Need to fill a colour into the cells individually, if condition gets OK. Each cell with reference of different cell.
if value of C1 is not between A1 & B1, C1 fills with red,
if value of C2 is not between A2 & B2, C2 fills with red
if value of C3 is not between A3 & B3, C3 fills with red..
In Excel, the Conditional Formatting can do this
Select the range of cells, and click Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule.
Then in the New Formatting Rule dialog, select Use a formula to determine which cells to format in the Select a Rule Type list, and type this formula =OR(C1<A1,C1>B1) into the Format values where this formula is true textbox, and click Format button to enable the Format Cells dialog, under Fill tab, and select one color you want to use for highlighting. See screen-print
Click OK > OK. Then the cells which are not in the number range have been highlighted
So i'm working on a spreadsheet where i need to lookup a value from a tab of which the name is defined in a cell, in this case D7. Using this method i can dynamically search my workbook tabs and select the correct tab and cell reference.
The problem i'm having is that the cell i'm retrieving will not change when i drag down the formula.
D7 = dynamic tab name
S2 = cell to retrieve... here is where I'm having the problem, this is a value i want to change when i drag down.
Please can someone help here?
You can use the row of the cell with the formula to calculate the row of the referenced cell:
=INDIRECT("'"&$D1&"'!A" & ROW())
note: the above assumes the formula is in the same row as the cell you are referencing (row 2 in your example)
Im able to populate date from one cell in Sheet1 to one cell in Sheet2.
By using this: =Sheet1!B2 in Sheet2. How can i do it for the every cell in the B Column ?
Select cell which has the formula =Sheet1!B2 then hit Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow (to select all cells in the column),
then hit Ctrl+D (to copy formula in all cells)
Cell C19 in a sheet looks up a certain word in cell B3
Cell C19 also checks whether there is a Yes in another sheet according to criteria in B3 in relative column 140 in that other sheet. If this is the case, it writes Yes in the cell, otherwise it writes Not reported (the formula: =IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-1'!$B$5:$ATN$217,140)="","Not reported",IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-1'!$B$5:$ATN$217,140)=0,"Not reported",(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-1'!$B$5:$ATN$217,140)))))
Cell B20 then checks if there is a Yes in cell C19
If this is the case, cell B20 will lookup what is in cell B3and match de word to the line of another sheet (some_sheet-2), and if the result is a Yes in that cell, it will print out the header of the corresponding result.
If it does encounters a No, it will go to the next designated column and look for a Yes and so on until it finds one, if not it will write Not applicable or no data submitted
The formula in cell B20:
=IF($C$19="Yes",IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,7)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$H$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,11)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$l$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,15)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$P$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,19)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$T$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,23)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$X$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,27)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$AB$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,31)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$AF$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,35)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$AJ$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,39)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$AN$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,43)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$AR$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,47)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$AV$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,51)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$AZ$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,55)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$BF$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,59)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$BH$4,IF(VLOOKUP($B$3,'some_sheet-2'!$B$5:$BO$217,63)="Yes",'some_sheet-2'!$BL$4,""))))))))))))))),"Not applicable or no data submitted")
That was the easy part…
Now, what I need is that cell B21 does (almost) the same as the formula in cell B20. The twist is that it should 'take off' where cell B20 left.
What cell B21 should do:
Check if cell B20 contains the words Not applicable or no data submitted
If this is the case, stop there (leave the cell blank)
If it contains one of the column titles of some_sheet-2, go to the next column and do what cell B20 was doing…
Then what cell B21 does could be repeated over and over…
I realised that in order for cell B21 to find out where to begin, this should be defined. I therefore created a formula in cell A20 that looks up what appears in cell B20 and finds the address of that cell in some_sheet-2:
Does anyone have an idea what formula to write in order to realise the above mentioned (without resorting to VBA)?
I am maintaining an excel sheet where Sheet1 A1 would be the name of people and B2 would be their contact number. All of the details are in sheet 2 row A and B.
So, what I want is if I put a valid name (i.e. should be in Sheet2 A) then it automatically finds the number of that name and adds in the second row. Is this possible? I have around 10-15 contacts there.
Assuming Sheet workers list is as follows:
then in Cell B2 of Sheet assignment received enter either of the following formulas
=VLOOKUP(A1,'workers list'!A2:B10,2,FALSE)
=INDEX('workers list'!B2:B10,MATCH(A1,'workers list'!A2:A10,0))
Change range as required.
Use this formula in sheet -1 B2 cell "=IF(A2="","",VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!$A:$B,2,0))"
and Dropdown this formula till you want