'echo' calls .write function INFINITE times - linux

I wrote a Linux device driver in which the functions read and write are implemented. The problem is with the function write, here the portion of the code:
ssize_t LED_01_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos)
int retval = 0;
PDEBUG(" reading from user space -> wrinting in kernel space\n");
//struct hello_dev *dev = filp->private_data;
if (count > COMMAND_MAX_LENGHT){
printk(KERN_WARNING "[LEO] LED_01: trying to write more than possible. Aborting write\n");
retval = -EFBIG;
goto out;
if (down_interruptible(&(LED_01_devices->sem_LED_01))){
printk(KERN_WARNING "[LEO] LED_01: Device was busy. Operation aborted\n");
if (copy_from_user((void*)&(LED_01_devices-> LED_value), buf, count)) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "[LEO] LED_01: can't use copy_from_user. \n");
retval = -EPERM;
goto out_and_Vsem;
PDEBUG(" Value instert: %u \n", LED_01_devices-> LED_value);
return retval;
If I use the module in a C compiled program, it works properly, as expected.
When I execute echo -n 1 > /dev/LED_01 (from the Command LINE), it writes INFINITE times and, even with the Ctrl+C it doesn't stop. I need to reboot.
Here the snipped code of the test function that works properly:
// ON
result = write(fd, (void*) ON_VALUE, 1);
if ( result != 0 ){
printf("Oh dear, something went wrong with write()! %s\n", strerror(errno));
printf("write operation executed succesfully (%u)\n",ON_VALUE[0]);
Is the problem in the driver or in the way I use echo?
If you need to whole source code, all the file used are stored in this git repository folder

Value returned by the kernel's .write function is interpreted as:
error code, if it is less than zero (<0),
number of bytes written, if it is more than or equal to zero (>=0)
So, for tell user that all bytes has been written, .write function should return its count parameter.
In case of .write function, returning zero has a little sense: every "standard" utility like echo will just call write() function again.


ioctl() call resets file descriptor to 0

Consider the following code:
file_fd = open(device, O_RDWR);
if (file_fd < 0) {
return -1;
printf("File descriptor: %d\n", file_fd);
uint32_t DskSize;
if (ioctl(file_fd, BLKGETSIZE, &DskSize) < 0) {
return -1;
printf("File descriptor after: %d\n", file_fd);
This snippet yields this:
File descriptor: 3
File descriptor after: 0
Why does my file descriptor get reset to 0? The program writes the stuff out to stdout instead of my block device.
This should not happen. I expect my file_fd to be non-zero and retain its value.
Looks like you smash your stack.
Since there are only two stack variables file_fd and DskSize and changing DskSize changes file_fd suggests that DiskSize must be unsigned long or size_t (a 64-bit value), not uint32_t.
Looking at BLKGETSIZE implementation confirms that the value type is unsigned long.
You may like to run your applications under valgrind, it reports this kind of errors.

Use select like function on regular disk file

I have a computer wich logs some sensors data into 8 different files.
I developed a software that allows you to copy this data to another computer when you connect the two machines using an rj45 cable.
After retrieving data at my computer, I need to send it line by line of each file using a pseudo serial (using socat).
I created a program which uses nested for loops in order to check if data is ready in all the 8 files, and then extract a line and send it to puttySX.
Problem is CPU usage. A way to reduce it, is using blocking function to know if data is ready be to read or not but is there any function like select on sockets or serial ports but for such files?
If no, what should I do? Thanks
You can take a look at inotify which lets you monitor file system events.
Here is a sample code to get you started (this is not production code):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/inotify.h>
#define BUF_LEN (sizeof(struct inotify_event) * 1)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *filepath;
int fd, wd;
struct inotify_event *event;
char buf[BUF_LEN];
ssize_t ret;
if (argc != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./%s <filepath>\n", argv[0]);
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
filepath = argv[1];
/* Initialization */
fd = inotify_init();
if (fd == -1)
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
/* Specify which file to monitor */
wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, filepath, IN_MODIFY);
if (wd == -1)
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
/* Wait for that file to be modified, */
/* and print a notification each time it does */
for (;;)
ret = read(fd, buf, BUF_LEN);
if (ret < 1)
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
event = (struct inotify_event *)buf;
if (event->mask & IN_MODIFY)
printf("File modified!\n");
I post to answer my question. Thanks to #yoones I found some trick to do this.
When a log file is created, I set a bool on true in a ini file looking like this
Another program uses inotify to detect creation and modification in the corresponding files. Once there's some change it reads the ini file, process the data and when it finishes to read the data, it deletes the log file and write false in the ini file in the corresponding line.
Since I have to process several log files in the same time, each time I read a line, I verify my ini file to see if I have to start to process another log file as well so I can start multiple process in the same time.
I did a infinite while loop so when all processes are done, the program is back to a select call, waiting for some change and not consuming all CPU's resources.
I'm sorry if I'm not so clear, English is not my native language.
Thanks all for you reply and comments.

