Process Azure IoT hub events from a single device only - azure

I'm trying to solve for having thousands of IoT devices deployed, all logging events to Azure IoT hub, then being able to read events created by a single deviceid only.
I have been playing with EventProcessorHost to get something like this working, but so far I can only see a way to read all messages from all devices.
Its not a feasible solution to read all the messages and filter client side as there may be millions of messages.

The major purpose of the Azure IoT Hub is an ingestion of mass events from the devices to the cloud stream pipeline for their analyzing in the real-time manner. The default telemetry path (hot way) is via a built-in Event Hub, where all events are temporary stored in the EH partitions.
Besides that default endpoint (events), there is also capability to route an event message to the custom endpoints based on the rules (conditions).
Note, that the number of custom endpoints is limited to 10 and the number of rules to 100. If this limit is matching your business model, you can very easy to stream 10 devices individually, like is described in the Davis' answer.
However, splitting a telemetry stream pipeline based on the sources (devices) over this limit (10+1), it will require to use additional azure entities (components).
The following picture shows a solution for splitting a telemetry stream pipeline based on the devices using a Pub/Sub push model.
The above solution is based on forwarding the stream events to the Azure Event Grid using a custom topic publisher. The event schema for Event Grid eventing is here.
The Custom Topic Publisher for Event Grid is represented by Azure EventHubTrigger Function, where each stream event is mapped into the Event Grid event message with a subject indicated a registered device.
The Azure Event Grid is a Pub/Sub loosely decoupled model, where the events are delivered to the subscribers based on their subscribed subscriptions. In other words, if there is no match for delivery, the event message is disappeared.
Note, that the capable of Event Grid routing is 10 millions events per second per region. The limit of the number of subscriptions is 1000 per region.
Using the REST Api, the subscription can be dynamically created, updated, deleted, etc.
The following code snippet shows an example of the AF implementation for mapping the stream event to the EG event message. As you can see it is very straightforward implementation:
#r "Newtonsoft.Json"
#r "Microsoft.ServiceBus"
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid.Models;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
// reusable client proxy
static HttpClient client = HttpClientHelper.Client(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TopicEndpointEventGrid"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["aeg-sas-key"]);
// AF
public static async Task Run(EventData ed, TraceWriter log)
log.Info($"C# Event Hub trigger function processed a message:{ed.SequenceNumber}");
// fire EventGrid Custom Topic
var egevent = new EventGridEvent()
Id = ed.SequenceNumber.ToString(),
Subject = $"/iothub/events/{ed.SystemProperties["iothub-message-source"] ?? "?"}/{ed.SystemProperties["iothub-connection-device-id"] ?? "?"}",
EventType = "telemetryDataInserted",
EventTime = ed.EnqueuedTimeUtc,
Data = new
sysproperties = ed.SystemProperties,
properties = ed.Properties,
body = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ed.GetBytes()))
await client.PostAsJsonAsync("", new[] { egevent });
// helper
class HttpClientHelper
public static HttpClient Client(string address, string key)
var client = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(address) };
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("aeg-sas-key", key);
return client;
"bindings": [
"type": "eventHubTrigger",
"name": "ed",
"direction": "in",
"path": "<yourEventHubName>",
"connection": "<yourIoTHUB>",
"consumerGroup": "<yourGroup>",
"cardinality": "many"
"disabled": false
"frameworks": {
"dependencies": {
"Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid": "1.1.0-preview"
Finally, the following screen snippet shows an event grid event message received by AF subscriber for Device1:

If you're ok with Java/Scala, this example shows how to create a client and filter messages by device Id:
The underlying client reads all the messages from the hub though.
You could also consider using IoT Hub message routing, more info here:


Azure Node Function w/ Eventhub output binding to dynamically routed ADX table

Having difficulties outputting from my function to an eventhub and finally into ADX when I want to target a table to route to. I have had no issues hitting target tables with the Node SDK via EventHubProducerClient in which case, you simply specify those properties next to the body of the event your sending:
body: {
properties: {
Table: 'table_name',
Format: 'JSON',
IngestionMappingReference: 'table_name_mapping'
But doing this in the same manner when using the output binding documented in Azure Event Hubs output binding for Azure Functions where the messages that I would push would take the form of the above JS object does not work. The SDK documentation is non-helpful.
I can confirm that the data is in fact flowing from the Function to the Eventhub and into ADX if and only if I change the adx data connection for said eventhub to target a specific table (the opposite of the behavior I want) which is documented in Ingest data from event hub into Azure Data Explorer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, this seems so silly!
Edit: grammar
The returned object is set as the data payload of the Event Hub Message that the Azure Functions runtime returns. Unfortunately, there is no way to change this from the JS Function itself.
In a C# Function you can return an EventData object but this isn't supported in non-C# languages.
You're only option, if you need your function to be in JS, is to use the Event Hub SDK directly.

