Azure Cognitive Service Text API TranslateArray Category Usage - azure

Is the "Category" attribute in a request to TranslateArray a pre-defined list or open to specify during the request?
<TranslateArrayRequest xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<AppId xsi:nil="true" />
<Category xmlns="">pets</Category>
<string xmlns="">dog</string>
<string xmlns="">cat</string>
<string xmlns="">fish</string>
Yields the following response:
<h1>Argument Exception</h1>
<p>Method: TranslateArray()</p>
<p>Parameter: category</p>
<p>Message: Invalid category
Parameter name: category</p>
<p>message id=0243.V2_Rest.TranslateArray.148495FA</p>
Definition in API documentation:
Category: A string containing the category (domain) of the
translation. Defaults to general
but it is unclear what other categories there are if this is not a custom field?

Duplicate but reposting response from one in comments incase search shows up for someone:
Arts & Entertainment
Energy, Water and Utilities
Fine Arts
Geography, Anthropology
Home & Garden
Military Science
Political Science
Social Sciences
Society & Culture


How to develope list in sharepoint online by code

We want to create lists in our tenant on developer site. We want do develope it in our developer site and than deploy on client side using package (maybe sppkg).
We tried to create lists in visual studio 2017 using Sharepoint Add-in and in Visual studio code by using SPFX framework, with tutorials based on microsoft spfx documentation link -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Field ID="{060E50AC-E9C1-4D3C-B1F9-DE0BCAC300F6}"
Group="SPFx Columns" />
<Field ID="{943E7530-5E2B-4C02-8259-CCD93A9ECB18}"
DisplayName="Cost Center"
Group="SPFx Columns">
<ContentType ID="0x010042D0C1C200A14B6887742B6344675C8B"
Name="Cost Center"
Group="SPFx Content Types"
Description="Sample content types from web part solution">
<FieldRef ID="{060E50AC-E9C1-4D3C-B1F9-DE0BCAC300F6}" />
<FieldRef ID="{943E7530-5E2B-4C02-8259-CCD93A9ECB18}" />
Title="SPFx List"
Description="SPFx List"
With SPFX we created webpart and in code we created 2 lists in elemnts.xml and schema.xml. Than we had problem with some content type IDs. So our problem is to create list by code. Can anybody give us advice what and how is best option to develope these lists?
Etc this two simple lists
Employee -name,surename
Vacation -employee, numberOfDays
Unfortunately, documentation for the XML is a bit hard-to-find. Here is an overview of what I've learned thus far working with SPFx:
Let's start by creating some Fields. If you want to create a SharePoint list, Fields would represent the columns of the list. The basic outline of a Field is as follows (note that the #1 through #5 are for reference purposes only, and should not be included in any final code):
1 ID="{DAFF97CE-C27D-4D27-9863-4422526CC395}"
2 Name="EmployeeName"
3 DisplayName="Name"
4 Description="Column for the employee's first name."
5 Type="Text"
ID: GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier) for the Field. You need to generate one. Use an online generator such as this one - make sure it is uppercase, with hyphens, and with braces (reference). Visual Studio has a generator built-in, if you are using it.
Name: The Internal Name for the Field. This is the name that exists "under the hood". If you interact with the Field programmatically, this is the name you would use.
DisplayName: The Display Name for the Field. This is the name that is shown in SharePoint. It is usually for presentation purposes only.
Description: A text description of the Field. Useful for remembering what a field is for, but not important otherwise.
Type: This is the important one. It defines what kind of column you will create. As you have likely seen when creating columns in the SharePoint web interface, there are a lot of different types, such as "Single line of text", "Date and time", "Person or group", "Calculated", etc. The Type attribute directly maps to these allowed choices.
The hard part is figuring out what the allowed values for Type are. Thankfully, these are documented in the Field element specification. Scroll down to the row for Type.
Examine the documentation for whether there are other required or optional attributes based on the Type you selected. For example, for a Number type, you can have extra attributes Decimals, Min, and Max. Below, we can specify that for Number Of Days, you can only pick a whole number, cannot take less than 1 day off, and cannot take more than 30 days off.
DisplayName="Number of Days"
Description="The number of days employee will take off."
List Fields vs. Site Fields
Once you have created the Fields, you have a choice to make: Should these fields be List Columns or Site Columns?
Fields that are entered into a schema.xml will become List Columns; in other words, limited to that List.
Fields that are entered into elements.xml will become Site Columns.
Keep this choice in mind, and keep the Field definitions you created. We will come back to them.
Now let's create a List Schema. You will not (and should not) have to create this thing from scratch - look at and copy-and-paste the boilerplate below into your solution (again, numbers on the left are for reference purposes only):
<List xmlns:ows="Microsoft SharePoint"
1 BaseType="0"
<ContentTypes />
