Working when run, but not when built - node.js

Im on macOS. I am creating a simple electron app. When I run the app with electron . everything works perfectly with no errors. Now that my app is finished, I wanted to build and distribute it. So I setup electron-builder and I got that to work just fine. However, when I run the in the build folder, I get an error saying:
Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir './img/'
I call scandir here:
const fs = require('fs');
var files = [];
fs.readdirSync("./img/").forEach(file => {
Why is this working when I run it with node, but is not working in the build? How can I fix this issue?

Why is this working when I run it with node, but is not working in the
build? How can I fix this issue?
It's difficult to tell without having more information about the whole app's structure, it may depend on how your code is actually called or required from the html file.
Anyway, using the __dirname global variable to build the directory path usually solves this kind of problem. Please try:
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
var files = [];
fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'img')).forEach(file => {


How to access the base package form a node_module

I am looking to access a JSON config file that the user would place next to their package.json from a node_module package that I created. Is there a best approach to do this. I tried a relative import but that didn't really work and I am not sure how best to accomplish dynamic imports if the config file doesn't exist because I want to allow it to not exist as well.
Here is how I tried to handle dynamic imports though:
export const overrides = (function () {
try {
return require('../../../../../../overrides.json');
} catch (_err) {
return null;
Also I tried fs but I get a browser config error I am not sure if that is something else. I should research but I didn't understand the docs around that.
using a library
This worked for me: find-package-json
Basically on any js file who needs the base, home or workspace path, do this:
var finder = require('find-package-json');
var path = require('path');
var f = finder(__dirname);
var rootDirectory = path.dirname(;
rootDirectory will be the location of the folder in which the main package.json exist.
If you want to optimize, get the appRootPath variable at the start of your app and store/propagate the variable to the hole nodejs system.
no libraries
Without any library, this worked for me:
console.log("root directory: "+require('path').resolve('./'));
This will get you the root directory of your nodejs app no matter if you are using npm run start or node foo/bar/index.js
More ways to get the root directory here:
Determine project root from a running node.js application
If you achieve to obtain the root directory of your nodejs app and your file is at the package.json level, use this variable like this to locate any file at root level:

How to bundle and require non JS dependencies in Firebase Cloud Functions?

I have an http cloud function that returns some dynamic HTML. I want to use Handlebars as the templating engine. The template is sufficiently big that it's not practical to have it in a const variable on top of my function.
I've tried something like:
const template = fs.readFileSync('./template.hbs', 'utf-8');
But when deploying the function I always get an error that the file does not exist:
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './template.hbs'
The template.hbs is in the same directory as my index.js file so I imagine the problem is that the Firebase CLI is not bundling this file along the rest of files.
According to the docs of Google Cloud Functions it is possible to bundle local modules with "mymodule": "file:mymodule". So I've tried creating a templates folder at the root of the project and added "templates": "file:./templates" to the package.json.
My file structure being something like this:
index.js //this is the entry point
And then:
const template = fs.readFileSync('../node_modules/templates/something.hbs', 'utf-8');
But I'm getting the same not found error.
What is the proper way of including and requiring a non JS dependencies in a Firebase Cloud Function?
The Firebase CLI will package up all the files in your functions folder, except for node_modules, and send the entire archive to Cloud Functions. It will reconstitue node_modules by running npm install while building the docker image that runs your function.
If your something.hbs is in /templates under your functions folder, you should be able to refer to it as ./templates/something.hbs from the top-level index.js. If your JS is in another folder, you might have to work you way out first with ../templates/something.hbs. The files should all be there - just figure out the path. I wouldn't try to do anything fancy is your package.json. Just take advantage of the fact that the CLI deploys everything but node_modules.
This code works fine for me if I have a file called 'foo' at the root of my functions folder:
import * as fs from 'fs'
export const test = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const foo = fs.readFileSync('./foo', 'utf-8')
The solution was to use path.join(__dirname,'template.hbs').
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname,'template.hbs'), 'utf-8');
As #doug-stevenson pointed out all files are included in the final bundle but for some reason using the relative path did not work. Forcing an absolute path with __dirname did the trick.

Jest test doesn't create the files the normal program would

I'm using node and puppeteer to load a page, get its content and then create a screenshot if it. At the end of the run function I have the following lines
var content = fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, processedContent);
var screenshot = page.screenshot({path: '../output/whatever.png', fullPage:true})
This works when running the node app. For testing I am using JEST
And when trying to run the JEST test that checks for the screenshot:
it('Run should take a screenshot', async() => {
const runResult = await run();
const screenshot = fs.readFileSync('/app/output/whatever.png');
I get the following error ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/app/output/whatever.png'
I'm having a hard time understanding why in the normal app flow the program creates the files when running but in the tests it doesn't. As additional info the entire thing runs in a Docker container
It is most likely because you are using an absolute path instead of a relative path in your jest test.
So instead of
const screenshot = fs.readFileSync('/app/output/whatever.png');
const screenshot = fs.readFileSync('./app/output/whatever.png');
to use a relative path
Also keep in mind your relative path should be from the the project root

Electron-builder - path to include sqlite database in dev && production

I'm using this template
and including a sqlite file in static/db/database.sqlite
in my main.js I have this
const SQL = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var path = require('path');
const db = new SQL.Database(path.join(__static, '/db/database.sqlite'));
it works fine for dev, but when building for production, I receive this message in devtools:
SQLITE_CANTOPEN: unable to open database file
Looks like another case of messed up path variables after packaging. I would recommend to debug your paths, for instance with fs:
var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFileSync('mylog.txt', __dirname);
Reference: Error while running execFileSync in packaged Electron app
Sorry, forgot to update this here:
Basically, it's supposed to user the userData folder in order to use read/write operations.. so... _static is not intended to be a folder to write content to.

How to upload file using easy-ftp in node?

I am trying to upload a file into my hosting server using node and easy-ftp.
I try with the following code:
var EasyFtp = require ("easy-ftp");
var ftp = new EasyFtp();
var config = {
ftp.upload("/test/test.txt", "/test.txt", function(err){
if (err) throw err;
No error message but no file uploaded
I tried the same using promises
const EasyFTP = require('easy-ftp-extra')
const ftp = new EasyFTP()
const config = {
ftp.upload('/test.txt', '/test.txt')
The same issued. No file is uploaded. No error in node console.
The config is the same used in filezilla to transfer files. SFTP protocol. Everything working well with filezilla.
What I am doing wrong?
Looks like you may have a path problem over here.
The path specified will try to take file from root folder like "c:\test\test.txt".
Assuming you want the file to be taken from your project folder try this path:
Other things in your code are precisely the same as in mine and mine works.
For me, it was just silently failing, and intelli-sense was not available.
npm remove easy-ftp
npm install easy-ftp
npm audit fix --force until no more vulnerabilities
Afterwards, intelli-sense was available and it started working.
