Verilog XOR operation with "z" input - verilog

Say, I have a 4 bit test_expr formed by concatenating 4 1b input ports. The input port corresponding to the LSB of test_expr is connected at TB top with a wire but the wire is undriven.
I have an assert that fires if(^test_expr === 1'bx). I am using Synopsys VCS and Verdi to simulate my design.
Now when i pull out the test_expr in verdi, i see a "z" on LSB. And my assert also fires.
Does this mean that XOR operation with a "z" bit always gives out an "x"? Or is this something that is simulator dependent and can vary?

Does this mean that XOR operation with a "z" bit always gives out an "x"?
Yes. Inputs to logic gates must always be driven; a floating ("z") input to a gate will result in erroneous, unpredictable behavior ("x").

The xor operation gives an output of x when any of the inputs is z. Please find the truth table for the basic gate operations here. As Matthew Taylor has pointed out in a previous comment, that is logically the correct output for a floating input.
As to give an answer to your comment, Z means 'high impedance'. Hence when any of the inputs is not clear (be it an X or Z), we can only expect the result to be unknown 'x' and not 'z'.


Accessing register values in verilog

I initialize a register
reg[1:0] yreg;
and manipulate it a bit, i.e., value from prev. iteration of program is shifted to 1 spot when I add in the new value in the 0 spot
yreg = SIGNAL; //here SIGNAL is an input to the program
And then I want to access the values at the 0 and 1 spots in the register later for a calculation. How can I do this? My initial reaction was yreg[0] and yreg[1] (I normally program in python =) but this is producing an error (line 35 is the line of code that has yreg[0] and yreg[1] in it):
ERROR:HDLCompiler:806 - "/home/ise/FPGA/trapezoid/trapverilog.v" Line 35: Syntax error near "[".
My assumption when I saw this was that it's not the right syntax to use the brackets to access a certain index of the register. How do you properly access the information in an index of a register? I'm having trouble finding information on this.
Sorry for the probably ridiculous question, this is my first time ever using verilog or FPGAs in general.
Full Code
module trapverilog(
input CLK,
input SIGNAL,
input x,
output OUT
reg[1:0] yreg;
float sum = 0;
always #(posedge CLK)
yreg = SIGNAL; //should shift automatically...?
sum = ((reg[0] + reg[1])*x/2) + sum; //this is effectively trapezoidal integration
OUT = sum;
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how Verilog signals work.
By default, all Verilog signals are single bits. For example, in your code, SIGNAL, x, and out are all one bit wide. They cannot store a number (other than 0 or 1).
Specifying a width when you define a signal (like reg [1:0] yreg) controls how many bits are used to represent that signal. For instance, yreg is a two-bit signal. This does not mean that it "shifts automatically"; it just means that the signal is two bits wide, allowing it to be used to represent numbers from 0 to 3 (among other things).
I would strongly advise that you work through a course in digital electronics design. Verilog programming is very different from procedural programming languages (such as Python), and you will have a hard time making sense of it without a solid understanding of what you are actually building here.
Apparently as per this answer using brackets to get a certain index of a register is correct. I just forgot to call the variable properly - I was calling reg[0] instead of yreg[0]. Changing this fixed the error.