2 <Fields></Fields>
<View BaseViewID="1"
<XslLink Default="TRUE">main.xsl</XslLink>
<RowLimit Paged="TRUE">30</RowLimit>
<Toolbar Type="Standard" />
3 <ViewFields>
<FieldRef Name="<FIELD_1>" />
<FieldRef Name="<FIELD_2>" />
<FieldRef Name="<FIELD_3>" />
<FieldRef Name="ID" />
<Form Type="DisplayForm"
WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="EditForm"
WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="NewForm"
WebPartZoneID="Main" />
BaseType: This represents the type of list you want to create. See this documentation for the allowed values. Generic List (the type you would create if you clicked "Add Custom List" or "Create List" in the SharePoint web interface) would be 0, and is probably most common. Another common option is Document Library, which would be 1.
Fields: If you have chosen to create your Fields as List Columns, this is where you would paste your Field definitions. Field definitions added here will be automatically created in the list, when the list is created. (If you want Site Columns, leave the Fields as-is, and save your Field definitions for later.)
<!-- ... -->
<ContentTypes />
Description="Column for the employee's first name."
Description="Column for the employee's surname."
<!-- ... -->
ViewFields: ViewFields define the columns that will be visible in the View in which it is associated. (Playing around with Views is a more advanced topic for another post.) For now, ensure that you have a FieldRef for each Field that you add to your list. Make sure to specify the Internal Name of each Field. (Always do this, regardless of whether you want List Columns or Site Columns.)
<!-- ... -->
<Toolbar Type="Standard" />
<FieldRef Name="EmployeeName" />
<FieldRef Name="EmployeeSurname" />
<!-- ... -->
Now you have a List Schema which defines everything you need to know about a List.
Note: If you want multiple different lists, you must create multiple List Schema files. Just copy-and-paste the boilerplate schema, and add modifications in the same way as above.
Finally let's tie everything together. elements.xml is where you tell SPFx every item you want provisioned.
To create a list, you need a ListInstance element. Here is the documentation. Below is an example of an elements.xml file (once again, the numbers on the left are for reference only):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
1 CustomSchema="schema-employees.xml"
2 Description="List for employee name and surname."
3 FeatureId="00bfea71-de22-43b2-a848-c05709900100"
4 TemplateType="100"
5 Title="Employee Names"
6 Url="Lists/EmployeeNames"
CustomSchema: Name of the List Schema file that we worked on earlier. In this case I have called it schema-employees.xml - you can name it whatever you like, just make sure the names match.
Description: A text description of the list. Not too important.
FeatureId: Recall that earlier in the List Schema we decided that we were making a Custom List with BaseType="0". A Custom List has a corresponding Feature ID, which must match the type of List created. See here for a list of feature IDs. Find the Feature Name for CustomList to double-check that the Feature IDs are the same. If you were provisioning another kind of list, such as a Document Library, you would have to come here to find the corresponding FeatureId.
Template Type: This is another part that must match the type of List created. See here for a list of template types. In this case, see that GenericList maps to a TemplateType of 100. A Document Library would be 101, etc.
Title: Visible title of the list, which will be shown in the Site Contents of a site. Not too important.
Url: This dictates the web URL where you will find this list. Usually, as you may have noticed while creating lists using the SharePoint web interface, Custom Lists are placed under /sites/YOUR_SITE/Lists/. The example above follows this convention, but you can set the URL to other values as well.
That's all for the ListInstance. Additionally, if you had decided to implement your Fields as Site Columns, elements.xml is where you would paste the Field definitions. Just make sure you paste the Fields before the ListInstance, because otherwise SharePoint will not know what Fields you are referring to (they would not have been created yet!).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
Description="Column for the employee's first name."
Description="Column for the employee's surname."
Description="List for employee name and surname."
Title="Employee Names"
Having specified the elements.xml, we have successfully created an XML definition for the Lists we want to create!
A Final Note
Don't forget that in order for SPFx to know about the schema-employees.xml and elements.xml, you must include them as part of a Feature definition in the package-solution.json. This is addressed in the tutorial linked in the original question, but I wanted to make note of it anyway.
thank you a lot for perfect info, it's what we are looking for!
You recommend copy and paste list definition i VS (or other IDE). I would to ask you is there some way to design lists with person, lookup, compute and another "advanced" columns and download XML schema definition to copy and paste into VS because I need on the end package solution to sppkg? It's because I find this way to much faster than code all in VS.
Thank you.

