How to get barcode number value using barcode plugins in Outsystems? - barcode-scanner

Question: How to get barcode number value in Barcode Plugins of Outsystems! Thank you!

From the Component page:
How to use this plugin?
Use ScanBarcode client action in order to open the camera and start
the scanning session. If a barcode/qr code is successfully scanned,
the result will be available on the Output Parameter ScanResult. The
usage of front or back camera can be defined through the Settings
parameter, setting Camera to either “front” or “back”. Flash can also
be enabled or disabled and if the sight line should be drawn on the
You can find more information here:
Supported Formats


How to initiate customer value for screen in touchGFX

I have build an application using touchGFX and STM32 based on STM32F746 Disco kit.
My application have some screens with some value to display on screen. These value can setting and change by user. Every time when these value change I will save them to eeprom.
When I turn off power and turn on again, I have read these value before start display screen, but them can't to load to screen until I pressed some button on screen (pressed button I will fresh this screen).
So my question:
How can I initiate customer value for screen and display them when startup in touchGFX
This is simple, just load your data in presenter->activate().
I suggest you read the article on back-end-communication. It explains how to propagate values from your Model (e.g eeprom).
From TouchGFX Designer you'll find several examples that do something similar from an F769-DISCO board (sample a button and propagate that value to the UI).

Stop casting/disconnect box is tiny on my Android Cast app

I'm familiarizing myself with the Google Cast SDK by building a small test application, following the Cast SDK for Android guide. I've created a standard ActionBarActivity-based app as the guide suggests (even though ActionBarActivity is deprecated... shrug) I've added all the library dependencies, added the necessary XML to AndroidManifest.xml and menu_main.xml and am using the MediaRouteActionProvider to handle device detection and to show/hide the Cast button in the action bar. All is working well, and the "Connect to device" box appears as it should when I tap the Cast Button.
However, when I tap the Cast button again to disconnect, the "Stop Casting" box appears but it is unusually small.
The box is supposed to be wide enough to show the volume bar -- in my super-small version, the volume slider does in fact show up but it is unusably small. Compare to what it is supposed to look like, for example as in the YouTube app shown below.
Any idea what could be going on here? I am using basically the exact code that the Cast SDK for Android guide uses (the only addition being some custom Buttons with onClick listeners to control the media playback and to start casting several different test streams (both audio and video.)
This is due to changes that were made into the Media Router Support library and will be fixed in future updates to that library. If absolutely needed, the current workaround is to override that dialog.

Show alert with Indeterminate progress indicator Nokia Full Touch j2me

Does anyone know how to show a spinner for progress bar in a j2me alert?
Here is my piece of code so far:
loadingDialog = new Alert("Please Wait","Please Wait.",null,AlertType.INFO);
Gauge gau = new Gauge( null, false,
I am getting a horizontal line (like a slider). What I want is a spinner in place of it.
The second image (labelled non interactive gauge) of the link is what I am looking for:
The way how you create Gauge looks about right, in accordance with instructions given at Nokia page you refer as well as with Gauge API javadocs (available online):
The value representing the continuous-running state of a non-interactive Gauge with indefinite range.
A special value used for the maximum value in order to indicate that the Gauge has indefinite range.
Explanation at Nokia page (somewhat vague) suggests the most likely reason for the issue you describe is that Nokia shows spinner only in forms, not in alerts:
- Indefinite gauge in Java Form uses spinner.
- An Alert uses a "barber shop roll" (animated bar of fixed length).
The way to test above assumption is to put Gauge like yours into the Form instead of Alert and see how device / emulator displays it.
If Form shows spinner, then the most straightforward workaround is to use Form instead of Alert. In this case, since Form lack "dismissal" feature provided by Alert, you would have to implement it yourself - eg by using TimerTask to schedule form replacement with previous screen.
Hehehe, the clue is in the link you gave --
Java Alerts do not use spinners due to layout constraints.
So it's not possible!

How to change Nokia full touch lwuit form header color

I want to to change the header color of nokia lwuit based full touch form and i have tried setTitleComponent method but it is not working. Please also check the following link
in which it is mentioned we cannot style the header but is it means we cannot change the bgcolor as well or put custom images in the header?
Note that when using LWUIT for Series 40 port, the default way of running LWUIT apps is a normal-size canvas in Series 40 full touch devices. Thus the Series 40 chrome shows on top of canvas. And there is no way of customising it (other than the title text).
If you want to provide branding elements to the title, the options are:
1. create an additional lable below the Series 40 headerbar
2. run the application in full-screen. We are planning to create a high-level API for this but currently it is already possible using the following trick:
((GameCanvas) (javax.microedition.lcdui.Display.getDisplay(this)).getCurrent()).setFullScreenMode(true);
In the latter option you will of course lose the Series 40 full touch layout.
Use lwuit source, you can change method visibility if required, this is example what i used to use gradient color
Here Color is my custom class that is used for color code, you can use your one.

show a specific view when application returns to foreground [duplicate]

How do I prevent my GUI from redraw when it comes back from lock screen after receiving a UILocalNotification? In didReceiveLocalNotification I present a modal view, but the old state of my view controllers is shown for a moment before that. How do I prevent this?
Also the order of events I get when I come back on local notification from background is as following:
1. UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification
2. UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification
3. didReceiveLocalNotification
When I come from lock screen:
1. didReceiveLocalNotification
2. UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification
Why is this difference and whether there is something else I'm missing?
Here's how it was solved. May be it's not the way, but it worked for me. Since my application is voip/audio, it doesn't come to didFinishLaunchingWithOptions... I found out, that iOS uses a cached image from a previous state for animation when it resumes from background or from sleep mode. So the solution is basically to exchange this cached image with my default.png image. I do it in applicationWillResignActive delegate. There I add a modal view with a Default.png picture and dismiss it in applicationDidBecomeActive. This is really in short. Hopefully it will help somebody else with the same problem.
You can provide a custom image that is displayed when launching/resuming from a local notification. Simply set the alertLaunchImage property on your local notification to the name of the correct image.
From the Docs:
The string is a filename of an image file in the application bundle. This image is a launching image specified for a given notification; when the user taps the action button (for example, “View”) or moves the action slider, the image is used in place of the default launching image. If the value of this property is nil (the default), the system either uses the previous snapshot, uses the image identified by the UILaunchImageFile key in the application’s Info.plist file, or falls back to Default.png.