Verilog Increment Decrement counter using Altera Board

Hey so I'm basically brand new to Verilog and not quite sure how the syntax works and things like this.
The assignment is as below
Use a push button and a switch on the Altera board to increment or decrement a 4 bit counter. The value of the counter should be displayed using the on board LEDs. Use the switch to control the direction of the counter and the push button to change the counter value.
This is what I got so far, I have no idea if its right or not, I know how to assign the inputs and outputs on the board when I get to that point but just cant get the code to compile. I keep getting:
Error (10043): Verilog HDL unsupported feature error at Lab2pt2.v(11): Procedural Continuous Assignment to register is not supported.
Below is the code:
module counter(A,B,F);
input A,B;
output reg [3:0] F;
always #(A or B)
if (A == 1 & B==1)
assign F = F+1;
else(A == 0 & B==1)
assign F = F-1;
You're the 2nd person trying to use procedural assigns (a rather obscure language feature) today!
The quick answer is to simply drop the 'assign' in your... assignments and things will be happier. This construct will work in simulators but in physical hardware would imply some unusual logic. It's really meant for testbenches (if then).
There are a some other problems with what you've got going here. You're missing an 'if' before the condition in your if/else expression for one.
More generally you need to start thinking of Verilog as describing hardware. Your increment/decrement statements use F on the RHS. What was F before? What does 'before' even mean in this context? What was the 1st value of F?
How does the circuit know when to move from one state to the next? If you can answer these questions you'll be well on your way to a solution.

SystemVerilog: unbased unsized literal in Concatenation

I assume that when placing an unbased, unsized literal on the left-most side of a concatenation will simply fill in any missing bits with the given value. I didn't see anything explicitly stating this in the LRM.
logic [63:0] rd_data;
logic [31:0] mem_dout;
logic [15:0] op_data;
assign rd_data = {'0, op_data, mem_dout};
Obviously, the following would be illegal:
Edit: As #dave_59 pointed out, this is legal, just not intuitive.
assign rd_data = {op_data, mem_dout, '0};
Just wanted to check if anyone knows that (1) this simulates as expected, and (2) the major synthesis tools do the correct thing and tie the upper 16 bits to 0.
Actually, both statements are legal. In a self-determined context '0 is equivalent to 1'b0. All the operands of a concatenation evaluate in a self-determined context. The result of both concatenations is a 32+16+1=49-bit expression. In the context of the assignment to rd_data, those expressions get right-aligned, and then left padded with 15 zeros.
So you get the result you are expecting, but for an entirely different reason.

Using blocking assignments to infer flip-flops in Verilog

I have read "Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Synthesis, Coding Styles that Kill!" by Clifford Cummings. He says that the following code (page 12, simplified) is a correct implementation of a flip-flop often used in textbooks, even if not exactly the kind that anyone should use. The document won a best paper award, so I assume the claim is true.
module ff (q, d, clk)
output q;
input d, clk;
reg q;
always #(posedge clk)
q = d;
I would like to know why this would continue to work correctly if two or more of these flip-flops were connected in series. Say
module two_ffs (q, d, clk)
input d, clk;
output q;
wire tmp;
ff firstff (tmp, d, clk);
ff secondff (q, tmp, clk);
The way I see it, it's possible that the value of tmp is updated before it is used by secondff, thus resulting in one flip-flop rather than two. Can someone please tell me what part of the standard says that cannot happen? Many thanks.
[not that I would ever contemplate writing code like that, I just want to understand the blocking/nonblocking behavior even in cases when poor coding style makes the meaning non-obvious]
Added later:
I now think the paper is unlikely to be correct. Section 5 "Scheduling Semantics" of the 1364-2201 Verilog standard explains what happens. In particular, section 5.6.6 "Port connections" on page 68 says that unidirectional ports are just like continuous assignments. In turn, a continuous assignment is just an always block sensitive to everything. So the bottom line is that that the two instantiations of an ff in my example below are equivalent to a module with multiple always clauses, which everyone would agree is broken.
Added after Clive Cummings answered the question:
I am grateful to CC for pointing out that that the statements above taken out of section 5 of the standard only refer to the timing of update events, and do not imply literal equivalence between e.g. some continuous assignments and always blocks. Nevertheless, I think they explain why some simulators (e.g. Icarus Verilog) will produce different simulation results with a blocking and a non-blocking assignment in the "flip-flop". [On a larger example, I got 2 apparent ffs with a blocking assignment, and the correct five with a non-blocking one.] Other simulators (e.g. Modelsim with default options or Cver) seem to produce the same result no matter which form of assignment is used.
All -
A few corrections and updates. Section 5.6.6 of the 2001 Verilog Standard does not say that "unidirectional ports are just like continuous assignments," it says "Ports connect processes through implicit continuous assignment statements." There is a difference that I will note below.
Second, "a continuous assignment is just an always block sensitive to everything," is not true. Continuous assignments Drive values onto nets that can be driven by other sources with pre-defined resolution functions as described in the Verilog Standard. Always blocks Change values of variables and last procedural change wins (no resolution).
Regarding my description of the 1-always block flip-flop, my description in the paper is not 100% accurate (but is usually accurate). The 2-instantiated flip-flop model in theory does have a race condition, though it is rarely seen. The race is rarely seen because when you make an always block assignment to a variable that is declared as an output, Verilog compilers automatically throw in an "implicit continuous assignment statement" (IEEE-1364-2001, Section 5.6.6, 1st paragraph) to convert the procedural variable into a net-Driving assignment (you never see this happen!) This conversion is typically sufficient to introduce the equivalent of a nonblocking assignment delay on the port, so the simulation works. I have experimented in the past with compiler optimization switches that effectively remove the module ports between the flip-flops and have observed the unwanted race conditions, so technically, my description of an okay 1-always, blocking-assignment flip-flop is not 100% correct; hence, you should still use the nonblocking assignments described in the paper.
The 2-always blocking-assignment example in the same module has a definite race condition. As written, it will probably work because most compilers execute the code top-down, but if you reverse the order of the always blocks, you will probably see a race.
Regards - Cliff Cummings -
Verilog & SystemVerilog Guru
Reading Version 1.3 of the paper, Section 9 Example 13. The text under it explains that it is OK if the module only contains a single always block. My current understanding is that it is not an issue between separate modules. Allowing your example to work. However if a module contained multiple always blocks then the order of execution is undefined and will lead to the race conditions talked about in section 2 of the paper.
The example below is almost the same as the 2 flop example in the question, except it is in 1 module and so has an undefined order of execution, this will likely not work.
module ff (q, d, clk)
output reg q;
input d, clk;
reg d_delay ;
always #(posedge clk)
d_delay = d;
always #(posedge clk)
q = d_delay;

