Update SQLite database without restarting application - node.js

I have an NodeJS application that run on a production server with forever.
That application use a third-party SQLite database which is updated every morning with a script triggered by a cron, who download the db from an external FTP to the server.
I spend some time before realising that I need to restart my server every time the file is rapatriated otherwise there is no change in the data used by my application (I guess it's cached in memory at starting).
// sync_db.sh
wget -l 0 ftp://$REMOTE_DB_PATH --ftp-user=$USER --ftp-password=$PASSWORD \
--directory-prefix=$DIRECTORY -nH
forever restart 0 // <- Here I hope something nicer...
What can I do to refresh the database without restarting the app ?

You must not overwrite a database file that might have some open connection to it (see How To Corrupt An SQLite Database File).
The correct way to overwrite a database is to download to a temporary file, and then copy it to the actual database with the backup API, which takes care of proper transactional behaviour. The simplest way to do this is with the sqlite3 command-line shell:
sqlite3 $DIRECTORY/real.db ".restore $DOWNLOADDIRECTORY/temp.db"
(If your application manually caches data, you still have to tell it to reload it.)


Why might DSBulk Load stop operation without any errors?

I have created a Cassandra database in DataStax Astra and am trying to load a CSV file using DSBulk in Windows. However, when I run the dsbulk load command, the operation never completes or fails. I receive no error message at all, and I have to manually terminate the operation after several minutes. I have tried to wait it out, and have let the operation run for 30 minutes or more with no success.
I know that a free tier of Astra might run slower, but wouldn't I see at least some indication that it is attempting to load data, even if slowly?
When I run the command, this is the output that is displayed and nothing further:
C:\Users\JT\Desktop\dsbulk-1.8.0\bin>dsbulk load -url test1.csv -k my_keyspace -t test_table -b "secure-connect-path.zip" -u my_user -p my_password -header true
Username and password provided but auth provider not specified, inferring PlainTextAuthProvider
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided: ignoring all explicit contact points.
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided and selected operation performs writes: changing default consistency level to LOCAL_QUORUM.
Operation directory: C:\Users\JT\Desktop\dsbulk-1.8.0\bin\logs\LOAD_20210407-143635-875000
I know that DataStax recently changed Astra so that you need credentials from a generated Token to connect DSBulk, but I have a classic DB instance that won't accept those token credentials when entered in the dsbulk load command. So, I use my regular user/password.
When I check the DSBulk logs, the only text is the same output displayed in the console, which I have shown in the code block above.
If it means anything, I have the exact same issue when trying to run dsbulk Count operation.
I have the most recent JDK and have set both the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables.
I have also tried adding dsbulk/bin directory to my PATH variable and had no success with that either.
Do I need to adjust any settings in my Astra instance?
Lastly, is it possible that my basic laptop is simply not powerful enough for this operation or just running the operation crazy slow?
Any ideas or help is much appreciated!

Change a redis password without external downtime

I would like to refresh redis server password. The issue is that there are some external services using it so until I propagate this change thing will eventually stop working.
From my research I have only seen the requirepass command + the server restart, but this has downtime.
With other databases like Postgres, I would create new user-password, migrate permissions, change at application level and then invalidate the previous access.
How can I do this process in redis?
You can change the password without downtime by issuing:
redis> CONFIG SET requirepass <your new password>
To persist the changes for next restart, edit your .conf file or issue a CONFIG REWRITE.

Problems when trying to start the redis with dump.rdb file

I'm trying to start redis with a dump.rdb file on linux, but I get a core error. However, when I start on Windows with te same file, it runs perfectly. Also, if I try to start on this Linux machine with a smaller file, it seems that it starts.
Could it be a memory problem?
i had the similar problem before and the reason is that the user "redis" do not have the write authority in the folder of "dump.rdb".bgsave is the default way to backup data to disk in redis. so i run the code " config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no" in redis.cli and the problem be fixed.what's more,you also can change the folder of the "dump.rdb" in redis.conf.

Redis data lost after server restart

I have configured Redis to use RDB persistence method to save data every second if single write (save 1 1) but still after restart I see the key value as nil.
Well I found that the Redis I used to start was with the command: redis-server &
This command is used to start every time with new key in database, so the data stored in snapshot and AOF files was ignored.
I changed the configuration to start the redis server with the correct path to database files and started the server with following command and its working fine now: /etc/init.d/redis_port start

Node.js(&MongoDB) server crashes , Database operations halfway?

I have a node.js app with mongodb backend going to production in a week and i have few doubts on how to handle app crashes and restart .
Say i have a simple route /followUser in which i have 2 database operations
----->Update User1 Document.followers = User2
----->Update User2 Document.followers = User1
----->Some other mongodb(via mongoose)operation
What happens if there is a server crash(due to power failure or maybe the remote mongodb server is down ) like this scenario :
----->Update User1 Document.followers = User2
What happens to these operations below ? The system is now in inconsistent state and i may have error everytime i ask for User2 followers
----->Update User2 Document.followers = User1
----->Some other mongodb(via mongoose)operation
Also please recommend good logging and restart/monitor modules for apps running in linux.
Right now im using domains for to catch exceptions , doing server.close , but before process.exit() i want to make sure all database transactions are done , can i check this by testing if the event loop is empty or not (how?) and then process.exit(1) ?
You need transactions for this, and since MongoDB doesn't have them here is a workaround http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/perform-two-phase-commits/
One way to address this problem is to add cleanup code to your application that runs whenever the application starts. You write the cleanup code to perform sanity checks on any portions of your data that can be updated in multiple steps like your example and then repairs that data in whatever way make sense for your application.
Depending on the complexity of your application/data, this may also require that you keep a log of actions the app was trying to perform, but that gets complicated real fast. Ideally it's more a matter of refreshing denormalized data and deleting partial data.
You want to do this during startup rather than shutdown as there's no guarantee your shutdown code will fully run and if you're shutting down because of an exception you don't know what the state of your system is at that point.
the solution given by vkurchatkin in this link is a workaround in case your appserver crashes, because you will be able of knowing which transactions were pending at that moment. If you implement this in your code you can create cleanup code when your system restart as suggested by JohnnyHK. The code you mention (catching exceptions, test when closing, etc) will not work because...well.. your server crashed! ;-)
That said, this is done using the database, so you will have to warrantee to a certain point that your database does not crash. I would suggest your use replication for that. It is basically a cluster of servers that recovers itself if one node fails, and also you can make some check to make sure that the data reached the servers and is safe.
Hope this helps.
