How to upload file using easy-ftp in node? - node.js

I am trying to upload a file into my hosting server using node and easy-ftp.
I try with the following code:
var EasyFtp = require ("easy-ftp");
var ftp = new EasyFtp();
var config = {
ftp.upload("/test/test.txt", "/test.txt", function(err){
if (err) throw err;
No error message but no file uploaded
I tried the same using promises
const EasyFTP = require('easy-ftp-extra')
const ftp = new EasyFTP()
const config = {
ftp.upload('/test.txt', '/test.txt')
The same issued. No file is uploaded. No error in node console.
The config is the same used in filezilla to transfer files. SFTP protocol. Everything working well with filezilla.
What I am doing wrong?

Looks like you may have a path problem over here.
The path specified will try to take file from root folder like "c:\test\test.txt".
Assuming you want the file to be taken from your project folder try this path:
Other things in your code are precisely the same as in mine and mine works.

For me, it was just silently failing, and intelli-sense was not available.
npm remove easy-ftp
npm install easy-ftp
npm audit fix --force until no more vulnerabilities
Afterwards, intelli-sense was available and it started working.


How to use docx npm package in production to save a file

I am generating a doc file using docx-template npm package in node js. and the file is getting successfully saved in my backend/controller folder on my local machine. Now i want to do prod deployment on Heroku but i dont know what path has to be set to save the file in production.
I have used 'fs' module to read and write file. Shown below.
path.resolve(__dirname, `${contractName} ${element.frequency}.docx`),
You probably have to use the "send(Buffer)" feature of express.
See the following page :
const contentTypes = {
docx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
pptx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation",
xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
res.set('Content-Type', contentTypes.docx);
This is because the "fs" module is used to write the data on the disk, but if it is in production, most likely what you want is to let the user "download" a file, and that is done using res.send() which takes as an argument a Buffer to achieve this feature.

How to access the base package form a node_module

I am looking to access a JSON config file that the user would place next to their package.json from a node_module package that I created. Is there a best approach to do this. I tried a relative import but that didn't really work and I am not sure how best to accomplish dynamic imports if the config file doesn't exist because I want to allow it to not exist as well.
Here is how I tried to handle dynamic imports though:
export const overrides = (function () {
try {
return require('../../../../../../overrides.json');
} catch (_err) {
return null;
Also I tried fs but I get a browser config error I am not sure if that is something else. I should research but I didn't understand the docs around that.
using a library
This worked for me: find-package-json
Basically on any js file who needs the base, home or workspace path, do this:
var finder = require('find-package-json');
var path = require('path');
var f = finder(__dirname);
var rootDirectory = path.dirname(;
rootDirectory will be the location of the folder in which the main package.json exist.
If you want to optimize, get the appRootPath variable at the start of your app and store/propagate the variable to the hole nodejs system.
no libraries
Without any library, this worked for me:
console.log("root directory: "+require('path').resolve('./'));
This will get you the root directory of your nodejs app no matter if you are using npm run start or node foo/bar/index.js
More ways to get the root directory here:
Determine project root from a running node.js application
If you achieve to obtain the root directory of your nodejs app and your file is at the package.json level, use this variable like this to locate any file at root level:

Working when run, but not when built

Im on macOS. I am creating a simple electron app. When I run the app with electron . everything works perfectly with no errors. Now that my app is finished, I wanted to build and distribute it. So I setup electron-builder and I got that to work just fine. However, when I run the in the build folder, I get an error saying:
Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir './img/'
I call scandir here:
const fs = require('fs');
var files = [];
fs.readdirSync("./img/").forEach(file => {
Why is this working when I run it with node, but is not working in the build? How can I fix this issue?
Why is this working when I run it with node, but is not working in the
build? How can I fix this issue?
It's difficult to tell without having more information about the whole app's structure, it may depend on how your code is actually called or required from the html file.
Anyway, using the __dirname global variable to build the directory path usually solves this kind of problem. Please try:
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
var files = [];
fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'img')).forEach(file => {

When installed globally, my node app looks in the global node_modules folder

I'm making an app to generate a component structure for a client project. The app needs to be run from the command line and so I've made it a published npm app that can be installed globally, however when I run the app, it's ignoring the directory I'm trying to run it from and instead just looking in it's own node_modules directory (I've tried this under nvm and regularly installed node)
I'm trying to set the project root using the following: var projectRoot = path.dirname(require.main.filename)
I've also tried by using __dirname, which also failed to work.
The specific problem I'm trying to solve (although this is only the first of a few, all of which seem to be caused by the app looking in the wrong place) is that the app needs to find a config file before it will run. I've included the example code for this below:
fs.stat(path.join(projectRoot, '/clarity.yml'), function (err, stat) {
if (err === null) {
console.log('clarity.yml detected!\nLoading your preferences...\n\n'))
config = yml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(path.join(projectRoot, '/clarity.yml'), 'utf8'))
} else if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
console.error('clarity.yml not found. Please add one to the root of your project. A template can be found at \nProcess aborted with errors'))
The most annoying part is that when I made this about a year ago, it worked without issue, however, I was running node v4.4.5 then and now I am using v8.0.0 (I've also tried it on v6.0.0 and v7.0.0 with the same result).

nodeJS:fs.write callback and fs.writeFile not working

I knew nothing about fs until I was learning to use casperjs to scrape some content from a website and save them to a file. Following some examples on the web, I write this file scrape.js (The json data has been tested so it has nothing to do with the issue):
var fs = require('fs');
var url = "";
var casper = require('casper').create();
var json = JSON.parse(this.fetchText('pre'));
var jsonOfItems={},items = json.items;
jsonOfItems[] = item.introtext.split('\n');
if (err) console.log(err);
console.log('videoLinks.json saved');
When I do casperjs scrape.js in command line of my Ubuntu 14.04 server, I won't see the file saved message as expected, although the file is properly saved. So this is the first question: why the callback isn't running at all?
Secondly, I also tried fs.writeFile, but when I replace fs.write with it, the file isn't saved at all, nor is there any error information.
I do notice that in casper documentation it's said that casper is not a node.js module and some module of node.js won't be available, but I doubt it has anything to do with my issues. And I think it worths to mention that previously when I run this script I only get a respond like
I'm 'fs' module.
I had to follow this question to reinstall fs module globally to get it working.
fs.write expects a file descriptor where you are trying to give it a filename. Try fs.writeFile.
Edit: Oh you tried that. Are you sure it didn't write it somewhere like the root directory? Tried a full path in there?
And what version of node are you running?
