Use select like function on regular disk file - linux

I have a computer wich logs some sensors data into 8 different files.
I developed a software that allows you to copy this data to another computer when you connect the two machines using an rj45 cable.
After retrieving data at my computer, I need to send it line by line of each file using a pseudo serial (using socat).
I created a program which uses nested for loops in order to check if data is ready in all the 8 files, and then extract a line and send it to puttySX.
Problem is CPU usage. A way to reduce it, is using blocking function to know if data is ready be to read or not but is there any function like select on sockets or serial ports but for such files?
If no, what should I do? Thanks

You can take a look at inotify which lets you monitor file system events.
Here is a sample code to get you started (this is not production code):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/inotify.h>
#define BUF_LEN (sizeof(struct inotify_event) * 1)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *filepath;
int fd, wd;
struct inotify_event *event;
char buf[BUF_LEN];
ssize_t ret;
if (argc != 2)
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ./%s <filepath>\n", argv[0]);
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
filepath = argv[1];
/* Initialization */
fd = inotify_init();
if (fd == -1)
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
/* Specify which file to monitor */
wd = inotify_add_watch(fd, filepath, IN_MODIFY);
if (wd == -1)
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
/* Wait for that file to be modified, */
/* and print a notification each time it does */
for (;;)
ret = read(fd, buf, BUF_LEN);
if (ret < 1)
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
event = (struct inotify_event *)buf;
if (event->mask & IN_MODIFY)
printf("File modified!\n");

I post to answer my question. Thanks to #yoones I found some trick to do this.
When a log file is created, I set a bool on true in a ini file looking like this
Another program uses inotify to detect creation and modification in the corresponding files. Once there's some change it reads the ini file, process the data and when it finishes to read the data, it deletes the log file and write false in the ini file in the corresponding line.
Since I have to process several log files in the same time, each time I read a line, I verify my ini file to see if I have to start to process another log file as well so I can start multiple process in the same time.
I did a infinite while loop so when all processes are done, the program is back to a select call, waiting for some change and not consuming all CPU's resources.
I'm sorry if I'm not so clear, English is not my native language.
Thanks all for you reply and comments.


Pipe data to thread. Read stuck

I want to trigger a callback when data is written on a file descriptor. For this I have set up a pipe and a reader thread, which reads the pipe. When it has data, the callback is called with the data.
The problem is that the reader is stuck on the read syscall. Destruction order is as follows:
Close write end of pipe (I expected this to trigger a return from blocking read, but apparently it doesn't)
Wait for reader thread to exit
Restore old file descriptor context (If stdout was redirected to the pipe, it no longer is)
Close read end of pipe
When the write end of the pipe is closed, on the read end, the read() system call returns 0 if it is blocking.
Here is an example program creating a reader thread from a pipe. The main program gets the data from stdin thanks to fgets() and write those data into the pipe. On the other side, the thread reads the pipe and triggers the callback passed as parameter. The thread stops when it gets 0 from the read() of the pipe (meaning that the main thread closed the write side):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
int pfd[2];
void read_cbk(char *data, size_t size)
int rc;
printf("CBK triggered, %zu bytes: %s", size, data);
void *reader(void *p){
char data[128];
void (* cbk)(char *data, size_t size) = (void (*)(char *, size_t))p;
int rc;
do {
rc = read(pfd[0], data, sizeof(data));
switch(rc) {
case 0: fprintf(stderr, "Thread: rc=0\n");
case -1: fprintf(stderr, "Thread: rc=-1, errno=%d\n", errno);
default: cbk(data, (size_t)rc);
} while(rc > 0);
int main(){
pthread_t treader;
int rc;
char input[128];
char *p;
pthread_create(&treader, NULL, reader , read_cbk);
do {
// fgets() insert terminating \n and \0 in the buffer
// If EOF (that is to say CTRL-D), fgets() returns NULL
p = fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
if (p != NULL) {
// Send the terminating \0 to the reader to facilitate printf()
rc = write(pfd[1], input, strlen(p) + 1);
} while (p);
pthread_join(treader, NULL);
Example of execution:
$ gcc t.c -o t -lpthread
$ ./t
azerty is not qwerty
CBK triggered, 22 bytes: azerty is not qwerty
CBK triggered, 8 bytes: string
# Here I typed CTRL-D to generate an EOF on stdin
Thread: rc=0
I found the problem. For redirection, the following has to be done
Create a pipe. This creates two file descriptors. One for reading, and one for writing.
dup2 so the original file descriptor is an alias to the write end of the pipe. This increments the use count of the write end by one
Thus, before synchronizing, I have to restore the context. This means that the following order is correct:
Close write end of pipe
Restore old file descriptor context
Wait for reader thread to exit
Close read end of pipe
For reference to the question, step 2 and 3 must be reorder in order to avoid deadlock.

