Xpages chained djFilteringSelect in separate dialogs - dialog

I am trying to make a 2nd djFilteringSelect using a #Dbcolumn depending on the value selected in the 1st djFilteringSelect control. That's a common task, using a partial refresh. However, each of the controls is within a dialog control from the extension library. One dialog pops up, the user selects a value, and automatically the 1st dialog closes and the 2nd opens. YOU CAN'T SEEM TO REFRESH THE FIELD (I'm guessing b/c it's not in the DOM). I've tried writing the first value to to an computed field and/or a text box on the main Xpage using CSJS and then looking for that value for the second lookup. Also, tried with SSJS, etc. I tried do updates and writing to fields on either the onChange or on the click of button. How do I go about using the selected value of the first to do the lookup in the 2nd?

You can use a single dialog control where you hide and show the relevant controls. I am using this approach in several apps.


Handling multiple html combo boxes in BluePrism

On a web page there are two html combo boxes, value in the second combo box depends on the values selected in first combo. When I do this manually it works, but with BluePrism on selecting value in first box the values in second combo box doesn't load.
I think that it be so, that when you're using blueprism "select item" action instead of clicking using mouse, then some javascript code must not be executed.
I'd try to investigate a page that you're automating. I'd search for the javascript code that is being executed when using mouse and try to call that method from BluePrism object.
I think that it be so, that when you're using blueprism "select item" action instead of >clicking using mouse, then some javascript code must not be executed.
Yes, this is the right answer.
Also, some combo box will check your manipulation. If your manipulation is more robot-like, it would not invoke the javascript code. You may need to use "invoke javascript function" in navigating stage or you can just use "global send keys" to send keystroke and make you manipulation more human-like.
When you spy the element of same type just like combo box or text box you, please select the appropriate attribute from modeler window. In this case you can able to select the attribute "ordinal" and "match index".
If you check ordinal value will different for each combo box.
Is it something like, if I choose first option in ComboBox1 then in ComboBox2 there will be automaticly chossen option 2? Is it allways the same conection?
If so, choose ComboBox 1, then make a descision step: IF CoboBox1 IS 1 THEN...
If not, then after you choose ComboBox 1, you may wish to read value of that ComboBox and then choose the value of the other.
Hope it helps.

Partial refresh after OK in name picker control

how can I establish a partial refresh after I select the OK button in the xe:namePicker control ?
I only have the for property which does copy the selected value in the assigned field.
The onchange event for that field does not always seem to recognize the value change.
Instead of an Edit Box, I would recommend using Dojo Name Text Box, as covered here. It avoids the need for validation - with an Edit Box even though you provide a Name Picker, users can still enter values manually and can edit them after selecting from the name Picker. The Dojo Name Text Box and Dojo List Text Box are the only controls I use with pickers and almost always use onChange with them, without issue.
One caveat is that the Events tab defaults to onClick. On more than one occasion I've coded onClick instead of onChange, but it's easily identifiable and rectifiable.

Lotus xpages: xpage containing multiple views

I have a xpage which contains one big table with 1 row and 2 columns. I created this table to separate the xpage into 2 parts: the left one where I have some buttons and the right one where I want to display some views.
From the container controls I drag a View on the right column, but is there any chance to do this in such a way that 1st button clicked => 1st view is shown, 2nd button clicked => 2nd view is shown and so on.
Or every xpage should contain one view?
I raise this question considering the fact that in Lotus Notes if you had one frameset with 2 frames, you could easily create an outline in one frame, and some views that will be open by every outline entry in the 2nd frame. What I want to do is quite the same thing.
I appreciate your time. If you think this question isn't 'good' enough, I will just delete it. I'm new in XPages development.
Use simple table with one row and two columns. Place your buttons inside the left cell. Put the switch control (mentioned by Tim) to the right one.
More about the control in extlib demo DB... online demo here
Create separate custom control for each view and drag and drop "Include Page" from container control to the right column of your table and compute the page name instead of selecting an XPage. You can compute like this sessionScope.CCName + ".xsp". And onclick of the button set appropriate custom control(which contains the view) name as the value to the sessionScope variable and reload the page. This will do what you want. I hope this too helps.
You could do this on a single XPage using a xe:navigator control in the left column and an xe:dynamicViewPanel control in the right. These controls are available in the Extension Library if you are running 8.5.3 and natively available in release 9.
The Dynamic View Panel control is the dynamic content control for displaying one of several Domino views. Only the component for the displayed view is loaded in the component tree so it is highly efficient compared to alternative designs (like an xp:viewPanel control in each facet of an xe:switchFacet control as each viewPanel is loaded in the component tree on the server, not just the one that is rendered).
See this online demo http://xpages.jp/demos/xpagesext.nsf/Domino_DynamicView.xsp
put each content on a seperate panel in a custom control.
Have those custom controls in seperate divs and show/hide divs based on button click.
If you are using different xpages, you can use IncludePage(from container controls), which will act like a computed subform.

Action Button works differently if added to the DataView

I have a button that calls a Dialog that has a combo box bound to a sessionScope variable. The combo box contains a list of form names that I use to then call an XPage to create a new document. The first value in the forms list is "" so the user needs to select a value. I have a button with the onClick event of:
var c = getComponent("CreateDocDialog");
I have the button and dialog on a customControl with a repeatControl and when the button to open the dialog is clicked the ssSelectedForm is null and the current value of the combo is blank, which is exactly what I want it to be. However, if I add the same button and dialog to a customControl with a dataView control the dialog displays but ssSelectedForm is not null so the combo box displays the last value of ssSelected. I have placed the button outside the dataView, in several of the facets on the dataview, but all with the same results.
Very confusing.
I am going to answer the same as my comment since I am pretty confident about what I said.
Go ahead and change the scope from sessionScope to viewScope. I had a similar issue once, and I 'fixed' it by clearing out the sessionScope variable after I used it. This worked, but I realized that it was not necessary, and that by changing to viewScope the lifecycle will be shorter and there was no need to clear out the value when I was done with it.
I don't know why this fails when added to the data view, but if this fixes it that would be all that matters.

Excel VBA Dialog box with custom buttons

I would like to create a dialog box or message box in excel WITH custom button labels i.e. FIRST and SECOND. I would like for this box to open up when the file is first opened...and doesn't allow user access to the worksheet until they select either FIRST or SECOND.
I can make a form, but I would rather not add a form since this should be simple... I remember doing something very similar back in the VB6 days, but that has been sometime.
The MsgBox function does not support different names (than the given ones) for the buttons, and neither the InputBox method or function will allow you to change the button names.
You'll have to make a simple form.
