How to send values into command prompt from groovy? - groovy

I tried to pass an command or value at runtime into command prompt from groovy script.
could anyone help on this ?

Put your command in an Array: then use execute () to run as in command prompt like shown below.
def command = ['ls']
I feel like you are looking for a method like this: Use this method.
void executejar (String jarname)
def command = ['java','-jar', jarname ]
println command.execute().text


how to share data between groovy files?

I have one common groovy file that contains few const variables and functions...
and I also have more groovy files with pipelineJob that use the variables and functions from the common file
what is the best way to import all the data from the common file to the other files?
I have not tested this with Jenkins, but if Jenkins executes the Groovy script as if by invoking groovy -cp .... myScript.groovy it should work:
// notice there's no "def", otherwise the def would be local only
name = 'Joe'
class MyUtils {
static String greeting(String name) {
"Hello $name"
def shell = new GroovyShell(getBinding())
shell.evaluate(new File('utils.groovy'))
println MyUtils.greeting(name)
Running it:
$ groovy src/Main.groovy
Hello Joe
Because the Script base class by default also has an evaluate method, your can actually just call that instead of using a GroovyShell and the result should be identical:
evaluate(new File('utils.groovy'))
println MyUtils.greeting(name)
If it doesn't work it's because the Script base class has been changed , probably... the first approach should work in all cases.

What is the meaning of this script field in Groovy?

What parameters.script means in the following Groovy code:
class Example {
def call(Map parameters) {
def script = parameters.script
It retrieves a value from a Map with the key 'script'. The following are all equivalent
def script = parameters.script
script = parameters['script']
script = parameters.get('script')
Beside using brackets you can also use dot notation to access entries

SoapUI & Groovy - How to get properties from different TestCases using Run testCase

Sorry in advance. I am sure this is not a new question but I swear I've been looking for days and have tried several solutions but no one fits exactly what I need. I hope you guys can help me...
My problem:
I have a main script which sends bash commands to our server:
TestSuite: Tools;
TestCase: sendBashCommands;
TestStep: groovycript;
This test script is called by several test cases using "Run testCase". Each test case have a different bash command:
TestSuite: ServerInfo
TestCase: getServerVersion
Property: BashCommand="cat smt | grep Version"
TestStep: Run sendBashCommands
TestCase: getServerMessage
Property: BashCommand="cat smt | grep Message"
TestStep: Run sendBashCommands
On my sendBashCommands.groovyScript I have already tried the following:
//def bashCmd= context.expand( '${#BashCommand}' );
//it returns empty;
//def bashCmd= testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue( "BashCommand" );
//it returns null;
//def bashCmd= context.getTestCase().getPropertyValue( "BashCommand" );
//it returns null;
def bashCmd = context.expand('${#TestCase#BashCommand}');
//it also returns empty;
Currently I use a solution which works with project properties but what I actually need is working with these properties on the level of the test case which is calling the sendBashCommand script. Is that possible? How could I do it?
I think you are doing it for maintenance purpose...
As per your approach, the result has to come as null or empty. Because your groovyscript cannot get the properties of other testcases directly. If you call a getProperty() Method directly, then it will refer to the current testStep's property. So the following approach could help you.
put the following code in your individual test cases, "getServerVersion" etc.
def currentProject = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
// the following is to store the names of the test suite and the test cases from which you want to call your main script
currentProject.setPropertyValue("TestCaseName", testRunner.getTestCase().getLabel().toString())
// call sendBashCommands here -> run sendBashCommands
put this code in your main groovy script (sendBashCommands.groovyscript)
def currentProject = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
def callingTestCase = currentProject.testSuites[currentProject.getPropertyValue("TestSuiteName")].testCases[currentProject.getPropertyValue("TestCaseName")]
def bashCmd = callingTestCase.getPropertyValue( "BashCommand" )
// to verify bashCmd
The project is common to all the test suites, so you have to use project property in any case, i.e., for your requirement :)
Enjoy :)

How to pass parameter while executing command in Groovy Script

command = ["C:/Users/Desktop/try.bat"]
def command1=command
def cmd = command1.execute()
This is my code. But I need to pass 4 arguments to try.bat. Out of these one argument is optional. How to handle it?
add more items in the array
["command", "param1", "param2"].execute()
as stated in the official docs
Maybe you should try
def command = """C:/Users/Desktop/try.bat arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4"""
as the official docs provided suggest

Calling groovy method from script

I'm writing a program in groovy, I want it to run a script with dynamically changing variables. The script is supposed to execute a method with its variables. This method is located in the program that runs the script.
The script would contain something like this:
// getAttribute is a method in my main program, the program which also runs the script
value = getValue("java.lang:type=OperatingSystem", "FreePhysicalMemorySize")
// do something with the value
if (value > 9000) { output = "ERROR" }
// the same thing maybe a few more times
value = getValue(...
I want to keep it as simple as possible.
I was working with these examples:
I already tried to use the GroovyScriptEngine, but it seems like the script only accepts Strings as input values. It would be great if I could hand over method pointers.
Just trying to hand over an integer like this:
def roots = 'PATH\\script.groovy'
def groscreng = new GroovyScriptEngine(roots)
def binding = new Binding()
def input = 42
binding.setVariable("input", input)"script.groovy", binding)
println binding.getVariable("output")
With this script.groovy
output = ${input}
results in this error:
Caught: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: script.$() is applicable for argument types: (script$_run_closure1) values: [script$_run_closure1#fcf50]
Possible solutions: is(java.lang.Object), run(), run(), any(), any(groovy.lang.Closure), use([Ljava.lang.Object;)
Receiving the value in the script as a String like "${input}" works just fine.
I know it has to work somehow and I would appreciate any help or other suggestions!
output = ${input}
isn't valid groovy
output = input