'echo' calls .write function INFINITE times

I wrote a Linux device driver in which the functions read and write are implemented. The problem is with the function write, here the portion of the code:
ssize_t LED_01_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos)
int retval = 0;
PDEBUG(" reading from user space -> wrinting in kernel space\n");
//struct hello_dev *dev = filp->private_data;
if (count > COMMAND_MAX_LENGHT){
printk(KERN_WARNING "[LEO] LED_01: trying to write more than possible. Aborting write\n");
retval = -EFBIG;
goto out;
if (down_interruptible(&(LED_01_devices->sem_LED_01))){
printk(KERN_WARNING "[LEO] LED_01: Device was busy. Operation aborted\n");
if (copy_from_user((void*)&(LED_01_devices-> LED_value), buf, count)) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "[LEO] LED_01: can't use copy_from_user. \n");
retval = -EPERM;
goto out_and_Vsem;
PDEBUG(" Value instert: %u \n", LED_01_devices-> LED_value);
return retval;
If I use the module in a C compiled program, it works properly, as expected.
When I execute echo -n 1 > /dev/LED_01 (from the Command LINE), it writes INFINITE times and, even with the Ctrl+C it doesn't stop. I need to reboot.
Here the snipped code of the test function that works properly:
// ON
result = write(fd, (void*) ON_VALUE, 1);
if ( result != 0 ){
printf("Oh dear, something went wrong with write()! %s\n", strerror(errno));
printf("write operation executed succesfully (%u)\n",ON_VALUE[0]);
Is the problem in the driver or in the way I use echo?
If you need to whole source code, all the file used are stored in this git repository folder
Value returned by the kernel's .write function is interpreted as:
error code, if it is less than zero (<0),
number of bytes written, if it is more than or equal to zero (>=0)
So, for tell user that all bytes has been written, .write function should return its count parameter.
In case of .write function, returning zero has a little sense: every "standard" utility like echo will just call write() function again.

Linux input device events, how to retrieve initial state

I am using the gpio-keys device driver to handle some buttons in an embedded device running Linux. Applications in user space can just open /dev/input/eventX and read input events in a loop.
My question is how to get the initial states of the buttons. There is an ioctl call (EVIOCGKEY) which can be used for this, however if I first check this and then start to read from /dev/input/eventX, there's no way to guarantee that the state did not change in between.
Any suggestions?
The evdev devices queue events until you read() them, so in most cases opening the device, doing the ioctl() and immediately starting to read events from it should work. If the driver dropped some events from the queue, it sends you a SYN_DROPPED event, so you can detect situations where that happened. The libevdev documentation has some ideas on how one should handle that situation; the way I read it you should simply retry, i.e. drop all pending events, and redo the ioctl() until there are no more SYN_DROPPED events.
I used this code to verify that this approach works:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <string.h>
#define EVDEV "/dev/input/event9"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
unsigned char key_states[KEY_MAX/8 + 1];
struct input_event evt;
int fd;
memset(key_states, 0, sizeof(key_states));
fd = open(EVDEV, O_RDWR);
ioctl(fd, EVIOCGKEY(sizeof(key_states)), key_states);
// Create some inconsistency
printf("Type (lots) now to make evdev drop events from the queue\n");
while(read(fd, &evt, sizeof(struct input_event)) > 0) {
if(evt.type == EV_SYN && evt.code == SYN_DROPPED) {
printf("Received SYN_DROPPED. Restart.\n");
ioctl(fd, EVIOCGKEY(sizeof(key_states)), key_states);
else if(evt.type == EV_KEY) {
// Ignore repetitions
if(evt.value > 1) continue;
key_states[evt.code / 8] ^= 1 << (evt.code % 8);
if((key_states[evt.code / 8] >> (evt.code % 8)) & 1 != evt.value) {
printf("Inconsistency detected: Keycode %d is reported as %d, but %d is stored\n", evt.code, evt.value,
(key_states[evt.code / 8] >> (evt.code % 8)) & 1);
After starting, the program deliberately waits 5 seconds. Hit some keys in that time to fill the buffer. On my system, I need to enter about 70 characters to trigger a SYN_DROPPED. The EV_KEY handling code checks if the events are consistent with the state reported by the EVIOCGKEY ioctl.

