GET / POST using Clarion - clarion

I have Clarion 9 app that I want to be able to communicate with HTTP servers. I come from PHP background. I have 0 idea on what to do.
What I wish to be able to do:
Parse JSON data and convert QUEUE data to JSON [Done]
Have a global variable like 'baseURL' that points to e.g. [Done]
Call functions such apiConnection.get('/users') would return me the contents of the page. [I'm stuck here]'/users', myQueueData) would POST myQueueData contents.
I tried using winhttp.dll by reading it from LibMaker but it didn't read it. Instead, I'm now using wininet.dll which LibMaker successfully created a .lib file for it.
I'm currently using the PROTOTYPE procedures from this code on GitHub
What I did was include them like:
ApiLog QUEUE, PRE(log)
LogTitle STRING(10)
LogMessage STRING(50)
ApiConnection DreamyConnection
IF DreamyConnection.initiateConnection('http://localhost')
log:LogTitle = 'Info'
log:LogMessage = 'Failed'
But the buffer that winInet's that uses always returns 0.
I have created a GitHub repository with all the code to look at.
I'm really lost in this because I can't find proper documentation of Clarion.
I do not want a paid solution.

It kind of depends which version of Clarion you have.
Starting around v9 they added ClaRunExt which provides this kind of functionality via .NET Interop.
From the help:
Use HTTP or HTTPS to download web pages, or any other type of file. You can also post form data to web servers. Very easy way to send HTTP web requests (and receive responses) to Web Servers, REST Web Services, or standard Web Services, with the most commonly used HTTP verbs; POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE.
Otherwise, search the LibSrc\ directory for "http" and you will get an idea of what is already there. for example, appears to provide a wrapper around wininet.lib.


Azure Functions NodeJs: Remove Http Response Header

I have an HTTP triggered, NodeJs Azure Function, and I'm looking to remove the "X-Powered-By" header from my response, but have found no way to do so.
I've tried adding both this and this azure site extensions, but neither has worked for me,
Setting the response header manually, i.e. res.headers = { ['x-powered-by']: null } is ineffective.
Based on the comments made on this github issue: it would seem that using either extension should have removed the headers you wanted.
Modifying the response headers will likely won't work as they are probably added further down the pipeline by the function host and not overridable, see:
Access Azure Function runtime settings
Azure functions recently removed the x-aspnet-version header, further removal of other headers is tracked as part of the azure-webjobs-script-sdk here
You should leave a comment on the github issue and you can further discuss with the team working on this.
There is an extension called Remove Custom Headers that works for Web Apps but not for functions that have their own resource group. So, what you can do is:
1. Create a regular Web App
2. Create a function and make sure you use the same Hosting Plan as the Web App (do not use Consumption).
3. Once the function is created, install the extension named: "Remove Custom Headers"
4. Restart the function and the headers (Server and X-Powered-By) should disappear.

How do i access the Phabricator Maniphest restful APIs?

I'm trying to programmatically create tasks/bugs on Maniphest:
but i can't quite seem to find a RESTful API that can do this.
am i totally missing out on something? or does there not currently exist one
Conduit ( should work for you. There is a method called createtask (looks like that is exactly what you are looking for.
You can access phabricator's api, to create task ,query user info etc.
here is the demo for access https api by postman .
Note: for multi value field such as "ccPHIDs" , you should use format like the image.
but in conduit UI Test. you have to use json format, like this: ["PHID-PROJ-xxx3", "PHID-PROJ-xx12"]
phabricator's API is the wrost api set, I have used by now. so sick...

