Azure Functions NodeJs: Remove Http Response Header - node.js

I have an HTTP triggered, NodeJs Azure Function, and I'm looking to remove the "X-Powered-By" header from my response, but have found no way to do so.
I've tried adding both this and this azure site extensions, but neither has worked for me,
Setting the response header manually, i.e. res.headers = { ['x-powered-by']: null } is ineffective.

Based on the comments made on this github issue: it would seem that using either extension should have removed the headers you wanted.
Modifying the response headers will likely won't work as they are probably added further down the pipeline by the function host and not overridable, see:
Access Azure Function runtime settings
Azure functions recently removed the x-aspnet-version header, further removal of other headers is tracked as part of the azure-webjobs-script-sdk here
You should leave a comment on the github issue and you can further discuss with the team working on this.

There is an extension called Remove Custom Headers that works for Web Apps but not for functions that have their own resource group. So, what you can do is:
1. Create a regular Web App
2. Create a function and make sure you use the same Hosting Plan as the Web App (do not use Consumption).
3. Once the function is created, install the extension named: "Remove Custom Headers"
4. Restart the function and the headers (Server and X-Powered-By) should disappear.


How do you remove standard headers from the HTTP response of Azure Functions?

Is it possible to remove these headers?
I have a .NET solution with several Azure functions that show all the header information in the HTTP response when they are called. There is no web.base.config type file that I can add 'removeServerHeader = true' which I have used to solve this problem previously in ASP.NET projects.
However, in my azure function solution there is only a host.json file and I don't think this can be used to do something similar.
I have seen a fix for this in the git repo here but I'm not exactly sure how to implement it so the headers are removed.
Can anyone help with this please? Or point me in the right direction. Thanks!
Firstly the fix you link is about ASP.NET version header, this is fixed in the function v1, the release version is v1.0.11510, so you won't get this header.
Then is about server header, yes in my test I will get this header too with v1 function Here is the fix detail , it removes X-Powered-By and server header and ther version should be 2.0.12493. So actually you don't have to use the v3 function, the latest v2 function already remove these headers.

Problems with axios and Azure Application Insights

The NPM package #microsoft/applicationinsights-we from microsoft when used in the frontend will add headers for tracking calls across different parts of the application (e.g. frontend, backend, services etc.).
I'm using axios in the frontend which out of the box does not work with the package. Neither disableFetchTracking:false nor disableAjaxTracking:false works. I don't want to replace axios with fetch, because axios is more convenient to use and this would be a lot of rewrite too.
What can I do?
The #microsoft/applicationinsights-web package does inject correlation headers into axios calls (by instrumenting XMLHttpRequest). There might be a few causes of the problem in your application:
Another library broke the instrumentation
Something else might be hijacking the XMLHttpRequest object and affecting the AppInsights instrumentation. One such library is pace.js, which overwrites the window.XMLHttpRequest constructor but does not add open, send and abort to it's prototype. AppInsights expects these functions to be present on the XMLHttpRequest's prototype:
Here is a working axios + #microsoft/applicationinsights-web example:
Here is the same example, but with pace.js loaded - the Request-Id header is not added:
Either removing pace.js or placing it's script tag / import after the AppInsights initialization code should fix the problem.
Cross-origin requests
Another explanation might be that the frontend app is making cross-origin requests, which are not processed by AppInsights by default - the enableCorsCorrelation: true config setting is needed.

GET / POST using Clarion

I have Clarion 9 app that I want to be able to communicate with HTTP servers. I come from PHP background. I have 0 idea on what to do.
What I wish to be able to do:
Parse JSON data and convert QUEUE data to JSON [Done]
Have a global variable like 'baseURL' that points to e.g. [Done]
Call functions such apiConnection.get('/users') would return me the contents of the page. [I'm stuck here]'/users', myQueueData) would POST myQueueData contents.
I tried using winhttp.dll by reading it from LibMaker but it didn't read it. Instead, I'm now using wininet.dll which LibMaker successfully created a .lib file for it.
I'm currently using the PROTOTYPE procedures from this code on GitHub
What I did was include them like:
ApiLog QUEUE, PRE(log)
LogTitle STRING(10)
LogMessage STRING(50)
ApiConnection DreamyConnection
IF DreamyConnection.initiateConnection('http://localhost')
log:LogTitle = 'Info'
log:LogMessage = 'Failed'
But the buffer that winInet's that uses always returns 0.
I have created a GitHub repository with all the code to look at.
I'm really lost in this because I can't find proper documentation of Clarion.
I do not want a paid solution.
It kind of depends which version of Clarion you have.
Starting around v9 they added ClaRunExt which provides this kind of functionality via .NET Interop.
From the help:
Use HTTP or HTTPS to download web pages, or any other type of file. You can also post form data to web servers. Very easy way to send HTTP web requests (and receive responses) to Web Servers, REST Web Services, or standard Web Services, with the most commonly used HTTP verbs; POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE.
Otherwise, search the LibSrc\ directory for "http" and you will get an idea of what is already there. for example, appears to provide a wrapper around wininet.lib.

Precompiled Azure Function and SOAP endpoints

I'm writing a precompiled Azure function that will perform a SOAP call to ServiceNow. The code works as a standalone exe but I can't seem to get it converted to a precompiled function. In know it's because my DLL can't find the app.config file but what's the best way to get around it. Error message below. ServiceNow requires I set certain bindings and endpoint configuration. The other contractors for their ServiceNowSoapClient class allow me to specify a url directly but don't seem to allow me to get to the binding settings.
Exception while executing function: Functions.TimerTriggerCSharp.
System.ServiceModel: Could not find endpoint element with name
'ServiceNowSoapDev' and contract 'ServiceNowReference.ServiceNowSoap'
in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be
because no configuration file was found for your application, or
because no endpoint element matching this name could be found in the
client element.
In WCF you can define your client binding and endpoint programmatically instead of using app.config. Use the constructor of the generated client with two parameters:
new ServiceNowSoapClient(binding, remoteAddress);
See more code here.

Just created Azure Mobile App service calls return http 400 error

Here's what I'm doing.
Install latest Azure SDK (by the date)
Open Visual Studio 2013
Create a new Azure Mobile App project. The simple service is created with TodoItem DataObject and 2 simple controllers - TodoItemController and ValuesController
Do not change anything
Start the project
The service is started and hosted in local IISExpress on url http://localhost:50993/ (the port may vary).
The "This mobile app is up and running" web page is opened in the browser. But http 400 error is returned when I try to invoke some GET-actions: for example http://localhost:50993/api/values or http://localhost:50993/tables/TodoItem.
Any ideas? Is something wrong in my environment or is that me doing something wrong?
I guess you can opt out of version checking by setting a value of true for the app setting MS_SkipVersionCheck. Specify this either in your web.config or in the Application Settings section of the Azure Portal.
This generally happens when you don't add a ZUMO-API-VERSION header to the request. This is required when making requests from a REST client, but the mobile client SDKs add the header automatically.
To fix, add the header ZUMO-API-VERSION with value of 2.0.0.
To learn more, see
at the end will do the trick.
