Handling multiple html combo boxes in BluePrism - blueprism

On a web page there are two html combo boxes, value in the second combo box depends on the values selected in first combo. When I do this manually it works, but with BluePrism on selecting value in first box the values in second combo box doesn't load.

I think that it be so, that when you're using blueprism "select item" action instead of clicking using mouse, then some javascript code must not be executed.
I'd try to investigate a page that you're automating. I'd search for the javascript code that is being executed when using mouse and try to call that method from BluePrism object.

I think that it be so, that when you're using blueprism "select item" action instead of >clicking using mouse, then some javascript code must not be executed.
Yes, this is the right answer.
Also, some combo box will check your manipulation. If your manipulation is more robot-like, it would not invoke the javascript code. You may need to use "invoke javascript function" in navigating stage or you can just use "global send keys" to send keystroke and make you manipulation more human-like.

When you spy the element of same type just like combo box or text box you, please select the appropriate attribute from modeler window. In this case you can able to select the attribute "ordinal" and "match index".
If you check ordinal value will different for each combo box.

Is it something like, if I choose first option in ComboBox1 then in ComboBox2 there will be automaticly chossen option 2? Is it allways the same conection?
If so, choose ComboBox 1, then make a descision step: IF CoboBox1 IS 1 THEN...
If not, then after you choose ComboBox 1, you may wish to read value of that ComboBox and then choose the value of the other.
Hope it helps.


Combo Box not showing on Excel VBA Form

I have a form with multiple Combo boxes. I was doing some appearance tweaking of the form and one of the boxes is not showing anywhere. If I try to add a new combobox with the same name it says it is not unique.
I tried Opening the form with a message in the box "Here I am" but it did not show. I don't get any compile errors as there are multiple references to the field in my code. Is there anyway to find it (Me.cmb_Photographer)?
It could be a bunch of different things. Perhaps the visible property is set to No or the control is behind another control. You might also have mislabeled something so Name property is different from the Control Source property.
In any case you should be able to go into design mode, open the property sheet and use the dropdown to find the control you're looking for. It should highlight the control on the form.

Xpages chained djFilteringSelect in separate dialogs

I am trying to make a 2nd djFilteringSelect using a #Dbcolumn depending on the value selected in the 1st djFilteringSelect control. That's a common task, using a partial refresh. However, each of the controls is within a dialog control from the extension library. One dialog pops up, the user selects a value, and automatically the 1st dialog closes and the 2nd opens. YOU CAN'T SEEM TO REFRESH THE FIELD (I'm guessing b/c it's not in the DOM). I've tried writing the first value to to an computed field and/or a text box on the main Xpage using CSJS and then looking for that value for the second lookup. Also, tried with SSJS, etc. I tried do updates and writing to fields on either the onChange or on the click of button. How do I go about using the selected value of the first to do the lookup in the 2nd?
You can use a single dialog control where you hide and show the relevant controls. I am using this approach in several apps.

VBA Listbox not updating to reflect new source list when called from itself

Playing around further, it seems that you can't assign a new array to a listbox via the .list=somelist approach when the assignment happens in response to a click on the listbox itself. Or rather, you can assign the list, but it simply won't visually populate the listbox...although Excel seems to think it's there.
The .additem or .removeitem methods do however result in a visual change when called from a listbox click, which means you have to build your new array up that way I guess. How tedious.
You can however feed a listbox an entirely new array using the .list=somelist approach via a CommandButton-initiated action. But the user has to obviously click a button to do this. Which in my case below defeats the purpose.
Edit Over.
I'm designing a UserForm to help filter PivotTables. It's a cross between the existing Pivot Filter functionality and a Slicer. Here's what you see if you double-click on a PivotField header:
Note the Search field at the top, and the three buttons immediately below that search field. If you type something into that field, then instead of displaying everything that's currently filtered, you instead get a list of any matches, and you can then apply those search results to the underlying PivotTable via those three CommandButtons. The first cb simply filters the PivotTable to reflect the search, and the other two let you add or remove any search result from an existing filter.
I want to do away with those three command buttons, and instead (in the event that a search is performed) simply list those three options at the top of the ListBox above any search results returned. Clicking on those three options will then trigger the exact same code as currently triggered by the Command Button.
Here's how that looks currently if I actually type something in that Search box (Note I haven't yet removed the three command buttons this does away with from that Search frame):
I've added a simple bit of code to the lbResults_Change() event handler that checks if a user clicks any of those first three options. All that code does is trigger the exact same routines as would be triggered if they'd simply clicked on the actual command buttons themselves:
For i = 0 To 4
If Me.lbResults.Selected(i) Then Exit For
Next i
Select Case i
Case 0: cmdApplySearch_Click
Case 1: cmdAddToFilter_Click
Case 2: cmdSubtractFromFilter_Click
Case 3: Me.lbResults.Selected(3) = False
End Select
Here' the problem: The listbox gets updated just fine if I click on those command buttons, as you can see from the below. The Pivot has been filtered accordingly, and those contextual search options have been removed from the top of the listbox (and the search field cleared):
But the listbox does NOT get updated if the exact same routine is triggered from a click on one of those top three options in listbox itself:
As you can see from the above screenshot, it still shows those three options at the top, even though they are NOT in the array that I assigned to the listbox, as evidenced by the screenshot below:
But as you could see from the earlier screenshot, it shows 7 items in the ListBox instead of the three there actually are. But there are indeed just three items that should be showing in that list box:
? .ListCount
? .List(0)
263213: ICT Systems Test Engineer
? .List(1)
263299: ICT Support and Test Engineers nec
? .List(2)
839313: Product Tester
Basically, as soon as I try to update what's in the listbox via a click on the listbox itself, I can't update it.
It doesn't seem to matter if I set focus to something other than the listbox before the filtering code executes, and I've even tried completely clearing the Listbox with .clear. It just doesn't clear, until I manually click on one of those command buttons again.
Anyone have any pointers?
Ah, what an idiot I am for overlooking the painfully obvious solution. The ListBox list happily redraws in response to any event other than the ListBox_Click event, right? So all I needed to do was to use the ListBox_Click event to determine what got clicked (as I currently do), and then use the ListBox_MouseUp event to trigger the actual updating of the ListBox list. Works a treat.
Hopefully this post will save someone else two days of pain in the future. Probably me.

How to add Listpicker to textbox in LiveCode

I want to add a list picker in Live code.When a user click on the Textbox the list picker should open with list of items.How can do that?
Be aware that your text field must be locked in order to send a "mouseUp" message, if that is how you want to show the combo box that Monte suggested. There are other ways around this, if you still want to be able to type into that field. Write back with your exact needs.
The combo box is useful because you can type right into it. If you only want options that will load data into an existing field, a popup or pulldown might be something to look into.
On the left side of the tool palette about the middle is a style of button called a combo box. I think that's what you want.

Excel VBA Dialog box with custom buttons

I would like to create a dialog box or message box in excel WITH custom button labels i.e. FIRST and SECOND. I would like for this box to open up when the file is first opened...and doesn't allow user access to the worksheet until they select either FIRST or SECOND.
I can make a form, but I would rather not add a form since this should be simple... I remember doing something very similar back in the VB6 days, but that has been sometime.
The MsgBox function does not support different names (than the given ones) for the buttons, and neither the InputBox method or function will allow you to change the button names.
You'll have to make a simple form.
