Where do I put sublime_text_3 - sublimetext3

I just unzipped sublime_text_3_build_3143_x64.tar.bz2 and have a nice copy of the sublime_text_3 directory in my downloads folder.
Where is the right place to put this file in Centos? Maybe somewhere in /user/local/?
Also do I create a link to the executable or set a Path?
Just looking for favorite (best?) practices.

As has been pointed out in the linked article in the question comments, /opt is preferred by some, and in fact according to this answer, /opt is where you would locate "unbundled packages". Of course, it also goes on to say that these sorts of packages should also package the binary in a bin subfolder, which Sublime does not, for what that's worth.
If you want to follow best practices, that's probably where you should place the folder. If nothing else, I would assume that any Linux OS that has a package manager for doing upgrades is going to stay well clear of /opt based on what it's used for, which will make sure that something untoward can't happen.
As to whether you would create a symlink or add that folder to the path, I'm not so sure. My own personal philosophy is that the PATH isn't something that needs to have an entry for every application that I install.
My own recommendation would be to create a symlink somewhere that's already in the path and you're good to go. The linked article mentions putting the link in /usr/bin. The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard says of this path:
This is the primary directory of executable commands on the system.
I would take from this that this is an acceptable path to put the symlink in.
In the end, it doesn't matter to Sublime where the folder is placed, since it determines the location of the shipped packages based on where it's binary is located, and the configuration information is always in a known place.


How to reference or link files and folders inside a git repository to match these criteria?

I've encountered a problem long time ago which I couldn't solve, but I'm curious whether it's possible to fulfill ALL of the below listed criteria at once or not.
The solution what I was looking for can:
somehow refer to an existing file or folder from another folder of the same git repo
basically reach the content of the file or folder from another subfolder, see the content(s) as if they were on the another path as well
e.g.: if ./path/to/folder is referred from ./another_path/different_folder, then every file in ./path/to/folder/* is visible on path ./another_path/different_folder/*
e.g.: if ./path/to/file is referred by ./another_path/different_file, then by reading/writing content of the different_file, the original file is read/modified
store the referred file only once in git repo
don't want to make a copy of the file to another path and maintain changes in both files simultaneously
be able to use multiple references for a single file
be able to use relative paths
make it work on both Windows and Linux
As if I can remember, some of the problems were while experimenting with this:
the paths were broken after the repository was pulled to a different path (I assume they were not relative, but absolute)
the Windows style links are special files, were not working on Linux
the symlinks can't handle relative paths correctly on the Windows system
the hardlinks resulted duplicating files in Windows
(I can't remember exactly which if these might be incorrect, but I'll experiment with the problem again and try to update this question.)
Is there any workaround for this problem?
Thank you for any help!
Please note (in case you would like to mark this question as a duplicate), that there are other similar questions here, but none of those questions define this set of the criteria, therefore it can't be a duplicate.

What is /snap/bin directory in $PATH? Can I remove it from $PATH?

I am working with environment value, $PATH. And I found that $PATH includes /snap/bin directory which does not exist. What does the path work? Can I remove it from $PATH or should I leave it?
Please give me your suggestion. Thank you very much?
It is a new-new Canonical thing to bundle and distribute applications.
See for example this developer link by Canonical.
Personally, I also find it somewhat odd that they went into the top-level via /snap but Oh well.
I may yet come to use it one. So far plain docker serves me well, besides of course building .deb package the old-fashioned way.
As for removing the PATH entry: it only saves you a few bytes, plus nanoseconds in lookups and may break a future deployment involving snaps. Your box, your call. I left mine.

where is Qt configuration file (qtrc) on Linux?

I have not found it in:
where I should search for it?
It will depend on your system where exactly to find it. You could try running locate qtrc. Note that the locations this is going to find aren't necessarily the ones where you should make changes -- on my system, I only have a system-wide qtrc in /etc. For local changes, you should add a new one in your home directory. Again the particular location within your home directory will depend on your installation (in particular whether you're using Qt3 or Qt4).

Mingw-w64 File Layout

I installed the multilib version of mingw-w64 so I could build both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries. Here's a tree representation of the files: http://pastebin.com/r4QUnbwJ. If you only want to view the directories, see this instead: http://pastebin.com/2m6uqt4E. It looks like there are duplicate files in some cases, like in the bin directory. Are they different in any way? Also, I see one directory named "mingw" and another named "x86_64-w64-mingw32". They look about the same in content. Again, what is the difference?
Basically, I just want an explanation of the file layout. I'm not expecting a description of each file, but it would be good if some of the main concepts within mingw-w64 (multilib) were addressed.
In my experience, the /mingw directory can safely be deleted. It is only needed for the strange GCC build system (and can even be empty in some cases).
The x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin directory contains executables called by gcc/g++/gfortran/etc. internally. Don't delete them.
There doesn't seem to be a "standard" directory structure, sometimes the x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib(32) and x86_64-w64-mingw32/include directories contain the same files. Sometimes the same files are even in the root include and lib(32) directories. If you need an expert's answer, feel free to post to the minwgw-64 mailing list, a lot of knowledgeable people reside there.

