prestodb| worker not found & v1/collector/general is not returning any values - presto

Hi I have configured prestodb with one coordinator and one worker.
when I run the worker I do get the message like
Discovery server connect succeeded for refresh (presto/general)
Discovery server connect succeeded for refresh (collector/general)
io.airlift.discovery.client.Announcer Discovery server connect succeeded for announce
however when I run a query it says worker not available.
also when I try to see if the below urls works
http://<master>/v1/service/presto/general - works ( i can see both nodes)
However when i use
http://<master>//v1/service/collector/general - doesn't work below is the result


Why does Cassandra Kerberos Connection to second keyspace fail?

We are trying to connect to two keyspaces of Cassandra (3.x) in the same application with the same Kerberos credentials. The application is able to connect to one keyspace but no the other. Access to the keyspaces has been verified.
Error on connection:
2022-08-22 13:15:10,972 [cluster-reconnection-0] DEBUG c.d.d.c.ControlConnection [--]- [Control connection] error on connection, trying next host No LoginModules configured for CassandraJavaClient
The ticket cache is :
CassandraJavaClient { required useTicketCache=true ticketCache="/var//krb5cc_userlogin";
The same ticket cache file is used by the first connection - which succeeds. While the second connection fails. I am not even sure as to how to debug it (tried remote debugging and since the initial control connection is an Async call, unable to get to the actual error).
We are using com.datastax.cassandra:cassandra-driver-core:jar:3.6.0
Any ideas/help to debug / resolve this will be highly appreciated

Kafka Zookeeper Security Authentication & Authorization(JAAS) Using SASL

Regarding Kafka-Zookeeper Security using DIGEST MD5 Authentication, I am trying to rotate/change credentials/password for both server(zookeeper) and client(kafka) jaas config file.
We have a 3 node cluster of 3 zookeepers and 3 kafka broker nodes with below jaas configuration file.
org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required
Server {
org.apache.zookeeper.server.auth.DigestLoginModule required
To rotate we do a rolling restart of server(zookeeper) instances after updating the credential(password) and during the process of rolling restart after updating the same credential/password for super user for client(kafka instances) one at a time, we notice
[2019-06-15 17:17:38,929] INFO [ZooKeeperClient] Waiting until connected. (kafka.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient)
[2019-06-15 17:17:38,929] INFO [ZooKeeperClient] Connected. (kafka.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient)
these info level in server logs, which eventually results in unclean shutdown and restart of the broker which impacts the writes and reads for longer than expected. I have tried commenting requireClientAuthScheme=sasl in zookeeper zoo.cfg to allow any clients authenticate to zookeeper but no success.
Also, alternative approach - tried to update the credential/password in jaas config file dynamically using sasl.jaas.config and do get the same exception documented in this jira (reference:
can someone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

mesos-slave can not connect No credentials provided error

I am new to mesos.
After starting mesos-master, I tried to connect mesos-slave with the following command
/usr/sbin/mesos-slave --ip= --master= --work_dir=/tmp/mesos/work/int --no-systemd_enable_support
It is not connecting to master. It is throwing the following error
No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
Thank you in advance.
No credentials provided meaning you are trying to load a slave which is on a different network which is not configured in mesos config files.
once you register it then you can add it.
for the example sake try
for master
./bin/ –ip= –work_dir=/var/lib/mesos
for slave
./bin/ –master= –work_dir=/tmp/mesos –no-systemd_enable_support
open browser
if all the steps are followed properly you should find a Mesos dashboard more details

Cassandra and defuncting connection

I've got a question about Cassandra. I haven't found any "understable answer" yet...
I made a cluster build on 3 nodes (RackInferringSnitch) on differents VM. I'm using Datastax's Java Driver to read and update my keyspace (with CSVs).
When one node is down (ie :, I've got this debug warning:
INFO 00:47:37,195 New Cassandra host / added
INFO 00:47:37,246 New Cassandra host / added
DEBUG 00:47:37,264 [Control connection] Refreshing schema
DEBUG 00:47:37,384 [Control connection] Successfully connected to /
DEBUG 00:47:37,391 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,395 Defuncting connection to /
com.datastax.driver.core.TransportException: [/] Channel has been closed
at com.datastax.driver.core.Connection$Dispatcher.channelClosed(
DEBUG 00:47:37,400 [/] Error connecting to / (Connection refused: /
DEBUG 00:47:37,407 Error creating pool to / ([/] Cannot connect)
DEBUG 00:47:37,408 / is down, scheduling connection retries
DEBUG 00:47:37,409 First reconnection scheduled in 1000ms
DEBUG 00:47:37,410 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,423 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,427 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,435 Shutting down pool
DEBUG 00:47:37,439 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,443 Shutting down pool
DEBUG 00:47:37,459 Connected to cluster: WormHole
I wanted to know if I need to handle this exception or it will be handled by itself (I mean, when the node will be back again cassandra will do the correct write if the batch was a write...)
EDIT : Current consistency level is ONE.
The DataStax driver keeps track of which nodes are available at all times and routes queries (load balacing) based on this information. The way it does this is based on your reconnection policy.
You will see debug level messages when nodes are detected as down, etc. This is no cause for concern as the driver will re-route to other available nodes, it will also re-try the nodes periodically to find out if they are back up. If you had a problem and the data was not getting saved to Cassandra you would see timeout errors. No action necessary in this case.

WSO2 BAM wirh offset 1. Cassandra error

i have a problem on startup of BAM server.
My machine has the IP and hostname "srv-lc-presen".
I it have configurated using this document:
Monitoring and statistics.
I have modified the at carbon.xml. I have it set to 1.
I've modified the master-datasources.xml and set
WSO2BAM_CASSANDRA_DATASOURCE url = jdbc:cassandra://srv-lc-presen:9161/EVENT_KS
WSO2BAM_UTIL_DATASOURCE url = jdbc:cassandra://srv-lc-presen:9161/BAM_UTIL_KS
I have tried with localhost, and srv-lc-presen.
I always get the same error:
ERROR {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager} - Could not start connection pool for host srv-lc-presen(
[2014-05-07 12:04:24,983] WARN {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.CassandraHostRetryService} - Downed srv-lc-presen( host still appears to be down: Unable to open transport to srv-lc-presen( , Connection refused
[2014-05-07 12:04:24,987] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent} - All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorException: All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.getClientFromLBPolicy(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.operateWithFailover(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ThriftCluster.addKeyspace(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.createKeyspaceIfNotExist(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSConfig(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSDataSource(
NEW information
i have tried to reconfigure and i don't find the problem.
I see in BAM console this error
[2014-05-08 09:10:57,531] ERROR {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager} - Could not start connection pool for host
[2014-05-08 09:10:57,564] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent} - All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorException: All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.getClientFromLBPolicy(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.operateWithFailover(
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ThriftCluster.addKeyspace(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.createKeyspaceIfNotExist(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSConfig(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSDataSource(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent.initRecordStore(
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent.activate(
And in API Manager console this
[2014-05-08 09:14:52,096] ERROR - ReceiverGroup No receiver is reachable at reconnection, can't publish the events
[2014-05-08 09:14:55,102] ERROR - AsyncDataPublisher Reconnection failed for for tcp://
Please use this command at startup or edit if you are not using notification feature sh -Ddisable.notification.task