linux wake_up_interruptible() having no effect

I am writing a "sleepy" device driver for an Operating Systems class.
The way it works is, the user accesses the device via read()/write().
When the user writes to the device like so: write(fd, &wait, size), the device is put to sleep for the amount of time in seconds of the value of wait. If the wait time expires then driver's write method returns 0 and the program finishes. But if the user reads from the driver while a process is sleeping on a wait queue, then the driver's write method returns immediately with the number of seconds the sleeping process had left to wait before the timeout would have occurred on its own.
Another catch is that 10 instances of the device are created, and each of the 10 devices must be independent of each other. So a read to device 1 must only wake up sleeping processes on device 1.
Much code has been provided, and I have been charged with the task of mainly writing the read() and write() methods for the driver.
The way I have tried to solve the problem of keeping the devices independent of each other is to include two global static arrays of size 10. One of type wait_head_queue_t, and one of type Int(Bool flags). Both of these arrays are initialized once when I open the device via open(). The problem is that when I call wake_up_interruptible(), nothing happens, and the program terminates upon timeout. Here is my write method:
ssize_t sleepy_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos){
struct sleepy_dev *dev = (struct sleepy_dev *)filp->private_data;
ssize_t retval = 0;
int mem_to_be_copied = 0;
if (mutex_lock_killable(&dev->sleepy_mutex))
return -EINTR;
// check size
if(count != 4) // user must provide 4 byte Int
return EINVAL; // = 22
// else if the user provided valid sized input...
if((mem_to_be_copied = copy_from_user(&long_buff[0], buf, count)))
return -EFAULT;
// check for negative wait time entered by user
if(long_buff[0] > -1)// "long_buff[]"is global,for now only holds 1 value
proc_read_flags[MINOR(dev->cdev.dev)] = 0; //****** flag array
retval = wait_event_interruptible_timeout(wqs[MINOR(dev->cdev.dev)], proc_read_flags[MINOR(dev->cdev.dev)] == 1, long_buff[0] * HZ) / HZ;
proc_read_flags[MINOR(dev->cdev.dev)] = 0; // MINOR numbers for each
// device correspond to array indices
// devices 0 - 9
// "wqs" is array of wait queues
printk(KERN_INFO "user entered negative value for sleep time\n");
return retval;}
Unlike the many examples on this topic, I am switching the flag back to zero immediately before the call to wait_event_interruptible_timeout() because flag values seem to be lingering between subsequent runs of the program. Here is the code for my read method:
ssize_t sleepy_read(struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count,
loff_t *f_pos){
struct sleepy_dev *dev = (struct sleepy_dev *)filp->private_data;
ssize_t retval = 0;
if (mutex_lock_killable(&dev->sleepy_mutex))
return -EINTR;
// switch the flag
proc_read_flags[MINOR(dev->cdev.dev)] = 1; // again device minor numbers
// correspond to array indices
// TODO: this is not waking up the process in write!
// wake up the queue
return retval;}
The way I am trying to test the program is to have two main.c's, one for writing to the device and one for reading from the device, and I just ./a.out them in separate consoles in my ubuntu installation in Virtual Box. Another thing, the way it is set up now, neither the writing or reading a.outs return until timeout occurs. I apologize for the spotty formatting of the code. I'm not sure exactly what is going on here, so any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
Your write method hold sleepy_mutex while wait event. So read method waits on mutex_lock_killable(&dev->sleepy_mutex) while the mutex become unlocked by the writer. It is occured only when writer's timeout exceeds, and write method returns. It is the behaviour you observe.
Usually, wait_event* is executed outside of any critical section. That can be achieved by using _lock-suffixed variants of such macros, or simply wrapping cond argument of such macros with spinlock acquire/release pair:
int check_cond()
int res;
res = <cond>;
return res;
wait_event_interruptible(&wq, check_cond());
Unfortunately, wait_event-family macros cannot be used, when condition checking should be protected with a mutex. In that case, you can use wait_woken() function with manual condition checking code. Or rewrite your code without needs of mutex lock/unlock around condition checking.
For achive "reader wake writer, if it is sleep" functionality, you can adopt code from that answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/29765695/3440745.
Writer code:
//Declare local variable at the beginning of the function
int cflag;
// Outside of any critical section(after mutex_unlock())
cflag = proc_read_flags[MINOR(dev->cdev.dev)];
proc_read_flags[MINOR(dev->cdev.dev)] != cflag, long_buff[0]*HZ);
Reader code:
// Mutex holding protects this flag's increment from concurrent one.

