How to get access to HDFS files in Spark standalone cluster mode? - apache-spark

I am trying to get access to HDFS files in Spark. Everything works fine when I run Spark in local mode, i.e.
and get access to HDFS files by
But when I am trying to run Spark in standalone cluster mode, i.e.
Error throws
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot assign instance of java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda to field$$anonfun$toScalaFunction$$1 of type in instance of$$anonfun$toScalaFunction$1
So far I have only
in Hadoop and does not really config anything in Spark. Do I need to run Spark using YARN cluster manager instead so that Spark and Hadoop are using the same cluster manager, hence can get access to HDFS files?
I have tried to config yarn-site.xml in Hadoop following tutorialspoint, and specified HADOOP_CONF_DIR in, but it does not seem to work and the same error throws. Am I missing some other configurations?
The initial Hadoop version is 2.8.0 and the Spark version is 2.1.1 with Hadoop 2.7. Tried to download hadoop-2.7.4 but the same error still exists.
The question here suggests this as a java syntax issue rather than spark hdfs issue. I will try this approach and see if this solves the error here.

Inspired by the post here, solved the problem by myself.
This map-reduce job depends on a Serializable class, so when running in Spark local mode, this serializable class can be found and the map-reduce job can be executed dependently.
When running in Spark standalone cluster mode, the best is to submit the application through spark-submit, rather than running in an IDE. Packaged everything in jar and spark-submit the jar, works as a charm!


Spark shell for Databricks

Notebooks are nice, but REPL is sometimes more useful. Am I somehow able to run spark-shell that executes on Databricks? Like:
spark-shell --master
I looked through available tools related to Databricks (databricks connect, dbx, ...), but it seems there's no such functionality.
Databricks connect is the tool that you need if you want to execute code from you local machine in the Databricks cluster. Same as the spark-shell, the driver will be on your local machine, and executors are remove. The databricks-connect package installs the modified distribution of the Apache Spark so you can use spark-shell, pyspark, spark-submit, etc. - just make sure that that directory is in the PATH.
P.S. but I really don't understand why notebooks doesn't work for you - spark-shell doesn't have any superior features compared to them.

Spark Standalone Cluster :Configuring Distributed File System

I have just moved from a Spark local setup to a Spark standalone cluster. Obviously, loading and saving files no longer works.
I understand that I need to use Hadoop for saving and loading files.
My Spark installation is spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7
Question 1:
Am I correct that I still need to separately download, install and configure Hadoop to work with my standalone Spark cluster?
Question 2:
What would be the difference between running with Hadoop and running with Yarn? ...and which is easier to install and configure (assuming fairly light data loads)?
A1. Right. The package you mentioned is just packed with hadoop client with specified version and still you need to install hadoop if you want to use hdfs.
A2. Running with yarn means you're using resource manager of spark as yarn. ( So, when the case you don't need DFS, like when you're only running spark streaming applications, you still can install Hadoop but only run yarn processes to use its resource management functionality.

Configure external jars with HDI Jupyter Spark (Scala) notebook

I have an external custom jar that I would like to use with Azure HDInsight Jupyter notebooks; the Jupyter notebooks in HDI use Spark Magic and Livy.
Within the first cell of the notebook, I'm trying to use the jars configuration:
%%configure -f
{"jars": ["wasb://$container$#$"]}
But the error message I receive is:
Starting Spark application
The code failed because of a fatal error:
Status 'shutting_down' not supported by session..
Some things to try:
a) Make sure Spark has enough available resources for Jupyter to create a Spark context. For instructions on how to assign resources see
b) Contact your cluster administrator to make sure the Spark magics library is configured correctly.
Current session configs: {u'jars': [u'wasb://$container$#$'], u'kind': 'spark'}
An error was encountered:
Status 'shutting_down' not supported by session.
I'm wondering if I'm just not understanding how Livy works in this case as I was able to successfully include a spark-package (GraphFrames) on the same cluster:
%%configure -f
{ "conf": {"spark.jars.packages": "graphframes:graphframes:0.3.0-spark2.0-s_2.11" }}
Some additional references that may be handy (just in case I missed something):
Jupyter notebooks kernels with Apache Spark clusters in HDInsight
Livy Documentation
Submit Spark jobs remotely to an Apache Spark cluster on HDInsight using Livy
Oh, I was able to figure it out and forgot to update my question. This can work if you put the jar in the default storage account of your HDI cluster.
in case people come here for adding jars on EMR.
%%configure -f
{"name": "sparkTest", "conf": {"spark.jars": "s3://somebucket/artifacts/jars/spark-avro_2.11-2.4.4.jar"}}
contrary to the document, use jars directly won't work.

Spark-submit Executers are not getting the properties

I am trying to deploy the Spark application to 4 node DSE spark cluster, and I have created a fat jar with all dependent Jars and I have created a property file under src/main/resources which has properties like batch interval master URL etc.
I have copied this fat jar to master and I am submitting the application with "spark-submit" and below is my submit command.
dse spark-submit --class com.Processor.utils.jobLauncher --supervise application-1.0.0-develop-SNAPSHOT.jar qa
everything works properly when I run on single node cluster, but if run on DSE spark standalone cluster, the properties mentioned above like batch interval become unavailable to executors. I have googled and found that is the common issue many has solved it. so I have followed one of the solutions and created a fat jar and tried to run, but still, my properties are unavailable to executors.
can someone please give any pointers on how to solve the issue ?
I am using DSE 4.8.5 and Spark 1.4.2
and this is how I am loading the properties
val conf = com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory.load(System.getProperty("env") + "_application")
figured out the solution:
I am referring the property file name from system property(i am setting it main method with the command line parameter) and when the code gets shipped and executed on worker node the system property is not available (obviously..!!) , so instead of using typesafe ConfigFactory to load property file I am using simple Scala file reading.

Apache Zeppelin & Spark Streaming: Twitter Example only works local

I just added the example project to my Zeppelin Notebook from (section "Tutorial with Streaming Data"). The problem I now have is that the application seems only to work local. If I change the Spark interpreter setting "master" from "local[*]" to "spark://master:7077" the application won't bring any result anymore when I'm doing the same SQL statement. Am I doing anything wrong? I already restarted the Zeppelin interpreter, also the whole Zeppelin daemon and the Spark cluster, nothing solved the issue! Can someone help.
I use the following installation:
Spark 1.5.1 (prebuild for Hadoop 2.6+), Master + 2x Slaves
Zeppelin 0.5.5 (installed on Spark's master node)
Also the following installation won't work for me:
Spark 1.5.0 (prebuild for Hadoop 2.6+), Master + 2x Slaves
Zeppelin 0.5.5 (installed on Spark's master node)
Screenshot: local setting (works!)
Screenshot: cluster setting (won't work!)
The job seems to run correctly in cluster mode:
I got it after 2 days of trying around!
The difference between the local Zeppelin Spark interpreter and the Spark Cluster seems to be, that the local one has included the Twitter Utils which are needed for executing the Twitter Streaming example, and the Spark Cluster doesn't have this library by default.
Therefore you have to add the dependency manually in the Zeppelin Notebook before starting the application with Spark cluster as master. So the first paragraph of the Notebook must be:
If an error occures on running this paragraph, just try to restart the Zeppelin server via ./bin/ stop (& start)!
