Is there a way to add spark.driver.extraClassPath through PyCharm? - apache-spark

I'm trying to run a Spark job on my local machine to write some data to a postgres db.

You can set this through the defaults.conf configuration file.
This same approach applies regardless of PyCharm, pyspark, spark-shell, or any other means of invoking Spark.


Spark shell for Databricks

Notebooks are nice, but REPL is sometimes more useful. Am I somehow able to run spark-shell that executes on Databricks? Like:
spark-shell --master
I looked through available tools related to Databricks (databricks connect, dbx, ...), but it seems there's no such functionality.
Databricks connect is the tool that you need if you want to execute code from you local machine in the Databricks cluster. Same as the spark-shell, the driver will be on your local machine, and executors are remove. The databricks-connect package installs the modified distribution of the Apache Spark so you can use spark-shell, pyspark, spark-submit, etc. - just make sure that that directory is in the PATH.
P.S. but I really don't understand why notebooks doesn't work for you - spark-shell doesn't have any superior features compared to them.

Making pyspark default in Apache Zeppelin?

Can't find out how to set PySpark to be the default interpreter for Zeppelin.
I know I can make Spark the default interpreter by putting it at the top of the list. But having to remember to add %pyspark to the top of each new cell is basically as annoying as adding %spark.pyspark
I'd just use Jupyter, but I'm working off a DC/OS Cluster and Zeppelin was available as a preconfigured app, while Jupyter looks like a bit of an ordeal to install on the cluster.
So, to surmise: Anyone know how to make pyspark the default interpreter for Apache Zeppelin?

How to get access to HDFS files in Spark standalone cluster mode?

I am trying to get access to HDFS files in Spark. Everything works fine when I run Spark in local mode, i.e.
and get access to HDFS files by
But when I am trying to run Spark in standalone cluster mode, i.e.
Error throws
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda to field$$anonfun$toScalaFunction$$1 of type in instance of$$anonfun$toScalaFunction$1
So far I have only
in Hadoop and does not really config anything in Spark. Do I need to run Spark using YARN cluster manager instead so that Spark and Hadoop are using the same cluster manager, hence can get access to HDFS files?
I have tried to config yarn-site.xml in Hadoop following tutorialspoint, and specified HADOOP_CONF_DIR in, but it does not seem to work and the same error throws. Am I missing some other configurations?
The initial Hadoop version is 2.8.0 and the Spark version is 2.1.1 with Hadoop 2.7. Tried to download hadoop-2.7.4 but the same error still exists.
The question here suggests this as a java syntax issue rather than spark hdfs issue. I will try this approach and see if this solves the error here.
Inspired by the post here, solved the problem by myself.
This map-reduce job depends on a Serializable class, so when running in Spark local mode, this serializable class can be found and the map-reduce job can be executed dependently.
When running in Spark standalone cluster mode, the best is to submit the application through spark-submit, rather than running in an IDE. Packaged everything in jar and spark-submit the jar, works as a charm!

Zeppelin - Unable to instantiate SessionHiveMetaStoreClient

I am trying to get Zeppelin to work. But when I run a notebook twice, the second time it fails due to Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient. (full log at the end of the post)
It seems to be due to the fact that the lock in the metastore doesn't get removed. It is also advised to use for example Postgres instead of Hive as it allows multiple users to run jobs in Zeppelin.
I made a postgres DB and a hive-site.xml pointing to this DB. I added this file into the config folder of Zeppelin but also into the config folder of Spark. Also in the jdbc interpreter of Zeppelin I added similar parameters than the ones in the hive-site.xml.
The problems persists though.
Error log:
Try using Thrift server architecture in the Spark setup instead of working on a single instance JVM of Hive where you cannot generate multiple of sessions.
There are mainly three types of connection to Hive:
Single JVM - Metastore stored locally in the warehouse which doesn't allow multiple sessions
Mutiple JVM - where each worker behaves as a metastore
Thrift Server Architecture - Multiple Users can access the SQL engine and parallelism can be achieved
Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database
By default, spark use derby as the metadata store which can only serve one user. It seems you start multiple spark interpreter, that's why you see the above error message. So here's the 2 solutions for you
Disable hive in spark interpreter via setting zeppelin.spark.useHiveContext to false if you don't need hive.
Set up hive metadata store which support multiple users. Refer this
Stop Zeppelin. Go to your bin folder in Apache Zeppelin and try deleting metastore_db
sudo rm -r metastore_db/
Start Zeppelin again and try now.

Spark pyspark vs spark-submit

The documentation on spark-submit says the following:
The spark-submit script in Spark’s bin directory is used to launch
applications on a cluster.
Regarding the pyspark it says the following:
You can also use bin/pyspark to launch an interactive Python shell.
This question may sound stupid, but when i am running the commands though pyspark they also run on the "cluster", right? They do not run on the master node only, right?
There is no practical difference between these two. If not configured otherwise both will execute code in a local mode. If master is configured (either by --master command line parameter or spark.master configuration) corresponding cluster will be used to execute the program.
If you are using EMR , there are three things
using pyspark(or spark-shell)
using spark-submit without using --master and --deploy-mode
using spark-submit and using --master and --deploy-mode
although using all the above three will run the application in spark cluster, there is a difference how the driver program works.
in 1st and 2nd the driver will be in client mode whereas in 3rd the
driver will also be in the cluster.
in 1st and 2nd, you will have to wait untill one application complete
to run another, but in 3rd you can run multiple applications in
Just adding a clarification that others have not addressed (you may already know this, but it was unclear from the wording of your question):
..when i am running the commands though pyspark they also run on the "cluster", right? They do not run on the master node only, right?
As with spark-submit, standard Python code will run only on the driver. When you call operations through the various pyspark APIs, you will trigger transformations or actions that will be registered/executed on the cluster.
As others have pointed out, spark-submit can also launch jobs in cluster mode. In this case, driver still executes standard Python code, but the driver is a different machine to the one that you call spark-submit from.
Pyspark compare to Scala spark and Java Spark have extreme differences, for Python spark in only support YARN for scheduling the cluster.
If you are running python spark on a local machine, then you can use pyspark. If in the cluster, use the spark-submit.
If you have any dependencies in your python spark job, you need a zip file for submission.