ttyACM0 only reads 64 bytes

I'm bit of a newbie but I have an legacy app that reads 64 bytes of AES encrypted data from a device using ttyACM0. I now need to read 128 bytes. Sounded simple; increase the sizes of buffers etc. But no matter what I try, I still can only read 64 bytes. After that it just hangs. I verified the communications in Windows with a terminal and cdc-acm driver. Device does not use flow control. I cant upload code because its proprietary but below are some snippets:
The Intialization:
int iRet = 1;
struct termios dev_settings;
if(( m_fdRefdev = open("/dev/ttyACM0", O_RDWR))<0)
g_dbg->debug("CACS_RefID::Failed to open device\n");
return 0;
g_dbg->debug("CACS_RefID::Initialse completed\n");
// Configure the port
tcgetattr(m_fdRefdev, &dev_settings);
//tcflush(m_fdRefdev, TCIOFLUSH);
tcsetattr(m_fdRefdev, TCSANOW, &dev_settings);
return iRet;
The implementation:
int CACS_RefID::Readport_Refid(int ilen, char* buf)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0;
fd_set fdrefid;
struct timeval porttime_refrd;
porttime_refrd.tv_sec = 1;
porttime_refrd.tv_usec = 0; //10 Seconds wait time for read port
iret = select(m_fdRefdev + 1, &fdrefid, NULL, NULL, &porttime_refrd);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Select timeout:readlen=%d \n",ilen);
ierr = -1;
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Select error:readlen=%d \n",ilen);
ierr = -1;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf, ilen);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iret<ilen) );
//Flush terminal content at Input and Output after every read completion
// tcflush(m_fdRefdev, TCIOFLUSH);
return ierr;
If I initialize every time that I before running the implementation, I get 128 bytes but the data is corrupt after 64 bytes. Even before working on it, I get a lot of READ_ERRORs. Looks like the original author expected the device to block with select() but it doesn't.
Is there some type of limitation on ttyACM0 buffer size in the system? Does baud rate matter with the ttyACM driver? Does read() stop reading after all bytes are read (thinking the first 64 are available, then empty, then more data)?
Pouring thru man pages but I'm stymied. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
Heres my latest:
int CACS_RefID::Get_GasTest_Result(int ilen)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0, iread=0;
fd_set fdrefid;
struct timeval porttime_refrd;
porttime_refrd.tv_sec = 5;
porttime_refrd.tv_usec = 0; //10 Seconds wait time for read port
if (Get_GasTest_FirstPass == 0)
memset(strresult, 0, sizeof(strresult)); //SLY clear out result buffer
Get_GasTest_FirstPass = 1;
iread = strlen(strresult);
iret = select(m_fdRefdev + 1, &fdrefid, NULL, NULL, &porttime_refrd);
case READ_TIMEOUT: //0
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: Select timeout\n");
ierr = -1;
case READ_ERROR: //-1
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: Select error=%d %s \n", errno,strerror(errno)) ;
ierr = -1;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, (&strresult[0] + iread), (ilen-iread));
g_dbg->debug("Get_GasTest_Result: ilen=%d,iret=%d,iread=%d \n",ilen,iret,iread);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iread<ilen) );
return ierr;
Note: I am now reading data regardless of select errors and STILL only getting 64bytes. I've contacted my device mfg. Must be something odd going on.
Here is one possible problem with your code; this may not be the one that is causing you to only get 64 bytes but it could explain what you are seeing. Assume that you invoke the function Readport_Refid() with a buffer of 128 bytes. In other words, your invocation was something like:
char buffer[128];
Readport_Refid(128, buffer);
Assume for whatever reason that the first call to select() gets you a return value of 1 (since one bit is set). Your code is only setting one bit so you go off and you read()
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf, ilen);
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
iret returns 64 (which means 64 bytes are read) and your program prints a nice message and since ierr is still 0 and iret (64) is less than ilen (128) you go round again and call select().
Assume that you get more data and select() returns 1 again. Then you will go read again on the same buffer with the same ilen and overwrite the first 64 bytes that were read.
At the very least, you should do the following. I have only shown below the changed lines. First add an iread variable and make sure you use it to preserve data that you've already read. Then use iread to determine whether you've read enough or not.
int CACS_RefID::Readport_Refid(int ilen, char* buf)
int ierr=0, iret = 0, ictr=0, iread = 0;
iret = read(m_fdRefdev, buf + iread, ilen - iread);
if (iret > 0)
iread += iret;
g_dbg->debug("Refid portread: Read len(%d):%d\n",ilen,iret);
}while((ierr == 0) && (iread<ilen) );
**** EDITED 2013-08-19 ****
I want to reiterate a comment made by #wildplasser
You should really also be setting FD_SET on each trip around the loop. Great catch.
With respect to your new code, does it work or do you still have a problem?
**** EDITED again 2013-08-19 ****
Getting EINTR is nothing to be worried about. You should just plan on resetting FD_SET and trying again.
I can't say I know why but the fix was to call the initialization code at the beginning of the implementation even though it is called previously. If I call it again, I can read in 128 bytes. If I don't, I can only read up to 64 bytes.