linux programming: value of file descriptor is always 3

I'm new to linux programming. I wrote a very simple program:
#include stdio.h
#include fcntl.h
#include sys/ioctl.h
#include mtd/mtd-user.h
#include errno.h
int main( void )
int fd;
fd = open("", O_RDWR);
printf("var fd = %d\n", fd);
perror("perror output:");
return 0;
} is created just using touch command. the program's output is:
var fd = 3
perror output:: Success
I've tried to open other files, and the file descriptor was always 3.I remembered it's value should be a larger number.If this program has some errors?
This seems normal. Processes start with pre-opened file descriptors: 0 for stdin, 1 for stdout and 2 for stderr. Any new files you open should start with 3. If you close a file, that file descriptor number will be re-used for any new files you open.
If You would open another files without closing the previous one it'll be 4, 5, and so on.
For more info go to
It's for bash, but the whole idea is universal.

nonblocking I/O behavior is weird for STDIN_FILENO and STDOUT_FILENO

I have the following code:
set_fl(int fd, int flags) /* flags are file status flags to turn on */
int val;
if ((val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0)) < 0)
err_sys("fcntl F_GETFL error");
val |= flags; /* turn on flags */
if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val) < 0)
err_sys("fcntl F_SETFL error");
char buf[BUFSIZ];
set_fl(STDOUT_FILENO, O_NONBLOCK); //set STDOUT_FILENO to nonblock
if(read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, BUFSIZ)==-1) { //read from STDIN_FILENO
printf("something went wrong with read()! %s\n", strerror(errno));
As you can see, I set STDOUT_FILENO to non-blocking mode but it seems the read operation on STDIN_FILENO finished immediately. Why?
$ ./testprog
something went wrong with read()! Resource temporarily unavailable
That's exactly right: doing a print of errno and a perror call immediately after the read results in a "resource busy" and an error number of 11, or EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK, as shown in this code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
int main (void) {
char buf;
fprintf (stderr, "%5d: ", errno); perror("");
read (STDIN_FILENO, &buf, 1);
fprintf (stderr, "%5d: ", errno); perror("");
which generates:
0: Success
11: Resource temporarily unavailable
The reason is that file descriptors have two different types of flags (see here in the section detailing duplicating file descriptors):
You can duplicate a file descriptor, or allocate another file descriptor that refers to the same open file as the original. Duplicate descriptors share one file position and one set of file status flags (see File Status Flags), but each has its own set of file descriptor flags (see Descriptor Flags).
The first is file descriptor flags and these are indeed unique per file descriptor. According to the documentation, FD_CLOEXEC (close on exec) is the only one currently in this camp.
All other flags are file status flags, and are shared amongst file descriptors that have been duplicated. These include the I/O operating modes such as O_NONBLOCK.
So, what's happening here is that the standard output file descriptor was duplicated from the standard input one (the order isn't relevant, just the fact that one was duplicated from the other) so that setting non-blocking mode on one affects all duplicates (and that would probably include the standard error file descriptor as well, though I haven't confirmed it).
It's not usually a good idea to muck about with blocking mode on file descriptors that are duplicated, nor with file descriptors that will likely be inherited by sub-processes - those sub-processes don't always take kindly to having their standard files misbehaving (from their point of view).
If you want more fine-grained control over individual file descriptors, consider using select to check descriptors before attempting a read.
