spreadsheet like ui grid for 50000 and above data sets - excel-formula

i am working on a project where i need to have a similar google spreadsheet like ui and same functionality which google spreadsheet have including formulas formatting , and most importantly it should handle large data sets of rows approx
50000 rows.
i have used handsontable library for spreadsheet but it dont contain functionbar and its taking too much time to load large data sets.
i researched about other open source spreadsheet grid,
i found slickgrid and kendo ui , please suggest me which one should i use for large data sets which does not affect on performance and should have same ui like google spreadsheet and formula bar.

SlickGrid is great at displaying large datasets due to its virtual scrolling. However, spreadsheets are not its main purpose and you might find it a lot of work to do what you are describing. Slickgrid is more of a toolkit than anything - the foundations are great, and you can build a solid structure on top. But it's not going to give you what you want out of the box.
Ag-Grid is a another grid that is the only grid I've seen that is similar in design to SlickGrid, you might want to check it out - the basic version is free, for the more advanced features you need the paid version. In general, there's a large gap between grids that are good at display (there's a zillion of them), and ones that offer good editing features. That's generally the dividing line.
Note that what you are describing is something that companies have built whole businesses on - it's not going to be quick or easy no matter which way you go.


Is there a way to select cells in an Excel row to auto-populate into cells in a separate Workbook each time a new row is added?

I need to send RFQs to various vendors using their specific forms which are Excel formatted. I need specific information from my co-workers in order to properly fill out the vendor's forms. I was thinking about using MS Forms to gather the specific info I need from my co-workers, then hoping some how that data could easily/automatically be transferred to the vendor's specific Excel form based on the MS Forms responses. The responses received determine which vendor form, and in most cases multiple vendor forms, to use. Then each completed form saved as its own file.
I was looking at different MS Flows, PowerApps, and Power Automate templates that have already been created, but I'm sure one matches my needs or if any of those are the best solution. I did watch some videos about how to create your own MS Flow/PowerApp, but I wasn't sure it was going to be a viable solution. I am hoping to streamline the action of copying & pasting the data, but I'm not sure how I would go about setting up a way, if there is one. Or if there is a "dummies" how to way or if the way would be over my head.
Background knowledge/experience: I have zero experience or base knowledge of coding. I can record macros, but cannot edit the coding, I have to re-record it from scratch. I can do simple IF formula's & Pivot Tables in Excel. I tried for a minute to teach myself PowerBi, but think knowing SQL first would be better from my understanding. Haven't dived down rabbit hole of trying to teach myself SQL, if that's even possible without some base coding knowledge. I want to learn these things and how to do more, but lack of time is a factor. I piece and squeeze in micromillimeters of knowledge in when I can from Googling and YouTube. I haven't had much luck Googling this, because what I'm typing in the search bar isn't producing helpful results as far as I can tell.

Scenario manager: can you create scenarios in a table, and get the Scenario Manager to read from there?

Microsoft's official site has an explanation on how to use scenarios in Excel.
If you name the input cells, the scenario manager will show the name, so it's easier to remember that $C$5 is, say, the price.
My question is: is it possible to set up the scenarios in a table somewhere in Excel, and get the scenario manager to read from there? Setting multiple scenarios in the scenario manager is very fiddly, time-consuming and error-prone, especially when the inputs are linked - e.g. setting 10 scenarios where each scenario is an x% change from the previous.
Any suggestions?
PS I know all these things can be done very easily in a scripting language like Python or R, but in this very specific case the calculations are not too complex and the file needs to be shared with other people, so I must use Excel.
VBA would be a last resort because some of these people have VBA disabled by default.
To clarify, what I'd need is a way to create a table like this below, where those in blue are the inputs, and those in grey are the outputs. I have put together a banal example below, along the lines of the example in the VBA macro answer given below, but the general idea is:
define a number of scenario as the combination of multiple inputs (more than 2) ;
create a table showing, for each scenario, the inputs and some key outputs;
note the table doesn't have all the possible combinations of all the inputs, like the macro given in one of the examples - that would be too much and wouldn't be very readable.
I could put together a quick VBA script that changes the inputs in the model, reads the result and creates the table, but I was wondering if there is a better way - VBA is typically not very robust, in the sense that just changing the location of one cell can often mess things up. I usually avoid Excel for the more complex models (this would be banal in any scripting language), but this I have to do in Excel.
EDIT #2:
Trying to further clarify what I have in mind, I have put together the screenshot below. Each output is the result of many different calculations, and CANNOT be calculated as a small, simple formula - if it could, I would not have any issue, of course!
My issue is that:
- if I change an input, then all the many many calculations occurring behind the scenes change
- the outputs are read from all those calculations
- I cannot use two-way what-if tables
If even this is not clear, the only other thing I can try is to upload an Excel file, which is generally discouraged on SO.
Scenario Manager is a built in function with it's own GUI.
For this reason, the function will be limited in what it can call (only data entered in the GUI)
VBA will allow you to manipulate this data, telling it where to pull the changing values and what data to change it by
So the answer for your specific query:
Can I use Excel without VBA to perform Scenario Manager tasks not set by the GUI?
But it doesn't mean fiddling with the Manger itself would be horrendous. There are ways to teach and learn with it, but also if you save a macro enabled document, users should be able to turn the macro on with the click of a button - so VBA can be an option too
I hope this helps?

