In module com.thing.withprops I have this code in
URL url =UseProps.class.getResource("config/") ;
module-info is
module com.thing.withprops { exports com.thing.withprops;}
now there is another module with name com.thing.withprops.config where lies a file in directory com/thing/withprops/config/
the module-info is just this:
module com.thing.withprops.config{}
well when everything is jarred and executed all is working perfectly: the resource is found! I am confused because it seems that the doc says it shouldn't be found since it is in another module which is not exported or opened.
So what is wrong? the way I understand doc (I am not a native speaker) or my code?
thanks for any hint
in fact there are two problems there : one is about handling resources and the other is about java -jar behavior
here is a suggestion on how to handle resources in a modular project:
public interface ResourceLoader {
public static Optional<URL> resourceSearch(Class clazz, String name) {
String fullPath = name ;
if(! name.startsWith("/")) {
String packageName = clazz.getPackageName();
fullPath = '/'+packageName.replace('.','/')+ '/' + name;
ServiceLoader<ResourceLoader> loader = ServiceLoader.load(ResourceLoader.class);
for(ResourceLoader resourceLoader: loader) {
Optional<URL> anUrl =resourceLoader.getResource(fullPath);
if(anUrl.isPresent()) {
return anUrl ;
return Optional.empty() ;
public static Optional<InputStream> resourceSearchAsStream(Class clazz, String name) throws IOException {
Optional<URL> anURL = resourceSearch(clazz, name) ;
InputStream is = anURL.get().openStream() ;
return Optional.of(is) ;
return Optional.empty() ;
public default Optional<URL> getResource(String fullPath) {
Class localClass = this.getClass() ;
URL res = localClass.getResource(fullPath) ;
return Optional.ofNullable(res) ;
then one can deploy another module with resources with module-info like :
open module com.thing.withprops.config {
requires com.thing.withprops;
provides com.thing.withprops.utils.ResourceLoader with com.thing.withprops.spi.ResourceLoaderImpl ;
any other suggestion?
(still trying to find a way to have something looking like a "clickable" jar ...but could be hopeless)
I am trying to overwrite a template file located in vendor/bolt/bolt/app/view/twig/editcontent/fields/_block.twig (I want to replace the "block selection" dropdown). Regarding to #1173, #1269, #5588, #3768 and #5102 this is not supported by default so I have to write a extension for this. So I tried this:
namespace Bundle\Site;
use Bolt\Filesystem\Adapter\Local;
use Bolt\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Silex\Application;
use Bolt\Extension\SimpleExtension;
class BackendBlockSelectionExtension extends SimpleExtension
public function getServiceProviders()
return [
new BackendBlockSelectionProvider(),
namespace Bundle\Site;
use Bolt\Filesystem\Adapter\Local;
use Bolt\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Silex\Application;
use Silex\ServiceProviderInterface;
class BackendBlockSelectionProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface
public function register(Application $app)
$side = $app['config']->getWhichEnd();
if ($side == 'backend') {
$path = __DIR__ . '/App/templates/Backend';
$filesystem = $app['filesystem'];
$filesystem->mountFilesystem('bolt', new Filesystem(new Local($path)));
$app['twig.loader.bolt_filesystem'] = $app->share(
function ($filesystem, $app) {
$path = __DIR__ . 'src/App/templates/Backend/';
$filesystem->prependPath($path, 'bolt');
return $filesystem;
public function boot(Application $app)
This seems to do the job, but I got an error I don't understand at all: The "bolt://app/theme_defaults" directory does not exist.
So my final question is: Does anyone have some example code how to overwrite/modify vendor/bolt/bolt/app/view/twig/editcontent/fields/_block.twig without touching the vendor folder?
This should be much simplier than this.
