How to choose between join(broadcast) and collect with Spark - apache-spark

I'm using Spark 2.2.1.
I have a small DataFrame (less than 1M) and I have a computation on a big DataFrame that will need this small one to compute a column in an UDF.
What is the best option regarding performance
Is it better to broadcast this DF (I don't know if Spark will do the cartesian into memory).
.withColumn(udf("$colFromSmall", $"colFromBig"))
or to collect it and use the small value directly in the udf
val small = smallDF.collect()

Both will collect data first, so in terms of memory footprint there is no difference. So the choice should be dictated by the logic:
If you can do better than default execution plan and don't want to create your own, udf might be a better approach.
If it is just a Cartesian, and requires subsequent explode - perish the though - just go with the former option.
As suggested in the comments by T.Gawęda in the second case you can use broadcast
val small = spark.spark.broadcast(smallDF.collect())
It might provide some performance improvements if udf is reused.


Suggestion for multiple joins in spark

Recently I got a requirement to perform combination joins.
I have to perform around 30 to 36 joins in Spark.
It was consuming more time to build the execution plan. So I cached the execution plan in intermediate stages using df.localCheckpoint().
Is this a good way to do? Any thoughts, please share.
Yes, it is fine.
This is mostly discussed for iterative ML algorithms, but can be equally applied for a Spark App with many steps - e.g. joins.
Quoting from
Spark programs take a huge performance hit when fault tolerance occurs
as the entire set of transformations to a DataFrame or RDD have to be
recomputed when fault tolerance occurs or for each additional
transformation that is applied on top of an RDD or DataFrame.
localCheckpoint() is not "reliable".
Caching is definitely a strategy to optimize your performance. In general, given that your data size and resource of your spark application remains unchanged, there are three points that need to be considered when you want to optimize your joining operation:
Data skewness: In most of the time, when I'm trying to find out the reason why the joining takes a lot of time, data skewness is always be one of the reasons. In fact, not only the joining operation, any transformation need a even data distribution so that you won't have a skewed partition that have lots of data and wait the single task in single partition. Make sure your data are well distributed.
Data broadcasting: When we do the joining operation, data shuffling is inevitable. In some case, we use a relatively small dataframe as a reference to filter the data in a very big dataframe. In this case, it's a very expensive operation to shuffle the dataframe. Instead, we can use the dataframe broadcasting to broadcast your small dataframe to every single node and prevent the costly shuffling.
Keep your joining data as lean as possible: like what I mentioned in point 2, data shuffling is inevitable when you do the joining operation. Therefore, please keep your dataframe as lean as possible, which means remove the rows / columns if it's unnecessary to reduce the size of data that need to be moved across the network during the data shuffling.

Spark SQL joining multiple tables design

I am developing a Spark SQL analytics solutions using set of tables. Suppose there are 5 tables which i need to building my solution and finally i am creating one output table.
Here is my flow
dataframe1 = table1 join table2
dataframe2 = dataframe1 join table3
dataframe3 = datamframe2 + filter + agg
dataframe4 = dataframe3 join table4 join table 5
// finally
When I save final dataframe that's when all the above dataframe is evaluated.
Is my approach is good? or
Do i need to cache/persist intermediate dataframes?
This is a very generic question and it is hard to provide a definitive answer.
Depending on the size of tables you would want to do broadcast hint for any of tables that are relatively small.
You can do this via
table_i.join(broadcast(table_j), ....)
This behaviour depends on the value in:
Now broadcast hint will be honoured only if Spark is able to evaluate the value of the table so you might need to cache().
Another option is via Spark checkpoints that can help to truncate local plan for optimisation (also this allows you to resume jobs from checkpoint location, it is similar to writing to HDFS but with some overhead).
In case of broadcasting few houndres of Mb tables, you might need to increase your kryo buffer:
--conf spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=1g
It also depends which join types you will use.
You would probably want to do filter and aggregagtion as early as possible since it will reduce the join surface.
There are many other considerations to be consider in order to properly optimise this. In case of power law distribution of join keys in any of the joins you would need to do salting and explode smaller table.
In your case, in principle, there is not really a cache or persist required Why?
As there are no reuse paths evident (for other Actions or other Transformations within the same Action), it is all sequential.
Also, lazy evaluation and Catalyst.
Try the .explain and see how Spark will process.
However, due to memory eviction possibilities on the Cluster, there may be the need to re-compute on a Worker. There are various settings that you could apply via .cache and .persist, but Spark handles memory and disk spills without explicit .cache or .persist. See
Also, using .cache can affect performance. So use .explain. See here an excellent posting: Spark: Explicit caching can interfere with Catalyst optimizer's ability to optimize some queries?
So, each case is different but yours seems Ok to answer as I have. In summary: An RDD or DF that is not cached, nor check-pointed, is re-evaluated again each time an Action is invoked on that RDD or DF or if re-accessed within the current Action and no skipped stage situation applies. In your case no issue. Doing otherwise would slow your App down in fact.