Pipe Events from Azure Event Hub to Azure Service Bus

I am listening to Event hub for various events.
Each event is high value and cannot be missed.
Events are partitioned based on device id.
Events from one device id are sparse and not very frequent (couple of events per few dasy) . It only occurs in response to a user action which is infrequent.
The number of devices are huge , so I will have a lot of events for a variety of device Ids.
For each event , I need to make 3-4 API calls to Systems which are not super reliable. And since some of these are cross Geo Calls it might take some time.
I am planning to take the events from Event hub and put them into Service Bus. My reasons are as follows.
Event hub can be scaled to only 32 partitions and if one event takes time , the entire partition gets blocked.
Service bus on the other hand is more horizontally scalable. If the throughput drops I can just add more subscribers to the Service Bus.
I have been looking for patterns like this but I have not seen patterns where we get data from a log based messaging system and push them to a queue based one.
Are there better approach to handle such scenarios ?
I think you can use Event hub trigger and service bus output binding to achieve what you want.
For example, I want to monitor Event hub 'test' and I am using C# library:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace FunctionApp68
public static class Function1
[return: ServiceBus("test1", Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")]
public static string Run([EventHubTrigger("test", Connection = "str")] EventData[] events, ILogger log)
var exceptions = new List<Exception>();
string messageBodyt = "";
foreach (EventData eventData in events)
string messageBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.Array, eventData.Body.Offset, eventData.Body.Count);
messageBodyt = messageBodyt + messageBody;
// Replace these two lines with your processing logic.
log.LogInformation($"C# Event Hub trigger function processed a message: {messageBody}");
//await Task.Yield();
catch (Exception e)
// We need to keep processing the rest of the batch - capture this exception and continue.
// Also, consider capturing details of the message that failed processing so it can be processed again later.
// Once processing of the batch is complete, if any messages in the batch failed processing throw an exception so that there is a record of the failure.
if (exceptions.Count > 1)
throw new AggregateException(exceptions);
if (exceptions.Count == 1)
throw exceptions.Single();
return messageBodyt;
The above code will collect from event hub 'test' and save to service bus queue 'test1'.
Have a look of these doc:
What you need is actually a private queue per device-Id. As soon as event comes to event hub, Pull events from it and put that into device-Id's private queue, and then process it serially.
How to build queue per device-Id:
Simple way to build queue is to use SQL database(mostly it works if request per second are not very very high, for sql-db 100 req/second are normal.)
another horizontally scalable way is to use azure append blobs(if your event processors are stateless).
You can also use advanced methodology like using Azure Service Fabric Reliable Queue.

Sequence processing with Azure Function & Service Bus

I have an issue with Azure Function Service Bus trigger.
The issue is Azure function cannot wait a message done before process a new message. It process Parallel, it not wait 5s before get next message. But i need it process sequencecy (as image bellow).
How can i do that?
public static void Run(
[ServiceBusTrigger("MyServiceBusQueue", Connection = "Connection")]string myQueueItem,
[OrchestrationClient] DurableOrchestrationClient starter,
ILogger log)
I resolved my problem by using this config in my host.json
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"serviceBus": {
"messageHandlerOptions": {
"maxConcurrentCalls": 1
There are two approaches you can accomplish this,
(1) You are looking for Durable Function with function chaining
For background jobs you often need to ensure that only one instance of
a particular orchestrator runs at a time. This can be done in Durable
Functions by assigning a specific instance ID to an orchestrator when
creating it.
(2) Based on the messages that you are writing to Queue, you need to partition the data, that will automatically handle the order of messages which you do not need to handle manually by azure function
In general, ordered messaging is not something I'd be striving to implement since the order can and at some point will be distorted. Saying that, in some scenarios, it's required. For that, you should either use Durable Function to orchestrate your messages or use Service Bus message Sessions.
Azure Functions has recently added support for ordered message delivery (accent on the delivery part as processing can still fail). It's almost the same as the normal Function, with a slight change that you need to instruct the SDK to utilize sessions.
public async Task Run(
Connection = "ServiceBusConnectionString",
IsSessionsEnabled = true)] Message message, // Enable Sessions
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"C# ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.MessageId)}");
await _cosmosDbClient.Save(...);
Here's a post for more detials.
Warning: using sessions will require messages to be sent with a session ID, potentially requiring a change on the sending side.

How to listen to a queue using azure service-bus with Node.js?

