what is the different git :// and git+https://? - node.js

I want to add a git repository to my package.json.
"dependencies": {
"dep1": "git+https://url1",
"dep2": "git://url1"
When I run dep1 it worked for and dep2 failed.
What is the diffrerent between git+https and git://?
Does it is the same result ?
Do I need to add something to .git?

There are several protocols you can use to reference your dependencies in package.json:
git+https and
As always, there are pros and cons of all of the protocols.
The difference is that with git: you're using the native git protocol and with git+https: you're accessing a git repo over HTTPS (you could also use SSH instead of HTTPS, for example, but the server needs to support it).
The git protocol is very fast but it lacks authentication or encryption.
The git+https is nice for public repos and it works well with proxies and firewalls but if you need authentication then you need to provide username and password.
The git+ssh is good for private repos because it uses your ssh public keys for authentication and no passwords need to be entered.
The git+file is for referencing repos on your own filesystem, usually local files but it can also be used with remote files with SMB or NFS.
Now, if you want to change git+http to git then it will work only if you have a git server installed and listening on the same host and serving the same repos.
It's like changing http: to ftp: in a URL - it will work only if you have an FTP server installed on the same host and serving the same files.
The bottom line is that you can use only those protocols that the server supports.
See the docs:

Reference question https://askubuntu.com/questions/858711/what-is-the-meaning-of-githttps-github-com.
"It means the connection can use both the http and git protocols. The protocols are explained here."
Essentially you are just adding the ability for git to use HTTPS for transferring data. More detail is contained in the link.

It indicates to the NPM package manager that you wish to use git, with a repository URL of https://url1.
<protocol> is one of git, git+ssh, git+http, git+https, or git+file.
If you were talking directly to git, you would just say git clone https://url1, but NPM can use other protocols like file:, or https: to download a tarball over plain HTTPS. Other package managers like pip support this pattern as well.

your dep1 is the https protocol and the git protocol
dep1": "git+https://url1"
your dep 2 is just the git protocol
dep2": "git://url1:
The reason you were able to succesfully use dep1 and not dep2 is because you are operating with a web server that authenticates over https. You appear to not be dealing with a git server, thus dep2 is redundant and can be removed.
As to not reinvent the wheel or semi-plagiarize others. Here are some good reads for those interested.
This is a length read on git protocols if interested.
This provides a good tl;dr understanding of the protocols.


Accessing Github behind corporate proxy Node.js

I am having an issue with calling the following command from cmd for installing PhoneGap:
npm install -g phonegap
The following error is returned:
Failed to connect to github.com port 443: Timed out
There are a fair amount of questions regarding this topic and they all seem to provide the same answer - make sure the proxy settings for git and nodejs are configured. I set up the node proxy settings like so:
npm config set proxy http://proxyname:8080
npm config set https-proxy http://proxyname:8080
And for git:
git config --global http.proxy http://proxyname:8080
git config --global https.proxy http://proxyname:8080
Both git config --list and npm config list confirm that these proxy settings are in place.
I have also allowed the programs through the fire wall by going to Windows Firewall -> Allow a program or feature through windows firewall. Then I selected the node.exe for Node.js and for git I selected git.exe.
I still however have the issue whereby it is failing to connect to Github. Is there anything else I am missing or forgetting to setup? Both Node.js and Git were installed for the first time for this task.
In addition to the above settings, it's possible that you're getting this error if some of the downloaded libraries declare their dependencies using the git:// protocol instead of https://. These dependencies then usually fail with the above error.
To fix this, you can run the following:
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
This will add a configuration option to Git, asking Git to use https whenever a URL uses the git:// protocol.
This setting fixed many proxy issues for me.
You need to add proxy authentication to your command application. I assume you are working in windows, the following works for me (I don't need to add the proxy to either npm or git unless running git commands).
In your active command window you need either or both of these for each session including initial instalation adding devices or plugins and on first application build:
set https_proxy=http://username:password#proxy:port
set http_proxy=http://username:password#proxy:port
So mine looks like this:
set https_proxy=http://john.doe:1234#proxy.det.nsw.edu.au:8080
With git 2.8 (March 2016), you don't have to embed in clear text your password in the url.
See commit 372370f, commit ef97639 (26 Jan 2016) by Knut Franke (``).
Helped-by: Junio C Hamano (gitster), Eric Sunshine (sunshinebell28), and Elia Pinto (devzero2000).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 30f302f, 03 Feb 2016)
http: use credential API to handle proxy authentication
Currently, the only way to pass proxy credentials to curl is by including them in the proxy URL. Usually, this means they will end up on disk unencrypted, one way or another (by inclusion in ~/.gitconfig, shell profile or history).
Since proxy authentication often uses a domain user, credentials can be security sensitive; therefore, a safer way of passing credentials is desirable.
If the configured proxy contains a username but not a password, query the
credential API for one. Also, make sure we approve/reject proxy credentials
In addition to the syntax understood by curl, it is possible to specify a proxy string with a user name but no password, in which case git will attempt to acquire one in the same way it does for other credentials.
See gitcredentials for more information.
The syntax thus is:
This can be overridden on a per-remote basis; see remote.<name>.proxy.
http: allow selection of proxy authentication method
CURLAUTH_ANY does not work with proxies which answer unauthenticated requests with a 307 redirect to an error page instead of a 407 listing supported authentication methods.
Therefore, allow the authentication method to be set using the environment variable GIT_HTTP_PROXY_AUTHMETHOD or configuration variables http.proxyAuthmethod and remote.<name>.proxyAuthmethod (in analogy
to http.proxy and remote.<name>.proxy).
The following values are supported:
anyauth (default)