When should we go for Spark-sql and when should we go for Spark RDD

On which scenario we should prefer spark RDD to write a solution and on which scenario we should choose to go for spark-sql. I know spark-sql gives better performance and it works best with structure and semistructure data. But what else factors are there that we need to take into consideration while choosing betweeen spark Rdd and spark-sql.
I don't see much reasons to still use RDDs.
Assuming you are using JVM based language, you can use DataSet that is the mix of SparkSQL+RDD (DataFrame == DataSet[Row]), according to spark documentation:
Dataset is a new interface added in Spark 1.6 that provides the benefits of RDDs (strong typing, ability to use powerful lambda functions) with the benefits of Spark SQL’s optimized execution engine.
The problem is python is not support DataSet so, you will use RDD and lose spark-sql optimization when you work with non-structed data.
I found using DFs easier to use than DSs - the latter are still subject to development imho. The comment on pyspark indeed still relevant.
RDDs still handy for zipWithIndex to put asc, contiguous sequence numbers on items.
DFs / DSs have a columnar store and have a better Catalyst (Optimizer) support.
Also, may things with RDDs are painful, like a JOIN requiring a key, value and multi-step join if needing to JOIN more than 2 tables. They are legacy. Problem is the internet is full of legacy and thus RDD jazz.
RDD is a collection of data across the clusters and it handles both unstructured and structured data. It's typically a function part of handling data.
Data frames are basically two dimensional array of objects defining the data in a rows and columns. It's similar to relations tables in the database. Data frame handles only the structured data.

Spark Dataframe needs to be repartition after filter like RDD?

According so many good resources, it is advisable to re-partition a RDD after filter operation. since, there is a possibility that most of the partitions are now empty.
I have a doubt that in case of Data Frames has this been handled in current versions or do we still need to repartition it after a filter operation?
I have a doubt that in case of Data Frames has this been handled in current versions or do we still need to repartition it after a filter operation?
If you ask if Spark automatically repartitions data the answer is negative (and I hope it won't change in the future)
According so many good resources, it is advisable to re-partition a RDD after filter operation. since, there is a possibility that most of the partitions are now empty.
This really depends on two factors:
How selective is the filter (what is the expected fraction of the records preserved).
What is the distribution of data, in respect to predicate, prior to filter.
Unless you expect that predicate prunes majority of data or prior distribution will leave significant fraction of partitions empty, costs of repartitioning usually outweigh potential benefits, so the main reason to call repartition is to limit the number of the output files.
Spark does not automatically repartition data. It would be a good idea to repartition the data after filtering if you need to do operations such as join and aggregate. Based on your needs you should either use repartition or coalesce. Typically coalesce is preferable since it tries to group data together without shuffling, therefore it only decreases the # of partitions. (good link for understanding coalesce and repartition)
There aren't huge performance boost if you don't do any heavy computation after your filtering operation. Keep in mind that repartition by itself could also be expensive. You must know your data to make that decision
I am assuming that this is your question.
Shall I run a filter operation before repartition or after repartition?
Based on this assumption, a filter will always try to find records matching some conditions. So, the resultant data frame/RDD is always either less than or equal to the previous data frame/RDD. In most cases, the resultant set is less than the previous one.
Whereas repartition is one of the most expensive operations because it does a shuffle. Always remember whenever we are performing a repartition the less the data is in memory the better the performance we can get out of it.
I don't even have to talk more about how Spark handles it etc, in
general filter before repartition is good for performance!
For example, catalyst optimizer itself uses before and after filter to improve performance.
Blog Link:
For example, Spark knows how and when to do things like combine
filters, or move filters before joins. Spark 2.0 even allows you to
define, add, and test out your own additional optimization rules at
runtime. 1[2]

Spark RDD groupByKey + join vs join performance

I am using Spark on the cluster which I am sharing with others users. So it is not reliable to tell which one of my code runs more efficient just based on the running time. Because when I am running the more efficient code, someone else maybe running huge data works and makes my code executes for a longer time.
So can I ask 2 questions here:
I was using join function to join 2 RDDsand I am trying to use groupByKey() before using join, like this:
seems that it took longer time, however I remember when I was using Hadoop Hive, the group by made my query ran faster. Since Spark is using lazy evaluation, I am wondering whether groupByKey before join makes things faster
I have noticed Spark has a SQL module, so far I really don't have time to try it, but can I ask what are the differences between the SQL module and RDD SQL like functions?
There is no good reason for groupByKey followed by join to be faster than join alone. If rdd1 and rdd2 have no partitioner or partitioners differ then a limiting factor is simply shuffling required for HashPartitioning.
By using groupByKey you not only increase a total cost by keeping mutable buffers required for grouping but what is more important you use an additional transformation which results in a more complex DAG. groupByKey + join:
rdd1 = sc.parallelize([("a", 1), ("a", 3), ("b", 2)])
rdd2 = sc.parallelize([("a", 5), ("c", 6), ("b", 7)])
vs. join alone:
Finally these two plans are not even equivalent and to get the same results you have to add an additional flatMap to the first one.
This is a quite broad question but to highlight the main differences:
PairwiseRDDs are homogeneous collections of arbitraryTuple2 elements. For default operations you want key to be hashable in a meaningful way otherwise there are no strict requirements regarding the type. In contrast DataFrames exhibit much more dynamic typing but each column can only contain values from a supported set of defined types. It is possible to define UDT but it still has to be expressed using basic ones.
DataFrames use a Catalyst Optimizer which generates logical and physical execution planss and can generate highly optimized queries without need for applying manual low level optimizations. RDD based operations simply follow dependency DAG. It means worse performance without custom optimization but much better control over execution and some potential for fine graded tuning.
Some other things to read:
Difference between DataFrame and RDD in Spark
Why don't implement any of spark.mllib algorithms?
I mostly agree with zero323's answer, but I think there is reason to expect join to be faster after groupByKey. groupByKey reduces the amount of data and partitions the data by the key. Both of these help with the performance of a subsequent join.
I don't think the former (reduced data size) is significant. And to reap the benefits of the latter (partitioning) you need to have the other RDD partitioned the same way.
For example:
val a = sc.parallelize((1 to 10).map(_ -> 100)).groupByKey()
val b = sc.parallelize((1 to 10).map(_ -> 100)).partitionBy(a.partitioner.get)
