How to access Alexa Skill metrics via ASK CLI or SMAPI? - alexa-skill

Current behavior:
I can access metrics for each of my Alexa Skills via the developer console, such as "total unique customers over past 7 days"
Desired behavior:
do the same but via Amazon's ASK CLI or SMAPI (in order to automate + bulk export for hundreds of skills)

One way to accomplish this is to hit SMAPI through JavaScript using the SMAPI Node.js SDK, with docs available here.
In order to authenticate with SMAPI, you're going to need to do the following:
Set up an LWA security profile.
Use the ASK CLI to exchange your LWA Client ID and Client Secret for an LWA refresh token using ask util generate-lwa-tokens --client-id <Client ID> --client-confirmation <Client Secret>.
Use this refresh token when you initialize the SMAPI node SDK:
const Alexa = require('ask-smapi-sdk');
// specify the refreshTokenConfig with clientId, clientSecret and refreshToken generated in the previous step
const refreshTokenConfig = {
const smapiClient = new Alexa.StandardSmapiClientBuilder()
You will then be able to hit SMAPI through function calls on the SDK!
Helpful resource on this (it shows pretty much what you're asking for, which is automating skill metric retrieval):


Setting up an Application with Azure for use with Graph API outlook calendars

I'm aware that Graph API has a nice nuget package and I am confident on the code side of things, but my understanding is that I need to have the application set up in Azure and while there is a lot of documentation about this in general, I find it quite dense and I'm not confident I have the specifics down for how I need to set this portion up.
What I need my application to do is access an outlook calendar of a specific user that I own, read, search, add, delete and update calendar items. The integration assistant seems to suggest I need to configure a URI redirect and configure api permission. The default persmission is User.Read on graph API and if I try to add a permission, office 365 management seems like it might be the one I need except it specifically says just retrieving user information and nothing mentions outlook anywhere.
I need to know more or less the minimum steps in setting up the application in Azure to write a C# application that can make changes to outlook for a user.
need my application to do is access an outlook calendar of a specific user
Does it mean you need your app to have the abiltity to modify the callendar of any user you owned? If not, then it means you need your application to provide a sign in module and let users sign in, then the users can get authentication to call graph api and manage their own calendar, since this scenario, users give the delegate api permission, so they can't manage other users' calendar, so I don't think this is what you want.
If so, then you should use client credential flow to generate access token to call graph api. I think you know that when you want to call graph api, you have to get an access token which has correct permission first.
Ok, then let's come to the api permission, when you go to api document of the Calendar. You will see permissions like screenshot below:
Application permission type is suitable for client credential flow. And after viewing all the apis, you will find that they all need Calendars.ReadWrite except those not supporting Application type.
Then let's go to azure portal and reach Azure Active Directory. You need to create an Azure ad application and give the app Calendars.ReadWrite permission, then give the Admin consent.
Then you also need to create a client secret, pls go to Certificates & Secrets and add a new client secret, don't forget to copy the secret after you create it.
Now you've done all the steps. No need to set a redirect url, because you don't need to let the user to sign in your application. Let's see client credential flow document, it only require client_id, client_secret to generate access token.
Or in the code, you may use SDK like this :
using Azure.Identity;
using Microsoft.Graph;
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var scopes = new[] { "" };
var tenantId = "";
var clientId = "azure_ad_app_id";
var clientSecret = "client_secret";
var clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(clientSecretCredential, scopes);
var calendar = new Calendar{ Name = "Volunteer" };
var events = await graphClient.Users["user_id_which_is_needed_to_list_calendar_events"].Events.Request()
.Header("Prefer","outlook.timezone=\"Pacific Standard Time\"")
return View();

