Switching threads or doing work on I/O thread is more costly? - multithreading

.map { data <- 'do some computations' ... }
Is it better in this case to switch to the Computational Scheduler, before doing the map operation (.observeOn(Schedulers.computation())?
What if we are observing multiple sources that depend on each other? Like getting data1, mapping it, then getting data2 based on data1, then again mapping it. In this case we'd have to change threads between every computational operation and data request.

There is no straight answer for this question. You have to consider it always for specific case. Although there are some rules you can follow, based on this knowledge:
Computation thread pool has maximum number of threads and the size is based on device that you use. Most commonly used is a pool of 4 threads.
IO thread pool is basically unlimited, meaning if you start 100 operations at the same time, there will be 100 threads created, so be carefully with its usage.
Switching a thread can always creates some drop in performance, because its additional operator and it can be forced to wait in the queue.
The real question is: is this task so heavy that I have to switch thread? In most of the cases a network call or database call takes the most time and other operators are very quick. Simple mapping or iterating through array of 1000 elements is basically done in an instant.
Another question is: am I performing so many tasks in the background that I have to free this thread? Will it really help something? Is someone waiting for this Scheduler to free some thread?
Those are rules from the top of my head. There is something that I may forgot, but generally those steps help you decide if you have to switch thread. Hope it helps :)


Thread synchronisation for very short tasks

I have a C++ application running on winapi. Portability is not an issue. All I want is maximum performance. I have a basic understanding of multithreading and synchronization issues, but limited experience with the multitude of options ranging from winapi over C++ threads to third party libraries.
In the performance critical core of my application I identified a loop, which could be parallelized. I managed to split the loop into 4 parts which do not depend on each other. I would like to delegate the job to 4 threads running in parallel. The main thread should wait until all 4 threads have done their job, before it continues.
Sounds very simple. However, currently the loop takes only about 10 microseconds when running on one thread. I'm afraid that synchronization methods which cause a switch to the kernel (events, mutexes, etc.) would produce more overhead than the parallelization could save. SRWLocks + condition variables claim to be very lightweight, but I didn't find a way to solve my synchronization with these tools.
Of course I could test all kinds of synchronization APIs, but I'm sure this has been done before.
So my question is: Is there a reasonable way to synchronize very short tasks and if so, what are the appropriate tools?
If you simply need to wait for threads to complete you would use WaitForMultipleObjects on the thread handles. The other direct option would be to use a synchronization barrier, a primitive that allows a group of threads to halt until all members of the group have reached the barrier, but that is generally for the case where there is more work for the spawned threads to perform after being released.
Your question of whether this would actually be of benefit in your particular case is one that can only be answered through implementation and timing. And note that if you are going to perform this testing it should be done on a release build with optimizations enabled. It may well be the case that if the amount of work to perform is short enough that the time involved in thread management dwarfs any benefit.
The update algorithm consists of two steps. Each of these steps can be applied to the knots in arbitrary order, but step 1 must be completed before step 2 can start. I can portion the whole net into four (or more) parts and delegate each part to a separate thread. My problem is: Each thread has to pause after step 1 and wait until all threads have finished their job. Then each thread makes step 2, wait for completion of the other threads and so on.
You want to break the work into a large number of small chunks and have a fixed pool of threads take chunks of work. Do not make 8 threads on an 8 core machine and split the work into 8 chunks. That algorithm will work poorly if, for one reason or another, only 7 of those cores winds up doing work for you. Your algorithm will need twice as long as the second half of the time only one core is working.
The easy way is to have an extra dispatch thread. Just keep a "work unit" count somewhere protected by a mutex. When a thread finishes a work unit, have it decrement the "work unit" count. When it hits zero, broadcast a condition variable. That will wake the dispatch thread which will then do whatever it takes to get the worker threads going again. It can start them by setting the "work unit" count to the right level and broadcasting another condition variable that the worker threads wait for.
You can also just keep a count of which node needs to be done next and the number of nodes currently doing work. That will require synchronization after each thread though (to figure out which node to do next) and it may make more sense to have each thread grab some number of nodes, iterate over them, and then synchronize to grab another few nodes.
Avoid breaking the work into large chunks early. That can lead to the problem where you have 8 cores but 2 large work units left at some point. Remember, many modern CPUs run their cores at different speeds based on temperature and power measurements.

Is it safe to update an object in a thread without locks if other threads will not access it?

