Official description of purpose of #angular/platform-server? - node.js

I'm just reviewing some dependencies of an angular project.
During that, I had to figure out, that I couldn't find any description for the single angular sub packages describing their purpose.
When browsing to the API documentation or the npm package page, there is literally no description explaining the purpose of those packages:
I think this where all the official sources. But no word about #angular/platform-server lost.
Is there any official documentation which includes this? Or does this simply not exist? I don't want to have tons of packages in my dependencies of which I have no idea of what they do and if I need them at all.


when running yarn install, what does it mean when a module doesn't provide another?

when i run yarn on my react app that uses firebase, i will get several warnings like...
#firebase/auth#npm:0.14.5 [c52f6] doesn't provide #firebase/app-types#0.x requested by #firebase/auth-types#npm:0.10.0
myapp#workspace:. doesn't provide #testing-library/dom#>=5 requested by #testing-library/user-event#npm:10.2.0
(fyi... i am using yarn v2)
does this mean i need to explicitly add those to my package.json?
The error code for this is YN0002, see the official documentation explaining this error.
It is regarding peer-dependencies which are dependencies that are typically loaded with another dependency (its peer) at a specific version.
In summary, this is an error that can only be fixed by the package author. As an end-user, you won't be able to apply any of the recommendations as mentioned in the official documentation.
As an update to the top answer, it is fixable with yarn packageExtensions. You can manually declare a package with another dependency/peerependency in the yarnrc.yml file.
#firebase/app-types: "^0.x.x"
optional: true

Which GraphQL package to use for the Node-express app

This question might seem opinion related but I am literally Puzzled about chosing NPM package for GraphQl
TO be frank, I am just Starting with GraphQL and I opened an article, That Article asked me to install express-graphQL. Blindly, I installed it.
Later on, I wasn't able to comprehend the article, I saw the next article
they were using apollo-server-express
Another Article, they were graphql-yoga
And then another article they are doing npm install apollo-server graphql
I am probably not pro like most of you who get things by reading description in npm module and while this question might be opinion related, and can someone help/guide me with graphQl package I should use.
I work with Node-Express

How can I see who uses an NPM package on Github?

I would like to see how open-source projects use a particular NPM module.
Let's say I would like to find projects using the "normalizr" NPM package.
If I type "normalizr" into Github, I will get a bunch of forks and unrelated projects.
I really just want to see who has "normalizr" in their package.json file.
You can see that on NPM website.
For example, go to normalizr, on right side look for Dependents section where all the dependents are listed. From there you can find their respective github/other repository links. Hope this helps.

Managing 2 npm packages that depend on eachother

I'm creating a npm package that only contains Sass, a small framework. I only want this package to contain the Sass (and a few grunt plugins) so that someone can install and build it without installing the documentation.
But in the case where someone wants to contribute to the project having only the Sass files isn't all that helpful. They would need the documentation (or an example) to view the changes.
So I would like 2 packages; 1 for the framework and 1 for the documentation.
The documentation package would require the framework, the framework package may or may not require the documentation. (You would never update the framework from documentation, only the documentation, but the framework is needed.)
Documentation required = wanting to contribute to framework
Documentation not required = just wanting to use the framework in a project
Basically, I want to give the person installing the framework the option of getting the docs or not.
Is this possible using dependencies vs devDependencies vs peerDependencies?
From above:
To someone who wants to contribute, wouldn't Github be a better option? They could just clone the repo instead of installing it from npm. You could use npmignore to ignore all the documentation from npm package, which will still remain on Github
Thanks #laggingreflex

Where's the NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet?

At Latest API documentation NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet is shown as a part of NodaTime library.
But I can't find it anywhere. Here's the NodeTime in ObjectBrowser in my VisualStudio.
I even looked into NodeTime.Testing and haven't found it.
I don't know where to look for it anymore. These two (NodeTime and NodeTime.Testing) are only packages available over NuGet.
From the page you linked to:
Code in this namespace is not currently included in Noda Time NuGet packages; it is still deemed "experimental". To use these serializers, please download and build the Noda Time source code from the project home page.
For 1.2, we'll be distributing a separate pre-built assembly and NuGet package, but that's not quite ready yet, so for now you'll have to build your own.