Git on server with no SSH access

I have copied all of the files from my production server into a local repo. I want to set up Git on the production server (Linux) so that when I push changes, they are automatically synchronized with the server.
Unfortunately, our hosting service does not allow us SSH access. Is it possible to install and set up Git on the server without having SSH access? (I can run commands in a php script using shell_exec() as kind of a workaround).
Here are some close threads with popular answers:
How to make a “git push” update files on your web host?
Pushing from GitHub to a Web Server
Private git repository over http
You could use http, https or git protocol instead of ssh. More information you can find here

SVN pre-commit hooks from windows to linux

I have two PC in my network:
1) CentOs
2) Windows 7
I created repository on Linux machine and add some pre-commit hook scripts. Then, I checked out files to working copy directories on both machines. Now, when I make some changes and commit them from linux working copy then pre-commit hooks works as they should. But when I commit my changes from Windows (using Tortoise or command line) commit execute but without any results of working scripts.
I have read, that scripts are lunched on PC that holds repository (correct me if I'm wrong), so it shouldn't be matter of what kind of platform I'm making changes.
So, if any one can explain me why this doesn't work from windows then I would be grateful?
The pre-commit hook is run by the machine that's hosting the server. If you're using the repository with a file:// URL or using svnlook or svnadmin commands then that's always the local machine since there isn't actually a server and the repository is accessed directly.
From the what you're saying it sounds to me like you're putting the repository on a network volume (SMB, NFS, etc) and then using a file:// URL to access it. If you use one of the other access methods then you won't have this problem.
You have 3 options.
svnserve is a simple daemon that provides the svn:// access method. It listens on its own network port and talks a protocol that's specific to Subversion.
svnserve over ssh
The svnserve protocol is tunneled over ssh and a svnserve process is started on demand.
Apache HTTP
The mod_dav_svn and mod_authz_svn modules provide access to Subversion via an Apache httpd server. This uses the DAV and DeltaV protocols over HTTP (optionally with SSL/TLS support).
The SVN Book has a whole section on server setup that covers choosing the server to how to configure it. You probably want to read this before you make a choise and then read the configuration steps for your chosen server.

How to setup and clone a remote git repo on Windows?