I have a vector of entities. At update cycle I iterate through vector and update each entity: read it's position, calculate current speed, write updated position. Also, during updating process I can change some other objects in other part of program, but each that object related only to current entity and other entities will not touch that object.
So, I want to run this code in threads. I separate vector into few chunks and update each chunk in different threads. As I see, threads are fully independent. Each thread on each iteration works with independent memory regions and doesn't affect other threads work.
Do I need any locks here? I assume, that everything should work without any mutexes, etc. Am I right?
Short answer
No, you do not need any lock or synchronization mechanism as your problem appear to be a embarrassingly parallel task.
Longer answer
A race conditions that can only appear if two threads might access the same memory at the same time and at least one of the access is a write operation. If your program exposes this characteristic, then you need to make sure that threads access the memory in an ordered fashion. One way to do it is by using locks (it is not the only one though). Otherwise the result is UB.
It seems that you found a way to split the work among your threads s.t. each thread can work independently from the others. This is the best case scenario for concurrent programming as it does not require any synchronization. The complexity of the code is dramatically decreased and usually speedup will jump up.
Please note that as #acelent pointed out in the comment section, if you need changes made by one thread to be visible in another thread, then you might need some sort of synchronization due to the fact that depending on the memory model and on the HW changes made in one thread might not be immediately visible in the other.
This means that you might write from Thread 1 to a variable and after some time read the same memory from Thread 2 and still not being able to see the write made by Thread 1.
"I separate vector into few chunks and update each chunk in different threads" - in this case you do not need any lock or synchronization mechanism, however, the system performance might degrade considerably due to false sharing depending on how the chunks are allocated to threads. Note that the compiler may eliminate false sharing using thread-private temporal variables.
You can find plenty of information in books and wiki. Here is some info https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/avoiding-and-identifying-false-sharing-among-threads
Also there is a stackoverflow post here does false sharing occur when data is read in openmp?

Semaphores & threads - what is the point?

I've been reading about semaphores and came across this article:
So, this page states that if there are two threads accessing the same data, things can get ugly. The solution is to allow only one thread to access the data at the same time.
This is clear and I understand the solution, only why would anyone need threads to do this? What is the point? If the threads are blocked so that only one can execute, why use them at all? There is no advantage. (or maybe this is a just a dumb example; in such a case please point me to a sensible one)
Thanks in advance.
Consider this:
void update_shared_variable() {
sem_wait( &g_shared_variable_mutex );
sem_post( &g_shared_variable_mutex );
void thread1() {
update_shared_variable(); // may block
void thread2() {
update_shared_variable(); // may block
Note that all of the do_thing_xx functions still happen simultaneously. The semaphore only comes into play when the threads need to modify some shared (global) state or use some shared resource. So a thread will only block if another thread is trying to access the shared thing at the same time.
Now, if the only thing your threads are doing is working with one single shared variable/resource, then you are correct - there is no point in having threads at all (it would actually be less efficient than just one thread, due to context switching.)
When you are using multithreading not everycode that runs will be blocking. For example, if you had a queue, and two threads are reading from that queue, you would make sure that no thread reads at the same time from the queue, so that part would be blocking, but that's the part that will probably take the less time. Once you have retrieved the item to process from the queue, all the rest of the code can be run asynchronously.
The idea behind the threads is to allow simultaneous processing. A shared resource must be governed to avoid things like deadlocks or starvation. If something can take a while to process, then why not create multiple instances of those processes to allow them to finish faster? The bottleneck is just what you mentioned, when a process has to wait for I/O.
Being blocked while waiting for the shared resource is small when compared to the processing time, this is when you want to use multiple threads.
This is of course a SSCCE (Short, Self Contained, Correct Example)
Let's say you have 2 worker threads that do a lot of work and write the result to a file.
you only need to lock the file (shared resource) access.
The problem with trivial examples....
If the problem you're trying to solve can be broken down into pieces that can be executed in parallel then threads are a good thing.
A slightly less trivial example - imagine a for loop where the data being processed in each iteration is different every time. In that circumstance you could execute each iteration of the for loop simultaneously in separate threads. And indeed some compilers like Intel's will convert suitable for loops to threads automatically for you. In that particular circumstances no semaphores are needed because of the iterations' data independence.
But say you were wanting to process a stream of data, and that processing had two distinct steps, A and B. The threadless approach would involve reading in some data then doing A then B and then output the data before reading more input. Or you could have a thread reading and doing A, another thread doing B and output. So how do you get the interim result from the first thread to the second?
One way would be to have a memory buffer to contain the interim result. The first thread could write the interim result to a memory buffer and the second could read from it. But with two threads operating independently there's no way for the first thread to know if it's safe to overwrite that buffer, and there's no way for the second to know when to read from it.
That's where you can use semaphores to synchronise the action of the two threads. The first thread takes a semaphore that I'll call empty, fills the buffer, and then posts a semaphore called filled. Meanwhile the second thread will take the filled semaphore, read the buffer, and then post empty. So long as filled is initialised to 0 and empty is initialised to 1 it will work. The second thread will process the data only after the first has written it, and the first won't write it until the second has finished with it.
It's only worth it of course if the amount of time each thread spends processing data outweighs the amount of time spent waiting for semaphores. This limits the extent to which splitting code up into threads yields a benefit. Going beyond that tends to mean that the overall execution is effectively serial.
You can do multithreaded programming without semaphores at all. There's the Actor model or Communicating Sequential Processes (the one I favour). It's well worth looking up JCSP on Wikipedia.
In these programming styles data is shared between threads by sending it down communication channels. So instead of using semaphores to grant another thread access to data it would be sent a copy of that data down something a bit like a network socket, or a pipe. The advantage of CSP (which limits that communication channel to send-finishes-only-if-receiver-has-read) is that it stops you falling into the many many pitfalls that plague multithreaded do programs. It sounds inefficient (copying data is inefficient), but actually it's not so bad with Intel's QPI architecture, AMD's Hypertransport. And it means hat the 'channel' really could be a network connection; scalability built in by design.