In your extension class overwrite protected function registerTwigPaths() function like this:
protected function registerTwigPaths()
if ($this->getEnd() == 'backend') {
return [
'view' => ['position' => 'prepend', 'namespace' => 'bolt']
return [];
private function getEnd()
$backendPrefix = $this->container['config']->get('general/branding/path');
$end = $this->container['config']->getWhichEnd();
switch ($end) {
case 'backend':
return 'backend';
case 'async':
// we have async request
// if the request begin with "/admin" (general/branding/path)
// it has been made on backend else somewhere else
$url = '/' . ltrim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $this->container['paths']['root']);
$adminUrl = '/' . trim($backendPrefix, '/');
if (strpos($url, $adminUrl) === 0) {
return 'backend';
return $end;
Now you can crete a view directory in your extensions directory in which you can define templates in structure like in Bolt's default. I would start with copy and overwrite.
Using Antlr 4 I have a situation I am not sure how to resolve. I originally asked the question at!topic/antlr-discussion/1yxxxAvU678 on the Antlr discussion forum. But that forum does not seem to get a lot of traffic, so I am asking again here.
I have the following grammar:
: ...
| path
: ...
| dotIdentifierSequence
: identifier (DOT identifier)*
The concern here is that dotIdentifierSequence can mean a number of things semantically, and not all of them are "paths". But at the moment they are all recognized as paths in the parse tree and then I need to handle them specially in my visitor.
But what I'd really like is a way to express the dotIdentifierSequence usages that are not paths into the expression rule rather than in the path rule, and still have dotIdentifierSequence in path to handle path usages.
To be clear, a dotIdentifierSequence might be any of the following:
A path - this is a SQL-like grammar and a path expression would be like a table or column reference in SQL, e.g. a.b.c
A Java class name - e.g. com.acme.SomeJavaType
A static Java field reference - e.g. com.acme.SomeJavaType.SOME_FIELD
A Java enum value reference - e.g. com.acme.Gender.MALE
The idea is that during visitation "dotIdentifierSequence as a path" resolves as a very different type from the other usages.
Any idea how I can do this?
The issue here is that you're trying to make a distinction between "paths" while being created in the parser. Constructing paths inside the lexer would be easier (pseudo code follows):
grammar T;
tokens {
// parser rules
String s = getText();
if (s is a Java class) {
} else if (s is a Java field) {
fragment IDENTIFIER : [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z_0-9]*;
and then in the parser you would do:
: JAVA_TYPE_PATH #javaTypeExpression
| JAVA_FIELD_PATH #javaFieldExpression
| PATH #pathExpression
But then, of course, input like this java./*comment*/lang.String would be tokenized wrongly.
Handling it all in the parser would mean manually looking ahead in the token stream and checking if either a Java type, or field exists.
A quick demo:
grammar T;
#parser::members {
String getPathAhead() {
Token token = _input.LT(1);
if (token.getType() != IDENTIFIER) {
return null;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(token.getText());
// Try to collect ('.' IDENTIFIER)*
for (int stepsAhead = 2; ; stepsAhead += 2) {
Token expectedDot = _input.LT(stepsAhead);
Token expectedIdentifier = _input.LT(stepsAhead + 1);
if (expectedDot.getType() != DOT || expectedIdentifier.getType() != IDENTIFIER) {
return builder.toString();
boolean javaTypeAhead() {
String path = getPathAhead();
if (path == null) {
return false;
try {
return Class.forName(path) != null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
boolean javaFieldAhead() {
String path = getPathAhead();
if (path == null || !path.contains(".")) {
return false;
int lastDot = path.lastIndexOf('.');
String typeName = path.substring(0, lastDot);
String fieldName = path.substring(lastDot + 1);
try {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(typeName);
return clazz.getField(fieldName) != null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
: {javaTypeAhead()}? path #javaTypeExpression
| {javaFieldAhead()}? path #javaFieldExpression
| path #pathExpression
: dotIdentifierSequence
: [a-zA-Z_] [a-zA-Z_0-9]*
: '.'
