Why can't I install WebStorm on Linux Fedora 27? - linux

I want to install WebStorm on Fedora 27. I start ./webstorm.sh but it doesn't work.
How can I solve this problem?
Start Failed: Failed to initialize graphics environment
java.awt.AWTError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.

Java.AWT library requires X11 GUI environment to work. Do you work on your Linux workstation directly, or access it remotely? Also, what JDK do you run WebStorm with? make sure that it has the graphical libraries included.
See also this link for more info

try this first:
$ chmod +x ./webstorm.sh
and then
$ ./webstorm.sh


Pycharm Startup Error: Unable to detect graphics environment

I'm trying to setup Pycharm professional edition on Fedora 25 x64.
After downloading the files and extracting them, I'm trying to run the script ./pycharm.sh in the bin directory.
This is the error I get:
Startup Error: Unable to detect graphics environment
I have checked my Java version
[root#localhost bin]# java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_144"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)
I tried as well to set the DISPLAY variable:
export DISPLAY=:0
And this is what I get:
[root#localhost bin]# ./pycharm.sh
No protocol specified
Start Failed: Failed to initialize graphics environment
java.awt.AWTError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
Any suggestions please ?
I had the same error installing in a clean Ubuntu 17.10, with Gnome on Wayland. At #mattdm's suggestion in your comments, I just opened a new terminal (as myself, not root) and it ran fine. I was running as root (after unpacking everything to /opt/) when I got the error.
mike#feynman:~$ /opt/pycharm/bin/pycharm.sh
Once you register/activate, just click the "* Configure v" pulldown from the welcome window, and select "Create Desktop Entry" to make it available from your OS menus. I'm assuming JetBrains made this work for whichever linux flavor you prefer.
Your X environment is not properly set (manually setting DISPLAY doesn't always work). Possibly because you're attempting this as root and root is not the owner of the graphics session. There could be other reasons, too.
You won't be able to run xclock or any other X app either in this situation - this is the clue that it's not a pycharm-related problem. For example if you ssh to localhost as root, not as the user currently logged in into the graphical session:
laptop:~ # ssh localhost
Last login: Thu Nov 23 22:19:06 2017 from localhost
Have a lot of fun...
laptop:~ # export DISPLAY=:0
laptop:~ # xclock
No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0
laptop:~ # konsole
No protocol specified
Segmentation fault
laptop:~ # pycharm
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=350m; support was removed in 8.0
No protocol specified
Start Failed: Failed to initialize graphics environment
You'd also see the same behaviour if you attempt the same in a text-mode console.
To address this issue open a new terminal from the graphics environment - if it is properly installed you should be able to run any of the X apps, including pycharm (or at least it shouldn't fail with that error).
In fedora
I have installed pycharm using fedy. This is worked.
Or change to a another user and try except root.
Phpstrom, Webstrom, PyCharm
Above three of them worked same like that.
In my case I am runing pycharm through docker, which is different host, run command xhost + , this would disable access control and client would be able to connect from any host.
Try running the program from another user instead of root. It worked for me.
I used OpenJDK instead of Oracle Java, because PyCharm hangs on Raspberry Pi.
In the file /etc/java-8-openjdk/accessibility.properties, disabling the entry assistive_technologies (simply comment out with a #) solved the issue.
This is what resolved my issue:
export DISPLAY='localhost:11'

VSCode with WSL - How to use Bash for the launch configurations?

I use Visual Studio Code to develop a TypeScript Node application on Windows 10, with WSL enabled.
Thanks to other threads, I'm almost able to run a VSCode task with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows.
But now I try to do the same with a launch configuration. How can I make a launch configuration to use the node executable installed in WSL instead of the one installed on Windows?
If I run this command directly in the integrated terminal, with Bash, it works :
node src/start.js
But when I press "[F5]" and start a launch configuration that runs this same file, I get an error : "Error: %1 is not a valid Win32 application". This is because the oracledb library is used and has been compiled in Bash, not in Windows.
How can I make a launch configuration use Bash to run Node?
UPDATE : I opened an issue about that on VSCode's GitHub page.
Not if sure you still need help.
open bash outside of the vs code.
then run the following command, to install node.
sudo apt install nodejs-legacy
and you should be able to run node with bash in vs code.

QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display Aborted, when installing QT on linux

I am trying to install Qt on a Linux machine remotely from a Windows machine using PuTTY.
When I run the command to install Qt on Linux I get the following error:
~/QT# ./qt-unified-linux-x64-2.0.4-online.run
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
Please suggest any workaround.
You can use the software repository of that Linux distribution.
For example, if it's Debian or Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev
But if you really want to use the installer (usually, when specific Qt version is needed), then try one of the options:
run an X server on that machine
use the --script option of the online installer (you'll have to write a script like here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34032216/4742108), it will probably need UI anyways
see if the offline installer has an option to run without UI
refer to here: https://community.nxp.com/message/532966
maybe use the cmd "export DISPLAY=:0" and it works
Try to connect with ssh to the host machine using -X to enable X11 display:
ssh <username>#<ip> -X
aqtinstall is a good option: https://github.com/miurahr/aqtinstall
It's a simple command line tool to download and install any Qt version. It's a fork of my old qli-installer script.

Installing a .bundle file in Fedora linux

So I am using Ozone OS which is basically just fedora with a cool theme, and a lot less crap installed. I tried installing VMWare Horizon view client from here: https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/details?downloadGroup=VIEWCLIENTS_LINUX_32&productId=421&rPId=7320
and then i renamed the file to vmware.bundle, when i make it runnable with:
chmod +x vmware.bundle
i ran the file using:
this is what happens in my terminal
VMWare Horizon Client is an x86 application but you are trying to install it to an x64 Linux.
To run this installation, you may need to install 32-bit runtime libraries. Do you want to proceed? (yes/no)yes
Extracting VMware Installer...done.
but when i try going to the application menu, I can find VMware anywhere
There is really no such thing as ".bundle" files on Fedora. The only format for installable software on Fedora are RPM files.
All that this ".bundle" file appears to be, is the vendor's custom installation script, that's all. It's not any kind of a standard packaging format, of any kind.
You will be able to find a newly-installed application on your application menu only if the application correctly installed a .desktop file in the right location. If this installation script did not do so, you won't get anything in the application menu.
It is the application script's responsibility to install a .desktop file in order for the application to appear in the application menu.
try running /bin/vmware
that is the default install location

qemu installation in ubuntu ? shows some error

I'm installed qemu in my ubuntu 12.04, in both ways [through source and from the software center in ubuntu] it shows same error. It does not pop up the qemu window. when i'm given a dummy filesystem,kernel,initrd, it simply shows some "VNC SERVER listening" screen and hangs no more response. Please give me the installation steps and needful libraries to run simple qemu for x86.
Try to include SDL support to QEMU and add option -sdl to run it. VNC is by default probably means you don't have SDL devel lib. Install libsdl-dev with apt.