threading synchronization at high speed

I have a threading question and what I'd qualify as a modest threading background.
Suppose I have the following (oversimplified) design and behavior:
Object ObjectA - has a reference to object ObjectB and a method MethodA().
Object ObjectB - has a reference to ObjectA, an array of elements ArrayB and a method MethodB().
ObjectA is responsible for instantiating ObjectB. ObjectB.ObjectA will point to ObjectB's instantiator.
Now, whenever some conditions are met, a new element is added in ObjectB.ArrayB and a new thread is started for this element, say ThreadB_x, where x goes from 1 to ObjectB.ArrayB.Length. Each such thread calls ObjectB.MethodB() to pass some data in, which in turn calls ObjectB.ObjectA.MethodA() for data processing.
So multiple threads call the same method ObjectB.MethodB(), and it's very likely that they do so at the very same time. There's a lot of code in MethodB that creates and initializes new objects, so I don't think there are problems there. But then this method calls ObjectB.ObjectA.MethodA(), and I don't have the slightest idea of what's going on in there. Based on the results I get, nothing wrong, apparently, but I'd like to be sure of that.
For now, I enclosed the call to ObjectB.ObjectA.MethodA() in a lock statement inside ObjectB.MethodB(), so I'm thinking this will ensure there are no clashes to the call of MethodA(), though I'm not 100% sure of that. But what happens if each ThreadB_x calls ObjectB.MethodB() a lot of times and very very fast? Will I have a queue of calls waiting for ObjectB.ObjectA.MethodA() to finish?
Your question is very difficult to answer because of the lack of information. It depends on the average time spent in methodA, how many times this method is called per thread, how many cores are allocated to the process, the OS scheduling policy, to name a few parameters.
All things being equals, when the number of threads grows toward infinity, you can easily imagine that the probability for two threads requesting access to a shared resource simultaneously will tend to one. This probability will grow faster in proportion to the amount of time spent on the shared resource. That intuition is probably the reason of your question.
The main idea of multithreading is to parallelize code which can be effectively computed concurrently, and avoid contention as much as possible. In your setup, if methodA is not pure, ie. if it may change the state of the process - or in C++ parlance, if it cannot be made const, then it is a source of contention (recall that a function can only be pure if it uses pure functions or constants in its body).
One way of dealing with a shared resource is to protect it with a mutex, as you've done in your code. Another way is to try to turn its use into an async service, with one thread handling it, and others requesting that thread for computation. In effect, you will end up with an explicit queue of requests, but threads doing these requests will be free to work on something else in the mean time. The goal is always to maximize computation time, as opposed to thread management time, which happens each time a thread gets rescheduled.
Of course, it is not always possible to do so, eg. when the result of methodA belongs to a strongly ordered chain of computation.