Which AI branch should I follow?

I'm doing some testings on NLP and I was thinking to write a code that works like this.
Subject -> User input -> Output
Dog ownership -> I own a dog -> Yes
Dog ownership -> My dog is called Joe -> Yes
Dog ownership -> I don't have a dog -> No
Which branch or ai algorithm do you think that would be the best approach for this problem?
I'm not expecting someone to solve my problem, just to point me in the right direction.
It seems to me that what you want is a dialog system. If you restrict the user input to yes/no questions then that will keep your project relatively simple. The way I would go about this is to create a chatbot using AIML and Python. Here is an example.
I'm not familiar with NLP, but your samples could easily be done using AIML pattern matching (AIML is a distant descendent of Eliza). For example:
<category> <!-- 1 -->
<pattern>I OWN A DOG</pattern>
<think><set name="dog_owner">true</set></think>
You own a dog.
<category> <!-- 2 -->
<pattern>I DO NOT OWN A DOG</pattern>
<set name="dog_owner">false</set>
<set name="dog_name"></set>
You do not own a dog.
<category> <!-- 3 -->
<pattern>DO I OWN A DOG</pattern>
<condition name="dog_owner">
<li value="true">You own a dog.</li>
<li>You don't have a dog.</li>
<category> <!-- 4 -->
<pattern>MY DOG IS CALLED *</pattern>
<set name="dog_owner">true</set>
<set name="dog_name"><star/></set>
Your dog is called <get name="dog_name"/>.
Categories 1 and 2 allow you to tell the AIML intepreter whether you have a dog, it stores this fact (and the dog's name) in properties "dog_owner" and "dog_name". Category 3 gives the correct answer when you ask if you have a dog, and 4 allows you to choose the dog's name. These categories could be extended to allow the dog's name to be forgotten, or to allow cats etc. Hopefully this shows you AIML's NLP support, so you can decide if it's useful.

How to send multiple products to Amazon Marketplace?

I'm working on a stock control system and the client wishes to export their listings to their Amazon Marketplace account. So far, I've come across the SubmitFeed endpoint. However, all of the examples I look at only show an example of submitting a single product.
As Amazon’s documentation states you can only have so many active feeds at a time, I would have thought you would have been able to send multiple products in a single feed so you're not exhausting the feed limit, as I imagine power sellers will want to list dozens—maybe even hundreds—of products at a time.
I'm currently sending an XML documentation that contains one <Message> element, i.e.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Title>Example Product Title</Title>
<Brand>Example Product Brand</Brand>
<Description>This is an example product description.</Description>
<BulletPoint>Example Bullet Point 1</BulletPoint>
<BulletPoint>Example Bullet Point 2</BulletPoint>
<MSRP currency="USD">25.19</MSRP>
<Manufacturer>Example Product Manufacturer</Manufacturer>
<Ingredients>Example Ingredients</Ingredients>
<Directions>Example Directions</Directions>
The <MessageID> element suggests I'm able to specify multiple “messages” in a feed, but I'm not sure on the syntax as I would expect the <Message> to be inside a <Messages> element, in which I could specify multiple messages.
How can I specify additional messages and thus additional products? Or am I going down the wrong track?
You need to send multiple Messages in one AmazonEnvelope:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AmazonEnvelope xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="amzn-envelope.xsd">
All messages in one feed need to be of the same MessageType (e.g you cannot mix Product messages with Inventory data) and have a MessageID unique to this feed.