Anybody know how to checkout, clone, or fetch project or code from a git remote repository on a Windows server?
Repository IP is: xxx.xx.xxx.xx, source file directory is c:\repos\project.git
I am used to the command line interface from a SUSE Linux terminal. I have tried the same kind of method but it always replies that
fatal: ''/repo/project.git'' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository..
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
Can anyone tell me how to setup and clone?
You have to set up some kind of sharing from the windows machine, that you can access with git. Git supports 3 access methods: ssh, remote filesystem or http. The last one is probably most complicated, so I won't detail it. The first two are:
Set up ssh server on windows.
You can try this guide: http://www.timdavis.com.au/git/setting-up-a-msysgit-server-with-copssh-on-windows/. See also this question for some more options.
Than you clone by git clone username#xxx.xx.xxx.xx:/c/git/path/to/repo (you will be asked for password).
Advantage of this method is that it's secure (connection is encrypted and ssh server is trustworthy), so you can use it over internet. Since git server is running on the windows machine during access, you can set up hooks for advanced security policy, controlling other processes and such.
Share the repository using windows sharing.
Than on the linux host, you need to mount the share with smbmount. That might require username and password, depending on how you set the permissions.
Than you clone by git clone /share/mountpoint/path/to/repo.
This is probably easier to set up, but it is not very secure, so it shouldn't be used outside local network. Also in this case hooks on the windows machine won't be executed (in fact git will try to execute them on the Linux machine, but they either won't run there or can be bypassed anyway), so you can't apply advanced security.
A particular file is not relevant, you need to give path to the directory containing .git subdirectory or to the directory that is a bare repository (path/to/repo above).
First of all, the git repository is just a bunch of files you need to access. You wrote about cloning and fetching repository, and this is easy part - you just need to access the files (and have read rights).
It can be done by direct access to filesystem, by http(s) protocol, or by ssh connection. Actually, there is even a way to do it by ftp server.
What you can do:
1) set the ssh server, then access the git files via ssh server - actually, the path you should use depends on the ssh server you use on windows: source
2) set the web server to access the file:
git clone http://host/path/to/repo
3) mount filesystem from windows on your linux machine and clone repo:
git clone /mnt/filesystem/path/to/repo
Despite the method you choose I suggest to consult the apropriate chapter from Pro Git Book

How can I get git to work with a remote server?

I am the CM person for a small company that just started using Git. We have two Git repositories currently hosted on a Windows box that is our all-purpose Windows server. But, we just set up a dedicated server for our CM software on an Ubuntu Linux server named "Callisto".
So I created a test Git repository on Callisto. I gave its directory all of the proper permissions recursively. I had the sysadmin create a login for me on Callisto, and I created a key to use for logging in via SSH. I set up my key to use a passphrase; I don't know if that could be contributing to my problems? Anyway, I know my SSH login works because I tested it through puTTY.
But, even after hours of trials and head scratching, I can't get my Windows Git bash (mSysGit) to talk to Callisto for the purposes of pushing or pulling Callisto's git repository files.
I keep getting "Fatal error. The remote end hung up unexpectedly." And I've even gotten the error that Git doesn't recognize the test repository on Callisto as a git repository. I read online that the "Fatal error...hung up unexpectedly" is usually a problem with the server connection or permissions. So what am I missing or overlooking here? And why doesn't a pull using the git:// protocol work, since that only uses read-only access? Group and public permissions for the git repository's directory on Callisto are set to read and execute, but not write.
If anyone could help, I would be so grateful. Thank you.
If you use putty/pageant, check if your host is in the know_hosts file in
If not, try putty first and accept the key your server provides.
Do you have similar lines in .git/config?
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh://user#server/.../repo.git
I have only passing familiarity with mSysGit, but I don't think it installs an ssh client. Without the ssh client, git cannot connect to the server. (This functionality isn't baked into git as per the Unix philosophy.) As for the git protocol, unless the server has that enabled, it won't work. Since it seems you have the server setup for ssh access, I doubt you'll get anywhere with the git protocol.
Anyway, I know my SSH login works
because I tested it through puTTY.
Have you confirmed that you can SSH to the server from your msysgit client?
i.e. what happens when you ssh user#callisto.com from the msysgit command line?
For further details about setting up your git server, you may want to review Pro Git: Chapter 4 "Git on the Server".
And why doesn't a pull using the
git:// protocol work, since that only
uses read-only access?
For the git protocol to work, you must setup the git daemon on your server as described in Chapter 4.9 of Pro Git.
You may also want to take a look at this answer to a related SO question. It has a more detailed checklist of things to consider.
