How do I create a timeline chart in Excel? - excel

How do I create a timeline chat which visualizes peoples activities throughout a day in one graph? On the x-axis I plan to place the time. And the y-Axis would be the different persons. First, I thought of a simple stacked bar chart. However, the problem is that Excel would combine all the same activities to one item and don't visualize it on the timeline... I also can't do it by hand as I have several 1000 entries to visualize...
I found this post on Stackoverflow, but there there is only one activity per entry and not mulitple times the same...
It would be great if I could use Excel (as my data set is there). But if there is a better way (i.e. tool) I'd also appreciate new suggestions.
This is what I imagine the timeline to look like:

If you have data prepared in the correct way this can be easily done in Excel. Check the animation below (you can open image in a new tab to see the full resolution).

As I didn't find a solution that let me create a timeline in Excel, I used JavaScript and the visualization framework D3, together with a neat opensource library, d3-timeline:


Excel Dynamic Chart Data Selection with Sliding Window

I'm new to Excel and macros/VBA and I've been trying to arrange create a graph with the aid of a table. This first part is fairly simple and easy and has been described several times all over the internet. I followed Mr. Peltier's tutorial and it works just fine when it comes to adding new data.
How does one create a graph from a table with a fixed number of rows and only using the data from the last 3 columns of the table? Is it possible to automate this process everytime a new column is added with a macro/VBA?
Basically I want to change the source data of my graph to the last 3 Columns.
I know this concept is known as a sliding window, but I haven't got much sucess searching for this type of use of sliding windows in Excel. Most the examples I've seen use the offset function and apply this concept of sliding windows to simple functions such as sums and what not.
Thank you.
Edit: this has been answered in
See the last comments

Waterfall chart issue

I'm trying to create waterfall chart with some values and everything is working fine except the positions of bar.
As per the requirements banking solutions bar should show above the ATM services. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to do this because I'm getting dynamic chart.
I'm, completely new with this and any help will be appreciated. Thanks
It is the column total that you need to check.
Double-click a data point to open the Format Data Point task pane, and check the Set as total box.
Please view the image -
Waterfall charts are constructed with columns for increase, decrease and total. You can select which column should be a total. Please refer to the Microsoft Support article for Waterfall charts, and format your columns accordingly.

spreadsheet like ui grid for 50000 and above data sets

i am working on a project where i need to have a similar google spreadsheet like ui and same functionality which google spreadsheet have including formulas formatting , and most importantly it should handle large data sets of rows approx
50000 rows.
i have used handsontable library for spreadsheet but it dont contain functionbar and its taking too much time to load large data sets.
i researched about other open source spreadsheet grid,
i found slickgrid and kendo ui , please suggest me which one should i use for large data sets which does not affect on performance and should have same ui like google spreadsheet and formula bar.
SlickGrid is great at displaying large datasets due to its virtual scrolling. However, spreadsheets are not its main purpose and you might find it a lot of work to do what you are describing. Slickgrid is more of a toolkit than anything - the foundations are great, and you can build a solid structure on top. But it's not going to give you what you want out of the box.
Ag-Grid is a another grid that is the only grid I've seen that is similar in design to SlickGrid, you might want to check it out - the basic version is free, for the more advanced features you need the paid version. In general, there's a large gap between grids that are good at display (there's a zillion of them), and ones that offer good editing features. That's generally the dividing line.
Note that what you are describing is something that companies have built whole businesses on - it's not going to be quick or easy no matter which way you go.

what is the best way to export an animated graph from excel to power point

I have created a series of graphs with excel, that all present the evolution in time of some quantities.So, behind this I have added the macro that defines the evolution of these numbers at its each specific time.
Now, I would like to present these charts on power point as well.
What is the best way to go about it?
Save all these charts as images and then create a gif ?
I would like to know the options so I don't invest too much time in one method that maybe is not the simplest.

load VBA data to line chart

I need to feed data into a line chart with VBA. I need to give a basic unidimensional range when I do it with Excel in a raw test. The thing is that now I need to hide some things in VBA code, so that the user just sees a curve resulting of some basic input at the click of a button.
I think there are at least two options for me :
either have the chart object placed in the Excel before, and having it point to some VBA snippet. In this case, should I somehow point to VBA from Excel ? Or would VBA access the chart area by some ID ?
create everything dynamically from VBA, the chart window, the chart, and the series input. This might be trickier to figure out maybe as I have frozen panes, so there would be the question of which pane is active (I'd like to avoid to have to do Selects to select the right one)
What would you recommend ? And in either case, how to actually do it ? What type of data to put in ?
Thank you so much !
I was involved in a project a couple of years ago that might be relevant.
A report was created monthly for the organisation's management board which contained dozens of charts. It was a near full time job for a statistician to collate and process data from across the organisation that provided the source data for these charts. I was asked to automate what could be automated.
It became clear that the appearance of the chart could not be automated. The statistician and the management board's staff held regular discussions and often agreed minor changes which they thought would better present the organisation's performance.
I could automate the collection of the data, its processing and placing of the results in the ranges from which the charts got their data. The most I ever did with a chart was change the size of a source range.
What would be the parameters that would control your macro's changes to a chart? How would your macro get the determine: type of chart, nature of the axes, text, etc?
Hope these thoughts help. I could look out my notes if my experience seems particularly relevant.
