Type definition file for #lokijs/loki (v2)? - typescript-typings

I realize this is still in beta, but are there typings available? I've got the beta code working, but would love to have a definition file to help me learn. Is there guidance on getting it to work?


`fake-timers` 7.1.x compile error "Cannot find name 'queueMicrotask'."

I'm trying to compile a Salesforce sfdx plugin which is a node project with (among others) the following dependency chain that ultimately leads to fake-timers#^7.1.0:
#salesforce/command#2.2.0 -> #oclif/test#^1.2.4 -> fancy-test#^1.4.3 -> #types/sinon#* -> #sinonjs/fake-timers#^7.1.0.
When compiling it with the Typescript compiler tsc, I get the following error:
node_modules/#sinonjs/fake-timers/types/fake-timers-src.d.ts:11:28 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'queueMicrotask'.
11 queueMicrotask: typeof queueMicrotask;
Found 1 error.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
This looks like a bug in fake-timers-src.d.ts but introduced in 7.1.0 so I could try to lock the version at 7.0.5 but that might break all kinds of other things.
Does anybody who uses/maintains fake-timers know how to fix this? Or will this be fixed in a future version?
BTW I'm a total NodeJS n00b so if there's something really obvious here that I'm missing, please be kind and just tell me what it is :)
Frans! fatso83 from the Sinon team here :)
The problem here has all to do with TypeScript and nothing to do with Node, so I feel your pain. No wonder you are wondering. The problem is that the definitions are probably missing that property. For version 7 we tried to generate TypeScript definitions from JSDoc. This works reasonably well for simpler type, but ultimately, TypeScript is more powerful in describing types than JSDoc (like the typeof operator), so it was an uphill battle that would never result in the same quality as the types available from the external Definitely Typed project. We ended up abandoning that effort and therefore this will not be fixed, but it will naturally go away with version 8 (that will not be shipping its own types).
What you can do is this: npm install #sinonjs/fake-timers#6 (which is the previous version) and npm install #types/sinonjs__fake-timers#6 (which are the externally maintained types).
You might find some background for this in this issue.

Typescript template literal strings type error

A new version of Typescript is allowing to use template litteral strings as types like for example:
type Hey = 'Hey';
type HeyThere = `${Hey} There`;
And it's working very well in the playground of Typescript with the last version which is 4.1.3.
But when I try using it in my projects, I still get the "Type expected. ts(1110)" error in my syntax.
Even though of course I updated the package to the latest version, I also tried to use it in a new project created from scratch and still didn't work. I'm sure it's a very simple mistake but I can't fix it. Also this is very new feature so I can't find much answers online.
Thank you very much for your help!
update ts-loader to version 8 or 9

Is it possible to compile a ColdFusion (Lucee) Project, so that no one can read the source code?

See the question in the headline.
If not - do you know any other Web-Language or Framework, where I can encode or compile the source code?
Thank you very much.
Best regards

building opengm with python3

Hi I'm trying to build opengm with python3, which is allegedly supported. Crosspost to opengm forum here. The reason I ask is that I get an error on "PyInt_FromLong" which is according to this article something that shouldn't come up when porting a c library like opengm to python3. When I changed this to PyLong_FromLong, I ran into another compilation problem down the line from numpy.core.multiarray. Also note that it builds (with the appropriate ccmake options) with Python2 just fine.
My questions are:
1. Has anyone actually successfully build this?
2. Can anyone shed some light as to whether this is something on my end or theirs?

What should we install to include "D3dukmdt.h" in my VC++ code?

I want to use D3DDDIFormat enumeration in my code. So I included "D3dukmdt.h" as given in the link "D3DDDIFORMAT
But when I do # include "D3dukmdt.h" in my C++ file, I see that the header file D3dukmdt.h is not recognized at all.
Can anyone kindly help me in this. Should I install anything in order to include this header file.
Thanks in advance.
It looks like you need the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) to get access to such things. It seems unlikely to me that you are trying to write a driver and don't appreciate you need the driver kit so you may be better off explaining what you are trying to do to get a workable alternative explanation