Can an open id connect id token be used to authenticate to an api

I am building a mern application.
the backend built using express exposes an api which users can create data and access the data they have created.
I want to allow users to sign in with google and get authorization to create and access the resources on this api which i control (not on google apis).
I keep coming across oauth 2 / open id connect articles stating that an Id token is for use by a client and a access token provided by a resource server should be used to get access to an api.
the reason stated for this is that the aud property on the id token wont be correct if used on the api.
I realise that some sources say: that if the spa and api are served from same server and have same client id and therefore audience I can use and id token to authenticate to the api, but I am looking to understand what I can do when this is not the case?
I feel using oauth2 for authorization is overkill for my app and I cant find any information about how to use open id connect to authenticate to my api.
Surely when you sign in to Auth0 authourization server using google it is just requesting an open id connect id token from google?
I am wondering if using Authorization Code Grant flow to receive an id token on the api server would allow me to authenticate a user to my api?
in this case would the api server be the client as far as open id connect is concerned and therefore the aud value would be correct?
I can generate an url to visit the google oauth server using the node googleapis library like so:
const { google } = require("googleapis");
const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
"http://localhost:3000/oauthcallback",//this is where the react app is served from
const calendar = google.calendar({ version: "v3", auth: oauth2Client });
const scopes = ["openid"];
const url = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
// 'online' (default) or 'offline' (gets refresh_token)
access_type: "offline",
// If you only need one scope you can pass it as a string
scope: scopes,
async function getUrl(req, res) {
and use the following flow.
You are not supposed to access any API's using the ID-Token. First of all the life-time of the ID-token is very short, typically like 5 minutes.
You should always use the access-token to access API's and you can using the refresh token get new access-tokens. The ID-token you can only get one time and you use that to create the local user and local cookie session.
If you are using a SPA application, you should also consider using the BFF pattern, to avoid using any tokens in the SPA-Application
see The BFF Pattern (Backend for Frontend): An Introduction
I agree with one of the commenters that you should follow the principle of separation of concern and keep the authorization server as a separate service. Otherwise it will be a pin to debug and troubleshoot when it does not work.

How often should I get a new service sid of twillio?

When using twillio, how often should the service sid be created and create a new services? I see 3 options. There might be more options thought.
Get the service sid/create a new service and store it in the db, then never get a new one.
Get the service sid/create a new service every time the backend server starts/runs (I'm using node/express)
Get the service sid/create a new service whenever using the twillio client is used
Here's the code:
let serviceSid = '';
async function init() {
const service = await{
friendlyName: 'someName'
serviceSid = service.sid;
Also, what's the purpose of it, if you already have an account sid?
Your Twilio ACCOUNT SID together width AUTH TOKEN has to do with your overall Twilio account. It gives you access to the entire Twilio API (Verify is just a part of it).
const authToken = 'your_auth_token';
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
To use the Twilio Verify product (or service if you wish) you will need to create at least one "verification service". You can do it in the Twilio console or by making API requests.
When you create a verification service you get that SID which starts with "VA" and it will be used in a verification code for example.'VAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
.create({to: '+15017122661', channel: 'sms'})
.then(verification => console.log(verification.sid));
If let's say you have more than one application using Verify you'll want to create a verification service for each application.
Also, maybe the verification message template is different or maybe you expect different lengths for the verification code, etc. then you need separate verification services hence different VA SIDs.
So from your options in your question I would go with number 1 per distinct application. If you only have one app then I would get one verification service per environment (one for dev, one for QA, one for production, etc.).
Also, I would create Twilio sub-accounts for each app + environment and use them instead of the Twilio master account.

Google service account: The API returned an error: TypeError: source.hasOwnProperty is not a function after an hour

