Overlay toolbar with other toolbar when item is selected in RecyclerView which is inside a fragment - android-studio

To illustrate what I mean with this, it is similar to WhatsApp, where various options are displayed in the toolbar when a chat is selected.
I have a similar layout, so a MainActivity with Fragments containing RecyclerViews. Now when an item in a RecyclerView is selected I would like to get a similar behaviour as in WhatsApp. The RecyclerViews have an Adapter that implements an OnClickListener.
However, from this Adapter I do not seem to have access to Views from the MainActivity. I tried the following (inside the OnClick method in the Adapter), but it did not work since the view could not be found.
View view = getActivity().findViewById(R.id.toolbar_main_activity);
if( view instanceof Toolbar) {
Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) view;
Does anyone know how to get the intended behavior or have a reference to a tutorial?
UPDATE: for who is also stuck with this and this is still quite confusing, here is how I solved it in my own words
My Fragment contains the Interface by adding the following code to it;
OnItemsSelected mCallBack;
public interface OnItemsSelected {
void onToolbarOptions(String title);
public void onAttach(Context context) {
mCallback = (OnItemsSelected) getActivity();
Also I passed 'mCallback' to the adapter like this;
MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(myList, mCallback);
The RecyclerView adapter implements OnClickListener. In the OnClick method I called; 'mCallBack.onToolbarOptions("someTitle");'. And finally I made my MainActivity implement the method; 'implements myFragment.onItemsSelected' and I added the following code to it also;
public void onToolbarOptions(String title) {
With this, only the title is changed, but from this it is quite easy to make other changes to the toolbar, such as changing the menu items.

Inside your Fragment you make an Interface and a global variable like this:
OnItemsSelected mCallBack;
public interface OnItemsSelected {
public void onToolbarOptions();
Then when in your RecyclerView items are selected or clicked you call:
In your Activity implement the Interface like this plus the method onToolbarOptions():
public static class YourActivityName extends AppCompatActivity
implements YourFragmentName.OnItemsSelected {
public void onToolbarOptions(){


Change the navigation to come from bottom to top in MvvmCross in iOS + Xamarin

I am using MvvmCross and using ShowViewModel to navigate between view. It takes the default navigation behavior i.e., slides from Right->Left . I want few view controllers to slide from bottom to top . Can someone let me know how we can do this in MvvmCross. These are not overlays but regular view controllers.
You can achieve this by setting a custom delegate for your Navigation Controller. This can be done by override following method in your custom ViewPresenter
protected override void OnMasterNavigationControllerCreated()
this.MasterNavigationController.WeakDelegate = new NavigationControllerDelegate();
Within this delegate you can set your transitions, e.g.:
public class NavigationControllerDelegate : UINavigationControllerDelegate
public override IUIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning GetAnimationControllerForOperation(UINavigationController navigationController, UINavigationControllerOperation operation, UIViewController fromViewController, UIViewController toViewController)
if (operation == UINavigationControllerOperation.Push)
if (fromViewController is MenuViewController)
return new BottomToTopTransition();
BottomToTopTransition is also a custom class and inherits from UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning. Last step is to override AnimateTransition() in this transition class and you are done.

Why are the height and width of the content View zero in Robolectric?

Here's a failing test:
public class FailTest {
public void heightAndWidth_shouldNotBeZero() {
TestActivity testActivity = Robolectric.buildActivity(TestActivity.class).create().resume().visible().get();
View contentView = testActivity.findViewById(69);
private static class TestActivity extends Activity {
#Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
LinearLayout contentView = new LinearLayout(this);
contentView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(666, 666));
As you can see, I'm calling the visible() method on the ActivityController and driving the Activity lifecycle the correct way. Quoting the documentation:
Wait, What's This visible() Nonsense?
Turns out that in a real Android app, the view hierarchy of an
Activity is not attached to the Window until sometime after onCreate()
is called. Until this happens, the Activity's views do not report as
visible. This means you can't click on them (amongst other unexpected
behavior). The Activity's hierarchy is attached to the Window on a
device or emulator after onPostResume() on the Activity. Rather than
make assumptions about when the visibility should be updated,
Robolectric puts the power in the developer's hands when writing
So when do you call it? Whenever you're interacting with the views
inside the Activity. Methods like Robolectric.clickOn() require that
the view is visible and properly attached in order to function. You
should call visible() after create().
It seems as though I'm doing all I need to do. So why am I getting no height/width?
There is no layout pass in Robolectric, hence the view dimensions are always zero.

Best way to create buttons dynamically

I want to create button dynamically in my application. The buttons need to be created based on items fetched from database. What is the best way to achieve this. Should I go for grid layout or Linear layout. My layout is simple with max 3 buttons per row. Once the first row is complete the buttons should be placed in second row.
I scanned lot of similar questions(some had grid layout other were using Linear layout) but unable to decide what is the optimum way to implement this.
I am complete newbie in android application, so any code snippets would be really helpful. Apologies if someone feels this is a duplicate question (I searched a lot before posting but didn't find appropriate answer to layout to be used.)
Please try to use gridView same as bellow code.
// in xml write this code
android:numColumns="3" />
// grid adapter
public class GridAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
private final Context _context;
private final List<String> list;
public GridAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<String> list) {
this._context = context;
this.list = list;
public String getItem(int position) {
return list.get(position);
public int getCount() {
return list.size();
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
Button button = new Button(_context);
button.setText("button" + list.get(position));
return button;
public long getItemId(int position) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return 0;
/// in oncreate
gridView.setAdapter(new GridAdapter(getApplicationContext(),list);

