Owl Carousel scrolling with inertia - horizontal-scrolling

I am using Owl Carousel on a mobile website.
When the user scrolls horizontally and then stops, the content stops moving immediately (or very shortly after the stop).
Is it possible to add some inertia?
I tried different options exposed in the docs, such as smartSpeed, fluidSpeed...

If you are looking at an Infinite loop in which also you can stop in the "center" of an Item and with a smooth scrolling inertia I think that's not possible.
It's a long time issue/request that up to this answer is not still possible:
You can look at different scrolling plugin like that flickity.
This has a free smooth scrolling with this option.


Is it possible to float the GLIMPSE Heads Up Display (HUD) bar top left, instead of bottom right of the browser window?

I am using MVC3, ASP.NET4.5
Love Glimpse, but finding the bottom right location frustrating, as it can disappear, and only by resizing the browser window, does it reappear again. May be to do with my master page and layers, not sure
So can one have the HUD appear top left.
Probably a simple html/ config issue.
Many thanks,
Perhaps, on reflection this is not possible, as the detailed panes pop upwards, so no room. Would have to be a Heads Down Display :)
Currently its not really possible because of the design (as per your edit). But v2 of Glimpse should allow for such changes to occur as the design is different and should allow for this flexibility.

Full screen responsive horizontal website

I am trying to find the best method in order to create a horizontal website, full screen and if possible responsive, minimum width to be for tablets. The thing is that I need also the horizontal scrolling with the mousewheel, and I saw that fullPage.js doesn't support that or at least i couldn't manage to make it work on this plugin.
Anyway, I need an idea on building the template, with full screen sections displayed inline - I will be very grateful for any tip. Thanks.
Making horizontally responsive is bit tricky and requires a lot of effort.. There can be many many design approaches for making it responsive. It can't just be described with JSFiddle snippets..
However, I have something for you that will definitely get you started with "Horizontal Responsive Layout designing"..
This is must guide / tutorial for people who want to get started with Horizontal Responsive approach
you could use one of the tools listed in the following links
or you could also mix raw js/jquery with anchor links and add animations when clicked. in taht case you can scroll down using mouse wheel and also have fancy animations when a link is clicked
regarding responsiveness use css media queries

UIWebView with Custom Gestures

As of right now I have a View with a UIWebView inside of it and some added custom gestures. Some examples of these gesture are Two Finger Slide Right to Go Back, Two Finger Slide Left to Go Forward, Two Finger Long Press for Refresh, ect.. But now I'm facing an issue I knew I would have to face when I began developing this app:
All of the gestures work great unless the UIWebView is zoomed in. Even if it is zoomed in the tiniest bit (or you are able to scroll the web page horizontally), the gestures that require you to swipe left or right are suddenly disabled because UIWebView takes first priority over these gestures.
If anyone can shine some light on this issue or even provide a work-around, I would be very grateful. Thanks!
I'm more familiar with OS X, but could you subclass UIWebView to remove this behavior?

What is the alternative to putting UIWebView inside UIScrollView

I have gotten UIWebView inside UIScrollView to work, so far anyways, and I have just seen mention on Apple's site that doing so is not advised.
So OK, what's the alternative? I need to display web pages, and I need them to be scrollable, such that if the user swipes leftward then an entirely different page appears coming in from the right. And a reverse situation with swiping rightward.
How is that done without putting UIWebView inside UIScrollView?
Well, you need the UIWebView, which has indeed many features of a UIScrollView, to be able to scroll not only up and down, but also to left and right.
Also, scrolling with two fingers is a no-go, for scrollable elements within a web page, such as textareas can only be scrolled with two fingers.
Three fingers is also not so good because that's not convenient for people with thick fingers...
So my suggestion is that you add a UIGestureRecognizer to your UIWebView and look out for a swipe gesture. Then handle the switching of pages accordingly with animations.

How can I create scrolling areas like the ones on stackoverflow?

I'm currently working on a flash project, which will use multiple scroll areas.
I'm trying to find out how to create a scroll area like I see on stackoverflow, and make it function similarly.
Whenever someone posts their lines of code to stackoverflow, the scroll area scrollbar looks exactly like the scrollbar in the web browser, and is able to be scrolled with the mousewheel smoothly, without affecting the webpage scrolling.
Example: disable mouse wheel scrolling while cursor over flex app?
Could anyone please explain to me how I can do this in my flash project?
You wouldn't need flash to do this... This is accomplished using CSS. You would just need to put the portion you wanted to function like that in a div (or any HTML container for that matter) and then define such properties as min-height, max-height, min-width, max-width, overflow, etc. I think there's one that determines the presence of the scroll bars but I don't remember what it is for sure. Very easy to do this and flash would be a bit of overkill.