which can be tested with the following class:
package tl.antlr4;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeWalker;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String[] tests = {
for (String test : tests) {
TLexer lexer = new TLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(test));
TParser parser = new TParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT.walk(new TestListener(), parser.expression());
class TestListener extends TBaseListener {
public void enterJavaTypeExpression(#NotNull TParser.JavaTypeExpressionContext ctx) {
System.out.println("JavaTypeExpression -> " + ctx.getText());
public void enterJavaFieldExpression(#NotNull TParser.JavaFieldExpressionContext ctx) {
System.out.println("JavaFieldExpression -> " + ctx.getText());
public void enterPathExpression(#NotNull TParser.PathExpressionContext ctx) {
System.out.println("PathExpression -> " + ctx.getText());
class The {
public static final int ANSWER = 42;
which would print the following to the console:
PathExpression -> mu
JavaTypeExpression -> tl.antlr4.The
JavaTypeExpression -> java.lang.String
PathExpression ->
PathExpression -> tl.antlr4.The.answer
JavaFieldExpression -> tl.antlr4.The.ANSWER
How to query Folder Size in remote computer through WMI and C#.
I need to find the each User's folder size in C:\Users in remote System through WMI.
I tried Win32_Directory , CMI_DataFile but not able to find the desired answer.
Please help!!
To get the size of a folder using the WMI, you must iterate over the files using the CIM_DataFile class and then get the size of each file from the FileSize property.
Try this sample (this code is not recursive, I leave such task for you).
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Management;
using System.Text;
namespace GetWMI_Info
class Program
// Directory is a type of file that logically groups data files 'contained' in it,
// and provides path information for the grouped files.
static void Main(string[] args)
string ComputerName = "localhost";
ManagementScope Scope;
if (!ComputerName.Equals("localhost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
ConnectionOptions Conn = new ConnectionOptions();
Conn.Username = "";
Conn.Password = "";
Conn.Authority = "ntlmdomain:DOMAIN";
Scope = new ManagementScope(String.Format("\\\\{0}\\root\\CIMV2", ComputerName), Conn);
Scope = new ManagementScope(String.Format("\\\\{0}\\root\\CIMV2", ComputerName), null);
string Drive= "c:";
//look how the \ char is escaped.
string Path="\\\\FolderName\\\\";
UInt64 FolderSize = 0;
ObjectQuery Query = new ObjectQuery(string.Format("SELECT * FROM CIM_DataFile Where Drive='{0}' AND Path='{1}' ", Drive, Path));
ManagementObjectSearcher Searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(Scope, Query);
foreach (ManagementObject WmiObject in Searcher.Get())
Console.WriteLine("{0}", (string)WmiObject["FileName"]);// String
FolderSize +=(UInt64)WmiObject["FileSize"];
Console.WriteLine("{0,-35} {1,-40}", "Folder Size", FolderSize.ToString("N"));
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception {0} Trace {1}",e.Message,e.StackTrace));
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to exit");
I'm making a service that among other has the "photo albums" feature that serve photos to users. User has to be "allowed" to see the photo from the album. So sending the direct link to other person shouldn't allow to view photo.
Photos are stored in the folder outside of the context.
What I need to do is to perform some checks when user requests the photo and then if checks are OK - serve the file. I want to avoid making a wheel and just let tomcat serve the image as it usually does for static files. Can you give some advice on that?
Ok, guys.
After struggling hard with this question I think I've finally found out what to do to solve it. First of all it looks like the question actually decomposes into two independent tasks. One of them is securing access to some resources and second one is feeding resources from the folder outside of the context.
First task is trivial and can be solved by writing a simple filter hanged to "/".
Second task is much less trivial but fortunately also can be resolved. Tomcat uses the implementation of to load all resources of the given web application including class files. It also allows you to provide the custom implementation of this interface and configure it in the context.xml file. The default implementation is org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext. Details here:
I've created my own implementation of DirContext by simply extending FileDirContext. Luckily enough there was a single method that had to be overwritten in order to "hook up" file discovery. The method is called file().
I'm posting my test code here. It is far from perfect and does not take into account the corner cases like renaming files but I don't think that these are needed under a normal run of the server.
The basic idea under this code is to check if the path starts with "virtual directory" prefix and if it is - search for file in the other place in the filesystem (I know there is some duplicate code there but I hope you're not that lazy to remove it if you ever want to use it :-). setVirtualName and setVirtualBase are called automatically to inject the configuration params.
