Null Propagation operator in Node.js - node.js

I need to do something similar to bar = (foo == null) ? null :
Is Null Propagation Operator (?.) available in Node.js? If no, Is this a proposal for the newer version?
[Edit] To add more clarity, I want to avoid NPE when accessing (when foo is not defined) and the expression should return a null instead.

Update based on below comment:
The below code will evaluate to the value of foo if foo is falsey (null, undefined, false, empty string, etc), or to if foo is not falsey. Like the || operator, the && operator also returns whatever it evaluates last. If foo is falsey, then it will abort evaluation and return the value of foo. If foo is not falsey, then it will continue and evaluate and return whatever that is.
foo &&
Original answer:
You can accomplish this in Javascript using the or operator, ||
The or operator does not necessarily evaluate to a boolean. It returns the last argument that it evaluates the truthiness of.
So, building off of your example, the following code sets foo equal to
foo = null ||
And the following compares foo to (I'm not sure if the double =s in your code was intentional or not. If it was intentional, then consider using triple =s instead)
foo === (null ||
This concept is frequently used for setting default values. For example, a function that takes an options argument may do something like this.
options.start = options.start || 0;
options.color = options.color || "red";
options.length = options.length || 10;
Just be careful of one thing. In the last line of the above code, if options.length is 0, then it will be set to 10, because 0 evaluates to false. In that scenario, you probably want to do things the "old-fashioned" way:
options.length = options.length === undefined ? 10 : options.length;

const bar = foo &&;
This is called Short-circuit evaluation, where second part (part after &&) is only evaluated if the first part is a truthy value.

JavaScript has added support for this, It's called Optional Chaining.


how does && work when both the variables are the same?

I'm learning groovy to work on smartthings and found a relatively common command among the various examples and existing code (see below).
Reading the function of the && operator I would think the "&& cmd.previousMeterValue" is superfluous. Or is there some code shortcut I'm missing?
if (cmd.previousMeterValue && cmd.previousMeterValue != cmd.meterValue) {
do something
Not knowing what type previousMeterValue has, this answer is somewhat generic.
Groovy follows common operator precedence, i.e. != is evaluated before &&.
To show it explicitly, the full expression is the same as:
(cmd.previousMeterValue) && (cmd.previousMeterValue != cmd.meterValue)
cmd.previousMeterValue is testing the value for the Groovy-Truth.
Depending on value type, the following might be applicable:
Non-null object references are coerced to true.
Non-zero numbers are true.
So if the value is null or 0, the expression is false.
If the first part of the expression evaluated to false, then the second part is skipped.
The logical && operator: if the left operand is false, it knows that the result will be false in any case, so it won’t evaluate the right operand. The right operand will be evaluated only if the left operand is true.
If the first part of the expression evaluated to true, then cmd.previousMeterValue != cmd.meterValue is evaluated, using the following rule:
In Groovy == translates to a.compareTo(b)==0, if they are Comparable, and a.equals(b) otherwise.
So if value is a number object, then it is evaluated as:
cmd.previousMeterValue.compareTo(cmd.meterValue) != 0
This means that BigDecimal values are compared by value, ignoring specific scale.

Smart cast is impossible, because ... is a mutable property that could have been changed by this time