What are multi-threading DOs and DONTs? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am applying my new found knowledge of threading everywhere and getting lots of surprises
I used threads to add numbers in an
array. And outcome was different every
time. The problem was that all of my
threads were updating the same
variable and were not synchronized.
What are some known thread issues?
What care should be taken while using
What are good multithreading resources.
Please provide examples.
sidenote:(I renamed my program thread_add.java to thread_random_number_generator.java:-)
In a multithreading environment you have to take care of synchronization so two threads doesn't clobber the state by simultaneously performing modifications. Otherwise you can have race conditions in your code (for an example see the infamous Therac-25 accident.) You also have to schedule the threads to perform various tasks. You then have to make sure that your synchronization and scheduling doesn't cause a deadlock where multiple threads will wait for each other indefinitely.
Something as simple as increasing a counter requires synchronization:
counter += 1;
Assume this sequence of events:
counter is initialized to 0
thread A retrieves counter from memory to cpu (0)
context switch
thread B retrieves counter from memory to cpu (0)
thread B increases counter on cpu
thread B writes back counter from cpu to memory (1)
context switch
thread A increases counter on cpu
thread A writes back counter from cpu to memory (1)
At this point the counter is 1, but both threads did try to increase it. Access to the counter has to be synchronized by some kind of locking mechanism:
lock (myLock) {
counter += 1;
Only one thread is allowed to execute the code inside the locked block. Two threads executing this code might result in this sequence of events:
counter is initialized to 0
thread A acquires myLock
context switch
thread B tries to acquire myLock but has to wait
context switch
thread A retrieves counter from memory to cpu (0)
thread A increases counter on cpu
thread A writes back counter from cpu to memory (1)
thread A releases myLock
context switch
thread B acquires myLock
thread B retrieves counter from memory to cpu (1)
thread B increases counter on cpu
thread B writes back counter from cpu to memory (2)
thread B releases myLock
At this point counter is 2.
Scheduling is another form of synchronization and you have to you use thread synchronization mechanisms like events, semaphores, message passing etc. to start and stop threads. Here is a simplified example in C#:
AutoResetEvent taskEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
Task task;
// Called by the main thread.
public void StartTask(Task task) {
this.task = task;
// Signal the worker thread to perform the task.
// Return and let the task execute on another thread.
// Called by the worker thread.
void ThreadProc() {
while (true) {
// Wait for the event to become signaled.
// Perform the task.
You will notice that access to this.task probably isn't synchronized correctly, that the worker thread isn't able to return results back to the main thread, and that there is no way to signal the worker thread to terminate. All this can be corrected in a more elaborate example.
A common example of deadlock is when you have two locks and you are not careful how you acquire them. At one point you acquire lock1 before lock2:
public void f() {
lock (lock1) {
lock (lock2) {
// Do something
At another point you acquire lock2 before lock1:
public void g() {
lock (lock2) {
lock (lock1) {
// Do something else
Let's see how this might deadlock:
thread A calls f
thread A acquires lock1
context switch
thread B calls g
thread B acquires lock2
thread B tries to acquire lock1 but has to wait
context switch
thread A tries to acquire lock2 but has to wait
context switch
At this point thread A and B are waiting for each other and are deadlocked.
There are two kinds of people that do not use multi threading.
1) Those that do not understand the concept and have no clue how to program it.
2) Those that completely understand the concept and know how difficult it is to get it right.
I'd make a very blatant statement:
DON'T use shared memory.
DO use message passing.
As a general advice, try to limit the amount of shared state and prefer more event-driven architectures.
I can't give you examples besides pointing you at Google. Search for threading basics, thread synchronisation and you'll get more hits than you know.
The basic problem with threading is that threads don't know about each other - so they will happily tread on each others toes, like 2 people trying to get through 1 door, sometimes they will pass though one after the other, but sometimes they will both try to get through at the same time and will get stuck. This is difficult to reproduce, difficult to debug, and sometimes causes problems. If you have threads and see "random" failures, this is probably the problem.
So care needs to be taken with shared resources. If you and your friend want a coffee, but there's only 1 spoon you cannot both use it at the same time, one of you will have to wait for the other. The technique used to 'synchronise' this access to the shared spoon is locking. You make sure you get a lock on the shared resource before you use it, and let go of it afterwards. If someone else has the lock, you wait until they release it.