linux kernel, userspace buffers, do access_ok and wait create a race condition?

In the following code (the read implementation for a char driver), is it possible for MMU TLB entries to change during wait_event_interruptible, such that __put_user causes an exception even though access_ok succeeded?
Is it possible to lock the user buffer such that it remains valid for the duration of the request?
Would repeating the access_ok check after wait_event_interruptible returns make this safe?
ssize_t mydriver_pkt_read( struct file* filp, char __user* const buff, size_t count, loff_t* offp )
struct mydriver_pkt_private* priv;
volatile unsigned short* iobase;
unsigned next;
char __user* p = buff;
if (count <= 0) return -EINVAL;
if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, buff, count)) return -EFAULT;
priv = (struct mydriver_pkt_private*)filp->private_data;
iobase = priv->iobase;
next = priv->retained;
if ((next & PKTBUF_FLAG_NOTEMPTY) == 0) {
next = ioread16(iobase);
if ((next & PKTBUF_FLAG_NOTEMPTY) == 0) { // no data, start blocking read
iowrite16(1, iobase); // enable interrupts
if (wait_event_interruptible(priv->wait_for_ringbuffer, (priv->retained & PKTBUF_FLAG_NOTEMPTY)))
next = priv->retained;
while (count > 0) {
__put_user( (char)next, p );
next = ioread16(iobase);
priv->retained = next;
return (p - buff);
/* discard remainder of packet */
do {
next = ioread16(iobase);
} while ((next & PKTBUF_FLAG_NOTEMPTY) && !(next & PKTBUF_FLAG_STARTPKT));
priv->retained = next;
return (p - buff);
Exclusive open code:
int mydriver_pkt_open( struct inode* inode, struct file* filp )
struct mydriver_pkt_private* priv;
priv = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct mydriver_pkt_private, cdevnode);
if (atomic_cmpxchg(&priv->inuse, 0, 1))
return -EBUSY;
nonseekable_open(inode, filp);
filp->private_data = priv;
return 0;
Unless you have the mm_sem semaphore held, page tables can change at any time (by other threads of the same process unmapping pages from a different processor, or by evictions from page reclaim processes). You don't even need to sleep; it can happen even if you have preemption disabled, as long as the TLB shootdown interrupt can arrive. And it can happen even if interrupts are disabled, if you have a SMP machine, as you can, sometimes, see page table updates reflected even without an explicit TLB flush.
access_ok() only checks that the range of addresses does not overlap with kernel space. So it doesn't tell you anything about whether the page table entries allow access - but its result also does not change, even if you block. If access is denied, __put_user() will return -EFAULT, which must be propagated to userspace (ie, error out here with -EFAULT).
Note that the only difference between put_user() and __put_user() is that put_user() performs an access_ok() check as well. So if you're using it in a loop, doing a single access_ok() ahead of time and using __put_user() is probably the right thing to do.
