Docusign send email after document completion only - docusignapi

We are attempting to use a listener to pick up on envelope events and to automate grabbing the completed docs from Docusign and putting them in our document management system. What we would like to do is to listen for all events, like document sent, document received, etc, but only notify the sender when the envelope was voided or declined, not when the receiver signs the documents and the envelope is complete. Is such a thing possible? Thanks in advance.

The events that you subscribe to via DocuSign Connect and the events trigger email notifications to senders are managed entirely separately -- there is no correlation whatsoever between how you manage those two categories of events.
You can configure which Envelope events will trigger email notifications to a specific sender by updating the Sending notification settings for that particular User in your DocuSign account. The Sending notification settings that you specify for a particular user will apply for all Envelopes that person sends (until if/when those settings are changed for the user) -- you can not configure email notification settings for a sender on a per-Envelope basis.
For information about how a User can configure their own email notification settings manually via the DocuSign web UI, see:
If you want to use the API to automatically configure email notification settings for senders in your account, you can do so by using the Update User Settings operation, as described here in the docs: Just keep in mind that, as mentioned previously, the settings you specify for a user will apply to all Envelopes that user sends (until if/when the settings are updated again).

Connect Trigger events which you can subscribe to are
As a Sender you can modify sender specific notifications. Please check Envelope Notifications to know how to manage the notifications.


DocuSign API : How to check if email notification was delivered successfully (no bounce back) or not?

I am trying to get the status of envelope (document) email notification delivered to signer. If the notification was delivered successfully or not.
I am using Create And Send Envelope to sent document to DocuSing.
There are two things you can check for:
Bounce email, that is a indication that the email bounced.
Envelope was opened. That is an indication that an email did not bounce.
There's no way to know for sure an email was not bounced if it was not opened by the user. So there's no way to really know for each envelope until such time that it didn't bounce (99% of bounce happen within seconds but sometimes it can take much longer)
The status is AutoResponded
The best approach to use this information is using the DocuSign connect webhook, and not using polling. So you get events to your service, you don't make API calls.

User status change notification webhook

I knew Docusign could use RestAPI to create users, but most time users will get an activation email from DocuSign and go through set passwords and security questions. After everything is done, the user status will change from Pending to Active in the Docusign Admin portal. Is there any way when user status from pending to active, it could send a notification to the API/Url endpoint to allow us to capture user status change event?
I am trying to build DocuSign and other system integration, I want to create DocuSign users from other systems directly, and monitor the user status in other systems.
It looks like DocuSign Monitor can send you alerts for the relevant events. See page 20 of the docs
I don't see a User completed activation event but perhaps you can use another event, eg User Login instead.

Q: Batch documents using DocuSign REST API? Not bulk envelope

I have a client that would like to send out batches of contracts for signatures (hundreds at a time). They would also like to use email for the recipients to log into docusign and sign. Only problem is that many of the recipients on these docs are the same couple of people, and thus, would end up with a flooded inbox after every contract batch.
Does DocuSign have a different email correspondence option? Maybe one that would send out 1 email if recipients have documents they need to take action on? This would be something that we need to control when creating and sending the envelopes because many of these users would be logging in for the first time when they sign their first document, and probably wouldn't know how to configure their settings appropriately.
Whenever an envelope is sent, the recipient will receive an email notification from Docusign. Sender will not be able to disable these notifications to the recipient.
Recipients can control the notifications they receive using the Manage Notifications page

How can we check docusign email status check and Notification?

Once any document is sent for signature, we can see that document status like in process, completed. Also email notification is coming to document sender mail. Are these features exposed by docusign rest API?
Yes, absolutely. The status updates are delivered to your program via a "webhook" -- you register a url with DocuSign and then DocuSign calls your app when a change occurs.
You can create a webhook subscription at the account level or for individual envelopes.
See the docs. Recipes are also available at the DocuSign Developer Center.
You can also determine the current status of your signing requests (your envelopes) by polling the DocuSign platform. However, this is actively discouraged, and in any case, you can't poll more than once per 15 minutes for a given envelope. The docs discuss this as well.

DocuSign Connect (Delete Signers)

I am not receiving events for Delete of signers.
Is this an expected behaviour of DocuSign Connect?
These are my steps:
Log in as sender and created the envelope with 4 signers
Click on the email link as the signer and opened the envelope
Signed the envelope as the signer
Log in as sender and deleted one of the remaining 3 signers (This is missing from my Connect event)
I received XML messages for steps 1-3.
However, there was no event trigger for step 4.
I am monitoring this under both Connect Logs and Failures.
I have every event enabled under my Connect Configuration.
Is it expected to not receive an event in this case?
If not, any suggestions on how I can debug why I am not receiving messages?
Just another finding:
An event is triggered for the New Experience.
This behavior is only observed for the Classic Experience.
I believe the behavior you're seeing is by design. i.e., the "Recipient Deleted" action does not correlate to any of the events that can trigger a DocuSign Connect notification. The events that can trigger a DocuSign Connect notification are shown in the Connect configuration UI:
As this screenshot shows, there is no event that correlates to the "Recipient Deleted" action.
If your application needs to know if/when a recipient is removed from an Envelope, you could implement a process that periodically polls in-progress envelopes (List Envelope Recipients) with the goal of detecting if/when a recipient has been deleted. This obviously isn't ideal, as it wouldn't be a real-time notification, but it's likely your only option, given that DocuSign Connect does not currently support notifications for "Recipient Deleted".
Interestingly, I've verified the behavior that you've described in your Comment below. I tested the following scenario in both the "New" UI and the "Classic" UI:
Created/sent an Envelope with 2 recipients (sequential routing order: 1, 2)
Immediately thereafter (i.e., while still pending response from the first signer), I corrected the Envelope to delete the second recipient (routing order=2).
Conducting the steps above using the "New" Smartsheet UI triggers a Connect Notification ("Envelope Sent"), while conducting the exact same stepsusing the "Classic" Smartsheet UI does not trigger any notification. This behavior inconsistency seems like a bug to me -- perhaps someone with DocuSign can chime in to confirm/explain.
