In maximo, can we delete a work order? The select action menu gives me
BMXAA4612E - Cannot delete because it is, or had at one time been approved.
I have created numerous test work orders and it is getting difficult to track new work orders.
Short Answer: You can't.
Standard Maximo will not let you delete it past a certain point. It keeps this data around for a sort of auditing (and because there could be a lot of dependencies to undo).
Bad Answer: With some database queries. You can of course delete about anything if you start modifying Maximo's underlying database directly. The Work Order object has a number of related tables though, so make sure you delete all referenced data from those as well. And there might be other places you need to update too, like a PM due date, depending on the situation.
In a normal Maximo environment, it is very common to have a lot of open work orders at any given time. You are going to need to develop ways to handle the fluff. Closing your old test work orders helps, because Maximo filters out closed work orders by default. Standard filters with some specialized data and saved queries are some other options.
Clear attribute: FIRSTAPPRSTATUS
update woactivity set FIRSTAPPRSTATUS = null
where ;
Then deleting should be possible
--> However it is not (in maximo 7.6)
For Maximo 7.6, change the workorder status to WAPPR from the backend or through MIF and then use MIF to delete the record(s)
I created an action that executes set FIRSAPPRSTATUS null and created an escalation with the condition of selecting a work order. After the escalation is completed, deletion will be available if the remaining conditions for deleting the work order are met.
Sorry this isn't a specific coding question, it is more of a design concept.
What is the usage case for programmatically adding and removing fields to Notes Forms e.g. NotesDocument.RemoveItem(), ie why would you add and remove fields in the background?
For many years I have designed my forms with the fields layed out on the form which are required and then hide and show as required.
By adding dynamically you can't position them and frustratingly removing them or deleting they still appear the Database Fields in Domino Designer, getting rid of them is a bit a a black art, but that's another story.
I must be missing a trick or a basic design concept. Any thoughts on best practice would be appreciated.
Many thanks.
Yes, you are missing the difference between "Fields" and "Items". A field is a design element that you can place anywhere on your form. You define how it looks, what content it contains, what datatype it is, etc.
When creating a document with the form the value of the FIELD is stored in an ITEM in the resulting NotesDocument.
This item is totally decoupled from the field that created it. If you were to change the field in the form from text to number or move it around or make a names- field of it, the item in the existing documents would never change unless you open the documents and save them in frontend or use any LotusScript or Formula Code to recalculate the document in backend.
Very often items are added programmatically to documents to fulfill different purposes: Calculate values to be displayed in views, calculate values that are import for the workflow but not for the user, etc.
Complex applications often consist of a lot more items than there are fields in the several forms.
Back to your question: Removing an item from a document simply removes the value that was created by the field in the form. When reopening the document, the item will be repopulated, either by default value or whatever....
Usually you would use this to remove items that you no longer need (and probably already removed from the form).
As soon as you removed all references to a field / item everywhere in design and documents, you can finally get rid of it completely by compacting the database.
An item is distinct from a field in Notes. The form is purely a UI concept, the item is what the data is stored in.
Manipulating data in the backend can be used for a number of reasons. One such use case is the setting of a flag when a date on the form has expired.
Say you want a view showing all documents that have expired. Your rules dictate that documents are considered as "Expired" after 7 days. You could create a view with a formula that shows all document whose date is 7 days older than today:
SELECT Date < #Adjust(#Today; 0; 0; -7; 0; 0; 0);
This view will ALWAYS be out of date and will constantly be updated by the server as it re-evaluates #Today.
Now, a better way would be to create an agent that runs daily that sets an item on the document to indicate that it has expired e.g.
#SetField("Expired"; 1);
The view formula would then be
SELECT Expired = 1
The view would only need to update daily and you have a much faster view because of it.
RemoveItem is used to get rid of data no longer needed e.g. FaxNumber.
There are many use cases for RemoveItem. Here's one that comes up frequently.
You have a database and an agent that processes documents in that database. Every time it runs, the agent replaces the value of a bunch of items. There are a variety of error conditions that can cause it to abort processing a document early, but you're a smart programmer and you've accounted for that with on error traps. When you hit one, you log an error message, save your document, and then either abort your agent or go on to processing the next document.
But at this point, some of the items that the agent normally updates have values saved from this run, and some of them have values saved from a previous run. This might be bad. This might be confusing for someone who is looking at the item values and trying to figure out what's going on. This might even cause validation errors on the form.
So how do you avoid this? At the very beginning of your agent, you call a cleanup sub that finds and removes all the items that the agent is going to update. Now you have a clean slate, and if your agent hits that error condition, it can save whatever it can save without any concern about whether it is leaving things in an inconsistent state. Of course, in cases where you are doing this to avoid validation errors, your validation formulas will have to be smart enough to be checking #IsAvailable for dependent items, but that's a good practice anyhow.
I used some of the Hybris reserved Deployment code and then later changed to non-reserved deployment type codes. Do I need to Initialize the system in-order to reflect the changes with new deployment code or just an Update works. There are many items that deployment code has been changed. Why update doesn't work?
When you use a reserved code in your deployment table, you're likely to add the attributes of your object in an existing table. If you have attributes with the same name, it'll surely be a mess in the table (I don't know how hybris will choose the table type for example).
When you run an update with the good deployment code, it will create a new table which is just fine. The other table which has been used by two objects will still remain potentially broken because hybris won't delete any column.