Next problem comes with those locks, sometimes you can have a program that is complex, so much that you get a lock, do something else then access another resource and try to get a lock for that - but some other thread has that 2nd resource, so you sit and wait... but if that 2nd thread is waiting for the lock you hold for the 1st resource.. it's going to sit and wait. And your app just sits there. This is called deadlock, 2 threads both waiting for each other.
Those 2 are the vast majority of thread issues. The answer is generally to lock for as short a time as possible, and only hold 1 lock at a time.
I notice you are writing in java and that nobody else mentioned books so Java Concurrency In Practice should be your multi-threaded bible.
-- What are some known thread issues? --
Race conditions.
Thread starvation.
-- What care should be taken while using threads? --
Using multi-threading on a single-processor machine to process multiple tasks where each task takes approximately the same time isn’t always very effective.For example, you might decide to spawn ten threads within your program in order to process ten separate tasks. If each task takes approximately 1 minute to process, and you use ten threads to do this processing, you won’t have access to any of the task results for the whole 10 minutes. If instead you processed the same tasks using just a single thread, you would see the first result in 1 minute, the next result 1 minute later, and so on. If you can make use of each result without having to rely on all of the results being ready simultaneously, the single
thread might be the better way of implementing the program.
If you launch a large number of threads within a process, the overhead of thread housekeeping and context switching can become significant. The processor will spend considerable time in switching between threads, and many of the threads won’t be able to make progress. In addition, a single process with a large number of threads means that threads in other processes will be scheduled less frequently and won’t receive a reasonable share of processor time.
If multiple threads have to share many of the same resources, you’re unlikely to see performance benefits from multi-threading your application. Many developers see multi-threading as some sort of magic wand that gives automatic performance benefits. Unfortunately multi-threading isn’t the magic wand that it’s sometimes perceived to be. If you’re using multi-threading for performance reasons, you should measure your application’s performance very closely in several different situations, rather than just relying on some non-existent magic.
Coordinating thread access to common data can be a big performance killer. Achieving good performance with multiple threads isn’t easy when using a coarse locking plan, because this leads to low concurrency and threads waiting for access. Alternatively, a fine-grained locking strategy increases the complexity and can also slow down performance unless you perform some sophisticated tuning.
Using multiple threads to exploit a machine with multiple processors sounds like a good idea in theory, but in practice you need to be careful. To gain any significant performance benefits, you might need to get to grips with thread balancing.
-- Please provide examples. --
For example, imagine an application that receives incoming price information from
the network, aggregates and sorts that information, and then displays the results
on the screen for the end user.
With a dual-core machine, it makes sense to split the task into, say, three threads. The first thread deals with storing the incoming price information, the second thread processes the prices, and the final thread handles the display of the results.
After implementing this solution, suppose you find that the price processing is by far the longest stage, so you decide to rewrite that thread’s code to improve its performance by a factor of three. Unfortunately, this performance benefit in a single thread may not be reflected across your whole application. This is because the other two threads may not be able to keep pace with the improved thread. If the user interface thread is unable to keep up with the faster flow of processed information, the other threads now have to wait around for the new bottleneck in the system.
And yes, this example comes directly from my own experience :-)
DONT use global variables
DONT use many locks (at best none at all - though practically impossible)
DONT try to be a hero, implementing sophisticated difficult MT protocols
DO use simple paradigms. I.e share the processing of an array to n slices of the same size - where n should be equal to the number of processors
DO test your code on different machines (using one, two, many processors)
DO use atomic operations (such as InterlockedIncrement() and the like)
The most important thing to remember is: do you really need multithreading?
I agree with pretty much all the answers so far.
A good coding strategy is to minimise or eliminate the amount of data that is shared between threads as much as humanly possible. You can do this by:
Using thread-static variables (although don't go overboard on this, it will eat more memory per thread, depending on your O/S).
Packaging up all state used by each thread into a class, then guaranteeing that each thread gets exactly one state class instance to itself. Think of this as "roll your own thread-static", but with more control over the process.
Marshalling data by value between threads instead of sharing the same data. Either make your data transfer classes immutable, or guarantee that all cross-thread calls are synchronous, or both.
Try not to have multiple threads competing for the exact same I/O "resource", whether it's a disk file, a database table, a web service call, or whatever. This will cause contention as multiple threads fight over the same resource.