Missing Reference to Navigation Controller in Monotouch

I am new to Monotouch and attempting to understand how some of the basics hang together. Hopefully someone out there will be able to assist.
I've created a test project in MonoDevelop based on the Multi-Screened Apps tutorial on the Xamarin site and have extended it to include a tableView. I am having issues with referencing the Navigation Controller in a view that I need to push a detail view onto to display the detail of an item tapped in the table via an accessory button. I know some of the coding is scrappy, just been trying to get it working at this stage rather than the clarity in the code! (I'm using the latest versions of all Mono tools/libraries etc and XCode 4 on Lion). Starting at the beginning here's the code in FinishedLaunching in AppDelegate.
window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
this.rootNavigationController = new UINavigationController();
// Create a new homescreen
HomeScreen homeScreen = new HomeScreen();
// Add the homescreen to the root navigation controller
this.rootNavigationController.PushViewController(homeScreen, false);
// Set the root view controller on the window - the navigation controller
// will handle the rest.
this.window.RootViewController = this.rootNavigationController;
// make the window visible
this.window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
homeScreen just contains a button which loads a new view containing a table view (OrderList). Here's the button event handler.
void HandleOrdersButtonhandleTouchUpInside (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (orderListScreen == null)
orderListScreen = new OrderList();
NavigationController.PushViewController(orderListScreen, true);
This all works fine. I've got some dummy data that loads into the table view, which also works fine. OrderData is a simple class for testing which just contains a couple of properties. I've added an AccessoryButton to the cells and am trying to load a detail view when this is tapped. Here's the code that does this - comment in code where issue is! (I'd previously tested the AccessoryButtonTapped functionilty was working by just displaying an alert).
public override void AccessoryButtonTapped (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var dataSource = (OrdersTableViewDataSource)tableView.DataSource;
if (detailScreen == null)
detailScreen = new OrderDetailScreen();
OrderData theOrder = dataSource.OrdersData[indexPath.Row];
detailScreen.currentOrder = theOrder;
// Cant get a reference to NavigationController here to push the detail view!
// this.NavigationController is not available
this.NavigationController.PushViewController(detailScreen, true);
My understanding of NavigationControllers from what I've read so far is that this reference should be available through all views that originate from the root ViewController/NavigationController without the need to pass the reference from AppDelegate through the various view constructors?
Can anyone tell me what I might be missing here?
Thanks in advance.
** An update after reviewing Jason's comment: (Please let me know if this is the incorrect way to post updates)
So, I tried the following:
I saved a reference to the NavigationController in the constructor for the ViewController that contains the table view as follows:
public partial class OrderList : UIViewController
UINavigationController navController;
public OrderList () : base ("OrderList", null)
this.Title = "Orders";
navController = this.NavigationController;
Then passed that into the TableViewDelegate, where the AccessoryButtonTapped is handled, in the ViewDidLoad method.
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
orderTableView.DataSource = new OrdersTableViewDataSource();
orderTableView.Delegate = new OrdersTableViewDelegate(navController);
base.ViewDidLoad ();
Then referenced that in the TableViewDelegate:
public class OrdersTableViewDelegate : UITableViewDelegate
UINavigationController navController;
public OrdersTableViewDelegate(UINavigationController controller)
navController = controller;
// Rest of class definition
Then the reference to the NavigationController using navController compiles with the code as previously described using the following in the AccessoryButtonTapped method:
navController.PushViewController(detailScreen, true);
When I run this and tap on the AccessoryButton I get a null reference exception on navController. The reference to this.NavigationController in the ViewController constructor is null. Am I doing something in the wrong place or sequence?
The NavigationController property is on your table's view controller. If you are trying to reference it from your table's datasource, you need to pass a reference to the controller when you create the datasource.

How to use QLPreviewController in a non-modal way? Why does my code not work?

I have QLPreviewController up and running but I'm using PresentModalViewController() to show the QLPreviewController directly. For reasons beyond explanation, I would like to have my own UIViewController which will create its own view and within that view I would like to use the QLPreviewController. Should be easy I thought, but the code below just does nothing. The QLPreviewControllers ViewDidAppear never gets called. (In my example below, PreviewController inherits from QLPreviewController and encapsulates delegate, preview item and source).
Can somebody explain what is wrong with the code below (besides the fact that it is pointless :-))?
Oh, yeah: in my test scenario, I present the controller below modally. It shows up but witout the preview.
public class OuterPreviewController : UIViewController
public OuterPreviewController (QLPreviewControllerDataSource oDataSource) : base()
this.oDataSource = oDataSource;
private PreviewController oPreviewController;
private QLPreviewControllerDataSource oDataSource;
public override void LoadView ()
this.View = new UIView();
this.View.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, 500, 500);
this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
public override void ViewDidAppear (bool animated)
// Code execution comes her. No errors, no issues.
base.ViewDidAppear (animated);
this.oPreviewController = new PreviewController();
this.oPreviewController.DataSource = this.oDataSource;
// Preview controller's view is added but it never shows up.
this.oPreviewController.View.Frame = this.View.Frame;
this.oPreviewController.View.Center = this.View.Center;
public override bool ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation (UIInterfaceOrientation toInterfaceOrientation)
return true;
Found a solution by coincidence today: all ReloadData() on the preview controller and magically it will show its contents.
This allows to add a QLPreviewController to an existing view as a subview and embed a preview. It also gets you rid of the toolbar which contains the open in menu.
