Default Password of CouchDB Server (Fauxton UI) - couchdb

I am new to couchDB world after installing its latest version I am getting login window. I don't know what is default username and password.
Thanks in advance!

To verify if you already have and admin user configured you should check the local.ini config file in CouchDB.
In macOS for default package it should be located here:
Edit the local.ini and check if there is an [admins] section on it. Add an admin user or replace the existing password
Restart couchdb, the pass will be hashed in the file and you can log in with the new admin user.


Fresh installation of ElasticSearch 5.0.2 requires authentication - why?

I am prompted for a user name and password after installing v5.0.2 - both for localhost:9200 and Kibana.
In reading the notes her: I tried executing the PUT commands through Fiddler but got 401 on each request - still needs auth.
I haven't set any user names or passwords and the only help online I can find relates to having installed Shield, which I have not installed.
Looking at, I am unable to issue requests to set the user names and passwords as authentication is required.
Suggestions please.
Try the default user and password:
user: elastic
password: changeme
This might be because xpack has users and roles . you can set up these in xpack.
read here :

How to reset the admin password for Datastax Opscenter?

How can I reset the admin password in Datastax Opscenter? Will disabling and reenabling authentication in /etc/opscenter/opscenterd.conf do the trick? Will I lose any other data in the process?
I'm not aware of an official way to simply reset the admin password in OpsCenter. However, I do know of a "hacky" way to do it, if you're up for that (and if you have physical or ssh access to the server).
OpsCenter's user authentication is maintained in a SQLite database file named passwd.db, located in the root of your OpsCenter directory. The file is created once you enable user authentication in OpsCenter. Using sqlite3, you can open and manage this file:
$ sqlite3 passwd.db
SQLite version 3.8.5 2014-08-15 22:37:57
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(users);
sqlite> SELECT * FROM users;
Looking above, you can see the row for the "admin" user of a brand new install of OpsCenter 5.2.1 is the hash of:
If you update the password field on the users table to that value, it should reset it back to the original:
UPDATE users
SET password='8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15dfb167a9c873fc4bb8a81f6f2ab448a918'
WHERE username='admin';
I don't know if the passwords on different versions of OpsCenter use the same hash or not, but this should work if you're using OpsCenter 5.2.1. Otherwise, if you have a user in there that you do know the password to, you can (look up and) set the admin password to that hash, and then at least you'll know the password and be able to log in.
Turns out this was fairly simple. All I needed to do was stop OpsCenter, rename (or remove) passwd.db, and restart OpsCenter again. The daemon automatically creates a new password db file and sets the admin password to 'admin'.

how to add a new user account for an existing SVN-subversion server?

I have an existing SVN server and I need to add more users to connect using subversion clients to do checkout, updates and commits. I read documents ( on how to adding new users to the svn server but I couldn't get a good idea.
Please somebody just help me to find out the correct way to add new users and grants privileges.
my problem is I have a SVN server with user "aaa" with administrative privileges. I need to add an another user call "bbb" with same privileges.
Can svn commands use to create new user account after set-up the SVN Server ?
or do I need to manually edit existing .conf file to add new users for SVN server ?
Server OS is CentOS 6.3
As Rup explained in the comments. I found /etc/svn-auth-conf and list all existing users. Then added a new user using below
htpasswd -m /etc/svn-auth-conf <userName>
then new password, and password confirmation are prompted.
its worked.

How do I log into phpMyAdmin after receiving this error... #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server

I am installing phpMyAdmin on a CentOs server and I have installed it successfully, from what I can tell. I can at least travel to the index page where it asks for my username and password. When I try to log in with any combination of default usernames and passwords, I receive this error #2003 Cannot log in to the MySQL server.
I followed this guide ( to help me install phpMyAdmin. From researching this, I am under the impression that after you log in with the default username:root and password:null, you will be able to change the username and password. I tried changing the value AllowNoPassword to TRUE, but that also didn't seem to help. How do I set a username and password so I can successfully log into phpMyAdmin?
I figured out the issue. Only some of the required software was installed on the server when I was assigned to the project. After installing mysql-server, I was able to change the root password for mysql. I changed the config file for phpmyadmin to receive the log in data through html not cookies or config. Everything works great now, I hope this helps at least one other individual.

couchdb missing file

curl localhost:5984/_users/org.couchdb.user:tyler
I am logged into futon as tyler, so i know that user exists.
Anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
This will happen if you create a server admin via the local.ini configuration file. No _users document is created in that case, but you can still log in via futon.