Here's an extremely contrived OTT example. In a real app you would cap the number of threads to reduce scheduling overhead:
All UI - one thread.
Background calcs - one thread.
Logging errors to a disk file - one thread.
Calling a web service - one thread per unique physical host.
Querying the database - one thread per independent group of tables that need updating.
Rather than guessing how to do divvy up the tasks, profile your app and isolate those bits that are (a) very slow, and (b) could be done asynchronously. Those are good candidates for a separate thread.
And here's what you should avoid:
Calcs, database hits, service calls, etc - all in one thread, but spun up multiple times "to improve performance".
Don't start new threads unless you really need to. Starting threads is not cheap and for short running tasks starting the thread may actually take more time than executing the task itself. If you're on .NET take a look at the built in thread pool, which is useful in a lot of (but not all) cases. By reusing the threads the cost of starting threads is reduced.
EDIT: A few notes on creating threads vs. using thread pool (.NET specific)
Generally try to use the thread pool. Exceptions:
Long running CPU bound tasks and blocking tasks are not ideal run on the thread pool cause they will force the pool to create additional threads.
All thread pool threads are background threads, so if you need your thread to be foreground, you have to start it yourself.
If you need a thread with different priority.
If your thread needs more (or less) than the standard 1 MB stack space.
If you need to be able to control the life time of the thread.
If you need different behavior for creating threads than that offered by the thread pool (e.g. the pool will throttle creating of new threads, which may or may not be what you want).
There are probably more exceptions and I am not claiming that this is the definitive answer. It is just what I could think of atm.
I am applying my new found knowledge of threading everywhere
[Emphasis added]
DO remember that a little knowledge is dangerous. Knowing the threading API of your platform is the easy bit. Knowing why and when you need to use synchronisation is the hard part. Reading up on "deadlocks", "race-conditions", "priority inversion" will start you in understanding why.
The details of when to use synchronisation are both simple (shared data needs synchronisation) and complex (atomic data types used in the right way don't need synchronisation, which data is really shared): a lifetime of learning and very solution specific.
An important thing to take care of (with multiple cores and CPUs) is cache coherency.
I am surprised that no one has pointed out Herb Sutter's Effective Concurrency columns yet. In my opinion, this is a must read if you want to go anywhere near threads.
a) Always make only 1 thread responsible for a resource's lifetime. That way thread A won't delete a resource thread B needs - if B has ownership of the resource
b) Expect the unexpected
DO think about how you will test your code and set aside plenty of time for this. Unit tests become more complicated. You may not be able to manually test your code - at least not reliably.
DO think about thread lifetime and how threads will exit. Don't kill threads. Provide a mechanism so that they exit gracefully.
DO add some kind of debug logging to your code - so that you can see that your threads are behaving correctly both in development and in production when things break down.
DO use a good library for handling threading rather than rolling your own solution (if you can). E.g. java.util.concurrency
DON'T assume a shared resource is thread safe.
DON'T DO IT. E.g. use an application container that can take care of threading issues for you. Use messaging.
In .Net one thing that surprised me when I started trying to get into multi-threading is that you cannot straightforwardly update the UI controls from any thread other than the thread that the UI controls were created on.
There is a way around this, which is to use the Control.Invoke method to update the control on the other thread, but it is not 100% obvious the first time around!
Don't be fooled into thinking you understand the difficulties of concurrency until you've split your head into a real project.
All the examples of deadlocks, livelocks, synchronization, etc, seem simple, and they are. But they will mislead you, because the "difficulty" in implementing concurrency that everyone is talking about is when it is used in a real project, where you don't control everything.
While your initial differences in sums of numbers are, as several respondents have pointed out, likely to be the result of lack of synchronisation, if you get deeper into the topic, be aware that, in general, you will not be able to reproduce exactly the numeric results you get on a serial program with those from a parallel version of the same program. Floating-point arithmetic is not strictly commutative, associative, or distributive; heck, it's not even closed.
And I'd beg to differ with what, I think, is the majority opinion here. If you are writing multi-threaded programs for a desktop with one or more multi-core CPUs, then you are working on a shared-memory computer and should tackle shared-memory programming. Java has all the features to do this.
Without knowing a lot more about the type of problem you are tackling, I'd hesitate to write that 'you should do this' or 'you should not do that'.