Google to find my page in english and another language

It is a little nooby question but i cannot find anywhere a good simple explanation to my question.
So Google inter alia finds your page based on the keywords and description of the page. right?
My firm is located in Italy and have clients all over the world.
So we would like that the page is more visible on google by updating the description and keywords.
Right now, the description of the page is in english. I would like to write two description (italian and english). I was thinking to use something like that:
<meta name="Description" lang="ENG" content="content" />
<meta name="Description" lang="ITA" content="contenuto" />
I read that this practice is not the best. Is there a better way to do it, or, it doesn't have any importance to have two description of the page?
Also the keywords are in english and italian. Is important that the keywords are in both languages or does google (when searching for your page) use some kind of translate function where searching?
Thanks for any explanation..
You can add several meta-description elements with content in different languages by using the lang attribute. The value of the lang attribute must be a BCP 47 language tag.
For English, it is "en" (not "ENG"), and for Italian it is "it" (not "ITA").
<meta name="description" lang="en" content="">
<meta name="description" lang="it" content="">
(Asking how search engine services handle this is off-topic on Stack Overflow. You might ask it on Webmasters SE.)

CRM 2011 ALM solution packager Differences from organization to organization

My team and I are using the SolutionPackager tool from the CRM SDK to being able to version CRM 2011 solutions.
We’ve come through many problems; for example the order in which the languages are exported depends on each organization, another problem was the entity type code of each entity also depends on each organization, etc., etc.
In my team we also use the same kind of organizations UR (Update Rollup) 6, each develop have its Virtual Machine to develop, all VMs have the same configuration, the same languages packs installed, I mean, we also work in the same environments.
But now we are facing another problem that we cannot figure out. From one organization, let’s say OrgA, I export a solution, apply the solution packager and then from one of our entities I get an XML like:
<attribute PhysicalName="OrganizationId">
<LookupTypes />
<displayname description="Organisations-ID" languagecode="1031" />
<displayname description="Organization Id" languagecode="1033" />
<displayname description="ID d'organisation " languagecode="1036" />
<displayname description="ID da Organização" languagecode="1046" />
<displayname description="Id. de la organización" languagecode="3082" />
<Description description="Eindeutiger Bezeichner für die Organisation." languagecode="1031" />
<Description description="Unique identifier for the organization" languagecode="1033" />
<Description description="Identificateur unique de l'organisation" languagecode="1036" />
<Description description="Identificador exclusivo da organização" languagecode="1046" />
<Description description="Identificador único de la organización." languagecode="3082" />
The problem is, that from another organization, let’s say OrgB, I export THE SAME solution and when I go to the XML for same entity as before, that file does NOT contain the line
The solution from both organization IS THE SAME, the configuration is also the same, so my question is why when I export the solution each VM/Organization generate a different XML file?
We've experienced the same glitch in our project. I think the problem is that single is a default value of <LookupStyle> (in other words <LookupStyle/> == <LookupStyle>single</LookupStyle>. So it might appear from the UI that the configuration of both organization is the same (in fact it is) but the data stored in the database are different. Unfortunately export of a solution takes into account only what is stored in the DB.
I'm quite sure that exporting/importing solution with a given entity won't help. What might help is resaving the entity.
Btw - I found this approach of comparing packages very useful. Only I use BeyondCompare...