linux script, standard directory locations

I am trying to write a bash script to do a task, I have done pretty well so far, and have it working to an extent, but I want to set it up so it's distributable to other people, and will be opening it up as open source, so I want to start doing things the "conventional" way. Unfortunately I'm not all that sure what the conventional way is.
Ideally I want a link to an in depth online resource that discusses this and surrounding topics in depth, but I'm having difficulty finding keywords that will locate this on google.
At the start of my script I set a bunch of global variables that store the names of the dirs that it will be accessing, this means that I can modify the dir's quickly, but this is programming shortcuts, not user shortcuts, I can't tell the users that they have to fiddle with this stuff. Also, I need for individual users' settings not to get wiped out on every upgrade.
Name of settings folder: ~/.foo/ -- this is well and good, but how do I keep my working copy and my development copy separate? tweek the reference in the source of the dev version?
If my program needs to maintain and update library of data (gps tracklog data in this case) where should this directory be? the user will need to access some of this data, but it's mostly for internal use. I personally work in cygwin, and I like to keep this data on separate drive, so the path is wierd, I suspect many users could find this. for a default however I'm thinking ~/gpsdata/ -- would this be normal, or should I hard code a system that ask the user at first run where to put it, and stores this in the settings folder? whatever happens I'm going ot have to store the directory reference in a file in the settings folder.
The program needs a data "inbox" that is a folder that the user can dump files, then run the script to process these files. I was thinking ~/gpsdata/in/ ?? though there will always be an option to add a file or folder to the command line to use that as well (it processed files all locations listed, including the "inbox")
Where should the script its self go? it's already smart enough that it can create all of it's ancillary/settings files (once I figure out the "correct" directory) if run with "./foo --setup" I could shove it in /usr/bin/ or /bin or ~/.foo/bin (and add that to the path) what's normal?
I need to store login details for a web service that it will connect to (using curl -u if it matters) plan on including a setting whereby it asks for a username and password every execution, but it currently stores it plane text in a file in ~/.foo/ -- I know, this is not good. The webservice (osm.org) does support oauth, but I have no idea how to get curl to use it -- getting curl to speak to the service in the first place was a hack. Is there a simple way to do a really basic encryption on a file like this to deter idiots armed with notepad?
Sorry for the list of questions, I believe they are closely related enough for a single post. This is all stuff that stabbing at, but would like clarification/confirmation over.
Name of settings folder: ~/.foo/ -- this is well and good, but how do I keep my working copy and my development copy separate?
Have a default of ~/.foo, and an option (for example --config-directory) that you can use to override the default while developing.
If my program needs to maintain and update library of data (gps tracklog data in this case) where should this directory be?
If your script is running under a normal user account, this will have to be somewhere in the user's home directory; elsewhere, you'll have no write permissions. Perhaps ~/.foo/tracklog or something? Again, add a command line option, and also an option in the configuration file, to override this.
I'm not a fan of your ~/gpsdata default; I don't want my home directory cluttered with all sorts of directories that programs created without my consent. You see this happen on Windows a lot, and it's really annoying. (Saved games in My Documents? Get out of here!)
The program needs a data "inbox" that is a folder that the user can dump files, then run the script to process these files. I was thinking ~/gpsdata/in/ ?
As stated above, I'd prefer ~/.foo/inbox. Also with command-line option and configuration file option to change this.
But do you really need an inbox? If the user needs to run the script manually over some files, it might be better just to accept those file names on the command line. They could just be processed wherever, without having to move them to a "magic" location.
Where should the script its self go?
This is usually up to the packaging system of the particular OS you're running on. When installing from source, /usr/local/bin is a sensible default that won't interfere with package managers.
Is there a simple way to do a really basic encryption on a file like this to deter idiots armed with notepad?
Yes, there is. But it's better not to, because it creates a false sense of security. Without a master password or something, secure storage is not possible! Pidgin, for example, explicitly stores passwords in plain text, so that users won't make any false assumptions about their passwords being stored "securely". So it's best just to store them in plain text, complain if the file is world-readable, and add a clear note to the manual to warn the user what's going on.
Bottom line: don't try to reinvent the wheel. There have been thousands of scripts and programs that faced the same issues; most of them ended up adopting the same conventions, and for good reasons. Look at what they do, and mimic them instead of reinventing the wheel.
You can start with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. I'm not sure how well followed it is, but it does provide some guidance. In general, I try to use the following:
$HOME/.foo/ is used for user-specific settings - it is hidden
$PREFIX/etc/foo/ is for system-wide configuration
$PREFIX/foo/bin/ is for system-wide binaries
sym-links from $PREFIX/foo/bin are added to $PREFIX/bin/ for ease of use
$PREFIX/foo/var/ is where variable data would live - this is where your input spools and log files would live
$PREFIX should default to /opt/foo even though almost everyone seems to plop stuff in /usr/local by default (thanks GNU!). If someone wants to install the package in their home directory, then substitute $HOME for $PREFIX. At least that is my take on how this should all work.
