'
To move the grey vertical line, that tells Android Studio where to wrap your code, go to
Settings- Editor- Code Style- Java or Kotlin- Wrapping and Braces- Hard wrap at
and enter the number of characters, where the line should be.
For dart
settings => code style => Dart => Line length
In settings/code style/kotlin/wrapping and braces replace the "do not wrap" values with "wrap if long"
You can change the Hard wrap at param

IntelliJ IDEA global search

I would like to search across projects for variable usages, or at least for strings. I've got IndexYourFiles which works well for text searches, but I have to re-index every now and then and would like an integrated solution.
Is there any way that I can search across projects in IntelliJ IDEA? So far I have only been able to search within the currently-open project. I'm guessing IntelliJ can't do this natively; are there any plug-ins out there to support this?
IntelliJ is project based so you can only search within the open project using Ctrl + Shift + F(Windows) or Cmd + Shift + F(Mac).
When I need to search across a set of projects I use Agent Ransack
IntelliJ 13 (at least) has "Edit/Find/Find in Path...".
It has the Scope option which can be set to a directory, so if all projects are in the same directory (e.g. IdeaProjects) then it will search all projects.
Use grep.
In the terminal, go to the root directory of your project, and type grep -r my_string_here ..
You can add color to your search with --color (just add alias grep='grep --color' to your.bash_profile, and add-i` to make your search case-insensitive.
In the IntelliJ now it is very easy to find the anything through just two clicks and search on the bar.
Double click on shift and enter the keyword in the search bar.
I'm using ubuntu which I found the shortcut.
My workplace eventually set up Atlassian Fisheye which allows us to search for code or specific files across all of our projects, and it's working well.
