Change a redis password without external downtime - security

I would like to refresh redis server password. The issue is that there are some external services using it so until I propagate this change thing will eventually stop working.
From my research I have only seen the requirepass command + the server restart, but this has downtime.
With other databases like Postgres, I would create new user-password, migrate permissions, change at application level and then invalidate the previous access.
How can I do this process in redis?

You can change the password without downtime by issuing:
redis> CONFIG SET requirepass <your new password>
To persist the changes for next restart, edit your .conf file or issue a CONFIG REWRITE.


mysql-safe mode in TiDB or something like that

I created a TiDB cluster with Docker, not Docker Compose. When I tested the TiDB account, I changed the root password, and then I had no way to connect to my cluster database.
We all know that there is mysqld-safe mode in MySQL to skip the grant table for passwordless login. Then in the TiDB cluster, what method should be used for the same or similar operations?
Of course, the way I found in the TiDB FAQ is to close the TiDB server and run it with the parameter ‘-skip-grant-table=true’. But unfortunately, this way in the cluster of docker deployment, I can only delete the TiDB container and then run a new container. This way I rerun the TiDB and can't even run.
I don't know how to do it, I look forward to your answer!!
Modify the tidb-server configuration file, add the following parameters, and then restart tidb-server:
skip-grant-table = true
Please refer to the documentation for modifying the user password:
After the modification, you need to flush the privileges:
flush privileges

Update SQLite database without restarting application

I have an NodeJS application that run on a production server with forever.
That application use a third-party SQLite database which is updated every morning with a script triggered by a cron, who download the db from an external FTP to the server.
I spend some time before realising that I need to restart my server every time the file is rapatriated otherwise there is no change in the data used by my application (I guess it's cached in memory at starting).
wget -l 0 ftp://$REMOTE_DB_PATH --ftp-user=$USER --ftp-password=$PASSWORD \
--directory-prefix=$DIRECTORY -nH
forever restart 0 // <- Here I hope something nicer...
What can I do to refresh the database without restarting the app ?
You must not overwrite a database file that might have some open connection to it (see How To Corrupt An SQLite Database File).
The correct way to overwrite a database is to download to a temporary file, and then copy it to the actual database with the backup API, which takes care of proper transactional behaviour. The simplest way to do this is with the sqlite3 command-line shell:
sqlite3 $DIRECTORY/real.db ".restore $DOWNLOADDIRECTORY/temp.db"
(If your application manually caches data, you still have to tell it to reload it.)

Set Heroku environment variable without restarting app

Is it possible to set a Heroku environment variable without restarting the app?
My app connects out to different online services via OAuth2. For each service I connect to, I need to set an OAuth2 ID and secret. To keep these configuration variables outside of my code, I'm using environment variables, and reading them in on process.env (node.js).
Each time I add a new service to my app, I need to add the corresponding environment variables for the ID and secret. I need to do this before pushing the latest code, so that when the app next starts up with the new service connection, the OAuth2 ID and secret variables are available.
Currently my workflow is as follows:
Set the environment variables using the Heroku toolbelt: heroku config:set <SERVICE>_ID=foo <SERVICE>_SECRET=bar
Push the latest code: git push heroku master
Currently, both of these operations will restart the app. I'd really prefer the first operation to not restart the app, as the changes to these config vars don't need to take effect until step 2). By restarting at step 1) my app will experience unnecessary downtime.
So, is there any way to prevent step 1) from restarting the app?
According to this article it pretty explicitly states that
Whenever you set or remove a config var, your app will be restarted.
Personally I also wish there was a way to do what you're asking. On larger apps, a system-wide hard restart can be painful when you have many process types running. Many times I set environment variables that aren't crucial for the app to grab ahold of immediately, such as that involving future functionality, or settings that are OK having the old value but you want the new value to take effect in a rolling-restart fashion.
At the present, is not possible to avoid the app restart. But you can use the command heroku config:edit to edit your env at once or even paste a new env set, avoiding many restarts.
In according to the heroku config help:
config:edit interactively edit config vars
config:get display a single config value for an app
config:set set one or more config vars
config:unset unset one or more config vars
So you can run
heroku config:edit
Additionally, you might want to take a look on this issue (proposal):

Redis data lost after server restart

I have configured Redis to use RDB persistence method to save data every second if single write (save 1 1) but still after restart I see the key value as nil.
Well I found that the Redis I used to start was with the command: redis-server &
This command is used to start every time with new key in database, so the data stored in snapshot and AOF files was ignored.
I changed the configuration to start the redis server with the correct path to database files and started the server with following command and its working fine now: /etc/init.d/redis_port start

Chef chef-validator.pem security

Hi I am setting up a cluster of machines using chef at offsite locations. If one of these machines was stolen, what damage can the attacker do to my chef-server or other nodes by having possession of chef-validator.pem ? What other things can they access through chef? Thanks!
This was one of the items discussed at a recent Foodfight episode on managing "secrets" in chef. Highly recommended watching:
The knife bootstrap operation uploads this key when initializing new chef clients. Possession of this key enables the client to register itself against your chef server. That is actually its only function, once the client is up and running the validation key is no longer needed.
But it can be abused.... As #cbl has pointed out, if an unauthorized 3rd party gets access to this key they can create new clients that can see everything on your chef server that normal clients can see. It can theoretically be used to create a Denial of Service attack on your chef server, by flooding it with registration requests.
The foodfight panel recommend a simple solution. Enable the chef-client cookbook on all nodes. It contains a "delete_validation" recipe that will remove the validation key and reduce your risk exposure.
The validator key is used to create new clients on the Chef Server.
Once the attacker gets hold of it, he can pretend he's a node in your infrastructure and have access to the same information any node has.
If you have sensitive information in an unencrypted data bag, for example, he'll have access to that.
Basically he'll be able to run any recipe from any cookbook, do searches (and have access to all your other nodes' attributes), read data bags, etc.
Keep that in mind when writing cookbooks and populating the other objects in the server. You could also somehow monitor the chef server for any suspicious client creation activity, and if you have any reason believe that the validator key has been stolen, revoke it and issue a new one.
It's probably a good idea to rotate the key periodically as well.
As of Chef 12.2.0 the validation key is no longer required:
You can delete your validation key on your workstation and then knife will use your user credentials to create the node and client.
There's also some other nice features of this since whatever you supply for the run_list and environment is also applied to the node when it is created. No more relying on the first-boot.json file to be read by the chef-client and the run having to complete before the creates the node at the end of the bootstrapping process.
Basically, chef-client uses 2 mode authentication for to the server :-
1) organization validator.pem and
2) user.pem
Unless and until there is the correct combination of these 2 keys. chef-client wont be able to authenticate with the chef server.
They can even connect any node to the chef server with the stolen key via the following steps.
Copying and pasting the validator key into /etc/chef folder on any machine
Creating client.rb file with the following details
log_location STDOUT
chef_server_url ""
validation_client_name 'ORGNAME-validator'
validation_key '/etc/chef/validater.pem'
3: Run chef-client to connect to the chef server