I have several clients sending messages to an azure service bus queue. To match it, I need several machines reading from that queue and consuming the messages as they arrive, using Node.js.
I have read the azure service bus queues tutorial and I am aware I can use receiveQueueMessage to read a message from the queue.
However, the tutorial does not mention how one can listen to a queue and read messages as soon as they arrive.
I know I can simply poll the queue for messages, but this spams the servers with requests for no real benefit.
After searching in SO, I found a discussion where someone had a similar issue:
Listen to Queue (Event Driven no polling) Service-Bus / Storage Queue
And I know they ended up using the C# async method ReceiveAsync, but it is not clear to me if:
That method is available for Node.js
If that method reads messages from the queue as soon as they arrive, like I need.
The documentation for Node.js is close to non-existant, with that one tutorial being the only major document I found.
How can my workers be notified of an incoming message in azure bus service queues ?
According to Azure support, it is not possible to be notified when a queue receives a message. This is valid for every language.
Work arounds
There are 2 main work arounds for this issue:
Use Azure topics and subscriptions. This way you can have all clients subscribed to an event new-message and have them check the queue once they receive the notification. This has several problems though: first you have to pay yet another Azure service and second you can have multiple clients trying to read the same message.
Continuous Polling. Have the clients check the queue every X seconds. This solution is horrible, as you end up paying the network traffic you generate and you spam the service with useless requests. To help minimize this there is a concept called long polling which is so poorly documented it might as well not exist. I did find this NPM module though:
Honestly, at this point, you may be wondering why you should be using this service. I agree...
As an alternative there is RabbitMQ which is free, has a community, good documentation and a ton more features.
The downside here is that maintaining a RabbitMQ fault tolerant cluster is not exactly trivial.
Another alternative is Apache Kafka which is also very reliable.
You can receive messages from the service bus queue via subscribe method which listens to a stream of values. Example from Azure documentation below
const { delay, ServiceBusClient, ServiceBusMessage } = require("#azure/service-bus");
// connection string to your Service Bus namespace
// name of the queue
const queueName = "<QUEUE NAME>"
async function main() {
// create a Service Bus client using the connection string to the Service Bus namespace
const sbClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
// createReceiver() can also be used to create a receiver for a subscription.
const receiver = sbClient.createReceiver(queueName);
// function to handle messages
const myMessageHandler = async (messageReceived) => {
console.log(`Received message: ${messageReceived.body}`);
// function to handle any errors
const myErrorHandler = async (error) => {
// subscribe and specify the message and error handlers
processMessage: myMessageHandler,
processError: myErrorHandler
// Waiting long enough before closing the sender to send messages
await delay(20000);
await receiver.close();
await sbClient.close();
// call the main function
main().catch((err) => {
console.log("Error occurred: ", err);
source :
I asked myslef the same question, here is what I found.
Use Google PubSub, it does exactly what you are looking for.
If you want to stay with Azure, the following ist possible:
cloud functions can be triggered from SBS messages
trigger an event-hub event with that cloud function
receive the event and fetch the message from SBS
You can make use of serverless functions which are "ServiceBusQueueTrigger",
they are invoked as soon as message arrives in queue,
Its pretty straight forward doing in nodejs, you need bindings defined in function.json which have type as
"type": "serviceBusTrigger",
This article ( probably would help in more detail.

How to get notification from about newly added topics or queue?

I'm new Azure developer. My scenario is something like manager will publish new topic/queue by website/wp8 and worker should get notification (by push notification) in wp8 about newly added topic/queue. At this moment I have all the pieces ready such as topic/queue creation, sending receiving. But it works on pulling basis. Meaning manager can crate topic and publish message. Then worker has to subscribe to the topic for receiving message and pull every time to check is there anything new?.
So I want to make this system based on notification. I meant whenever anything newly added in topic user should get a notification (by push notification). So can you suggest me how can I achieve this goal? Is there any event generates from service bus if topic added or removed, etc? Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately there is no "notification hook" for when a queue/topic is created. The two options I'd recommend are to either use the service bus management API to periodically scan for new queues/topics, or better yet, set up a "notification topic" which your worker role instances can then listen to. Dropping a message into this topic can be another action performed by the "manager" process when it provisions a new topic/queue.
However, if you could explain the larger scenario of what you're trying to accomplish, I can't help but suspect that there may be a better way to accomplish what you're after. As after a period of time, all those topics/queues could present some management challenges.
off course we do have events which notifies the client when a new message is added to Topic .With message pump mechanism you can hook a client to Topic messages with a valid subscription .
Essentially the code bellow shows how to subscribe to the topic .
static void Main(string[] args)
SubscriptionClient Client = null;
OnMessageOptions options;
string connectionString = "your topic Endpoint";
Client =
(connectionString, "YourTopicName", "YoursubscriberName");
// Configure the callback options.
options = new OnMessageOptions();
options.AutoComplete = false;
options.AutoRenewTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
Client.OnMessage((message) =>
Console.WriteLine("Topic Message : ID :" + message.MessageId + " , " + message.Label);
catch (Exception exp)
Console.WriteLine("**Error Reciving Message**");
}, options);