Excel Files and Visual Basic

I have never used Visual Basic before but could do with a pointer on where to begin.
I have 750 excel spreadsheets that contains various amounts of data of different types. The columns are always the same, but the number of data rows vary per spreadsheet. I need to extract data and put it into two new spreadsheets.
Obviously to do this 750 times manually would be a nightmare. I just want to run a script that can do it for me and thus thought of Visual Basic although i've never used it before.
My specific questions are:
What type of command should i research that would allow me to copy data where the row number to start at varies (as data above varies in no of rows). There is a title before this new data - how can i get it to search for this title and then choose the row below?
Would all my spreadsheets have to be in one folder so that the script goes through them all, or can i have some kind of folder structure in that folder too?
Anyone recommend any good resources for me to get to grips with visual basic and grasp what i need to do?
So the compilation task got easier with the introduction of MS PowerQuery. If you are using MS Excel 2013, you already have this. If no, you should download it and use the extension from MS.
The following guide outlines how to Using Power Query to Combine Data from Multiple Excel Files into One Table. This means that with Power Query (PQ), MS has taken and enabled easy aggregation using a few simple button clicks. PQ is a lightweight alternative to a lot of tasks that used to require VBA.
In this example, you will use PQ to point to an entire folder (750 should be no problem) worth of commonly formatted Excel files. The only limitation is that each data file should have a similarly named tab.
I won't repeat the details of the guide for how to do it, as it is in-depth and visual. But if you run into issues, get in touch.

How do I create a timeline chart in Excel?

How do I create a timeline chat which visualizes peoples activities throughout a day in one graph? On the x-axis I plan to place the time. And the y-Axis would be the different persons. First, I thought of a simple stacked bar chart. However, the problem is that Excel would combine all the same activities to one item and don't visualize it on the timeline... I also can't do it by hand as I have several 1000 entries to visualize...
I found this post on Stackoverflow, but there there is only one activity per entry and not mulitple times the same...
It would be great if I could use Excel (as my data set is there). But if there is a better way (i.e. tool) I'd also appreciate new suggestions.
This is what I imagine the timeline to look like:
If you have data prepared in the correct way this can be easily done in Excel. Check the animation below (you can open image in a new tab to see the full resolution).
As I didn't find a solution that let me create a timeline in Excel, I used JavaScript and the visualization framework D3, together with a neat opensource library, d3-timeline: https://github.com/jiahuang/d3-timeline

What's the easiest language/api/webapp to build a public calculator for simple 4-5 equation functions?

Most of what I need to accomplish is doable with Google docs spreadsheets, except locking only certain fields to allow updates by the public so they can do their own calculations based on the data. I would like the lowest method entry cost of writing simple table data with some functions that allow user update/selection. Free form portable/gadget style would be terrific.
I imagine excel could do a lot of what I'm looking for but I don't think it would do what I want without a download of the excel doc, or making someone copy off my google doc spreadsheet to their own, thus losing automatic updates made to the sheet if they just use mine.
I've been trying to do this off and on in asp.net mvc, but when I have full c# to fall into, my feature creep eats me up and I don't finish what I accomplish in 30 min in a spreadsheet.
you can write very basic HTML page with few fields and formulas calculation in JavaScript.