That's why you should initialize your system to have a clean DB. The issue is that you'll lose all your data.
If you need to migrate data it will be probably quite hard because you must have to look on the broken table and distinguish between the attributes that should not be there and the others. So I hope for you that it's just a dev issue!
Actually i would suggest you to do initialize rather than update more likely that the update will not work for you in this case and probably you will get some error messages saying invalid pk xxxxxxxxxxxx because of unknown typecode yyyy.
As you may know the typeCode (deployment code) is an essential operator for the generation process of PKs in Hybris and thanks to it Hybris can ensure the uniquenessity of the PKs, so even if you change the old typeCode with a new one it's very likely that Hybris will still keep the old typeCode somewhere hence PKs already generated will never be consistent with the new typeCode.
So that's why you should never change the typecode of an item once given.
My suggestion is :
To make a backup of your existing data (you can export it from HMC,
you may take a look at alain.janinm's answer here).
Then initialize your System.
Then re-import the data again.
Note : that typecodes between 0 and 10000 are already reserved for hybris
particular items.
On CRM in the appointments you can click on the regarding tab to open up that appointments Case details.
Is it possible to add the CASE number for that appointment to the appointments page. Reason being every time I want to see the case number I need to click on regarding tab and open up another webpage.
Would be nice to just have the case number appear on the appointment page, anyway on the page is fine.
Is this possible?
I agree with Alex and Disagree with Darren, although a plugin would get the job done it seems very excessive for what you are trying to accomplish.
The best way to do this between entities is to use the mapping fields between entity relationships however i don't believe CRM allows this between case and appointment in which case i would create a workflow.
Create a workflow on appointment firing on create or on-change of the regarding field, pull the case number field from the case entity when regarding is on case. This workflow will fire every time this event happens however you can build some extra logic around it and if there isn't a case entity no data will be pulled through.
Hope this helps
You can write a plugin on create and/or update of the regarding field on Appointment. Within this plugin you can check if the regarding field is populated and if so if the entity type is incident. If it is, obtain the Case Number (using the OrganizationService) and set the value of a custom attribute on the triggering Appointment.
Add the custom attribute to the Appointment form. Generally this kind of reference information goes in the header section but it's entirely up to you. If you don't place it there make sure you mark it as read-only.
Depending on your use case you may also want to check in the plugin when the regarding field changes. If the regarding is removed or changed you'll need to make sure you update the case number on the Appointment to reflect this.
I am working on Notes in MS CRM 2011.
I have many roles over many entities.
I want role based security to notes for any entity records.
let me explain what i want:
Suppose i have an entity namely E1.
Role R1 and R2 has read and write access to E1.
But i want that user having role R2 can only upload and view notes for any record of entity E1.
Hope now my requirement is clear to all of you.
Please suggest me how can i achieve it using MS CRM 2011.
I can think of two ways to do this.
You can create a plugin on create/update of the annotation(note) and check if the note is related to entity E1 and check the roles of the user making the change and see if they only have the R2 role. If that is the case you can throw an InvalidPluginExecutionException with a message like 'You do not have permissions to edit/create these records'.
You can try using role based forms or JS to hide the notes area for R1 users.
You probably want to use a combination of #1 & #2. The users can still access the notes via advanced find and thus will be able to edit those notes. The plugin will prevent that fringe case as well.
There are a couple more things that you might be able to deal with the advanced find records. You can remove the annotation entity from advanced find via the unsupported method described here.
Otherwise there is one more thing you can do if you want to prevent those results showing up at all, and you want to stay supported. You can write a plugin on Post-RetrieveMultiple of the annotation entity to strip out the results directly from the return result. There are a couple downsides to this though.
You are executing your plug-in every time the retrieve multiple is called on the entity. So this code will need to be as efficient as possible since that delay will be noticeable by the end user whenever they retrieve these records.
Things like advanced find will display odd results. For example if your paging is set to 50 records and you strip out 10, they will only see 40 records on their page and the total record count will include the records you are stripping out.
Through roles i don't know a way to do that, because you configure the access to notes generic, so applies to all entities. You have to access with Javascript navigating in DOM. Check a example:
You can check this with the help of a develeper tool in your browser.
I need to delete some records related to the current record when it is deactivated. I can get the the event when the record is deactivated but I have looked around for some time on Google and this site for the code to delete records in javascript but I can't find any, though I know there must be some out there.
Can anyone help?
I would be alright with doing this with a plugin, all I would need to know is how to pick up that the record has been deactivated
You can register a plugin on the SetState and SetStateDynamic messages (recommend the Pre event in your scenario). Each of these messages will pass an EntityMoniker in the InputParameters property bag which refers to the record that is being deactivated.
In your code you will need to:
Check that the new state in the SetState request is deactivated (since of course a record can usually be reactivated and you don't want to try deleting things then too, presumably)
Pick up the EntityMoniker from IPluginExecutionContext.InputParameters
Run your query to identify and delete related records
Exit the plugin to allow the SetState transaction to complete
If you really want to delete a record with JavaScript there is a sample on the MSDN.
Its a little long winded (its a CRUD example - create, retrieve, update & delete). But it should contain the information you need.
Note there is also an example on that page which doesnt use jQuery (if using jQuery is a problem).
That said I think for this operation would will find it easier to implement, test and maintain with a plugin (so I would go for Greg's answer).
Additionally a plugin will apply in all contexts, e.g. if you deactivate the record in a workflow your JavaScript will not run, but a plugin will.