I am trying to get a class, which combines list, set and map in Kotlin. I wished to write isScalar function, which should return true if object contains only one element and wrote
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2ReferenceOpenHashMap
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceArrayList
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceOpenHashSet
class Args {
var list : ReferenceArrayList<M>? = null
var set : ReferenceOpenHashSet<M>? = null
var map : Reference2ReferenceOpenHashMap<M, M>? = null
fun isEmpty() : Boolean {
return list === null && set === null && map === null
fun isScalar() : Boolean {
if(list !== null && list.size == 1) {
return true
Unfortunately it gave me error in comparison
list !== null && list.size == 1
Smart cast to 'ReferenceArrayList<M>' is impossible, because 'list' is a mutable property that could have been changed by this time
As far as I understood, this is related with multithreaded assumption. In Java I would make function synchronized if would expect multithreding. Also, I would be able to disregard this at all, if I am not writing thread-safe.
How should I write in Kotlin?
I saw this solution but it expects MT, which I don't want to. How to avoid smart casting if it can't do it?
The question is how to do this in the same "procedural" form. How not to use smart casting?
Summarizing, as far as I understood, it is not possible/reasonable to explicitly compare variable with null in Kotlin at all. Because once you compare it, next time yous hould compare it with null again implicitly with such operations like .? and you can't avoid this.
If you take advantage of the fact that null cannot equal 1 (or anything else, really), you can make this check very concise:
fun isScalar() : Boolean =
list?.size == 1
When a null-safe call to list.size returns null, we get false because 1 != null. Otherwise, a comparison of whatever value size returns is made, and that works as you would expect.
By using the null safe operator (?.) you are avoiding a smart cast entirely. Kotlin gives us smart casts to make code cleaner, and this is one of the ways it protects us from misuses of that feature. Kotlin isn't going to protect us from everything (division by zero, the example you use in comments, for example). Your code is getting caught up in a legitimate case of where smart casting can go wrong, so Kotlin jumps in to help.
However, if you are absolutely sure there are no other threads working, then yes, this check is "wrong". You wouldn't need the warning in that case. Judging by this thread on, you aren't the only one!
You can perform the null check, and if it succeeds, access a read-only copy of your variable with let:
fun isScalar() : Boolean {
return list?.let { it.size == 1 } ?: false
If list is null, the entire let expression will evaluate to null, and the right side of the Elvis operator (false) will be returned.
If list is not null, then the let function is called, and result of the it.size == 1 expression is returned - it refers to the object that let was called on (list in this case). Since it's used with a safe call, this it will have a non-nullable type and size can be called on it.
I had the same problem in the given lines
Finally, error resolved by adding !!

Shouldn't Empty Strings Implicitly Convert to false

Why does
if (x) {
call f() if x is an empty string ""?
Shouldn't empty strings in D implicitly convert to bool false like they do in Python and when empty arrays does it (in D)?
Update: I fixed the question. I had incorrectly reversed the reasoning logic. Luckily, the bright D minds understood what I meant anyway ;)
Conditions and if statements and loops are cast to bool by the compiler. So,
if(x) {...}
if(cast(bool)x) {...}
and in the case of arrays, casting to bool is equivalent to testing whether its ptr property is not null. So, it becomes
if(x.ptr !is null) {...}
In the case of arrays, this is actually a really bad test, because null arrays are considered to be the same as empty arrays. So, in most cases, you don't care whether an array is null or not. An array is essentially a struct that looks like
struct Array(T)
T* ptr;
size_t length;
The == operator will check whether all of the elements referred to by ptr are equal, but if length is 0 for both arrays, it doesn't care what the value of ptr is. That means that "" and null are equal (as are [] and null). However, the is operator explicitly checks the ptr properties for equality, so "" and null won't be the same according to the is operator, and whether a particular array which is empty has a null ptr depends on how its value was set. So, the fact that an array is empty really says nothing about whether it's null or not. You have to check with the is operator to know for sure.
The result of all this is that it's generally bad practice to put an array (or string) directly in a condition like you're doing with
if(x) {...}
Rather, you should be clear about what you're checking. Do you care whether it's empty? In that case, you should check either
if(x.empty) {...}
if(x.length == 0} {...}
Or do you really care that it's null? In that case, use the is operator:
if(x is null) {...}
The behavior of arrays in conditions is consistent with the rest of the language (e.g. pointer and reference types are checked to see whether they're null or not), but unfortunately, in practice, such behavior for arrays is quite bug-prone. So, I'd advise that you just don't ever put an array by itself in the condition of an if statement or loop.
the default conversion of arrays looks at the .ptr, which means only the default initialized arrays (or explicitly set to null) evaluate to false
as an added effect string literals in D are \0 terminated which means ("")[0] == '\0' and as such ("").ptr can't be null (which would lead to a segfault)
IMO it should look at the length and you can use the ptr when you need to
It does when I try it...
void main() {
import std.stdio;
string s = "";
writeln("true"); // triggered
If it was "string s = null;" (which is the default initialization), it doesn't, because the null converts to false, but "" is ok on my computer. Are you sure it isn't null?
BTW, if you want to test for (non-)emptiness, the way I prefer to do it is if(x.length) and if(x.length == 0). Those work consistently for both "" and null, then if you specifically want null, do if(x is null). It is just a little more clear, especially since "" and null are interchangeable in a lot of other contexts in D.

