Is it possible to float the GLIMPSE Heads Up Display (HUD) bar top left, instead of bottom right of the browser window? - glimpse

I am using MVC3, ASP.NET4.5
Love Glimpse, but finding the bottom right location frustrating, as it can disappear, and only by resizing the browser window, does it reappear again. May be to do with my master page and layers, not sure
So can one have the HUD appear top left.
Probably a simple html/ config issue.
Many thanks,
Perhaps, on reflection this is not possible, as the detailed panes pop upwards, so no room. Would have to be a Heads Down Display :)

Currently its not really possible because of the design (as per your edit). But v2 of Glimpse should allow for such changes to occur as the design is different and should allow for this flexibility.


Custom Magnific Popup Arrows

So this is going to be kinda silly, but I don't like the arrows for Magnific Popup, and I want to use some png arrows that I created, even moreso I don't want them the default way where they are miles apart, and I don't want them to obstruct content (cause I am using Magnific Popup to gallery some ajax). I really want them bound in div/big square buttons on the side of the image (the height of the image as well) like the first example here:
and those big black bars on a tv
I have no idea where the code is to change this, or how to edit the basic construction of the lightbox but I really want to change the arrows (and the x) if someone could direct me to the code where I can do this I will be glad to do it but I feel like I am working blind.
Alternatively, if anyone knows any other lightboxes that allow you to position and design your own arrows and close button, and have a gallery of ajax based items (that is responsive and scrolls) I will gladly switch (I basically want to be behance ha ha)
(also is there anyway we can generate a swipe effect to go through a gallery?)
Feel free to tell me to go to hell if it is impossible :D

What is the alternative to putting UIWebView inside UIScrollView

I have gotten UIWebView inside UIScrollView to work, so far anyways, and I have just seen mention on Apple's site that doing so is not advised.
So OK, what's the alternative? I need to display web pages, and I need them to be scrollable, such that if the user swipes leftward then an entirely different page appears coming in from the right. And a reverse situation with swiping rightward.
How is that done without putting UIWebView inside UIScrollView?
Well, you need the UIWebView, which has indeed many features of a UIScrollView, to be able to scroll not only up and down, but also to left and right.
Also, scrolling with two fingers is a no-go, for scrollable elements within a web page, such as textareas can only be scrolled with two fingers.
Three fingers is also not so good because that's not convenient for people with thick fingers...
So my suggestion is that you add a UIGestureRecognizer to your UIWebView and look out for a swipe gesture. Then handle the switching of pages accordingly with animations.

Magnifier like feature inside popup to?

I need to create a magnifier like feature in my app. Like the "loupe" effect on the iphone !
The problem is that I need to do that inside a popup window and I don't get how to make it work !
The popup window display a grid of colors that I generate and draw one by one using shapeDrawables. What I want is to display that color bigger, zoom on it when the user touch and move his finger around the popup window (color grid). The idea is to create a tracking-zooming effect on the colors so the user can see more clearly under wich color his finger is currently located.
Problems are :
I can't seem to create another popup window on top of this one, Android limitation I think ?
If I modify the current shapeDrawable, resize it, change the boundaries, It needs to re-display the popup window before it takes effect (which is not acceptable of course)
So, anyone knows of a way I could draw over that popup window ?
I've tried solving this issue using a Custom Toast object...But it doesn't quite do the trick. It works, but toast object appears slowly and so the touch motion is not in sync at all with the user movement over the color grid.
I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but you might be able to accomplish this by using a second Activity... this second Activity would use Android's translucent theme if you include the following attribute in your manifest:
<activity android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Translucent">
This second activity will now only contain what you place in your layout. That is... the "real" activity you're running will still be visible behind it (anywhere you don't cover it up with views in the new layout).
You also might prefer Theme.Dialog if you really want to resemble a popup.
Something to keep in mind if you take this approach is you will probably want to override onWindowFocusChanged() in the new activity, and finish() in the event of you losing focus. Additionally, you'll need to figure out how to share your data between the two activities.

WebSite Navigation design

I'm designing a blog site and is confused about position of navigation pane on my site. Please suggest wheather I should go with design having navigation panel on top of page, on left sidebar or on right sidebar? Which one is preferred?
Can you give some examples supporting your answers?
If there are just some points: put it on the top. The disadvantage is, that most people have widescreen monitors, so they have to scroll more. If the navigation is on the right, people with smaller monitors can't see the navigation without scrolling. If you put it on the left, they maybe have to scroll to the content. Always think of the smaller monitors, then there should be no problems :)

Building Nav Bars with rollovers in DreamWeaver CS3

I'm working with Dreamweaver CS3. The question here is what part of the code (listed below) do I need to replicate to have my secondary nav bar utilize the on-click action?
FYI...DW has two menu options or auto insert for roll over images and one for "navbar". DW will only allow you to use the 'navbar' item once per page
the nav bar option builds all the rollover actions for you (listed below)
the "rollover" option ONLY builds normal and over, but no click
I guess I really have two questions...the first is what part of the code do I need to insert manually, the second is what does the "MM_nbGroup" code mean?
"../photogallery.html" target="_top" onClick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','photoMainNav','../images/buttons/photography_down.gif',1)"
onMouseOver="MM_nbGroup('over','photoMainNav','../images/buttons/photography_over.gif','../images/buttons/photography_over.gif',1)" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')"><img src="../images/buttons/photography.gif"
Thanks for any help on this in advance!
For anyone wondering the same thing, here's what I've found so far...
The 'insert' bar provided in DWCS3 doesn't allow for two 'inserted' menu bars on one page. However, the 'Behaviors' palette will allow you to add effective roll-overs with the "Set Nav Bar Image" option. Unfortunately (as far as I can tell) DWCS3 is not as smart as Adobe's GoLive was, in that it won't automatically fill in the appropriate items if you name your files correctly. Even still, you should name your images accordingly (xxx_over, xxx_down, etc) to keep it straight in your own head.
As for the MM_nbGroup question, best I can tell this is WYSIWYG code that ships with DWCS3 (the kind of stuff that really mifs some of you developers, sorry guys), as it names items by group # and doesn't seem to have any real relevance in the lexicon of html. I could be mistaken on this however, and am open to enlightenment on the topic if anyone can offer.