I have added google cloud service account in a project and its working. But the problem is that after an hour(i think), I get this error:
The API returned an error: TypeError: source.hasOwnProperty is not a function
Internal Server Error
and I need to restart the application to make it work.
Here in this StackOverflow post, I found this:
Once you get an access token it is treated in the same way - and is
expected to expire after 1 hour, at which time a new access token will
need to be requested, which for a service account means creating and
signing a new assertion.
but didn't help.
I'm using Node js and amazon secret service:
the code I have used to authorize:
const jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(
jwtClient.authorize((authErr) =>{
const deferred = q.defer();
deferred.reject(new Error('Google drive authentication error, !'));
Any idea?
hint: Is there any policy in AWS secret to access a secret or in google cloud to access a service account? for example access in local or online?
[NOTE: You are using a service account to access Google Drive. A service account will have its own Google Drive. Is this your intention or is your goal to share your Google Drive with the service account?]
Is there any policy in AWS secret to access a secret or in google
cloud to access a service account? for example access in local or
I am not sure what you are asking. AWS has IAM policies to control secret management. Since you are able to create a Signed JWT from stored secrets, I will assume that this is not an issue. Google does not have policies regarding accessing service accounts - if you have the service account JSON key material, you can do whatever the service account is authorized to do until the service account is deleted, modified, etc.
Now on to the real issue.
Your Signed JWT has expired and you need to create a new one. You need to track the lifetime of tokens that you create and recreate/refresh the tokens before they expire. The default expiration in Google's world is 3,600 seconds. Since you are creating your own token, there is no "wrapper" code around your token to handle expiration.
The error that you are getting is caused by a code crash. Since you did not include your code, I cannot tell you where. However, the solution is to catch errors so that expiration exceptions can be managed.
I recommend instead of creating the Google Drive Client using a Signed JWT that you create the client with a service account. Token expiration and refresh will be managed for you.
Very few Google services still support Signed JWTs (which your code is using). You should switch to using service accounts, which start off with a Signed JWT and then exchange that for an OAuth 2.0 Access Token internally.
There are several libraries that you can use. Either of the following will provide the features that you should be using instead of crafting your own Signed JWTs.
The following code is an "example" and is not meant to be tested and debugged. Change the scopes in this example to match what you require. Remove the section where I load a service-account.json file and replace with your AWS Secrets code. Fill out the code with your required functionality. If you have a problem, create a new question with the code that you wrote and detailed error messages.
const {GoogleAuth} = require('google-auth-library');
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const key = require('service-account.json');
* Instead of specifying the type of client you'd like to use (JWT, OAuth2, etc)
* this library will automatically choose the right client based on the environment.
async function main() {
const auth = new GoogleAuth({
credentials: {
client_email: key.client_email,
private_key: key.private_key,
scopes: ''
const drive ='v3');
// List Drive files.
drive.files.list({ auth: auth }, (listErr, resp) => {
if (listErr) {
} => {
console.log(`${} (${file.mimeType})`);

Why my API calls using google-api-nodejs-client to Google Analytics are not working in production?

I'm calling the Google Analytics Reporting API using google-api-nodejs-client to show the number of visits inside a blog.
This blog is hosted inside Google App Engine Standard Environment.
In development, I'm authenticating my API calls using the Application Default Credentials. I downloaded the JSON file with the credentials from the account service I created exclusively for analytics purposes, set the file to the Google_Application_Credentials environment variable and everything worked. I'm able to get the data from Google Analytics and display it in the website.
But this is not working in production. I suppose getClient() it's not getting the credentials in that environment.
Things to note: 1) I did not upload the downloaded JSON file with the credentials from the service account (I think it would be counter intuitive and unsafe to do that, and from what I understood in the docs, GCP is able to deal automatically with the API authentications);
const {google} = require("googleapis");
async function main () {
// environment variables.
const auth = await google.auth.getClient({
// Scope of the analytics reporting,
// with only reading access.
scopes: '',
// Create the analytics reporting object
const analyticsreporting = await google.analyticsreporting({
version: 'v4',
auth: auth,
// Fetch the analytics reporting
const res = await analyticsreporting.reports.batchGet({...});
I already run out of options. Can someone help me with this?
This is a problem with the default scopes and application default credentials. By default, if you don't create a new service account, you are going to get 'application default credentials' from the GCE metadata service:
Those credentials usually only have the cloud-platform scope, and the set of scopes cannot be changed (as of today). To make this work, you have a few options.
You could create a new service account, download the service account key, and use the keyFile property in the getClient method options to reference the key. If you do it this way, the scopes you pass into getClient will be respected.
You could play with the scopes available to the service account under which your GAE application is running. I haven't personally tried that, but it theoretically should be possible.
Best of luck!