Extending log4net - Adding additional data to each log

We're working on logging in our applications, using log4net. We'd like to capture certain information automatically with every call. The code calling log.Info or log.Warn should call them normally, without specify this information.
I'm looking for a way to create something we can plug into log4net. Something between the ILog applications use to log and the appenders, so that we can put this information into the log message somehow. Either into ThreadContext, or the LogEventInfo.
The information we're looking to capture is related; the request url, user agent, etc. There's also some information from the apps .config file we want to include (an application id).
I want to get between the normal ILog.Info and appender so that this information is also automatically included for 3rd party libraries which also use log4net (Nhibernate, NServiceBus, etc).
Any suggestions on where the extensibility I want would be?
What you are looking for is called log event context. This tutorial explains how it works:
In particular the chapter 'Calculated Context Values' will interesting for you.
My idea was to use the global context. It is easy to see how this works for something like application ID (in fact there you do not even need a calculated context object). Dynamic information like request url could be done like this:
public class RequestUrlContext
public override string ToString()
string url;
// retrieve url from request
return url;
The object is global but the method is called on the thread that handles the request and thus you get the correct information. I also recommend that you create one class per "information entity" so that you have a lot of flexibility with the output in the log destination.

Working with Node.JS

Last night I dump windows 7 and formatted my hard driver to port to a Linux based operating system, Purely for the reasons that I wanted to start working with Node.JS
So I have installed Node.JS and have done a few test stuff, the http server and sockets etc.
What I would like to do is build a HTTP Server that is tightly intergrated with an MVC Framework, but before I get started on all that I need to learn how to build efficiently in Node.
For example within PHP as my framework I would create a bootloading system to load all base classes etc, then i would fire my events system ready to start attaching callbacks.
I would continue to process the request etc until the output is generated which then gets sent of to an output handler that would process headers etc etc
But Node s a totally new environment for this and im wondering on the best practises to build an system in Node.
The information im looking for is more to do with the design structure rather then the actual coding of the application, how to load the lib where to load the libs, etc etc
Any help is appreciated.
So far my WebApplication is coming along nicely, I have built my application pretty traditionally and a little procedural.
What i have started out is creating a directory structure like so:
This directory structure is like most MVC Based Web Applications out there so using this method I feel comfortable.
The startup file is whats executed by node as the entry point, node startup & and looks like so:
* Header of t he file, Copyright etc
var _Intitialize = require("./system/init.js");
//Displays the command line header, title, copyright etc
//Check the enviroment, Permissions, Ports etc
//Start the server and listen the port.
the init file is the main work, its what tells all other areas of the system to run, stop etc.
I have a file in libs called serverhandler.js, and this is required into init.js, I then create a server and assign the callback to the ServerHandler.Listener. Who then listens for requests, checks to see if the file exists in public directory, if so it then reads in chunks and sends back.
if no file was found in public it would then create a route with Route.Create("/path?params"); which deters 3 elements, Controller, Method, Params from the uri, and then the controller files are loaded if exists.
I've taken on the approach of throwing error pages like so:
throw new HTTPExceptions.FileNotFound();
Hope this helps some people getting started in Node.
Have a look at , it's pretty relevant.
I would suggest looking at the current modules too
and reading the code of any of the projects in the areas you are interested in, esp. the middleware, routing and module loaders.

Launch Documents To Go app from third party Blackberry App

I was wondering if it's possible to open doc, xls, pdf, etc files using the "Documents To Go" app from a third party blackberry app.
If you want to open a specific document, since Docs ToGo registers to handle these extensions, you can use the Registry invocation and it will be handled for you. Take a look at the Registry and Invocation classes, the following code will open the document in the given path, Docs ToGo will take over through the Registry:
Invocation invocation = new Invocation(path);
Ragistry reg = = Registry.getRegistry("<your app namespace.class>");
If there is no registered handler for the file content type a ContentHandlerException will be thrown with error code ContentHandlerException.NO_REGISTERED_HANDLER.
Note: there's a small bug in Docs ToGo - closing the document or clicking the back button might not lead the user back to your application.
EDIT: The getRegistry function takes a class fully qualified name e.g. com.softartisans.SilverDust, where SilverDust is the class mane. You can find more info about the use of the Registry in this online book starting page 291 - Client use of Registry. I originally linked to the javax Registry, but it is more useful to look at the BlackBerry Registry docs.
You can use the ApplicationManager class to launch other applications, for example by looking up its descriptor and using runApplication(). You can also pass arguments in the descriptor and if the application looks at arguments passed into it, it may actually open the specified file.