How to add only non-null item to a list in Groovy

I want to add non null items to a List. So I do this:
List<Foo> foos = []
Foo foo = makeFoo()
if (foo)
foos << foo
But is there a way to do it in a single operation (without using findAll after the creation of the list). Like:
Another alternative is to use a short circuit expression:
foo && foos << foo
The foo variable must evaluate to true for the second part to be evaluated. This is a common practice in some other languages but I'd hesitate to use it widely in groovy due to readability issues and conventions.
No, you'd need to use an if, or write your own addNonNull method (which just uses an if)
if( foo ) {
probably isn't enough, as this will skip empty strings, or 0 if it returns integers
You'd need
if( foo != null ) {
The answer is YES! we can get rid of assigning a variable
Foo foo = makeFoo()//we can ditch this
The answer is NO we can't get rid of the condition. BUT we can make it more compact.
Here's how
List<Foo> foos = []
foos += (makeFoo()?:[]);
The trick is groovy's "+" operator which works differently based on what is to the left and what is to the right of the "+". It just so happens that if what is on the left is a list and what is on the right is an empty list, nothing gets added to the list on the left.
Pros are it is quick to type and compact.
Cons are it is not instantly obvious what is happening to most people
AND we replaced the variable assignment with an extra operation. Groovy is
going to try to do something to List foos no matter what, it just so happens that in the second case the result of that operation gives us a desired result.

Groovy different results on using equals() and == on a GStringImpl

According to the Groovy docs, the == is just a "clever" equals() as it also takes care of avoiding NullPointerException:
Java’s == is actually Groovy’s is() method, and Groovy’s == is a clever equals()!
But to do the usual equals() comparison, you should prefer Groovy’s ==, as it also takes care of avoiding NullPointerException, independently of whether the left or right is null or not.
So, the == and equals() should return the same value if the objects are not null. However, I'm getting unexpected results on executing the following script:
println "${'test'}" == 'test'
println "${'test'}".equals('test')
The output that I'm getting is:
Is this a known bug related to GStringImpl or something that I'm missing?
Nice question, the surprising thing about the code above is that
println "${'test'}".equals('test')
returns false. The other line of code returns the expected result, so let's forget about that.
The object that equals is called on is of type GStringImpl whereas 'test' is of type String, so they are not considered equal.
But Why?
Obviously the GStringImpl implementation of equals could have been written such that when it is passed a String that contain the same characters as this, it returns true. Prima facie, this seems like a reasonable thing to do.
I'm guessing that the reason it wasn't written this way is because it would violate the equals contract, which states that:
It is symmetric: for any non-null reference values x and y, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.
The implementation of String.equals(Object other) will always return false when passed a GSStringImpl, so if GStringImpl.equals(Object other) returns true when passed any String, it would be in violation of the symmetric requirement.
In groovy a == b checks first for a compareTo method and uses a.compareTo(b) == 0 if a compareTo method exists. Otherwise it will use equals.
Since Strings and GStrings implement Comparable there is a compareTo method available.
The following prints true, as expected:
println "${'test'}".compareTo('test') == 0
The behaviour of == is documented in the Groovy Language Documentation:
In Java == means equality of primitive types or identity for objects. In Groovy == means equality in all cases. It translates to a.compareTo(b) == 0, when evaluating equality for Comparable objects, and a.equals(b) otherwise. To check for identity (reference equality), use the is method: From Groovy 3, you can also use the === operator (or negated version): a === b (or c !== d).
The full list of operators are provided in the Groovy Language Documentation for operator overloading:
a[b] = c
a.putAt(b, c)
a in b
Leaving this here as an additional answer, so it can be found easily for Groovy beginners.
I am explicitly transforming the GString to a normal String before comparing it.
println "${'test'}".equals("test");
println "${'test'}".toString().equals("test");
results in