Verilog array syntax

I'm new to Verilog, and am having a lot of trouble with it. For example, I want to have an array with eight cells, each of which is 8 bits wide. The following doesn't work:
reg [7:0] transitionTable [0:7];
assign transitionTable[0] = 10;
neither does just doing transitionTable[0] = 10; or transitionTable[0] = 8'h10; Any ideas?
(In case it is not obvious and relevant: I want to make a finite state machine, and specify the state transitions in an array, since that seems easier than a massive case switch.)
When using assign you should declare the array as a wire instead of areg.
Since your goal is to design an FSM, there is no need to store the state values in an array. This is typically done using Verilog parameter's, a state register and a next_state with a case/endcase statement.
The following paper shows a complete example: FSM Fundamentals
If this is targeted towards synthesis:
A little beyond what was answered above, there are standard FSM coding styles that you should adhere to so the tools can perform better optimization. As described in the Cummings paper, one-hot is usually best for FPGA devices and in fact ISE(with default settings) will ignore your encoding and implement whatever it thinks will best utilize the resources on the device. This almost invariably results in a one-hot encoded FSM regardless of the state encoding you chose, provided it recognizes your FSM.
OK, so to answer your question, let's dig a little deeper into Verilog syntax.
First of all, to specify a range of bits, either do [MSB:LSB] or [LSB:MSB]. The standard is MSB:LSB but it is really up to you here, but try to be consistent.
Next, in array instantiation we have:
reg WIDTH reg_name NUMBER;
where WIDTH is the "size" of each element and NUMBER is the number of elements in the array.
So, you first want to do:
reg [7:0] transitionTable [7:0];
Then, to assign particular bytes (8 bits = 1 byte), do:
initial begin
transitionTable[0] = 8'h10;
A good book to learn Verilog from is FPGA Prototyping By Verilog Examples by Pong P. Chu.
