Populate data from multipe cells to multiple cells - excel

Im able to populate date from one cell in Sheet1 to one cell in Sheet2.
By using this: =Sheet1!B2 in Sheet2. How can i do it for the every cell in the B Column ?

Select cell which has the formula =Sheet1!B2 then hit Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow (to select all cells in the column),
then hit Ctrl+D (to copy formula in all cells)


VBA Copy and paste values in one cell based on value in another cell

in this picture, the data in column I and R are both formulas. I want to write a code to have the formula in column I paste AS VALUES if there is an asterisk in the same row of column R and do nothin if it is blank. I need to do this for rows 9:44.

How to select value in row over sheet by copy without jump row Excel

I have excel like this
and i need to copy value to another sheet by this pattern
i just try to copy but value incorrect because there pair by row cell over sheet
How can i copy and get value in each row value thank you.
Copy the formula below on the first cell of any column of the same sheet and copy it all the column down:
=+IF(MOD(ROW(A1),4)=1,"NAME",IF(MOD(ROW(A1),4)=3,CONCATENATE("value ",INDEX(B:B,QUOTIENT(ROW(A1),4)+2)),""))
See screenshot of the result.

Excel: Reference a formula in a cell from another worksheet where rows are added

help is appreciated on this topic!
I am trying to reference cell B10 from Sheet2 to cell A1 in Sheet1.
Cell B10 contains the formula SUM(B1:OFFSET(B10,-1,0)), which sums values from B1:B9.
Daily, I add a new row to Sheet2 such that the Column B range increases by +1, from B1:B9 to B1:B10, and the formula from B10 moves to B11.
I now need cell A1 in Sheet1 to reference cell B11 in Sheet2.
I've tried using offset() and indirect() but haven't figured this out.
Thanks for help!
There are (at least) two ways to handle this:
1) Every time you insert the row, make sure you place your cursor on the formula cell before manually inserting row. If you do, the formula in Sheet1!A1 will automatically follow suit, and you can add whatever you need in the new cell (created from the new row). For example, inserting a row at B10 will adjust the formula in A1 to say =Sheet2!B11.
2) Realizing that point 1 may not be suitable to your process, place this formula in Sheet1A1: =OFFSET(Sheet2!B1,COUNT(Sheet2!B1:B100)-1,0) You can adjust the B100 to whatever you need. Just be sure there's nothing in between the the final formula cell and the last row in the this formula range.

Auto fill cells in excel from drop down list

I just want to know how to autofill all cell if I select value from 1 cell using drop down box. Suppose in 1st cell of the row I will select "Yes", then all the 5 adjacent cell of that row will also show "Yes". ther is data validation activated in all cell, but i dont need to select it each time.
If the dropdown is in A1 then just make B1 be:
so it shows whatever is in cell A1

Excel: Need to copy and paste cells depending on non-blank status of cell values in one row in range

Macro newbie here....
I am trying to paste certain cells within a range from one worksheet to another based on the contents of cells in a particular row. For instance, within range B5:B100, I want to copy and paste the B cells to another worksheet -- and their companion row cells in columns J and M -- when the B cell of the row in question is non-blank. And instead of having blank columns in the worksheet2, I need the results to paste neatly into columns A,B,C).
For example, let's say there are only two non-blank cells in the worksheet1 range B5:B100 - cells B26 and B78. Running the range macro would then copy B26, J26, M26 and B78, J78, and M78 then paste them into the second worksheet starting at A2 (to allow for header row) and without blank rows (so B26 to A2, J26 to B2, M26 to C2 and B78 to A3, J78 to B3, and M78 to C3).
I was able to do a non-blank copy and paste of jsut the b column values but lost as to picking up the other needed cells for each row.
I would suggest:
Find the item using Cells.Find
When you find the item, you can get the row/column of the cell. Then on the new sheet, using a cell reference, you can say something like
Sheet2.Cells(curRow,"A").Value = Sheet1.Cells(foundCellRow,B).Value
For the adjacent columns, you can say
Sheet2.Cells(curRow,"B").Value = Sheet1.Cells(foundCellRow,"J").Value
I hope this helps