* TODO: add javadocs
* #author Juriy Bura
public class VirtualFolderDirContext extends FileDirContext {
private String virtualName;
private String realName;
private File virtualBase;
private String absoluteVirtualBase;
public VirtualFolderDirContext() {
public VirtualFolderDirContext(Hashtable env) {
public void setVirtualName(String path) {
virtualName = path;
public void setVirtualBase(String base) {
this.realName = base;
virtualBase = new File(realName);
try {
virtualBase = virtualBase.getCanonicalFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
// Ignore
this.absoluteVirtualBase = virtualBase.getAbsolutePath();
protected File file(String name) {
File file = null;
boolean virtualFile = name.startsWith(virtualName + "/");
if (virtualFile) {
file = new File(virtualBase, name.substring(virtualName.length()));
} else {
file = new File(base, name);
if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) {
if (allowLinking)
return file;
// Check that this file belongs to our root path
String canPath = null;
try {
canPath = file.getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException e) {
if (canPath == null)
return null;
// Check to see if going outside of the web application root
if (!canPath.startsWith(absoluteBase) && !canPath.startsWith(absoluteVirtualBase)) {
return null;
// Case sensitivity check
if (caseSensitive) {
String fileAbsPath = file.getAbsolutePath();
if (fileAbsPath.endsWith("."))
fileAbsPath = fileAbsPath + "/";
String absPath = normalize(fileAbsPath);
if (canPath != null)
canPath = normalize(canPath);
if (virtualFile) {
if ((absoluteVirtualBase.length() < absPath.length())
&& (absoluteVirtualBase.length() < canPath.length())) {
absPath = absPath.substring(absoluteVirtualBase.length() + 1);
if ((canPath == null) || (absPath == null))
return null;
if (absPath.equals(""))
absPath = "/";
canPath = canPath.substring(absoluteVirtualBase.length() + 1);
if (canPath.equals(""))
canPath = "/";
if (!canPath.equals(absPath))
return null;
} else {
if ((absoluteBase.length() < absPath.length())
&& (absoluteBase.length() < canPath.length())) {
absPath = absPath.substring(absoluteBase.length() + 1);
if ((canPath == null) || (absPath == null))
return null;
if (absPath.equals(""))
absPath = "/";
canPath = canPath.substring(absoluteBase.length() + 1);
if (canPath.equals(""))
canPath = "/";
if (!canPath.equals(absPath))
return null;
} else {
return null;
return file;
After you have this class in place you have to jar it and put that jar into the Tomcat lib folder. For obvious reasons it cannot go together with war file. In your context.xml you should add a config lines like these:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context antiResourceLocking="true" antiJARLocking="true">
Now any time user asks for /upload/ it will be resolved to c:\temp. With this technique you can implement loading resources from virtually any location: http, shared folder, database, even version control system. So it is pretty cool.
P.S. I've killed the whole day to make this all work together so don't hesitate to give me your vote if you like the answer :-))
Heres some example code. I successfully figured out how to compile this. I grabbed the location and was able to use visual studios object browser to look through the DLL. I cant figure out how to get a class instance and call a function.
public static void test()
JScriptCodeProvider js = new JScriptCodeProvider();
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters param = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
var cr = js.CompileAssemblyFromSource(param, new string[] { "package pkg { class b { public function increment(x) { return x+1; } } }" });
foreach (var e in cr.Errors) {
var s = e.ToString();
var asm = cr.CompiledAssembly;
var module = cr.CompiledAssembly.GetModules();
//or var module = cr.CompiledAssembly.GetModule("JScript Module");
Hmmm realy late on the answer but this is how you would invoke a method from a CodeDom compiled class
You have to use reflection to create an assembly from your compiler results...(your var cr)
Assembly assembly = cr.CompiledAssembly;
Then you have to create an instance of the class you want
object sourceClass = assembly.CreateInstance("YourNamespace.YourClass");
Then you invoke any method inside the class
var result = sourceClass.GetType().InvokeMember("YourMethod", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, sourceClass, new object[] { *Parameters go here* });
And with that what ever the method you invoked had to returned would now be the value of the "result" var....pretty easy.